The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure)

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The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 5

by Suzy Shearer

  Chapter Seven

  Sunlight shining in her eyes woke her. She was lying on her side and Paul was sprawled alongside, he was still asleep so she lay there taking him in. He looked younger in his sleep. She glanced at the clock and saw it was just after ten, she thought back over the past fourteen hours, amazed at how much had happened.

  She went to reach out to run her hand over his chest when he opened his eyes.

  “Good morning, little one.”


  “It’s Saturday. Do you work any time on the weekend?”

  “Actually I work from home. I work when the hours suit me.” He raised himself on one elbow and leant his cheek onto his hand.

  “Lucky you. What do you do?”

  “I’m an artist. I do book illustrations and take the occasional commission. I use one of the bedrooms as a workroom. What about you? What do you do for a living?”

  “Computers. I own a company that makes computer programs. I have an office in the city and I also have one at my house.”

  “Ah now I know who to go to when my stupid laptop won’t work.” She grinned at him and he returned her smile then looked serious.

  “Will you come back to The Club with me?”

  “I thought that was a given after I accepted the kimono last night?”

  “Yes but I still wanted to make sure you hadn’t changed your mind.” She shook her head.

  “Will you let me bind you again?” She nodded.

  He looked into her face and held his breath. “Will you let me fuck you in front of everyone?” She searched his eyes and saw trust, uncertainty, and love there.

  She whispered, “Yes.”

  “Can I whip you? Can I paddle you? Can I make you scream in pain and ecstasy?”

  Lisa groaned. “Oh god yes.”

  “Will you let me try other things? I promise I will never hurt, never do anything you don’t want me to do you.”

  Her voice faltered as she whispered, “Ye…yes.”

  He gathered her into his arms. “I don’t deserve you but I promise I will do everything in my power to make you happy in everything we do together and to make sure we have the best sex life in the world.”

  “You know I am excited now,” she mumbled into his chest. “The thought of being bound and on display is making me wet.”

  “What if I put you naked on a bench? What if I tied your legs apart and let the others ogle you.”

  She was breathing faster, excited by the things he was suggesting, and she looked at him and whispered, “Yes.”

  “Would you want them to touch you?”

  “Would you?” He cocked his head and looked at her. “Let me get this straight. You wear black. You dictate who and if anyone touches you, even me. Do you understand?”

  “Oh. Oh yes, I do now.”

  “So once again I ask, do you want to be touched by them?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I guess we will have to play it by ear. You will be with me all the time?”

  “Little one, I will be sticking like glue to you. I promise I will never do anything that you don’t want and that means anything.”

  “I never want to have another man’s cock inside me, only yours. I think I would be okay with them fondling me, even fingering me, but I won’t suck another man’s cock or have it in me I don’t think.”

  “That is wonderful because that is exactly how I feel. I don’t think I could handle seeing another man fuck you.”

  The sensitive moment was spoilt when Lisa’s stomach rumbled. “Ooh.”

  Paul laughed. “Think I should feed you before you attack me to eat.”

  Lisa blushed. “I think I can rustle up something for us.” She went to get out of bed but Paul pulled her back and kissed her.

  “Have I told you today how lucky I am to have you in my life?”

  “You really mean that, don’t you?”

  “I do. Cross my heart. I cannot imagine my life without you. Maybe it’s corny but it is love at first sight and it is just getting better and better.”

  Lisa felt all warm and fuzzy. This man was worming his way into her heart very quickly. “What about the fact I am older than you?”

  “To be honest I don’t care how old you are or how young. Anyway, are you older than I am? Sweetheart, I am forty-eight.”

  Lisa burst out laughing. “Just how old do you think I am?”

  “Well you look around forty-five or forty-six, why?”

  She looked a little worried as she answered, “I am fifty-five.”

  “Fuck! You are not! You certainly don’t look it. Anyway, I don’t give a shit, I couldn’t care if you were sixty-five, I would still have fallen for you.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  With a wicked smile, he jumped out of bed and held out a hand to her. “Come on, Miss Cougar. Let your toy boy take you out for a late breakfast or an early lunch or something.”

  It was just the right thing to say and she laughed as he pulled her to her feet. “I get the shower first.”

  “Mmm, maybe I should join you and wash your back.”

  “Dream on, toy boy. There would be very little washing going on and I’m hungry.” She flounced from the room and shut the bathroom door.

  To be honest, she was still a little nervous around him. So much had happened and it was overwhelming. Lisa decided to just take each day as it came and enjoy it. She was no longer a giddy teenager and knew that when you had the chance at happiness you grabbed it with both hands. When she finished her shower, she wrapped a towel around herself and walked back into the bedroom. Paul was lying on the bed, his hands behind his head.

  “Hi, gorgeous.”

  Lisa thought she could get very used to all these compliments, especially when they came from such a handsome man. “Hi, yourself.”

  Paul got to his feet and kissed her cheek as he walked into the bathroom. “I left a towel out for you,” she called then grabbed some clothes and dressed in jeans and a casual top.

  Ten minutes later, he walked back into the room, rubbing his hair dry. Lisa tried very hard to just look at his face but decided she just could not do it. With a quick glance down his body, she turned away and asked him where they were going.

  She could hear the laughter in his voice as he replied, “I know a little bistro not far from here. You can turn around now, I’m dressed.”

  Lisa wanted to throw something at him and grabbed up a pillow. She slowly turned and raised her eyebrow. “If you’re ready, let’s go.” He just laughed and grabbed the pillow before she could throw it. He took her hand. “Come on, old girl, before I decide I would much rather eat you instead.”

  * * * *

  They had a leisurely lunch, talking comfortably about everything and nothing. She learnt he had a house halfway up the mountain that overlooked their town. By the way he spoke, money was not short in his life but he didn’t flaunt the fact. He learnt more about her artwork, and the fact she had never married and was an only child, her parents dead. They walked back to the car and he settled her into her seat then drove her back home.

  “I am going to have to go home. I can’t wear these clothes any longer. Had them on since yesterday,” he said ruefully. “How about I drop you off, go and change, and then come back around six and take you to dinner. We can go to The Club after we eat.”

  “Sounds like plan.”

  “You don’t mind going to The Club? They are only open Thursday through to Sunday night.”

  “Okay, I thought they would be open more.”

  “No, they open at five Thursday afternoon and then stay open until midnight on Sunday.”

  “Oh wow, that’s a long time. Now I see why they don’t open any other time.”

  “There are other clubs that are open, but Richard has built his up to where it is the most exclusive in the area and the safest. Anyway, are you comfortable going there on a pretty regular basis? Please tell me the truth, I would hate you to do something you would rather not. The
other nights we can take in shows, relax, do whatever you would like.”

  “I am fine with it. Honestly.” By then they had reached her home. He jumped out and opened her door, walking her to the front entrance. He kissed her passionately, opened her door, and said, “See you at six, little one.”

  Lisa watched him drive away from the open front door, as she went to close it a car drove off from where it had been parked higher up the street. She only caught a quick glimpse of the driver as it passed, but she was sure it was John.

  Strange. He lived on the other side of town, so why would he be driving around here? She must have been mistaken.

  Chapter Eight

  Lisa spent the afternoon checking on her work schedule then had a leisurely shower before dressing, she decided to plait her hair in a single braid that reached past her waist. By 5:45 p.m., she was ready to go, nervous but ready. Paul arrived just before six and greeted her with a kiss. “I missed you.” He grinned. She turned to pick up her kimono and heard him gasp, then felt him tug on her hair.

  “Oh my, you have no idea how much this turns me on. A woman with glorious long hair, and in a braid that I can grab and pull on.”

  He gave her a kiss then picked up her kimono and escorted her to the car, settling her in before laying the kimono across the back seat. They had dinner in a quiet little Italian restaurant, spending the time getting to know more about each other.

  She learnt that he and Richard had been friends since school. When they were eighteen, they had gone to a BDSM club and both men had decided that was the lifestyle for them. Richard had actually met Fleur there a few years later, and they had been together ever since. Richard had opened The Club when he was twenty-six and had slowly but steadily built it up to the premier club it now was. He and Fleur had married when she was twenty-one and he twenty-three, with Paul as the best man.

  By the end of the meal they were both more comfortable with each other. Lisa felt that Paul was the sort of man who she had been waiting for all her life, and her only regret was she had not met him earlier.

  They walked arm in arm to the car and reached The Club around eight. Lisa signed in but this time did not have to worry about a photo or showing her license. As the guard handed over a key and her ID, he told her he was very glad she was back and if she had any problems with Paul to let him know and he would sort him out. Lisa was really surprised. He seemed genuinely pleased that she was at The Club. She thanked him and said she would keep his offer in mind.

  Paul laughed and led her to the door of the change room, handing over the kimono and kissed her. “Meet you in the bar, little one.”

  Feeling a little apprehensive, she walked into the room and put her purse and shoes in the locker then went and changed into the kimono before returning and placing her clothes in and locking the locker. Feeling brave and figuring she had already lost one pair of panties, she did not bother leaving them on. As she went to leave the room a woman dressed as a Dom walked in and gave her a beaming smile. “You’re back! That is wonderful. Enjoy the evening.”

  “Thank you. I’m Lisa.”

  “Hi, Lisa. I am Salome. I was disappointed to learn you were not interested in women or being a sub but so excited to watch your performance last night. Really glad to know you have hooked up with Paul. Mind you, I think he is a fabulous man but he was an absolute tool last night. I am very pleased you worked things out.”

  “Thank you. It is rather nerve racking doing things in front of people but I have to admit that it is very exciting.”

  “Very exciting for us watching, too.” Salome laughed. “Well, enjoy your evening, I’ll keep watching for your performances. Hope I manage to find someone as sensual as you to enjoy.”

  She thanked her, feeling more confident and walked out into the main salon, heading for the bar. People all greeted her and smiled and she felt a little easier. Of course, the fact that most had seen her naked and now she was covered helped.

  Reaching Paul, he kissed her. She had not tied the sash tight enough on the kimono and she tried to cover herself but Paul leant over and whispered, “I like that you have no panties on. Easier for me.” And he ran a hand up her thigh and across the hair between her legs.

  Signalling for a drink, he told her that Richard and Fleur were waiting for them in the blue lounge and carried both drinks, beckoning her to follow.

  The blue lounge was exactly that. Blue plush sofas, and thick blue drapes at the windows, and the remaining walls were mirrored. Richard was sitting amid a group of sofas around a table and Fleur was kneeling in front of him, tonight she only wore a black thong and thigh-high boots. He stood and kissed both Lisa’s cheeks and shook hands with Paul. Lisa knew she was to ignore Fleur while she was in sub mode.

  Richard sat down, and Paul led Lisa to a sofa in front of him, he went to sit but leaned in and untied her sash. She blushed but left it open. Richard said, “Thanks, Paul, I appreciate the view much better.” Paul sat beside her, his arm on her thigh.

  “Have you heard that Antony is coming back?”

  “No. Are you sure?” Paul sounded surprised.

  “Yes, I spoke to him a few days ago. He misses it and said he hopes to find a new partner.”

  “I’m glad. He needs to be here, he needs to meet someone as wonderful as my Lisa.” He squeezed her leg and kissed her neck. He turned to her and said, “Antony is another old schoolmate, although he was a few years behind us. Loved to play but lost his partner over three years ago and shut himself away from everyone. I am glad he is coming back, you will like him.”

  Richard nodded then said, “What do you plan to do this evening? Relax or participate?”

  Paul looked at Lisa and quirked his eyebrow. She nodded. “Participate.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “The swing. I’ll need your help with the ropes.”

  Richard grinned at them both. “It will be my pleasure. Shall we see if it is free now?” He and Paul stood, Paul held out his hand, and Lisa put hers into it. Richard pulled on the leash around Fleur’s neck and they walked off, Fleur following behind and into the room where the swing was.

  Lisa looked carefully at it. Suspended from the ceiling, it was a wooden cross but with an extra arm. There were ropes hanging from it. Some had hooks on the end and some went through holes to be tied onto the wall. She was not sure exactly how it all worked but she knew she would find out very soon.

  “Little one, you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to, just a bit nervous.”

  “Relax, I know you will enjoy it. Are you ready?” She nodded and he led her onto the dais then removed the kimono. “Remember, ‘red’ anytime you want to stop, ‘yellow’ if you are unsure or want to slow down.” She nodded, too nervous to speak.

  Richard handed him some silk rope and he began. He stood her underneath the cross and in the middle of it. To start he bound her arms behind her, then began to bind her body. Each breast was done separately and he continued down to her legs. As before, he looped around the top of each leg. Lisa was moaning softly as he worked. He stripped off his shirt and leant forward to kiss her before continuing.

  He nodded to Richard and together they hooked the ropes through the bindings on her body. Richard put a loop from the cross over each ankle, and then he went to the wall and took the ropes there. Paul held her upright and whispered to her, “We are going to lift you now, the rope hooks will suspend you. Are you ok?”

  Lisa could only nod as Richard began to pull. She felt her body lift and turn until she was horizontal. Paul tightened the ankle ropes, her legs spread wide. He then put another larger soft rope loop around her head, which supported her head and neck.

  With a gentle push, she felt her body swing back and forth, suspended on the ropes. Paul walked to her head and she realised her body was level with his cock. He whispered, “I am going to fuck you.” He push a finger into her mouth and felt her tongue wrap around it before he pulled it ou
t. “Do you think Richard deserves a reward? Can he suck your tits?”

  Lisa could only groan. She was so aroused. She watched as Paul beckoned Richard over. “You told me you love her tits. She gives you permission to use them.”

  Richard grinned in delight. He pulled on the leash and set Fleur on her knees underneath Lisa’s body then bent to pinch each nipple of Lisa. She moaned louder as he pulled one into his mouth, all the while playing with the other. Lisa closed her eyes loving the sensation.

  Then she felt a hand between her legs and opened her eyes. Paul was standing there, his hand running up and down her slit. She looked up, saw a myriad of faces eagerly watching, and found herself dripping as she became even more excited. She heard Richard order Fleur to suck his cock. She could feel the top of her head against her back as she moved her mouth up and down his dick.

  She felt Paul grab onto the rope at the top of her legs and pull, causing her to gently swing back and forth, and then she felt him thrust his thick hard cock into her. He would push and pull on the ropes, which made her body thrust on and off his dick. She was lost.

  Every swing sent Paul’s cock deeper into her cunt, and every suck and bite on her tits sent her closer and closer to climax. Even Fleur’s head bobbing against her back added to her arousal.

  “Scream for me. I want to hear you!” Paul demanded.

  It was so easy for her to oblige. She shouted and screamed, “Fuck me!” repeatedly as he pounded into her. She felt Richard tense and knew he was coming in Fleur’s mouth as he bit down hard. She screamed even louder as she felt her cunt muscles grab onto Paul’s turgid cock.

  “Come for me, scream for me!” Paul shouted as he felt her tip over the edge.

  She screamed his name as she came and he pulled her hard onto his cock and spilt his condom covered load into her. He held her tight onto his dick until he felt the spasms stop then slowly pulled out. Richard had dropped to the floor to hold Fleur. Paul walked to her head and bent to kiss her eyes, her mouth, and her cheeks. She could hear the applause ringing out as Paul caressed her and murmured to her.


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