Siddeley, Armstrong
Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,”
Silver, Abba Hillel
Simpson, Caroline
Simpson, “Letch,”
Slaughter, Elizabeth
Slaughter, O. V.
Slaughter, Roger C.
Slaughter, Stephen
Sloan, Samuel A.
Smith, Alfred E.
Smith, Ellison DuRant “Cotton Ed,”
Smith, Harold D.
Smith, Ira
Smith, Jabez
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Margaret Chase
Smith, Merriman
Smith, Walter Bedell
Smith-Connally Act (1943)
Smyth, James G.
Snyder, Drucie
Snyder, John
Snyder, Mrs. John
Soames, Christopher
Soames, Mary Churchill
Social Security
Social Security Act (1935)
Soldier’s Story, A (Bradley)
Somervell, Brehon B.
Somoza, Anastasio
Soong, T. V.
Souers, Sidney W.
Southern, William
Soviet Union
atomic bomb and
Berlin and
China and
Cold War with, see Cold War
expansionist policy of
Germany and
Great Britain and
Greece and
HST’s forecast for
Iran occupied by
Japan and
Korean War and
Lend-Lease and
Marshall Plan and
military strength of
Nazi pact with
Palestine and
Poland occupied by
Potsdam Conference and, see Potsdam Conference
Turkey and
U.S. relations with
Vinson mission and
Wallace’s New York speech on
in World War II
Yalta agreements and
see also Stalin, Joseph
Spaatz, Carl A
SPAB (Supplies Priorities and Allocations Board)
Sparkman, John
Spellman, Francis Joseph Cardinal
Spence, Brent
Spina, Frank
Spitalny, Phil
Stafford, Terry
Staley Milling Company
Stalin, Joseph
atomic bomb and
Berlin and
character and appearance of
Churchill’s “iron curtain” speech and
death of
Germany and
Marshall Plan and
at Potsdam
Roosevelt and
Vinson mission and
Stampler, Manly
Standard Oil of New Jersey
Stapf, Harlow A.
Stark, Lloyd C.
Stassen, Harold E.
State Department, U.S.
see also Acheson, Dean; Byrnes, James; Marshall, George C.; specific foreign policy issues
State of the Union
Stayton, E. M.
Steele, Jack
steel industry
crisis in
HST’s seizure of
Korean War and
Steelman, John R
steel strikes:
of 1946
of 1952
Steinfirst, Donald
Stern, Isaac
Stettinius, Edward
Stevenson, Adlai E.
background of
death of
as governor of Illinois
HST’s plea for candidacy of
as presidential candidate
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stevenson, Adlai E. (Vice President)
Stevenson, Coke
Stewart, Murray
Stewart, Tom
Stimson, Henry L
atomic bomb and
on Germany
Marshall and
political career of
at Potsdam
retirement of
Stone, Harlan
Stone, I. F
Story of Harry Truman, The
Stout, Stuart
Stowe, David
Straight, Michael
Straus, Noel
Strauss, Lewis
Street, Charles
Strickler, Mrs. Thomas J.
auto workers’
electrical workers’
steel, see steel strikes
Taft-Hartley Act and
Strother, John
Strother, Sam
Strout, Richard
Study of Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Favoritism and Influence
Styka, Tadé
Sullivan, John L.
Sullivan, William C.
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays
Sulzberger, C. L.
Summer, Grace
“Sunday Evening Hour,”
superbomb, see hydrogen bomb
Supplies Priorities and Allocations Board (SPAB)
Supreme Court, U.S.
Roosevelt’s plan for
steel mill seizure and
Surplus Property Administration
Susskind, David
Suzuki, Kantaro
Swanson, Gloria
Swayze, John Cameron
Swope, Chrisman
Symington, Stuart
Szilard, Leo
Taber, John
Taft, Mrs. Robert A
Taft, Robert A
character and appearance of
Dewey and
on Lilienthal
as presidential candidate
Taft, William Howard
retirement of
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
Taiwan, see Formosa
Talmadge, Herman
Tames, George
tax collection, corruption in
Taylor, “Fiddlin’ Bob,”
Taylor, Glen H.
Taylor, Tasker
Taylor, Telford
Teapot Dome scandal
Teasley, Walter “Cushionfoot,”
telegraph strike
telephone strikes:
of 1946
of 1952
films about presidency on
political conventions on
presidential inauguration on
White House tour on
Teller, Edward
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Thacker, Ralph
“They’ll Never Believe Me” (Kern)
Thomas, Elmer
Thomas, J. Parnell
Thomas, Lowell
Thompson, Dorothy
Thompson, Ed
Thompson, Llewellyn
Thomson, Virgil
Thorndike, Joseph J., Jr.
Thurman, Samuel
Thurmond, J. Strom
Tiernan, L. Curtis
Tighe, Arthur
Times (London)
Times of India
Tinley, John P.
Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz)
Tobey, Charles
Togo, Shigenori
Torresola, Griselio
To Secure These Rights
Tracy, Spencer
Traubel, Helen
Triangle Club
Truitt, Mrs. Max
Truman, Anderson Shipp (Shippe) (grandfather)
Civil War and
slaves owned by
Truman, Elizabeth Wallace “Bess” (wife)
and assassination attempt on HST
character of
death of
European vacations of
farewell lunche
on for HST and
father’s suicide and
as First Lady
Forrestal and
frugality of
HST’s Christmas visit and
HST’s courting of
HST’s engagement to
HST’s “final” argument with
HST’s hiring of
HST’s letters to
HST’s political career and
HST’s presidency resisted by
HST’s reelection campaign and
HST’s relationship with
HST’s war service and
HST’s wedding to
Independence summers of
as influence on HST
Margaret’s singing and
mastectomy of
miscarriages of
oil venture and
physical appearance of
privacy guarded by
Roosevelt’s death and
Ross’s post and
on Senate staff
Washington apartments of
White House and
Truman, Emma
Truman, Harry (nephew)
Truman, Harry S.:
aging of
ambition of
in American Legion
in Army reserve
at Army summer camp
artistic tastes of
assassination attempt on
automobile travels of
bank jobs of
Bible reading of
birthday parties for
birth of
“The Buck Stops Here” sign of
campaign style of
character and appearance of
childhood accidents of
childhood of
Chubb Fellowship given to
Citizens Security bank venture of
clubs joined by
as “common man” president
confidence of
congressional position sought by
construction timekeeper job of
corruption attributed to administration
courage of
cronyism ascribed to
death of
diary of
diligence of
drugstore job of
as eastern judge of Jackson County
education of
energy of
European vacations of
eyeglasses and eyesight of
fairness of
falls of
farewell address of
farewell luncheon for
as farmer
as father
as federal reemployment service director
film on
first automobile of
first Cabinet appointments of
first congressional address of
first postwar message to Congress of
first presidential term of
first press conference of
friends hired by
funeral of
Gates residence of
“give-’em-hell-Harry” style of
as “go-along, get-along Harry,”
governor’s post desired by
growth and changes of
headaches of
health of
heroes of
history and
Independence homes of
as investigator see also Truman Committee
as Jeffersonian
jokes about
in Kansas City
Kansas City Automobile Club job of
land speculation trips of
last press conference of
last weeks of presidency of
as late bloomer
law school courses of
“longhand spasms” of
long-range objectives lacked by
as Mason
memoirs of, see Memoirs
memorial tributes to
men’s furnishing store of
morals and integrity of
name and middle initial of
in National Guard
as nineteenth-century man
“nonpolitical” cross-country tours of
in oil venture
as Pendergast man, see Pendergast political machine
piano playing of
politics as interest of
politics as life work of
politics as seen by
popularity of
portraits of
on presidency
presidency resisted by
presidential “honeymoon” of
presidential inauguration of
presidential reelection campaign funds for
presidential reelection campaign of
presidential reelection of
as presiding judge of Jackson County Court
press conferences of
reading of
religious views of
retirement announcement of
retirement financial situation of
retirement of
road overseer job of
salaries of
second presidential term of
Senate campaign of (1934)
Senate campaign of (1940)
Senate career of
on Senate committees; see also Truman committee
shirts of
speeches of
staff’s relationship with
in stage show
in television films
temper of
theater-going of
vacations of
values and beliefs of
vice-presidency resisted by
as Vice President
as vice-presidential candidate
Washington apartments of
West Point aspirations of
Whistle-stop Campaign of
World War I service of
at Young farm
zinc-mine venture of
Truman, J. C. (nephew)
Truman, John (great-uncle)
Truman, John Anderson (father)
businesses and jobs of
character and appearance of
as farmer
financial misfortunes of
houses and farms of
illness and death of
politics as interest of
Truman, John Vivian (brother)
birth of
death of
HST’s hiring of
marriage of
Truman, Lawrence
Truman, Luella Campbell (sister-in-law)
Truman, Margaret (aunt)
Truman, Margaret (daughter), see Daniel, Mary Margaret “Margie” Truman
Truman, Martha Ann (niece)
Truman, Martha Ellen “Mattie”; (mother)
accident of
character and appearance of
Chiles and
death of
eviction of
failing health of
farm mortgages of
hernia operation of
HST’s automobile and
HST’s buying back farm of
HST’s letters to
HST’s war service and
as influence on HST
Margaret’s singing and
marriage of
piano of
pneumonia of
stroke of
surgery of
Washington visit of
Truman, Mary (aunt)
Truman, Mary Jane (sister)
birth of
character and appearance of
farm run by
HST’s letters to
HST’s relationship with
HST’s war service and
letters from
Truman, Mary Jane Holmes (grandmother)
Truman, Mary Martha (aunt)
Truman, Ralph (cousin)
Truman, William (great-grandfather)
Truman, William (uncle)
Truman & Jacobson
Truman Balcony
nbsp; Truman Committee (Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program)
appropriation for
atomic bomb and
camp construction investigated by
corporations investigated by
dollar-a-year men opposed by
Roosevelt and
staff of
steel plate production investigated by
Truman Doctrine
Acheson’s role in
aid to Greece and Turkey in
as continuation of historic U.S. policies
HST’s speech to Congress on
leadership demonstrated in
1948 campaign and
Progressive Party’s denunciation of
Truman Library, see Harry S. Truman Library
Truman Merry-Go-Round, The(Allen and Shannon)
Truman Story, The
Truman-Wheeler Bill
Trumbull, John
Tubby, Roger
Tully, Andrew
Tully, Grace
Tunney, Gene
British aid to
Soviet Union and
U.S. aid to
Turner, Roy J.
Turnip congress
TVA, see Tennessee Valley Authority
Twain, Mark
Twenty-second Amendment to the Constitution
Twyman, Dr.
Twyman, Elmer
Tydings, Millard
Tydings Committee
Tyler, John
Union Army
Union National Bank
unions, see labor, labor unions
Union Station Massacre
United Mine Workers
United Nations (U.N.)
Atomic Energy Commission of
Charter of
Korean War as action of
Palestine issue and
San Francisco Conference on
Security Council of
United Nations Association
United Press
United States
United States Relations with China: With Special Reference to the Period 1944–1949
United Steel Workers
Urey, Harold
U.S. News and World Report
U.S. Steel Corporation
V-l rockets
Vaccaro, Tony
Vaile, Harvey
Vandenberg, Arthur
character and appearance of
as former isolationist
Lilienthal and
Vandenberg, Hoyt
Vardaman, James K. “Jake,” Jr.
Vaughan, Harry
character and appearance of
on HST’s eyeglasses
s HST’s military aide
J. Edgar Hoover and
pearson’s attack on
at Potsdam
self-importance of
Senate investigation of
senatorial staff position of
Vaughan, Samuel
Veatch, N. T., Jr.
Versailles Treaty (1919)
aid to
garden parties for
GI Bill and
housing for
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Vietnam War
Vinson, Fred M.
special mission planned for
Vivian, John
Volkogonov, Dmitri
Vrooman, Howard
Wage Stabilization Board
Waggoner, William
Wagner, Robert
Wagner Labor Relations Act (1935)
Wainwright, Jonathan M.
Wake Island Conference (1950)
Walker, Frank
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