Taming Terri (Terri Trilogy Book 3)

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Taming Terri (Terri Trilogy Book 3) Page 8

by Ben Boswell

  “Go ahead and beg,” he suggested.


  “Good,” he chortled. “I really wanted your ass, anyway. You ever have a black man?”

  “Fuck you,” she replied.

  I felt unaccountably proud of her, even though I knew that it would mean he’d be even rougher on her. I dreaded having to watch it, but I knew I couldn’t walk away, and I also knew that if I tried anything, Darren would tase me, leaving me a spasming mess on the floor.

  Shaun fondled her ass vigorously, his finger dipped deep into her crack.

  “Tell me you want it,” he growled.

  “No,” she hissed.

  “Too bad. You’re going to get it anyway. Get it all. My dick. And then we’re gonna pull a train on you, Slut. Get ten hardcore, bad-ass dudes and fill you with come until it’s coming out your nose.”

  She shivered in fear. “No,” she said again.

  He laughed. Then he turned to his right and peered into a darkened corner.

  “What d’you say man? Should I go for it?”

  Someone moved.

  Shaun spoke again, “Just give me the green light, Mikey.”

  To my shock, Mike Coates strode forward, out of the shadows.

  “No. I’ll take it from here.”

  Shaun hesitated a second, thinking about defying Mike and taking Terri himself. Then, to my surprise, he laughed and released my wife. Between his own size and strength and the fact that we were in his club with his security guards around, nothing could have stopped him had he decided to proceed.

  Terri distracted me from that line of thought. She spun around and glared at Mike and Shaun wild-eyed. “You bastard,” she hissed at Mike.

  He closed on her.

  “What’s the matter, Cupcake? Upset I stopped it before he could fuck you?”

  She swung her hand at him. He caught her wrist and shoved her back into the wall.

  “Let go of me!”

  He lunged at her and before she could react, he shoved three fingers deep into her mouth. She tried to shake him off, but he was too strong, and he took advantage of her distraction to cup her mound with his other hand.

  “Damn, you’re wet,” he noted. “Thinking about getting fucked up the ass by a stranger? Or getting gangbanged on the floor?”

  She struggled against him, but there was something about her…, the way her nipples poked through the fabric of her dress, the way her legs seemed to part to allow him to fondle her pussy… that suggested he was closer to the mark than she’d ever admit.

  “Don’t worry, Terri, I can always get him to come back. But I get first dibs. Save sloppy seconds for others.”

  I shuddered. Even though he didn’t know I was there -- or at least I didn’t think he did -- it felt like the comment was directed at me.

  He shoved two fingers inside her twat. She moaned around the fingers in her mouth.

  “That’s it, whore,” he grunted, “squeeze my fingers with your cunt. Come for me while you think about getting raped by a big, black stud.”

  She tried to shake her head, but her eyes were glassy with excitement, her body undulating, thrusting against his hand. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she was wracked by a series of gasping heaves. Her knees buckled, and she collapsed into Mike’s arms, no longer angry, completely spent, affectionate, grateful.

  He chuckled as she steadied her. “Come on, Baby, you can thank me in the car.”

  She nodded and then they began to head for a door in the corner of the room, presumably the same door Shaun had exited, although I hadn’t noticed. They slipped through and were gone.

  I realized I was alone. At some point Darren had left as well. I took a step, but my legs felt weak, and instead, I stumbled, and almost in slow motion, crumpled to the floor. Like Terri, I guess, the sudden change from a near-rape to a surprise encounter left me unsteady. I took a deep breath, and using the wall as a support, gradually raised myself back to my feet.

  Sticking close to the walls and shadows, I fled the club. The evening air was cool, refreshing, a God-send. It reinvigorated me. I walked to my car and dropped into the driver’s seat.

  I realized I was sweating and my heart was pounding. I had just seen my wife almost get raped… or at least I thought I had. I wasn’t even sure what I’d seen. Was the whole thing a set up by Mike? And if so, to what end? Had he planned for Shaun to fuck her and just gotten cold feet? Or was it all just a way of getting her worked up? And if so, how could he have known it would work?

  Even though my heart and breathing came back under control quickly, my mind continued swirling. I was at a loss about what to do next. Drive home and wait for her to return? Go to a bar and drink myself into oblivion? Find myself a hooker and get some relief? I just didn’t know.

  And then… my phone rang.


  Well, actually, my phone didn’t “ring.” It buzzed and vibrated in my pants pocket. I fumbled with the phone and extracted it. Is there a smooth way of doing that? It always felt like a panicky fight against time to retrieve the device before whoever was on the other end gave up or voice mail kicked in.

  I peered at the screen in the darkness of the car. Terri.

  “Hello? Terri?”

  No response, just a rustling sound. Had she butt-dialed me?

  Butt… I flashed back to the sight of Shaun cupping her shapely ass, of his long, thick finger sliding between her cheeks. She must have been terrified, wedged up against a wall of a dingy nightclub, an aggressive stranger touching her anus and threatening to fuck her up the ass before having her gang raped.

  “Terri?” I said again, louder this time.

  More rustling. Maybe sounds of traffic. No voices, but muffled sounds.

  I had a terrifying image of Terri, bound and gagged in the back of a van being taken somewhere to do things to her that wouldn’t even fly in the VIP section. Maybe Shaun had changed his mind and decided he wanted her after all. Maybe Darren and some of the other bouncers had taken it upon themselves to give her what Shaun had threatened.


  More random noise.


  More rustling. And then the sounds of traffic coming through clearly.

  A muffled voice, distant. “Here, you talk to him, I’m busy.” Mike?


  I startled at the sudden crisp, clear voice coming over the line.


  “Do I sound like Terri?” A man replied.

  “Who are you? Where’s my wife?”

  “I’m Juan, man. This is my car.”


  “My Uber, man. I’m a driver.”

  “Let me talk to my wife,” I insisted.

  He chuckled. “Blonde? Blue dress.”

  “Yes, that’s her.”

  Another chuckle. “Sorry to break it to you, man, but she’s in the back seat, totally going down on this guy.”


  “Yeah, man. It’s kind of distracting, you know. Hot bitch like that, and fuck, she’s going at it like a porn star. Just slobbering all over it, man. Listen.”

  He must have held the phone back over his shoulder because the sounds of Terri sucking cock suddenly became crisper.

  Juan was right. The sounds were obscene in a way that even a video of it couldn’t top. Slurping, sucking, gagging, lips smacking. There was a palpable urgency to it. A visceral hunger. Terri was devouring Mike’s cock.

  “Get on top,” Mike growled.

  Clothes rustled. The sounds of awkward movements in the cramped backseat of a car. And then a sudden gasping hiss from Terri.

  “Oh shit, man,” Juan commented, bringing the phone back to his mouth. “She just sat on his dick, and…. Oh shit.”


  “Yeah, yeah, oh fuck,” Juan laughed. “Yeah, man, he is totally in her ass.”

  I groaned.

  “Yeah, man. Shit. He’s totally pulling her cheeks apart so I can
see, and yeah, man, he’s balls deep in your wife’s ass. And yeah, man, fucking crazy slut is just bouncing up and down, man. Damn, your wife’s a fucking freak.”

  I heard a loud smack. And another. And another. And through it all, Terri moans getting louder and louder.

  Juan laughed again. “Shit, man, now he’s totally wailing on her ass. Shit, listen to her, man. Fucking bitch loves it.”

  I dropped the phone into my lap.

  Juan was still narrating. “Balls deep, man. Balls deep. What do you say, man, mind if I take a poke when this guy’s done?”

  I pressed the button to disconnect. It didn’t really matter what I said. If Mike wanted Terri to fuck Juan, she would. What I wanted didn’t seem to matter anymore.


  I drove home…. Well, I presume I did. I ended up at home with my car, although I have no memory of the drive itself. Not that I can remember what I thought about instead. I was numb.

  It was almost midnight as I pulled up. Still early, all things considered. I wondered what Mike had planned for Terri for the rest of the night.

  I jolted when Herb greeted me from the family room. I hadn’t remembered he was there.

  “You okay, man?” he asked.

  “Um… yeah…. No,” I admitted. I shook my head, not knowing what else to say. “Work, you know.”

  He hesitated. “Work, huh?”

  I nodded.

  He nodded as well. “Okay, well, I hope that works out.”

  I nodded again. I was so discombobulated that I was having trouble forming words.

  “Um… thanks for watching the house, okay?” I said.

  “Any time man.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “And…” he hesitated, “if you need someone to talk to about… you know… work... let me know.”

  I nodded. I did need to talk, and yet I couldn’t. I mean, what was there to say? My wife is a whore for other men. I encouraged her to do it, and now I don’t know what to do. Even thinking about the situation was mortifying on so many different levels.

  I guess my awkwardness encouraged him to probe. And maybe that’s what I really wanted.

  “Bill, is… um… everything okay between you and Terri?”

  “Yes, of course… why?”

  He shrugged. “You two have been keeping to yourselves more. And when you are together, it seems, I don’t know, maybe a little tense?”

  I shook my head. “No, everything is great,” I replied, apparently unconvincingly.

  “And,” he continued, “here we are, a Friday night, and she’s out, and you suddenly have an emergency at work, and now you come back, and it’s almost midnight, and she’s still not home, and you’re looking a little… off.”

  I put my hands up and shook my head. No, no, no, you don’t understand. But the words didn’t come out.

  “Listen,” he said. “I’m just sayin’..... In any marriage there are ups and downs.”

  I hesitated. “You and Melody?”

  There was a flash of some intense emotion across his face. Anger? Resentment? Regret? Something. And then, just as quickly, he softened. Not suppressed, but perhaps transformed, processed. Still there, but under control.

  “Our wives,” he noted ruefully. “They, um, get a lot of attention.”

  I flashed back to last summer. That afternoon at the swim club for family fun day. The kids doing one of those silly races, where they spin around with their foreheads on a bat before trying to run twenty yards while dodging water balloons. All the kids stumbling and falling, wet and happy, and Melody laughing and hopping up and down in delight. I couldn’t take my eyes off those tits of hers. That night, in bed, I specifically had Terri get on top so I could play with her breasts as she rode me I closed my eyes, and for one of the few times together, imagined she was someone else.

  I shook my head. “Yeah, they do.”

  “And guys like us. Well, it sometimes makes things hard.”

  I wasn’t quite sure what he was saying. There was no guys like us here. Herb wasn’t necessarily a stone, cold stud, but he had something. According to Terri, at least, a big package and kinky gleam in his eye.

  “Did Melody ever….” I couldn’t complete the thought.

  He smiled mirthlessly. “Like I said. Ups and downs.”

  He clapped me again on the shoulder. Not a gesture of commiseration, but rather of brotherhood. He moved toward the door.

  “Let me know if you want to talk,” he added in parting.

  I nodded. He slipped through the door and out in the dark night.

  I sat down on the sofa, trying to process what had just happened. It didn’t take much reading between the lines to understand that Melody had had an affair at some point… or at least come close. So it is possible to get through something like that. But something else jumped out at me.

  Melody was a sexy girl. No doubt. But she wasn’t Terri either, at least not in my estimation. And also, in some apparently quite obvious ways, I wasn’t Herb either. If he couldn’t keep Melody from straying then how could I hope to keep Terri mine?

  I stared at the door, willing Terri to come through it. But she didn’t. No, my wife was at Mike’s place. Probably bound. Maybe gagged. Definitely naked, with Mike… or Mike and some of his buddies… enthusiastically abusing her orifices. Fingers, dicks, and toys in her mouth, cunt, and ass. Hair pulled, ass spanked, nipples twisted. Terri covered in sweat and come. Exhausted, gasping, and whimpering. Red faced but smiling. Happy and satisfied.

  I trudged up to bed and buried myself under the covers.


  Sleep when Terri is out with another man always felt impossible, and yet became unavoidable. Nervous agitation giving way with dramatic suddenness to irresistible exhaustion. But there is still that transitional period, not quite awake, not quite asleep, a demi-monde of conscious thought and uncontrollable association.

  The conversation with Herb ran through my head, and transitioned effortlessly to vivid images of Melody’s affair, which was no longer speculative, but rather uncontestable in my mind. Naked, on her hands and knees, an older, yet potent man behind her… her boss, maybe, and her nudity now transformed into a open blouse and a dress skirt hoisted up over her ass… Mike, but with Brian’s cock, driving her to madness… Terri beside her, also naked, kissing… the man, switching between them… a searing and familiar fantasy… I’d had it many times, though I now realized that I would never be the one to experience it… it belonged to… Shaun… huge prick in my wife’s ass… Melody urging him on… licking, tasting his shaft before reinserting it in Terri’s rectum… black hands pulling Melody back into a scrum… two cocks, three inside of her… breasts mauled… and Terri, a man on either end, hammering away… Herb and I watching… he has a smile on his face… grim, resigned… and I know I look the same… he nods and without really moving reaches in and pulls Melody out, leading her away… I nod and look at Terri, what little I can see of her, swallowed up by an ocean of thrusting bodies… I know I need to rescue her, but I can’t… and she’s gone….

  “Are you awake, Honey?”

  I was still too lost in hypnagogia to respond.

  “Sorry, I thought I heard you make noise,” she whispered.

  “I’m awake,” I said.

  “I woke you.”

  “No… I don’t know… maybe… what time is it?”

  She didn’t answer, and looking at the clock I realized why. 6:12am. She’d been gone all night. She should have looked exhausted, haggard, but she didn’t. She was glowing.

  “Getting fucked all night agrees with you.”

  A quick look of shock, but she quickly recovered, as she always did. She correctly read my venom as embarrassment and excitement.

  “Yeah, it does. Maybe I should turn pro. Turn my passions into a career. It would definitely help our bottom line.”

  “Oh, so now I don’t make enough?” I snorted.

  She seemed genuinely surprised this time. “Oh, God, Bill, you really do go in unexpe
cted directions.”

  I fumed silently.

  She chuckled. Her unwillingness to take my angst seriously could be infuriating. “No, Bill, I am perfectly happy with all of you. You do a wonderful job providing for us. You’re a great dad. A wonderful husband. You have a sexy body, and I think your cock is perfect. Is there anything else you need reassurance about? Oh yeah, you’re a perfectly serviceable cook.”

  “You’re mocking me.”

  She grinned. “Yes, a little. But it’s all true.”

  I wanted to doubt her sincerity. After all, the obvious response rang in my brain, Then why are you always fucking other men? But at the same time, I knew she was telling the truth… or some reasonable facsimile of it, at least as she understood it.

  “What did you guys do last night?” I asked.

  “Well, he took me to dinner...”

  I couldn’t believe she’d lie to my face. What else was she lying about?

  She’d stopped talking and was smirking at me. Bam, another trap.

  “Why’d you ask if you already knew?” she queried.

  I shrugged.

  “The more interesting question is how you knew,” she continued. “Do I have a secret tracker on my iPhone? Do you have a private eye on my tail?”

  “Why am I on trial all of a sudden?”

  “You’re not. But I’ve been honest with you. I told you in advance I was going on a date with Mike. You’re the one keeping secrets.”

  I groaned. “You can’t blame me for worrying that you’re keeping things from me. This is not a normal situation, and you’re the one who is operating outside of, um, conventional limits.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  I didn’t bother to respond. I didn’t need another trip down that particular rabbit hole.

  “I saw you the other night with him on your computer --”

  “Spying on me?” she said in mock outrage.

  A piece of the puzzle fell into place. “You wanted me to. That’s why you left the door open.”

  She smiled. “Maybe. And then what? You snuck in and read the address off my desk?”

  “Which you deliberately left there as well. Why?”


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