A Woman's Worth 3

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A Woman's Worth 3 Page 2

by Jahquel J.

  “Baby, work? You getting back in the game?” I cooed and he kissed my lips before he responded.

  “Yeah. They couldn’t keep me down forever,” he replied and rolled to the bedroom. I was about to fuck this nigga a million times tonight.

  Chapter Three


  When I got a call that Victor was dead, it was up to me to step up to the plate. I was happy his cocky ass was gone anyway. I was second in command so everyone looked to me to give orders of what needed to be done. When Victor got the call his brother was killed, he called off Moses’s supply. The first thing I did was turn call that shit back on. Did he not know how much money Moses was pulling in? That nigga was making him about 4 million a month. A New York nigga like me wasn’t about to let that stand in the way.

  I was always so used to being second in everything. In New York, I was Reshawn’s right-hand man. Then money got tight and I joined forces with Victor. I wasn’t his right-hand man, but rather second to call shots. I would be rich and run the streets of New York, whenever I went back. If Moses never killed Tone, he would be standing in my shoes and I would be right back being second.

  All I could think about was Epiphany’s sexy ass. The way she ran through the trap house back in New York was sexy as hell. I wasn’t feeling the fact that she knocked my ass out. I knew she didn’t kill me because I was Reshawn’s friend. That was the moment I was proud to have been his friend or else my ass would be in the ground stinking.

  “Boss,” one of the young niggas I put on payroll called me.


  “Someone wants to speak to you,” he said and handed me the phone.

  I took the phone out onto the beautiful terrace and looked out at the ocean that was blue as a Crip’s scarf.

  “Speaking. Who dis’?” I barked in the phone.

  “Mo. I want to up my order.”

  “No problem. You know the deal,” I instructed and hung up.

  Life was sweet. Moses wanted more products and that is more money for my pocket. I was already getting a million dollars from the bounty of helping Victor get killed. I was cool with the drama, like Kermit said, this tea be hitting though. My plan was to remain low key. My story is over. Let me let you get back to the real story at hand.

  Chapter Four


  Six months later…

  I waved to my son and Moses as they walked through the gates to catch their plane. I hated to see them go, but loved when they came. This routine was getting old. I missed home and I missed my family. I knew what Moses was doing was to protect me, which I appreciated but I wanted to be back with my family. I missed Tiffany and now knowing she and Marquise were welcoming a child, I wanted to be there. I was missing milestones in my son’s life, yeah I saw him twice a month but that wasn’t enough.

  I took him for granted before and now I was ready and willing to be a mother and wife to Moses and MJ. I was always alone when they left. I wanted to be around them all the time. Moses told me about Tone. Despite how he treated me and almost killed me, I knew he changed his life around. But the dirt he did finally caught up with him.

  I pulled away from the airport with no known destination. I didn’t have friends, and I barely went to work. As much as I tried to make my business here work, it just didn’t. Women in Tennessee weren’t into dressing how I did. I was looked at weirdly for the shoes I wore or the thousand dollar bags I wore. Last I spoke to Moses about coming home, he shot down my suggestions. The thought of maybe popping up and surprising everyone came to mind. I was still terrified of Lace; he was a maniac that needed to be caged. The things he did to me, I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I still suffered from nightmares because of it. Moses really taught me that he wasn’t to be fucked with and that his love is that real for me.

  I parked my car and went up to my condo, alone. Looking at the toys scattered on the living room and the scent of Moses’s cologne made me sad. I plopped down on the couch with tears threatening to fall. I was just about to lay my head on MJ’s ninja turtle pillow when my doorbell rang. It could’ve only been one person. As I shuffled to the door and sat my bag on the counter, I peeped through the peephole to be careful. I opened the door, stepped to the side, and welcomed, Moses’s mother inside.

  “Hey Chanel, what do I owe this visit?” I closed the door behind myself and went into the kitchen. It was like now that they were gone, a piece of me was missing. I couldn’t function.

  “Where’s my son and grand baby?” She sat on a stool.

  “I just came in from dropping them at the airport, Moses left in a rush, so I’m assuming he had business to take care of.”

  “It’s always business with him, he could never sit still. I’m going there for a visit next week to see my other grandchildren. They act like they can’t visit me or something,” she sighed.

  “You know it ain’t even like that, Chanel.” I offered her a glass of wine, she looked at it and I guess that was her way of declining.

  “First of all, I’m a recovering alcoholic, second, what you did don’t have shit to do with me. We live an hour away. They don’t even have to see you.” I pulled the glass away from her and dumped into the awaiting sink.

  “I had no clue, I apologize.” She started laughing and slapping the granite counter top like it was hilarious.

  “Girl, I’m fucking with you. Let me get out of here and do some shopping for Miami. I got a date down there.” She got up and kissed me on the cheek. The wheels in my head started to turn. Miami did sound nice.


  Two Days Later….

  Me and Chanel were in a cab on our way to Moses’s house. My stomach turned in knots as we drove there. I knew I disrespected everything he ever told me by doing this. If anyone was to blame it was, Chanel. I got cold feet and she damn near shoved me on the plane. I kept going back and forth with my feelings. How long did he want to keep me tucked away? My son needed me, and I needed to be a part of his life. I felt like I was going to be sick any moment. My hands were clammy and I kept wiping them on my pants.

  As the cab drove down Miami Beach, I saw many people celebrating and enjoying life. After all, it was Labor Day weekend. The cab had to take detours because of the many parades that were being celebrated. I saw Chanel pecking away at her cellphone and wondered whom she was talking to. I wanted to snatch the phone and slap the hell out of her for convincing me to come. She knew I was nervous and she couldn’t even offer me some kind words to soothe my nerves.

  “So, you know we’re going to Mezzie and Reshawn’s house, right?” She blurted out.

  “Um, no, I wanted to surprise Moses first and slowly work back into everyone’s life.”

  “There is no right or wrong way to do this, but, to do it. You already here so you need to do you.” I sat back and prepared myself for the inevitable. I knew I should have just stayed my ass home. Listening to Chanel was probably the biggest mistake of my life.

  Chapter Five


  “If y’all don’t stop tearing up my damn house,” I yelled at Madison and MJ, as they ran around the house laughing.

  Those two were like siblings. You couldn’t tell Madison that wasn’t her little brother. She protected him and would get sad when Moses took him on their little trips. She was also preparing for the child I was now carrying. Between her and Marquise, I didn’t know who was worst. I was six months pregnant with a little boy. Marquise was so happy we were having a little boy. I felt Madison wrap her arms around my legs. I looked down at her and smiled. She was a happy little girl. She didn’t want for anything and although we weren’t the ideal family, we made it work for the children.

  “Yes, baby girl,” I asked her while she continued to smile at me.

  “Markie told me to check on you, are you okay mommy,” she replied.

  “I am now that you are holding me, thank you princess.” I kissed her forehead and she ran off with MJ.

  Today, we were throwing a huge labor d
ay BBQ with everyone. Mezzie and Reshawn just moved into their new house and wanted to host it there. I didn’t mind, I didn’t need all that cleaning up in my house. All I had to do was bring my homemade lemon cake and potato salad. She had wanted me to come by and cook, but I loved my kitchen and preferred to cook it here. I couldn’t help but feel some way toward her. She spilled to me about killing Tone and Kim. I wanted to slap her off my couch and continue to beat the shit out of her, but I contained myself.

  Her ass was lucky Epiphany and Promise could handle the situation. I just got comfortable not bringing my gun everywhere. She had her sons to worry about and didn’t need to be in the streets. I told her to leave it to the men. We had our children to worry about. I would be damned if I went back to staking out in cars and shooting people. I was a damn mother, businesswoman, and a fiancé. Yes, Marquise popped the question and I accepted. We weren’t getting married soon, though. Nobody knew, but us and I wanted to keep it like that.

  “You ready babe?” Marquise called from downstairs.

  “Yeah, can you get the AC started in the car? I don’t want to be sweating,” I demanded. I heard him chuckle, but I knew his ass went to fulfill my request.

  I finished applying my makeup and grabbed my Celine bag out my closet. I looked around our master suite before I turned the lights off and grabbed MJ to go downstairs with Madison following behind. We strapped the kids in and were on our way to Mezzie and Reshawn’s house. Moses was already there waiting for us. Marquise got in the car with his cigarette tucked behind his ear. He was so damn sexy, the way his watch glistened and the white beater showed off his toned arms. I was a little salty, he was getting all fit and I was getting fat as hell.

  “Looking sexy ma’,” he said while pulling out the garage.

  “Thanks, baby,” I responded while reaching for his hand.

  We arrived at Mezzie and Reshawn’s house in twenty minutes. There were cars lined up in the circular driveway and balloons posted on the lawn. You could hear the music jumping from the driveway and all you saw were thugs and the women who loved them making their way to the back yard. Reshawn stood in the front door, directing everyone to the backyard.

  “Y’all not about to be up in my house, I’ll holla at y’all when I come back there,” he yelled to the men who nodded their heads. Their women struggled to walk straight in their thousand dollar heels, the cobblestone walkway conflicted that.

  “Nigga, I ain’t going to the back,” Marquise shouted as he unhooked MJ and Madison.

  Madison took off running toward her father and he scooped her up in his arms. Moses came from the house in time to scoop MJ up in his arms. I pushed past both of them and went to find the nearest bathroom. Pregnancy bladder wasn’t anything to mess with.

  “Damn Marquise, your baby mama mad rude,” he joked and Marquise laughed right along with him.

  Once I finished in the bathroom, I went to the kitchen and found Mezzie unpacking the food I prepared. She looked up just in time to see me walking in the door. Mezzie had one hand with the food and the other filled with her son, Ray on her hip. She tried to put him down, but he screamed so she kept him attached to her hip.

  “Hey, Tiff, can you bring the stuff out, please.” I could tell she was tired and the party didn’t even start yet. I nodded my head and helped her out.

  Two hours later, everyone was kicking back with drinks. I even changed into a bathing suit and was listening to my iPod by the pool. I nodded my head to the new Jhene Aiko’s album. As I listened to her crooning about love, I nodded my head feeling in complete peace. My eyes were covered with my dark Ray Bans and Madison and MJ hadn’t bothered me in close to twenty minutes. Marquise was in a heavy game of dominos and from the looks of it, he wasn’t winning. Mezzie was in the pool with her children and Reshawn and Moses stood over to the side in a discussion. I wondered what it was about, but I learned a long time ago not to get involved with their problems.

  I noticed Chanel, Reshawn and Moses’s mother come out the kitchen door. She was so extra; you would have thought she would act her age. That was far from her though. I closed my eyes back and listened back to the music; I didn’t need her coming over and starting a conversation. I was just about to turn to my favorite song on Jhene’s album when I felt someone violently shaking me. My eyes flew open and I pulled my glasses on top of my head.

  “What Marquise, and before you ask, I’m not giving your wallet back. You already blew four grand,” I ranted on as he looked at me with a weird look in his eyes.

  “Um… yo’ … I …” he stuttered and looked back at the house. That was when I noticed everybody had cleared out in a split second I closed my eyes back.

  “What the hell are you talking about and where the hell everyone went?” I sat up and grabbed his hand so I could stand up.

  “Fuck, just go in the house, Tiffany.” He walked toward the house but didn’t go in.

  I got up and went into the house. Everyone was just standing looking worried. I heard Moses in the next room yelling. Reshawn’s infamous vein was pulsating out his neck. Mezzie stood holding her youngest son and the look on her face was one I couldn’t describe. Reshawn noticed I was standing there looking at everyone.

  “Don’t go in that room, Tiffany,” he warned. I always did shit my way, and I ran around the island and went into the room that I heard the yelling coming from.

  I twisted the doorknob and opened the door. My voice got caught in my throat as I stood watching Moses yell at Tyrisha while she held MJ. I wiped my eyes a few time and squinted to make sure I saw the correct thing. Moses was so busy yelling and screaming at her that he didn’t notice that I was standing there. She saw me and smiled as she continued to listen to Moses. Once he noticed I was standing there, he calmed down and walked over to me.

  “I hated you had to find out like this,” he stated. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. Nothing would come out. It was as if my voice box was on strike. It wouldn’t let me form a sentence.

  “Tiffany,” Tyrisha standing up from where she was sitting. MJ held on to his mother for dear life, it was as if he was familiar to her. He didn’t act like a child who just met her, it all made sense to me.

  “All those trips…. The wedding band I caught you with… MJ asking for Mama,” I said in between breaths.

  It all made sense now. After they came back from their ‘Trips’ he would ask for his mother. He would scream her name until he was red in the face. The wedding band I saw Moses sporting made me question things. But, he assured me that it was nothing than a promise ring from someone he was seeing. I couldn’t believe after all we been through, she was standing here in the flesh. She looked so radiant; it looked as if time had been good to her. The shining wedding band and engagement ring let me know my accusations were true.

  “Mezzie, Reshawn, come in here, please.” He called out to them.

  I refused to walk any closer; I still had a hard time believing it was actually Tyrisha. I didn’t believe it. It couldn’t be her. I saw her casket get lowered in the ground. Moses said she blew up in the house in New York. I walked closer to her, but my brain didn’t register with my legs and I fell to the floor. Everything was spinning in the room; I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.

  Chapter Six


  Yo’, Moe, I don’t know what kind of sick shit this is, but, I ain’t with it.” I picked up Tiffany and laid her on the chaise lounge in the corner of the room.

  Everyone looked at each other yet no one spoke. Moses was visibly mad and I could tell from the way he stared at the wall he didn’t want to say nothing, but he had no other choice. He had to acknowledge the dead woman in the room. From what we heard, she was dead in that house back in New York. The nigga even had a funeral for her hoe ass. She caused a lot of shit that went down. I couldn’t even look at her without mentioning the crazy shit that went down with her and Lace.

  “Calm the fuck down, Reshawn. She’s fucking alive because I wanted her to b
e, just like you’re alive because I wanted you to be. Don’t let us forget that whole shit that went down with you not too long ago,” he reminded me.

  “There is a difference; this bitch is the cause of a lot of shit that went on.” I shot back and fanned Tiffany.

  “Rah, how about you ask your bitch what she’s responsible for?” I looked at him confused, what the fuck was he talking about? Mezzie had nothing to do with this dead, alive, bitch.

  “Mezzie, what this nigga talking about? And don’t lie either,” she twiddled with our son’s sneaker and looked down at the floor.

  “Don’t get quiet now, Billy badass,” Moses chuckled.

  “What?” I walked closer to her face.

  “Damn, I killed Tone and Lace killed Kim. I don’t know what that has to do with Tyrisha being alive or Moses, though.” She shifted my son to her other wide hip.

  “I’ll tell you how it has nothing to do with me. I have this nigga Eddie supplying me now. My twin sisters had to commit an unnecessary murder.” He lunged toward Mezzie and I intercepted.

  Moses always kept his cool so to see him ready to beat Mezzie’s ass showed me he was worried. I knew Mezzie ass was hiding something, when she didn’t want to go to therapy. She was jumpy and it was as if she couldn’t concentrate. I had my suspicions about the Tone thing, I even told her about them, and she still lied and told me she wasn’t responsible. I believed my baby but now she was looking like a suspect.

  “Miranda, please tell me you didn’t have something to do with this,” I sighed, rubbing my temples. Tiffany looked around the room as she regained consciousness.

  “What the fuck did you want me to do? He killed my fucking child and kidnaped my son. I wasn’t about to send my son over there with the same man that killed his sibling!” She screamed and walked out the room.


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