A Woman's Worth 3

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A Woman's Worth 3 Page 4

by Jahquel J.

  He had everyone thinking he died when in fact he was on his privet jet to his homeland, Trinidad. In Trinidad, the Ellis’s were considered royalty. Everyone knew who we were and considered my father the king. When I stepped off the Jet, they hollered and screamed the prince is home. I hadn’t been back since I got with Tyrisha. Plenty of times, I wanted to bring her and explain everything, but I told myself when the time was right I would. Epiphany, Promise and Quinton, all knew about our father being alive. Epiphany was the biggest daddy girl, while Promise and my father just tolerated each other. Promise didn’t understand how a man as big as my father had taken the pussy way out. As he explained, you had to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.

  It was a rare occurrence if you saw my father out and about in Trinidad. He stayed mostly in his estate. Many people thought it was a rumor about him still being alive and well. Everyone believed what he or she believed. It was like Santa Clause, those who believed, believed. I felt it was time to spend some time in Trinidad and talk to my father about taking over his connection. My father had the same connection since he was a sixteen-year-old knucklehead. When he gave the game up, he and whomever this connection still remained friends. I got with Victor after many fail attempts of begging my father. My plan was to take over just as he did. I wanted all my brothers to eat off the same plate. I wanted to bring Reshawn, Quinton and even Nard on. We could dominate this drug game. Eddie thought he would supply me. He was a fool, he was careless and once Victor’s connect found out he was gone, Eddie would be cut off. In this game you had to know, even the connects had connects.

  I brought my family along this trip. I wanted my father to meet my wife, Tyrisha Ellis. I wanted him to meet Mohammad Nadir Ellis II. Tyrisha was so busy worrying about herself back then; she never stopped to look at her son’s birth certificate. My son would be groomed into a king. I watched from the sunroom as Dalia and Nard followed the maid to their room. I was having a dinner tomorrow to explain everything.

  “You good now, baby,” I said as I shook her.

  She looked around the room and looked right at my father. She didn’t take her eyes off of him as she reached her hands for our son. I wiped her head with a cool cloth the maid had handed me. I guess she was taking my father’s appearance a little hard.

  “Moses, he looks like you,” she whispered.

  “I believe he looks like me, mama,” my father interrupted. He had always had a thick accent. I think it had gotten stronger over the years.

  My mother and my father didn’t work out because she cheated on him with Reshawn’s father. This turned out to be a one-night stand. When it was all said and done, she tried to come back but he couldn’t allow himself to be with her, especially with another child in her stomach. I saw my father on weekends and I would spend the summer with him. That was when I fell in love with the game. Quinton, Epiphany, and Promise came later on. My father was rolling stone, I’m sure it is way more of us out there.

  “I thought you were dead. I mean that’s what I’ve been told.”

  “Baby girl, my relationship with America died. I’m very much alive,” he explained.

  “I just don’t understand this shit. You bring me to another country to meet your ‘dead’ father… for what?” She questioned.

  “Tyrisha, be grateful I bought your ass. Let them show you to our room while I speak business,” I sternly enforced.

  She followed the maid with MJ following behind her. She knew I wasn’t playing around with her. She still had that attitude. Nevertheless she knew when and where to use that and right now wasn’t the time. My father gave me a nod of approval and we headed out to the cabana by the pool. He lit a cigar and sat on the lounge chair.

  “Mohammad, why do you need my connect? Especially after all these years you have been doing well?” He took a puff from his cigar.

  “Victor is now dead. He has a fool running his camp. I’m smart enough to know when the feds will come sniffing around.”

  “Mohammad, you need people in your corner who aren’t going to fuck with your life,” he explained.

  “That is why I am here. I want to be bigger than you, Pops. I’m halfway there; I just need that extra push. America hasn’t seen stuff as potent as your stuff since you left,” I raised my voice a little.

  “You’re running to me now, am I wrong?” I blew air from my lips, got up, and paced near the pool. “Don’t get frustrated, Mohammad,” he warned.

  “I’m coming to you because I want my family to have everything. My house is big, but I want bigger. My wife’s ring is big, but I want bigger. At the end of the day, I know when to step away, and now with Victor gone I don’t want to deal with the monkey who’s running his business.” I punched my fist in my hand.

  “That little boy is your child?” He scowled.

  How the hell was I going to tell him he was the nephew of the man that’s dead? Or the man I stole Tyrisha from. Thinking back on my life, I did a lot of stupid shit that I was paying for now. However, MJ was my damn son and I didn’t care if he had an ounce of Tone running through his body.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Green eyes? I’m not stupid.”

  “He’s my damn son, Pop,” I raised my voice.

  “Okay, you say curry chicken and I say Jerk. Go get some rest, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  I walked into the room to Tyrisha reading MJ a bedtime story. He laughed as she tickled his stomach and made lion sounds. I stood in the doorway admiring the way she interacted with our son. This was what made spearing her life worth it. She looked up and smiled at me. I guess her ass calmed down and now, I could properly explain to her what was going on. She got our son settled in the baby crib that was in the corner of the massive room. He sipped his cup and played in his curly locks like he did every night. She patted for me to sit on the bed. I took a seat on the bed and she hugged my frame, rubbing her hand up and down my arms.

  “I’m sorry for tripping for earlier, I know you’re working,” she moaned in my ear.

  “Everything I am doing is to assure you and MJ have everything and anything y’all want… you know that right?”

  “I do, Babe. I will follow your lead and ask questions only when necessary,” she promised and I kissed her lips.

  I pulled her linen white shorts down and stuck my finger into her already dripping wet pussy. I licked her cum off my fingers and she giggled. I unbuckled my pants and released my dick from my Gucci boxers. I spread her legs, climbed in between them, and pushed my dick into her fast and hard.

  “Oh, damn, Moe,” she moaned and threw it back.

  “I know you been wanting this. After I give you this shit, I bet not hear any back talk… you hear?” I pushed deeper and deeper inside her and she moaned each time I shoved each inch inside.

  “I’ll be a good girl, daddy,” she cried out in pain.

  I gave her powerful and long pelvis thrust Prince would be proud of. She kept moving her hips to avoid the pain I was giving her pussy. Tyrisha was a roughneck; she loved a painful dick down. She was one of those women who had to be dick downed to listen. I hadn’t been able to do that in a while so she was acting up.

  “Who do you love?” I asked through clench teeth.

  I pumped in and out of her harder and she still didn’t answer. I pulled her hair and as she looked me in the eyes. Her eyes tried to focus on me, but the blows I delivered had her going insane.

  “You, Moses,” she cooed and that drove me crazy.

  I unleashed my load straight into her. I hoped I got her ass pregnant. I didn’t want to see my wife doing nothing but being barefoot and pregnant with my seed, this time.

  Chapter Eleven


  I sat in the cabana near the pool taking in the beautiful scenery that this beautiful country had to offer. I had always been an early bird so I managed to get a nice work out by the pool. The maids in the kitchen hooked me up with a papaya smoothie and granola bar. Reshawn was still asleep with the boys a
nd the girls were probably still sleeping too. I crossed my legs Indian style and decided to meditate for a few. The last couple of months, I had found so much peace in sitting and clearing my mind with no distractions. I often thought about my daughter and how she would be running around with my sons. Or how she would look when she grew into her looks. I hated Tone so much for doing what he did to me. I was her mother and suppose to protect her. I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks as I squeezed my eyes tighter.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and it was Dalia standing with her workout clothes on.

  “I’m fine, just was meditating,” I said and wiped my tears.

  “You know, sometimes it helps if you talk it out,” she suggested.

  “I know. Not right now… You’re an early bird too I see.”

  “Yep. Gotta keep this tummy flat and these thighs toned,” she retorted as she started to do lunges around the pool.

  I watched as her abs flexed whenever she took a step. Her body was what you called perfection. She didn’t have any stretch marks or any loose skin around her belly button like mine. Her ass was the perfect size, Big but not too big. Her long golden brown weave was tied up in a messy bun and her light skin was clear of any makeup. I noticed she had a few freckles that decorated the bridge of her nose. She had a button nose and cute pouty lips. She reminded me of the actress Lauren London. She was beautiful and from what I observed, down to earth also.

  “You don’t want to get in on these?” She asked out of breath.

  “Not after I just had this smoothie. My stomach will be bothering me all day,” I politely declined.

  “No pain, no gain.”

  I walked back into the house and back into our room. Reshawn was up smiling and texting. I wondered who he was texting. When I fully entered the room, he put the phone down and sat up in the bed. He had his dreads pulled back and his face was scruffy just like I liked. I went to the bathroom and ignored his ass. I planned to take that cell phone and go through it.

  “Miranda, no good morning kiss?” he grilled and I turned the water on.

  Once I was finished in the bathroom, I got dressed in a simple sheer maxi dress with a neon bikini underneath. Tyrisha already text me and asked to meet her with kids by the pool. Reshawn was already gone when I came out the bathroom. After I lotion my body and spritzed myself, I dressed my boys and ventured out to the pool. All the men were sitting by the pool talking with their swimming trunks on. Reshawn was engrossed in his phone like always. I rolled my eyes and helped AJ into the pool. Once his feet hit the water he swam off. I sat on the edge with Tyrisha and our babies. They were too young to swim alone. I looked around for Dalia, but I guess she was still upstairs. Nard winked at me and I blushed slightly. What was that about? I knew we had history from my stripping days, but he had a girl and I had a man. I couldn’t front, he was looking real good with his Versace shades on.

  “Moses wore my ass out last night. He got me wanting to act out so he can give me a beating again,” Tyrisha laughed.

  “I wish I was having that kind of fun. Reshawn’s ass stays glued to that damn phone.” I rolled my eyes and dipped Ray’s little feet in the water. He giggled and splashed the water.

  “You know he gotta make that money. Let’s enjoy this beautiful vacation together and shop. We added another stamp to our passports so enjoy yourself and deal with the drama once we get home,” she advised.

  I shook my head in agreement. I knew Reshawn’s ass was up to something, but I was going to let him rock for now. I wasn’t stupid and I knew how a nigga acted when he had another bitch in his corner. I was the other bitch half the damn time. I looked at Tyrisha while she and Moses flirted from across the pool. They were so cute. How did they keep the innocence of their relationship after all that transpired? I got tired of sitting by the pool and handed my son off to his damn father. Reshawn got an attitude because he had to go change his diaper. I relaxed on the pool chair and took in the sun.

  “Damn you looking good enough to taste,” Nard interrupted my relaxation.

  “Too bad you ain’t tasting this. Where’s wifey anyway?” I sat up and sprayed sun tan lotion on my bronzed thick thighs. He watched carefully and licked his full lips.

  “Upstairs. She sleeping, I don’t know why she get up at the crack of dawn every day,” he scoffed.

  “So, she can look good for your ass.” I lay back down and took in the sun, again.

  I guess he caught the hint and walked off. His best bet was to stop talking to me altogether. I didn’t want any problems with Reshawn and I didn’t want to beat his girl’s ass if she confronted me. After all, I was being nice after she tried to blackmail my ass. She was still walking on thin ice with me, although I was nice to her ass.


  Beyoncé’s hit song 1+1 blared through my headphones, as I lay across the bed in deep thought. The song was making me feel all types of ways about Reshawn. I loved him and then I hated him. My women’s intuition was telling me something was going on. I was trying hard to ignore the signs of his possible infidelities and it was becoming unbearable to be around him. Right now, he was sitting on the balcony with the door closed talking and laughing on the phone. His disrespect was so ridiculous. I got off the bed and went into the next room. It was nothing but a seating area. I pushed all the chairs out the way so it was a clear space.

  The beat to Beyoncé’s end of time came through my headphones and my body just took over. I started dancing all over and breaking a sweat. I studied dancing when I was younger, but like life has its way, it wasn’t paying my bills. That was how I ended up in the strip club. I loved dancing more than anything in the world. It was my outlet; I just never did anymore because being a mother came first to me. The beat dropped and I started getting down to the music. My hair was all over my head and my chest was heaving up and down as the song ended.

  “You really can dance. I thought you was bad on a pole, but you ten times better without it,” Nard complimented as he came fully into the room.

  I blushed and pulled my hair out my face. I wiped my face with my shirt and smiled before I responded. “Thank you, Nard. I was a dance major in college. A Stripper isn’t what I want to be known as, now that I am a mother,” I politely replied.

  “I can respect that. I’m not judging you when I mention you being a stripper. I can appreciate a woman who has to do what she has to do.”

  “No, I could have got a regular job. I didn’t have to strip or suck and fuck to get ahead. The life I am living now I didn’t earn it. I was wilding out in my younger years and now I am paying for it now.”

  I didn’t know why I was playing confessions with Nard, but it was therapeutic. He was a good listener and didn’t judge me, so I guess that’s why I was confessing my ass off. I also was in a vulnerable place.

  “You can’t change the past. All you can do is make the future better. You’re on the right path from what I can see. You’re a good mother and an even better girlfriend to Reshawn. You have a second chance. Why not open a dance studio?”

  I thought about it while fidgeting with my hair. I loved dancing and I knew how to get around on the pole. All those lonely women in Miami or those housewives would appreciate some killer moves to learn in the bedroom. There was so many possibilities I could do with that idea Nard had given me.

  “That’s a wonderful idea. Thank you so much!” I hugged him and ran back to the room.

  Opening my own business was exactly what I needed to get my mind off Reshawn. Once the kids were out my hair I found myself racking my brain about my relationship with Reshawn. I needed to re-focus the energy to something else. We had more than enough money for me to open a studio, plus Reshawn wouldn’t mind having another place to wash his money.

  “Damn, I’m hungry as shit,” Reshawn announced as he came in from the balcony.

  “Hmph.” I looked over the computer while looking up information for the studio.

  “What’s with the silent
treatment and distance, Miranda?” he seemed to be calling me my regular name a lot lately.

  “So, it’s me that’s been acting distant? I couldn’t tell from the way you’ve been acting.” I closed the laptop and sat Indian style on the bed.

  He scratched his head and walked over the closet. “Man, whatever. All you do is fucking nag. Where the hell is the fun Mezzie, who was down for whatever,” he had the nerve to say.

  “She left when responsibility sat in. She has two children who depend on her. You want to party and still act young not realizing you have three children!” I yelled, now standing up.

  “I have two kids.”

  “Oh, so AJ isn’t yours now? Whatever Reshawn. My baby doesn’t need you to be his father. He has his mama and he’s going to be good without you.” My voice quivered and tears fell down my face. I couldn’t believe he just took that cheap ass shot at my son.

  He shrugged his shoulder and left out the room. I flopped on the bed and buried my head into the pillows. How did we get into this fucked up place? Ever since he found out what I did to Tone, he had been acting real funny toward me. It wasn’t the way he was acting towards me that bothered me. It was what he said about AJ. AJ looked up to him like a father and he always filled that role to him. He called him daddy and now he wanted to act like he wasn’t his. I closed my eyes and decided to get some sleep.

  Chapter Eleven


  I know what I said to Mezzie was fucked up. AJ was my little dude and I would never turn my back on him. I just wanted to say something to deter her from probing further into my late hours and private phone calls. We had been having problems for a while. Ever since we moved into our new house, she was being domestic, which was fine. However, she never wanted to go out anymore. It was always about the damn kids, which it should. Yet, as parents, we needed an outlet too. Them little midgets ran around and got to play, so the adults should too. She was reminding me of Tiffany’s ass a lot. She cooked, cleaned and took care of the kids. The only thing she did different was watch her weight. She had worked out every morning before everyone woke up.


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