A Woman's Worth 3

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A Woman's Worth 3 Page 10

by Jahquel J.

  “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Who is she?”

  “Some bitch I use to fuck with. I’m gon’ handle it babe, don’t worry,” he assured me.

  After I had hung up, I went to go get dressed. Moses had a little get together for his birthday. I couldn’t wait to ask Tiffany about this mystery bitch and pick her brain. I hopped in the shower and let the water consume me. I needed to meditate before I went over to Moses’ house. I couldn’t be too sure if I would’ve knocked Reshawn’s head off. Just when I thought shit went well, this bitch pops up out of thin air.


  “My question is, why the fuck the bitch knocking on your door?” Tyrisha loud mouth asked. I wanted to slap her across the face.

  We were all gathered at her and Moses’s house with the guys. Tyrisha wanted to have a little birthday get together for Moe. The men were in the kitchen smoking and drinking while we sat on the patio sipping champagne and talking about my problems.

  “That’s what I want to know. Y’all said she was a bitch he used to fuck with a while ago, why show up now?” I ran my hands through my hair.

  “I’m willing to bet they fucked around when he was in New York,” Tiffany said, sipping her drink.

  “Probably so. Don’t worry about her. She’s nothing to stress, who he coming home to every night. You,” Tyrisha budded in, again. Being loud as ever.

  We all turned our heads and heard a commotion at the door. It looked as if Reshawn and Quinton tried to block the doorway. Tyrisha was the first to hop up and see. I noticed they wouldn’t let her through, so I walked around the house and walked right to the front door. Reshawn’s eyes bugged out his head and the same chick that was at our door earlier. I didn’t want to hear anything. She cursed Reshawn out that she didn’t even see me pick up a potted plant and knock her in the head with it.

  She fell to the floor holding her head. On her hand was blood trickling from the back of her head. I lifted my dress and bent down and started punching her in the face, I was on top of her delivering blow after blow. Who the fuck did this bitch think she was? Once again, she had come and disrespected me. When she wasn’t resisting anymore, I got off of her and pushed passed Quinton and Reshawn. I washed my hands in the kitchen and returned to my seat. Bet, his ass won’t have no more side bitches.



  I watched as Mezzie sat back down like she didn’t just fuck this bitch up. She sat in front of us sipping her glass of champagne like she didn’t just fight someone. I usually had a lot to say, but this time I couldn’t say anything. Every time I felt like I had something to say, I just put my hand back over my mouth. I got up and went to see the damage that had been done. The bitch lied on my porch unconscious.

  “Y’all need to get this bitch off my porch right now,” I demanded. Moses shook his head still in shame.

  “I’ll handle it, Tee,” He tried to tell me.

  “Like hell you will. Reshawn, get this chick to a hospital.” I stood with my hand on my hips.

  Quinton helped Reshawn get the bitch up and put her in his car. I watched as they took off out the driveway. I didn’t care what the hell happened to her just as long as she left my property. I turned to Moses and rolled my eyes. He could never control his damn brothers. Reshawn ass always walked that thin line. I knew Mezzie had something waiting for his ass. She sat and sipped her drink not talking or looking anyone in the eyes.

  “You beat that bitch’s ass,” I broke the silence.

  “Word, she ain’t have a chance,” Quinton laughed rubbing his bald head.

  “His ass better bring her to the hospital and bring his ass straight back.” She started texting on her phone.

  “After the way you just manhandled that bitch I doubt he will,” Moses joked. We all joined in laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I sat at my kitchen table thinking about my life. I realized why shit didn’t work for me. I moved too fast, too soon. One minute we dated and then the next we moved in together. I never really got to be single and get to know myself. I moved from Reshawn to Quinton and then to Marquise. In between each man, I hadn’t had a break. I was so concerned with giving Madison the two-parent household I never had. Maybe, she just needed her mama for a while. She didn’t need to see another man in her mother’s bed. She was getting older and she soon would be putting the pieces together.

  When Quinton bought up us moving back in together up. I turned it down and he got an attitude. I haven’t talked to him a week. Was I wrong because I wanted to finally be single? Whenever I got back in a relationship, I wanted it to be so perfect the only reason we would break up is if one of us died. Was I wrong for wanting that kind of love? I never stopped loving Quinton. I just used Marquise as a coverup and that was wrong. I should have never used him for that reason.

  I heard my front door open, and I looked at the boxes that littered the kitchen table. Today, I moved for the third time this year. This would be the last time I would be moving. The next time I would uproot my daughter, would be to move in with the man of my dreams. I heard Tyrisha’s sandals sliding across the floor. I smiled, because who have thought we would get back to this place. I didn’t think I would ever speak to her again. Hell, I thought her ass was dead.

  “Ready?” She asked softly.

  “Yes. Let’s go,” I said and reached for her hand.

  We walked out my past hand and hand. I looked at the pictures of Marquise that I left on the walls. It was like a shrine of my past. I felt a chill creep up my back. We locked the house up and got into her Jeep. As we backed out the driveway, I shed a tear. I left behind Marquise and Martin, our son.


  “Girl, this is nice,” Tyrisha complimented.

  We walked around the two-bedroom condo located right on Miami Beach. The beach is our backyard. I didn’t want to get another house, I rather a condo. It was perfect and safe for both Madison and me. Moses didn’t lie when he said he would replace everything. I didn’t have to move a thing. All I took was my sentimental things and left everything else. The condo was fully furnished and all I had to do was put away our clothes. I sat on the leather couch and looked at the clear blue ocean water.

  “I love it,” I uttered.

  The door opened and Quinton came in with Madison. He had her on his shoulders and she kicked and laughed. I looked up at them and laughed. Her curly hair went all over the place and she was dressed in jeans and Jordans.

  “I bought your child over to you,” he said and put Madison down on my lap.

  I was surprised because I hadn’t spoken to him in a week. I thought Moses brought her over to me. But, it was good to see him. He looked real good. I could tell he just had his face shaped up. I could smell the after-shave.

  “Thank you. Still mad?” I put Madison down and she ran off.

  “Nah, I’ll respect your wishes. When I actually had time to think, I understood where you came from.”

  “It’s nothing personal. I want to be together forever this time and this means we have to take it slow. You see what happened last time we rushed into things.”

  “You’re right. You need help putting this away?” He took his loafers off slipped his dress shirt off.

  “Only if you want to help.” I tossed a pillow at him.

  He grabbed me in a bear hug and kissed my forehead. “I always want to help you,” he whispered into my ear.

  Deep inside I knew Quinton was the man for me. The way he took to my daughter was sexy. I could tell he cared deeply for the both of us. He had an amazing career and he wasn’t in the drug game anymore. If it were meant to be, we would be. I truly believed that.

  “Okay, so, your closet is together. I’m taking my ass home,” Tyrisha yelled from the back. She came out with her purse ready to do.

  “See you tomorrow. Bring me a coffee, please,” I begged her.

  “Depends if Moses lets me out early.” She winked and left out the d

  After putting Madison to sleep, I joined Quinton on the couch. He had the game on and drank beer. I sat close to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. I looked around my amazing condo and felt blessed. I was blessed that I could live this lavish life and afford it. Moses was truly a big brother to me. He took me under his wing and hasn’t let me down yet. When he made promises, he fulfilled them. I wouldn’t be in this new condo if it weren’t for him.

  “I’m about to head out. I have to be at the office early,” Quinton disturbed me from my thoughts.

  “Okay. Maybe you can come over for dinner tomorrow,” I recommended.

  “I would like that.” He got up and gave me a hug. I walked him to the door and closed it behind him.

  Through the years, I’ve gone through some shit. Between escaping Reshawn’s abusive ways and moving to Miami, that was a lot. Then I found true love and ruined it by running back to the same nigga who I ran from. I’ve shot guns, witnessed shit I didn’t want to and carried a child almost full term. I can say the last couple years are a whirlwind for me and I’m happy to settle down and live normal. Who am I kidding? My life would never be normal. My daughter had crazy uncles and aunts and a father who was a hot head. She would live our definition of normal. She wouldn’t have to sleep with one eye open I bet that.

  I took a shower and relaxed in my queen size bed. Not even twenty minutes later, my princess climbed into the bed with me. This had been a routine since Marquise up and left. I kissed her forehead and rubbed her little dark brown curls while watching TV. I heard my front door open and I got a little scared until Quinton appeared in the door. He smiled and took his shoes off and hopped in the bed with me and Madison.

  “How the hell you get in here?”

  He handed me the keys “Moses told me to give you the spare keys,” He replied.

  “I guess I have to share my bed with you two, huh.” I shook my head.

  “Yeah, so get used to it,” he grabbed Madison and positioned her in between us. He leaned on the headboard and watched the TV

  “Let’s not make this an every night thing, boy.” I got comfortable in the bed.

  “Yeah, aight. You and Madison a forever thing.” He closed his eyes.

  When life hands you lemons, make lemon pepper chicken. I appreciate the ride we’ve been on and it’s about time to get off at the next stop.

  Love, Tiffany.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Man I always ended in some shit and now here I visited Melissa in the hospital behind Mezzie’s back. If she knew where I was, my ass would be right next door from Melissa. Mezzie had my ass shook now. She wasn’t with no games and she would gladly show you she wasn’t. Shit, she had me home bathing our son’s before I hit the streets for the night. I found myself calling and checking in with her ass more than my money. I walked down the hall to Melissa’s room. When I entered the room, she was crying. Her head bandaged and she had a black eye. She looked bad, but that’s what she got for being petty. We didn’t have anything to speak about when she showed up to my house.

  I put the flowers on her lap and went to sit in the chair across the room. I didn’t want to be anywhere near her ass. For all I knew, she would fuck around and plant her bandages in my clothes. She wiped her tears but broke down again.

  “Man, I’m sorry about what wifey did,” I apologized.

  She sniffled and wiped her face. “This isn’t why I’m crying. I’ve had worst done to me.”

  “So, what the fuck you crying for?”

  “I just got a call and Malik’s dead,” she squealed which lead to an ear piercing scream.

  I tried to quiet her down before someone thought I beat her ass. She reached and buried her face into my shirt. I rubbed her back confused as hell. Why was she going so hard for Malik ugly ass? Far as I knew, she fucked him. So, why all the crocodile tears? She dried heaved and cut up. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought she had a camera crew hidden in the room.

  “Alight, chill, chill. Why you going so hard?” I shook her.

  She calmed down and wiped her face. “He’s my baby father. I am three months pregnant with his child,” she sobbed.

  “Damn. I’m sorry,” I said but in reality, I was happy as hell I wasn’t the father. I didn’t need that added stress in my life. I was cool with two baby mamas who were cool with each other.

  “I know you going through your shit, but I came to cut everything off with us. Especially since you carrying another man’s baby. The house and cars are paid for so you can keep those. Just send me the rest of my shit and we cool, aight?” She nodded her head fast like she understood.

  “Thank you, Reshawn. I’m sorry again,” She whispered.

  “I’m not a heartless nigga, so I will transfer some bread in your account. That should hold you over to you get on your feet.”

  “In a weird way you’re a good man,” she complimented.

  “Yeah, when I want to be.” I walked out the room and the hospital.

  I couldn’t get to my call log quick enough to hit Nard’s ass up. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. When it went to voicemail, I stuck my phone in my pocket.


  I entered my house and smelled the dinner Mezzie prepared. I heard my sons in the backyard playing together and heard the sound of Mezzie’s beats pill coming from the kitchen. I followed the smell and saw her getting down in the kitchen while keeping an eye out for the boys. I walked behind her and gripped her ass. She gasped and turned around into my face. I kissed her nose and sat down on the counter.

  “Where you coming from?” She asked while taking empanadas out the frying pan.

  “Had a run to make. That shit smell good.”

  “Thank you. Maybe, you will sit and eat dinner with us,” she sarcastically stated.

  “How about we watch movies and eat in the basement,” I suggested and she looked shocked.

  “Alright, cool. Go take a shower.” She demanded. I got off the stool and went to leave the kitchen. “Oh, Reshawn. You better be done with that bitch, you smell like hospital.”

  “You ain’t got nothing to worry about, ma.” I smiled and went upstairs.

  I couldn’t put nothing past her ass now. I suppose it’s time for me to really settle down and stop messing around. I had it right for a minute and then I slipped a few times. Now, I needed to be a family man for my sons and daughter. I had an example to show them, and I’ll be damn if my daughter ended up with a nigga like me. I wanted her to be with some stuffy ass suit nigga. I didn’t want my sons to be putting their hands on women. It wasn’t cool and that’s why I changed. I watch the maid’s backside as she vacuumed the floor. Hey, I’m a work in progress.

  Peace, Reshawn.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Lord knows I’ve gone through hell and back. The things I’ve gone through I wouldn’t wish on my worst person. I could now say I am in a happy place and ready to take on whatever else life had in store for me. Me and Tiffany went back to the same friends we use to be. It was like I never left and I loved it. We still had fun busting Dalia and Mezzie’s chops whenever we got together. We still clowned her ass for sleeping with Trey Songz’s bodyguard. I realized Mezzie wasn’t a bad person; she just couldn’t keep her hands off other people’s men. I hated her for a long time. I thought I would never be able to sit in a room with her.

  I had to forgive her to move on with my life. Tone was dead, so why still hold a grudge? We were finally in a genuine place and I couldn’t be happier. She even had me doing pole lessons for Moses. We installed a pole in the bedroom and he had my ass on the pole every night. She finally opened her studio, but I’ll let her tell you that. MJ was the most adorable baby ever. He looked more like Tone every day. His green eyes were so bright, it scared me sometimes. Even though he looked like Tone, he was Mohammad Nasir Ellis II. How the hell did I not know my son’s full name? Moses’s father warmed up to me and called to che
ck on us from time to time. We geared up for the trip there in two days. I couldn’t wait because Moses claimed it was a surprise for all of us.

  “Babe, you packed my clothes?” Moses came into the room.

  “Yeah, it’s in the front hall. I have to pack me and MJ’s clothes,” I replied while sitting on the balcony.

  “So why you sitting here?” I turned and faced him. He put his hands up in a mock surrender.

  “Love you, Tee.” He kissed me on the cheek.

  “Yeah, yeah. Go pick your badass son up from Mezzie’s house.

  “I’ll be back.” He left off the balcony.

  I sat back and leaned my head against the plush lounge chair. I watched Moses jump into his four-door Porsche and pull out the driveway. Man, I was so blessed and I thanked God for every day for the life I lived. Me coming back into everyone’s life could have gone wrong. I’m blessed it didn’t. I am able to raise my son and be a wife to the man of my dreams. Yeah, he a little crazy, but he loves a bitch. I sipped my virgin margarita and smiled. Yeah, I am proud to say I am carrying my husband’s baby.

  Can’t keep a bitch down for long,





  As always, I am up early sitting by the pool. But, the only difference is I am sitting by my pool. Reshawn, Moses, and Nard surprised us with our own vacation houses. They claimed we would be coming back and forth a lot. I loved being here with our family. Each house was on the beach and we all were next door to each other. Tiffany stayed with Tyrisha since her house was bigger. Reshawn offered to buy her own house, but she refused. Tyrisha ate up the fact we were all three seconds from each other. The bitch never stayed home, wait let me correct myself. The bitches never stayed over at their place. They invaded my damn place. Dalia came over a lot too. I could handle her because she cooked when she came. Tyrisha and Tiffany freeloading ass came to raid my fridge and leave. However, I wouldn’t change it for anything.


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