Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice

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Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice Page 12

by Cliff Deane

  “Damn, I had that asshole dead to rights; just another five seconds before anyone came out of the building and we’d have had them all. Okay, I’ll hold fire.”

  The guard escorted the Imam into the building to see the damage and remained inside for a good thirty minutes before coming out. All four men climbed into the truck, and the scouts watched as it raced out of sight.

  Tim said, “Kev, I think they’ll be back, in force and begin a thorough search of the area. Let’s get out now, while we can, and I suggest that our withdrawal is in the opposite direction taken by the truck.”

  “I’m with you, Boss, let’s make like the Shepherd and get the flock out of here.”

  The scouts picked up anything that might identify their shooting location to the enemy. If they knew the range, they might place OPs out that far, so nothing was to be left behind.


  5 May 1215

  Camp Levi


  Levi was surprised to see his scouts back early and was interested to hear what they had to say. He also noticed the smile on Kate’s face when she saw Kevin. He thought I really like that boy and would hate to have to shoot him if he hurts my daughter, but I will…probably.

  After relating their experience at the Mosque to the crew, Gus made it clear to the scouts that they had done the right things in both holding fire and returning to camp.

  Gus then told the scouts that Major Pickett would arrive either late today, or early tomorrow with four hundred men, ten automatic 40mm grenade launchers, two hundred claymore mines, and five hundred pounds of C-4.

  After the initial brief, Pickett would take over operations south of DC with two hundred men while Levi would lead the remaining two hundred troopers to the north of DC. Both Task Forces would then begin probing missions using small unit tactics to disrupt and destroy enemy personnel and supplies, especially Ammunition Supply Points (ASPs).

  The hope was to create a sufficient distraction to the Caliphate forces and material that reinforcements would be brought in to destroy the supposed uprising.

  Levi and Gus believed that continued guerilla war would provide time to get the Armored Force trained and prepared to run over the Caliphate Forces in the DC area.

  Major Pickett arrived at 1730 hours with four hundred combat effectives and forty support personnel. Pickett, his Officers, and 1st Sgt. reported to Levi and were briefed on the Commander’s Guidance. Pickett assured the General that his forces would be able to begin area recon at dark on 6 May, with the initiation of probing missions NLT than 9 May.

  The 1st. Sgt. did the leg work to detail two hundred combat troopers and twenty support personnel to Task Force Levins. The mounted portion of the Task Force would cross the Line of Departure (LOD) NLT 0800. They would be organized into ten, four-man teams to act as scouts. The Main Body convoy would depart NLT 0900 hours with the remaining combatants, support personnel, and all ancillary equipment.

  Following the meeting, the camp settled into the standard routine of security and rest. Horses were groomed, equipment was checked, and weapons were cleaned. The fit was about to hit the Islamic shan.

  As Levi and Kate settled in for the night, Levi asked, “Well, sweetie, are you ready for this? It’s not going to be fun, pretty, or glorious. It is going to be scary, ugly, brutal, and bloody.

  I hate to allow you into this fight, but you have proved that you are a warrior, so if you still want to be a part of this madness, okay.”

  Kate hugged Levi and said, “Dad, no matter what happens, I will do my part. My life is no longer about payback; now it’s about our survival as a free people. So, yeah, Dad, I’m in all the way, and I hope you know that you can count on me?”

  Levi said, “Kate, I have a hard time looking at you now; only ten months since I found an angry, scrawny little girl who just wanted to strike out at everyone who crossed her path. Now, look at you, a young woman about to go into combat, again, rather than texting friends about your first date. I love the Kate standing before me, but I am deeply saddened that I’ll not be able to tell my Katie’s first date that I’ll probly be up all night, just cleanin’ this gun.”

  “Dad, don’t give up on that gun cleaning thing. You never know, you might just have that chance…one day.”

  “Oh, yeah, speaking of first dates, let’s talk about you and Kevin, huh?”

  “Oh, please, Kevin and I are just friends for right now. Okay, I admit that I like him, and maybe a lot more than just like, but I’m not about to let anyone touch me like that, at least not yet. He understands and knows that I don’t want to have to hurt him, so we’ve decided not to get married for another three years.”

  “WHAT, wait, no, I mean, uh, did you say married? I am going to kill him.”

  Kate began to laugh and said, “Oh, Dad, you can be so silly, and you’d better not say anything to Kev. I mean it, Dad, don’t make me come over there and hurt you.”

  “Dang Katie, this is scary; wait, you’re not sneaking off and…no, no I guess you’re also a long way from playing kissy face, right?”

  Katie really enjoyed digging in the spurs just a bit when she said, “Dad, don’t be scared, ‘cause I’m scared enough for the both of us, and to answer your other two questions; yes and no.”

  “Yes and no! Kate, those answers can go either way, now which is it, yes or no?”

  “Yep, that’s right,” and Katie gave Levi a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before saying, “Night, Dad, pleasant dreams.”

  “No, now you just wait one darned minute here…”

  “Dad, I’m now pretending I’m asleep just like you did the night I asked you about Kevin,” and she gave a snoring sound.

  “Oh, crap, now I’ll never get any sleep, darn you, Katie Levins.”

  “Good night, Dad, and stop worrying, it’s all good.”

  “What’s all good?” but Katie lay in the darkness smiling as she dropped off to sleep.”

  As Levi finally began to drift toward sleep, he saw his mother and Sarah waving and smiling at him from a long way off…Levi slept well.


  Chapter 11

  Sun (Wu) Tzu

  The Art of War

  8 May

  Walter Reed Dr


  For two nights, Task Force Pickett conducted reconnaissance of the many Mosques and strategic targets from Alexandria to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. With this information, newly promoted Lt. Colonel Pickett and his staff were able to produce a list of proposed attacks against the Caliphate.

  On 8 May; ten five-man teams commenced an operation to destroy five area Mosques, for ammo dumps, two motor pools, and one command and control center. Four mechanics were assigned to each Motor pool team in the hope that the vehicles could be made inoperative by removing the distributor caps. The remaining team prepared for an attack on the home of a senior Imam and his guards. This assault would commence ten minutes before the other nine targets at 0210.


  9 May 0150

  Imam Muhammad Safjar Hussain’s quarters


  The Imam lay on his luxurious bed, in his mansion. On each side of him lay a teenaged blonde beauty. They had been summarily trained to respond to any need of the Imam…any need. Failure to instantly and enthusiastically comply meant torture and mutilation; three weeks ago there had been three of these comfort girls, but the Imam wanted to ensure there was no question of their dedication to him, so he had one of the three raped, tortured, maimed, and murdered.

  The two now in his bed had been forced to watch as their sister was brutally raped by the five guards before her breasts and clitoris were savagely cut off and out. The list of horrors was beyond the imagination of even the Marquis de Sade. One of the girls closed her eyes to shut out the sight before her; the guards then taped her eyes open for the remainder of the training session. In all, the abuse lasted for forty-five minutes before the young girl mercifully died.

  The two girls had
become a part of the Imam’s Harim; soon this monster would grow tired of them and turn the girls over to the guards for their enjoyment; before disposal.

  The five men of the ROA attack force had spent the previous night observing the routine of the household. They saw that the Household Staff were not Muslim, but Abd’s, the Arabic word for slave. Every effort would be made to avoid harming them.

  The Imam’s Security Detail maintained a regular rotation of one guard at the front and back doors. The attacking force felt that the Imam must have felt very safe as his security seemed way understaffed. The assault team was sure this would change for other Imams, beginning tomorrow.

  The routine called for the change of the guard to be accomplished by the Head of Security, who escorted each shift change to their positions where the guards spent the next four hours.

  Four attackers were positioned at the rear, leaving one man covering the front door. The guards changed the rear position first, so four of the five-man guard force would be at the rear of the house at the same time. The NCO in charge of the attacking force would assign targets, and all would open fire at the same time with silenced M4A1 assault rifles. The only sound would be similar to a muffled pop, and, of course, the bolt slamming a new round into the chamber. If the pop was even heard, it would sound as though it came from a long way off.

  The trooper covering the front would listen for the quick, sharp sound of the weapons chambering the next round. If he failed to hear the sound he was weapons free at one minute past the time for the guard’s relief.

  The timing was nearly simultaneous, and the entire Security Team was down. The troopers then raced forward to ensure the five Jihadi Johnnies were dead; all were. Their weapons and ammunition were stripped from the bodies and carried to the front of the building and placed on the ground to be taken as the team withdrew.

  Captured weapons made excellent gifts to those wanting to fight their oppressor.

  With stealth, the force entered the building from both front and rear. The trooper from the front had the initial mission of securing the Household Staff and preparing them for departure.

  The remaining four proceeded up the stairs and quietly cleared each room. The four wives of Imam Hussain were not in residence.

  The four men stood outside the Imam’s bedroom, as the leader quietly opened the door, and through his Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) saw the Imam and his comfort girls. He quietly slipped into the room and using his silenced weapon, martyred Imam Hussain straight to Hell.

  The two young girls awoke and began screaming until two members of the assault team clasped hands over the girl’s mouths and told them to be quiet.

  The sergeant told the girls to get dressed and wait downstairs with the Household Staff. They quickly followed instructions and fled to the main floor.

  The trooper assigned to free the staff was also tasked with placing five one pound blocks of C-4 at strategic positions around the house and one strap of C-4 on the huge propane tank. He also found flammables in the kitchen and began pouring them on the floor and curtains near one of the C-4 charges which were fused for thirty minutes.

  The bodies of the guard force were dragged into the house and placed near one of the five blocks of C-4.

  It was hoped that a Reaction Force would arrive at the home of the Imam just before the C-4 exploded at 0240 hours, thirty minutes after the 0210 attacks commenced.

  The entire staff and the two girls were escorted to the makeshift horse corral, where a pickup was prepositioned for them, manned by one of the support personnel.


  9 May 0130

  Caliphate Motor Pool


  The sapper assault team arrived at the Alabama Avenue Caliphate Motor Pool and found the four men on duty to patrol the facility, who were, instead, gathered inside the parking lot shack sound asleep. Things were far too easy on this night, yet every man knew this would change tomorrow.

  One ROA Trooper martyred the four guards, and the remaining four sappers provided security while the mechanics removed the distributor caps, took off the rotors, and replaced the caps. The rotors were then hidden among the springs within the truck’s bench seat for later recovery to retrieve and place the vehicle back in operation. This Motor Pool held thirteen vintage trucks which were made inoperable by 0200.

  A strap of C-4 had been placed in the guard shack and given a ten-minute fuse.

  At precisely 0210 nine explosions rocked Alexandria; a secondary explosion erupted at 0240 killing twenty members of a Caliphate Reaction Force at the home of Imam Hussain.

  All the attacks went as planned and claimed a body count of eighty-seven; all personnel returned to TF Pickett’s encampment. Those liberated from the Imam’s home were given a mild sedative and allowed to sleep. Their statements and questioning would begin in the morning after they had breakfast.

  Of those freed from the home of Imam Hussain, the Head of Staff was angry with the attack. He said, “How could you do this? I had a good job that kept me fed and clean. Now, what do I do?”

  The interviewer told the man that he could take up arms against the forces of Jihad and help to drive them out of America.

  “What America? Have you seen any America lately? America is gone, and we are now, under the protection of the Islamic Caliphate and safe from bandits.”

  “Mister, I would ask you this question; are you safe from the wrath of Sharia Law?”

  “Of course we are, so long as we abide by their rules, and convert to Islam. Sure, they can be cruel, and they do what they want, but we are safe from bandits.”

  The interviewer was shocked by this revelation, and said, “How are your Islamic Masters different from bandits? The do what they want; when they want. They rape your women, and murder anyone who they think may harbor even a hint of resentment, and cut the heads off anyone who will not convert to Islam.”

  “So convert, and you keep your head! As for the other things, well, they will change as things settle down, and everyone will just get along.”

  “I want to fully understand your position, here,” said the Interviewer. “You have converted to Islam and intend to continue to serve your new Masters.”

  The man smiled; thinking he had finally gotten through to his interviewer that collaboration with Islam and Sharia was the right thing to do so that he could remain fed, and clean. He said, “Yes, now you understand. I just hope that I can find a new job like the one you ruined.”

  The interviewer said, “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that.”

  This man was segregated from the others and placed in lockdown.

  The others, while admitting that they had converted to Islam maintained that they had only done it to survive. All seven of them gave their interviewer similar statements to that of their Head of Household, and all expressed opinions that they were angry about the attacks.

  The entire Household Staff of the Imam was placed with their leader. They were later brought before a Military Tribunal and found guilty of treason, and collaboration with the enemy. They were each hung at various intersections around the main roads leading into DC. Each had a sign around their neck stating their crimes; along with a warning to all that collaboration was treason, and treason was always punished by execution.

  The two teen comfort girls were happy beyond words to be free of the “benefits of Islam.” After learning that they had no other place to go, the girls were taken to the ROA to restart their education and resettlement.

  Their role of comfort girl was never recorded in any report in the hope that their forced past would not impact their future. The five men of the attack squad all agreed to take an oath never to reveal what they knew about the girls.

  Briefings filled the hours until mealtime and were attended by all. These briefings presented the effects of each attack and discussed what went right or wrong.

  From these briefings, the beginnings of a database of do’s and don’ts which would work to improve future engagements began
to take shape.


  9 May 1900

  Task Force Levins

  NW of DC

  Levi’s force had originally planned to encamp just north of DC, but the scouts had stopped movement when they came upon a major road clearing operation consisting of hundreds of Abd’s who were forced to push the dead cars off the road to make way for traffic to the west. The two hundred Abd’s were averaging around one hundred autos per hour. They left the larger vehicles in place and moved on to the next auto. Though the autos were removed by hand, the trucks would require dozers to push each one off the road. The scouts did not see any dozers on hand.

  The estimation of enemy forces consisted of roughly seventy to eighty lightly armed men, all dressed in Pakistani garb.

  Levi sent out a search party to find a campsite within two miles of the road gang, then sat down to work out the time involved in clearing a path to Dearborn Michigan. He pulled out his Atlas and found that Dearborn was five hundred and twenty miles from DC. At one hundred and twenty cars an hour and a minimum of six or seven million autos between DC and Dearborn, it would take more than twenty-five years; if the crews worked seven days a week for eight hours per day. If the crews were worked harder the workforce would die off, and assuming a limited slave pool of able-bodied men to do this work; more than eight hours per day was unthinkable.

  Levi could only shake his head in wonderment at the long term thinking of these people. He also knew that Task Force Levins would attack the guards and free the workers.

  Levi and Gus decided to send scouts to learn the schedules and habits of the guards, and their slaves.


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