Just a Dream

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Just a Dream Page 5

by Aliyah Burke

  He turned and smiled as he saw the slender, elderly, brown-haired woman before him. “Mama,” he said affectionately, moving to her side and pressing a kiss to the weathered skin. She patted his cheek and tucked her arm through his.

  "Where are we going today?” she asked.

  "I am at your disposal. We can go wherever you wish."

  She tilted her head and a glint sparkled in the depths of her eyes. Eyes which used to be identical to his before her stroke, now, most of the time they were dull and unfocused.

  "Even bra shopping?"

  He chuckled. Mrs. Morna Eavan Quinn loved to try and embarrass him. She used to say it would build character. Liam didn't mind. All he wanted was to see a smile on her face instead of sorrow. “If that's what you wish to do."

  "I want to catch up with you and all that's going on in your life."

  "Yes Mama. Shall we go?"

  She handed him a list. “I need these items, Liam."

  Without looking at it he placed it in his pocket. “I'll be right back. I'll bring the car up front."

  Her nod had him going for the door. Once out in the cold he glanced at the list to see what she needed. Liam sat in the Durango and turned the heat up. Before too long he was driving through D.C. as his mother told him where to go. Like she didn't give me a list. They shopped and had lunch before he drove to a florist and got her a bouquet of Stargazer lilies and blood red roses.

  They were silent as together they headed to their final destination of the day before dinner. Arm in arm they walked along the shoveled path before The Wall. Once they reached the panel where his father's name rested, he stopped and let his mom go ahead alone. He kept his eyes on her as her low murmurs reached him. Although he didn't speak Gaelic much anymore, he still understood it. So when she paused he stepped forward and placed the flowers gently on the ground for her.

  "Let's go, Liam,” she said in a strained voice that once again spoke English.

  Silent, he placed her hand to rest on the crook of his arm and led her back to the Durango. These trips to The Wall got harder and harder for his mom. Him, too, but the strain was more obvious on her. Still, she insisted on him bringing her once a week if he was home and Liam took her without argument. But to his belief, each time they visited it seemed the fact she was a widow hit her harder and harder.

  "Who is she, Liam?"

  "Who's who, Ma?” he asked as he pulled into a restaurant parking lot.

  "The woman who brought the wistful smile to your face and chased away the sorrow."

  Putting the vehicle in park, he turned and looked at his mother. “What makes you think there is one?"

  "I know the look of someone in love.” Her statement was matter of fact. “And because you're not a homosexual. So, by that logic, it must be a woman."

  In love? It was different hearing someone say it aloud as opposed to hearing it in his mind. He remained silent as they entered the establishment. Once they ordered, she touched his hand. Liam glanced up slowly to meet her gaze.

  "Does she make you happy, Liam?"

  "More than I have any right to be, Ma."

  She nodded. “Next time, you bring her with.” Morna shook her head. “No arguments. I want to meet her."

  Her tone demanded obedience and without thought he agreed, “Yes, Ma. I'll bring her with me next time.” Now I just have to convince Caden.

  Morna Quinn just smiled and bit into a breadstick. The rest of supper they spent discussing things not involving his love life. Or lack of one. There was no need. Her point had been made.

  It was after ten when he finally made it home. Tossing his keys onto the small bookcase near the door, Liam shrugged out of his coat as he headed to the kitchen. Beer in hand, he walked to the living room, but paused when he noticed a flashing light on the answering machine. Pressing the playback button, Liam frowned when it was only a little pause, then a click. He set the beer down on a coaster, grabbed the handset, and pushed on the caller id log. Bradshaw was the most recent name and his heart skipped a beat.

  "Caden,” he murmured to the air.

  Beer forgotten, Liam sat down on the edge of the white couch. He tapped the phone against his jaw for a moment then he pressed send. Three rings passed before he heard the sounds of Duran Duran followed by a voice that aroused him immediately.


  "Caden,” he said as relief poured through him. Until he heard her voice, Liam hadn't been aware of how worried he'd been she was avoiding him.

  "Hey,” she said and he knew she knew who it was.

  "You okay?” He paused. “You called but didn't leave a message."

  "Sorry ‘bout that. I ... I ... didn't know what to say."

  Her nervousness was easily picked up. He leaned back against the couch and propped his feet up on the matching ottoman.

  "There's no need to apologize, Caden. I'm glad you called. I've thought a lot about you since the other day."

  "As have I.” A slight hesitation before she asked. “Did you need something?"

  "You.” His honest admission made him blink.


  "Look, Caden. I'm not a young man who wants to play around.” Running a hand over his face, Liam sat forward. “When can I see you again?"

  "I don't—"

  "No, Caden. I want to see you. Tell me when and where and I'll be there."


  "Caden,” he interrupted again. “Don't push me away. What we shared was something special. It was more than that; it was ... I don't know how to explain it. Let me come to you. Right now. Give me your address."

  Liam was on his way the moment he got her address. There was this deep-rooted need to see her, hold her, and be with her. He drove fast but didn't drive carelessly. Time seemed to slow even more as he neared Virginia Beach.

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  Chapter Five

  Liam pulled up into the short drive and put his vehicle in park. Shutting off the lights he sat there for a moment and let his eyes travel over the part of her house he could see. A brick town home in a very nice subdivision. It looked like a golf estate to him, but he'd not paid all that much attention when he drove in. He was focused on the number and street. She'd left her outside light on so he shut off the engine and climbed out.

  As he moved around the edge of the house on the walk, he locked his Durango and pocketed the keys. He moved up the shoveled path, heading for the door going up the three steps and pressing the doorbell. Another light came on before the door opened.

  His breathing caught in his throat as he stared at Caden. Her hair was loose around her face and she wore a gray oversized tee shirt which read “U.S. Navy” across the chest. His eyes drifted down and he would bet almost anything she was wearing a pair of men's lounge pants, considering how they hung off her frame.

  "Hello, Liam,” she said quietly as she stepped back.

  He opened the screen door and moved past her into the warm house. Liam closed the door behind him and stared at the woman who watched him like a hawk.

  "Caden,” he responded. “Thank you.” Her confusion was all over her face. “For trusting me enough to let me come to you tonight.” Liam stepped closer to her. “Are we okay?"

  Caden closed her eyes briefly before nodding. “Yes. Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?"

  Liam shoved back his initial response and smiled. “Whatever is handy would be fine."

  Tipping her head, she spun on her feet and walked away. “Follow me,” she told him.

  "To hell and back,” he swore in a low tone so she didn't hear him before doing as she'd commanded.

  "Make yourself at home,” she said as she began fixing him a plate of food. “There's a drink for you."

  Liam picked up the tea and took a sip. “Thank you.” He leaned against the tall wooden island in the kitchen and watched her as she moved. He could stare all day and never get tired of the view she presented. His gaze was glued to her ass when she bent by the fridge and he shifted
his weight to try and readjust his hardened cock.

  "So,” she said with her back to him, “what are you really doing here? And at this time of night?"

  "I wanted to see you. Make sure we were okay."

  The sound of a utensil resting upon the countertop reached him seconds before Caden turned around, and faced him as she licked her finger. That simple gesture rocked him to the core and he felt his erection press harder against his jeans.

  "It's after midnight,” she stated as one hand reached behind her and drew the plate out.

  "I missed you.” Liam took the plate with the sandwich on it. It was cut in half and he grinned when she stepped forward and grabbed one of the two pieces.

  "Really?” She took a bite and remained silent until she had swallowed. “I'm standing in my kitchen sharing a sandwich with a man that I met on the highway and slept at his house. Oh yeah, I kissed him then, too. A man I figured was out of my life but no, I see him again, the next day, and end up with him in my hotel room. That leads to bed and the best sex I've had...” Caden clamped her mouth shut as the remainder of her sandwich fell to the counter. A flush raced up her cheeks.

  Liam put his sandwich on the plate as he finished the bite he had. Reaching over the island, he touched her cheek.

  "Best I've had, too,” he said honestly.

  A tiny smile appeared for a second then she sobered. Liam caressed her lip with the pad of his thumb. Dropping his hand, he moved to her side and gathered her into his arms. He rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes. I want this woman more than I want my next breath. But there was something there, still holding her back and as he looked around he realized what it was.

  She wasn't ready to let go of her dead husband.

  "Let me hold you for a while, Caden,” he whispered. “Let me just hold you."

  Caden shuddered against him, but didn't move back, in fact she stepped closer, her face buried deep in his chest. Scooping her up, Liam carried her from the kitchen to the living room where he settled them on the tan leather sectional. She curled up to him, settling herself between his legs. He grabbed a folded blanket from the back and draped it over them before wrapping his arms around her again.

  Once she'd fallen asleep, Liam carefully untangled himself from her and got up from the couch. Tucking the blanket around her again, he left her resting there and moved toward the fireplace which provided the only light in the room. Pausing before he got there he adjusted his course and went to the kitchen where he put the food away and placed the dishes in the sink. Then he returned to stand before the mantle.

  Liam's gaze traveled over the pictures there. His heart wrenched seeing Caden with this man. The joy on her face and the light in her eyes. He picked up their wedding photo with their names engraved on it and crouched down before the fire with it. They made such a great couple. There was such love in Dionte's eyes as he looked at Caden.

  "I know you loved him, Caden and still do. But I can't give up on what we could have if you'd just give us a chance."

  Standing, he returned the photo to its spot. When he reached the shadow box his admiration for the man grew. A lot of ribbons were displayed there. Glancing back at the couch, he saw Caden still slept, so he faced the box again.

  "I don't want her to forget you, I only want for her to give us a chance. I will take very good care of her. You've got my word on that, Lieutenant.” Standing at attention for a moment, Liam executed a military spin and moved back to where Caden slept. He inserted himself between her and the couch, smiling when she sighed and snuggled closer to him. Closing his eyes, Liam allowed himself to fall asleep, perfectly content.

  The smell of food cooking woke him. Asleep on minute wide awake the next. He sat up and ran a hand over his face. Getting to his feet he folded the blanket and replaced it. He took a step and looked down, his shoes had been removed.

  "Caden?” he called as he walked toward the kitchen.

  "Upstairs. Your bag is up here by the bathroom."

  He grinned as he jogged up the stairs. At the top he looked to the right and saw an open door with a light on. Before he headed there, he glanced down the other way and saw his black bag resting on the steel gray carpet.

  "Where are you?” he asked as he approached his bag and opened the door of the bathroom.

  "Here,” she said. Her head popped out from behind the open door. “Just putting some things away. When you are done with your shower, breakfast will be ready."

  Liam longed to go to her and pull her into his arms, but he knew it wouldn't be right to shove his presence into a room she'd slept with and made love to her husband.

  "I'll be done in a few."

  She smiled and disappeared from view. Liam stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light. It was very nice all done in silver and light blue. Shucking his clothes, Liam turned on the water and stepped into the soothing streams. He didn't linger long, desiring to be near the amazing woman who was under the same roof as him. Drying off and dressing in record time, Liam shaved and gathered his stuff before heading out and back to the first floor.

  The house was as delightful in daylight as it had been bathed by firelight. Open, airy, and tasteful. There was an Old World style to it, even the large leather couch he'd slept on last night with Caden seemed to mesh with the rest of the surroundings. He allowed his fingers to trail along a dark sideboard with some brightly colored vases he'd seen the likes of before when he was stationed in Italy as he headed for the kitchen. The walls were filled with old maps, iron wrought items in intricate designs. There wasn't a cluttered feel to it, it felt like home.

  The wooden table was set for two and food already set out. At the moment, Caden stood at the counter with her back to him. He eagerly took in the view she presented. Her hair was gathered at the base of her neck with a wooden barrette. She had on a pair of lounge pants, green, with shamrocks all over them, and a shirt which looked like the one she had been wearing when he arrived.

  "Hey,” he said softly, not wanting to scare her.

  "Mornin',” she returned, glancing over her shoulder at him.

  Liam could see in her gaze she was feeling a bit strained. He moved to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he reached out and snagged a piece of bacon from where she was placing them on a plate and ate it.

  "This is wonderful,” he murmured in her ear.

  "One less piece for you,” she quipped.

  "You didn't have to make anything for me,” he whispered.

  "I wanted to. Here, take this to the table.” She lifted the plate.

  Liam did as she instructed and soon they were eating across from one another. Caden didn't say much and Liam respected her choice. When she laid her fork down he did the same and leaned back in his chair. She met his gaze and gave him a shy smile.

  "Everything was perfect, thank you. Let me clean this up."

  * * * *

  Caden swallowed as she stared at the handsome Marine across from her. He'd put on a pair of jeans and wore a military green shirt with the word MARINES written across the middle in yellow. His amazing green eyes stared back at her with a straightforwardness that unnerved her. It was if he was peering into her soul and had discovered things she herself wasn't quite ready to admit yet.

  "I got it. You're a guest in my home, I'll clean up."

  "Caden,” he growled.

  It really was kind of cute the way he clenched his jaw when he got frustrated. God help me, I want to let him in. Spikes of longing shot through her as her mind created images of Liam's large, strong hands touching her all over. Moisture flooded her pussy and she had to stop herself from shifting on the chair. Standing with a jerk, she reached for her plate. Before she could step away, lean fingers wrapped around her wrist.

  Her gaze flew up and found he had risen from his seat as well. His stare brimmed with blatant and carnal desire in them. So hot, it burned her. Her belly clenched with need.

  "Yes?” she aske
d on baited breath.

  He remained silent, just tugged on her instead. She went to him, flames eating her skin. Liam drew her around the table to him. Without a word, he lowered his face to hers. With the force of a raging river he swept through her mouth. He touched every part he could as his hands moved down to cup her ass and press them closer together.

  She whimpered as fire flowed through her veins. Caden wrapped her hands around his upper arms and ran her tongue along his. She shuddered as his hips thrust toward her, brushing his erection against her. He rumbled low in his chest as he lifted her and settled her on the table.

  Liam ended the kiss and stared at her, his eyes swirling with want and need. “Caden.” The word was dragged out of him.

  "No talking, Liam. Please, I need ... I need..."

  She groaned in relief as his mouth returned to where it belonged. On her. His tongue made love to her mouth as his thrusting hips kept up the same momentum. Liam lifted her with one arm as he used his free hand to tug down her pants and panties.

  She screamed into his mouth as he sank two thick digits deep into her wetness. Her head fell back and he nibbled along her neck and collarbone. Lights flashed before her eyes as an orgasm washed over her.

  "Inside me ... now!” she commanded.

  The hand on her back left her and through the haze of pleasure she heard the sound of a zipper. Liam continued to pump his fingers deep within her. She ached for what his touch could give her. Even so, she groaned in frustration when he removed his digits, her eyes opened in time to see him slide them into his mouth.

  "You taste like honey, baby."

  He lowered his lips and shared her taste with her. Caden's eyes began to roll back in her head. The subtle flavor of herself, combined with Liam's, was one hell of a heady mixture and another wave of moisture soaked her core. Before she could say a word, he yanked her off the table, and bent her over it. Her small squeal of protest was silenced when he nudged her legs apart and sank his thick cock deep inside her with one stroke. Unlike their first time together, he didn't give her time to adjust to his girth, but began to drive into her.


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