Picture Us (Turn it Up Book 3)

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Picture Us (Turn it Up Book 3) Page 25

by Natalie Parker

  Annnd, I’m fucking done. I snap one more shot of her in that pose before I set the camera down on the chair and start to undo my belt.

  “How does my gorgeous girl want it?” I ask, undoing my belt.

  “Start slow, and finish hard,” the words come out in a breathless stream before she bites her lip again.

  “Honey, I think you just inspired the perfect cocktail,” I muse as I step out of my pants and crawl over to her.

  “Yeah?” She teases.

  “Yeah,” I affirm as I inch myself next to her and put one of my legs over hers, being careful not to put my weight on her belly. Our sex menu is pretty much just her on top or me behind these days. “I’m going to have to head over to the bar and get to work on it,” I say bringing my mouth down on hers. “After I get a little more inspiration first.” I kiss down her neck and she gasps and arches her pelvis up when my hand comes down to dive inside her panties. She moans and keens with each stroke of my fingers that glide so easily through her wetness. “That for me?” I rasp into her neck as I spread it around her opening before letting my fingers glide inside.

  Her response is to bite down on her lip and nod.

  “What’s that?” I taunt, wanting her to say it. Oh yeah, I’m in the mood for some dirty talk.

  “Yes, I’m wet for you…” her voice is a strained moan, and it sends another jolt to my cock.

  “Because you want me?” I prod as I drive my fingers in a little harder and deeper. She lets out a loud moan that’s music to my ears as her hands come up to squeeze her tits. “Oh my God, look at you,” I groan as I run my tongue up the skin behind her jaw. “You’re such a good girl right now. You’re so hot for me.” She starts rolling her pelvis along with the stroke of my hand, and I’m seriously about to go off in my shorts without her even touching me. I latch my mouth to the skin where her shoulder meets her neck and graze my teeth along it, followed by a swipe of my tongue. “Damn, I put the camera down too soon.” My mouth travels down to press open mouthed kisses all over the globes of her breasts before withdrawing my fingers to work the stretchy material of her bra over her head.

  I want to be on top of her, facing her. I get an idea and this bed is the perfect height for it. I move to grab several of the pillows from the head of the bed, and after leaning over to turn Annie sideways so that her ass is at the edge of the bed, I stack them behind her, propping her so that she’s slightly reclined but can reach me easily. She bites her bottom lip, watching my eyes as I peel her panties off of her, leaving her completely naked. Planting a hand on either side of her on the mattress, I hover over her, and for a moment we seem to have an intense face-off, just taking in the intensity of each other’s gaze before I push inside of her. We moan in unison as her head drops back, like having me inside her just brought her the most relief in the world.

  “Ah, that feels good,” I groan out as I start to slowly fuck into her, placing warm kisses on her lips. She lets out a desperate moan with every hit she takes from my dick inside of her while her nails dig into the skin of my biceps.

  I give it to her harder, steadily increasing my pace as she whimpers, moans, cries out my name, claws at my back, bucks her hips into me, giving as good as she gets and rocking my fucking universe. In our time together, we’ve found this amazing balance of hard and soft, rough and hot, yet loving. It all comes together in a bursting ball of passion when we make love.

  Once I get her to that place of ecstasy, she explodes around me while I follow right after, groaning out how much I love her into her neck.


  You have to love a class where you’re told to dress comfy and bring pillows along, hence the black yoga pants and long-sleeved camo top that clings to my belly, looking like half a soccer ball is hiding under it. Holding one of my favorite plush blankets folded over my chest, I follow the other expectant parents into one of the hospital’s education rooms. Tyler ambles beside me with one hand on my back and two squashy pillows tucked under his other arm. The room is equipped with a whiteboard, a flat screen TV that’s hooked up to a laptop, and big cushy beanbag-looking chairs that are actually big enough to be beds, evenly spaced around the outer perimeter of the room. We see the other couples each head for one and set their things down, so we follow their lead.

  We’re supposed to spend the next three hours learning laboring techniques, pain management and all about the birthing process, but these damn cushy things look so inviting I’m wondering if I can just take a nap and learn by osmosis. Tyler and I set our things down and get comfortable on the big cushion as we wait for further instructions.

  “I just want to lay back and go to sleep on this thing,” Tyler muses and I laugh.

  “Right? I was just thinking the same thing.” He chuckles and puts his arm around my waist as we wait patiently for who looks to be the instructor make her way around the room and welcome each couple. Tyler and I are on the cushion at the end nearest the door which will make us the last. She hasn’t faced us full-on yet, but she’s around our age by the looks of her brown ponytail and her slender frame. When I get a glimpse of her side profile, I see that she’s got a warm welcoming smile, and is wearing some chic looking glasses. She’s dressed comfortable and casual in black skinny jeans and a long sweater.

  “God, it’s getting real,” Tyler expresses out loud, not even paying attention to the instructor, his eyes instead just taking in the room.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, turning to look at him. He shrugs one shoulder as he shakes his head.

  “It’s just, we’re here and we’re going to practice for when this actually happens, for when the baby actually comes, and you’re in labor, and in pain, and we’re panicking and we’re trying to get here on time before you deliver in the car and you’re screaming…”

  Holy shit. His arm gets tighter around me as he babbles on, gesturing wildly with his other hand. I just sit there trying to look attentive and not totally stunned that Tyler is having a nervous breakdown before class has even started, when I hear a light and soothing voice cut in.

  “Don’t worry, I’m going to give you all the tools and techniques to handle every- oh my God, Tyler!” her tone swings up an octave when Tyler looks up to acknowledge her in the middle of his meltdown. His rambling comes to a screeching halt as he draws his eyebrows together, obviously trying to figure out how our birthing instructor knows his name. It only takes a second before recognition dawns and his eyes widen.

  “Heather,” he addresses her before swallowing so hard it sounds like a softball went down his throat. “Hey, how are you?” He’s trying to control his voice to sound casual, but I don’t miss the nervous waver or the way he’s squirming next to me on the cushion. Figuring out how he knows her doesn’t take rocket science, and the realization is a brick that drops from my chest and lands with a resounding thud in the pit of my stomach. You have got to be shitting me.

  My face feels warm as I focus hard on not reacting as I look between Heather’s friendly smile and Tyler pinching the bridge of his nose, looking like he’s willing himself to evaporate.

  This is no big deal, this happens. I try to placate myself and keep my emotions in check, but I feel them churning and stewing, coming together to form a funnel of red smoke and hot wind in my mind. Oh fuck, it’s happening again. I can feel the hormones taking over the way a werewolf must feel himself starting to shift. I have to get out of here.

  “Excuse me,” I squeak as I scooch, trying to get to the edge of this infernal cushion that’s all of a sudden feeling like it’s trying to suck me in and smother me.

  “Are you okay?” Heather asks, with genuinely sweet concern in her voice.

  “Yep,” I look up with a tight smile and my voice a little higher than normal. “Just… need a minute,” I assure her as I continue to squirm and heft myself up to no avail. It’s getting seriously uncomfortable in more ways than one, and my pride takes a hit when I finally look at Tyler with my teeth clenched and demand, “Help.” I don’t have
the time or patience right now to acknowledge that the guy is beyond mortified when he closes his eyes, lets out a breath and places a hand on the small of my back to push me up.

  We may be in this hallway right now, and she may be here physically as my hands run up and down her arms, but folks, Annie has left the fucking building. She has checked out.

  She won’t even look at me as she hides her face against the wall. I’m smart enough to stay quiet as she starts to yammer on about what just happened in the classroom, gently bonking her head against the wall with each emphasized word.

  “Why,” -thud- “oh why,” -thud- “did you have,”-thud- “to bang,” -thud- “your way,” -thud- “through the yellow pages?” Thud. She’s not even yelling. Her voice is low and forlorn.

  “Because I was an idiot,” I tell her as I stand behind her and continue to rub her shoulders. I keep my voice soothing as I go on, “But the important thing to remember is that I’m not an idiot anymore, right? Yes, I’ve been with other women, but none of them has meant anything to me. I know that makes me sound like a colossal ass, but Annie, you have to understand that the past isn’t important. You are. You’re the most important thing in the world to me.”

  In my peripheral, I see another body cautiously joining us in the hallway outside the classroom. I look up to see Heather stepping gingerly towards us. She gives me an awkward wave. I nod and shrug a shoulder at her, not really knowing what to say. Looking at her, I remember her perfectly well, but I feel nothing. The unfortunate truth is that’s how I feel about every woman that came before Annie. I’ve never given any of them a second thought. Annie is the exception. I didn’t even have to sleep with her all those years ago for her to take up residence in the corner of my mind. And now, every time I look at her, I don’t feel nothing. I feel fucking everything.

  “I know that,” Annie grinds out, still not turning her head and having no idea we’re no longer alone. “But why did one of them have to be our birth-ing in-struct-or?” She’s back to the bonking.

  “Annie, honey. Enough of that. I don’t think a concussion would be good for you or the baby.” But she’s just getting warmed up.

  “You were in her vagina,” she points in the direction of the classroom and having no idea she’s actually pointing right at Heather. Oh damn. “And you were in my vagina,” she brings her hand back to point a finger at her own chest, still not looking up from the wall. “And now we’re supposed to listen to her,” she points back in Heather’s direction and then back to herself again, “tell us how to work a human being out of MY VAGINA!”

  Jesus, would you quit saying ‘vagina’ woman? I have no problem with the word, but the way she keeps repeating it, she sounds like an A-sexual gynecologist.

  “Annie?” Heather delicately tries to address her. Annie stiffens.

  “How long has she been standing there?” she demands, still not looking away.

  “Vagina,” I tell her, wincing.


  “Annie,” Heather tries again, “I know ‘awkward’ doesn’t even begin to cover this, but I assure you, I can be nothing but professional about this.”

  “I appreciate it Heather,” I answer, with my hands still rubbing Annie’s shoulders. “I don’t know though. Like you said, this is awkward and sort of hard to process.” I inch a little closer to Annie’s back and start stroking her hair. I’m feeling a little protective of Annie’s feelings right now, and I want both of them to know it. Having never been in this situation before, I’m not sure what to expect as far as emotional reactions. So far, I don’t sense any hostility or jealousy on Heather’s part, and I think Annie is just weirded out - times a thousand - thanks to her hormones.

  Heather holds her hands up. “I totally get it, and it’s completely understandable if you want to switch to another class. There’s one on Wednesdays taught by a different instructor if you’d prefer,” she offers. She seems completely sincere and levelheaded about this, and I notice she’s wearing a wedding ring. Cool. Maybe this doesn’t have to be so uncomfortable.

  “What do you think, gorgeous?” I murmur into the back of Annie’s hair. “Do you want to change classes?”

  “I don’t know,” Annie replies quietly to the wall.

  “By the way,” Heather pipes up again. “Congratulations,”

  “Thank you,” I tell her, and I feel a warm glow in my chest as I smile, not being able to help it.

  “And I’m happy to see you found someone you wanted to be with, after all.” There’s not even a trace of hard feelings in her voice or in her expression, and Annie finally turns her head to look at her.

  “Excuse me if I come off a little blunt,” Annie addresses her, and it’s obvious she’s trying her damndest to not come off as neurotic. “But you don’t sound disappointed it wasn’t you.”

  Heather’s not even phased. “Not at all,” she shrugs and I instantly feel better, like a dark cloud got lifted off the room. “I’m actually happily married,”

  See? I knew it.

  “To a woman,” she finishes. I swear to God I hear a record needle scratch across vinyl.

  “I’m sorry?” I ask, even though I heard her perfectly clear. Annie finally detaches herself from her wall and turns more toward Heather.

  “I’m a lesbian,” she says plainly, like she just told me what month it is. I feel my brow furrow and my eyes dart around the hall and back to her as I try to wrap my head around this.

  “Uh, since when?” I ask. Yes, I’m quite ignorant in this moment, but come on, she’s had sex with a man. This man. Besides, she knows what I mean. My mind goes zooming back to the night I met her. She seemed shy and studious, yet eager. It was one of my more… odd encounters. It was at least five years ago, before I even knew Annie existed, and the idea of me being with one woman was laughable.

  “Since always,” she shrugs like her revelation should have no effect. And it shouldn’t. Except, I had sex with a lesbian. “I just wasn’t fully sure of it - back then.” she supplies.

  Annie turns to lean back against the wall and regards her, not with scrutiny but with interest. “You were still figuring things out then?” she asks softly.

  “Yeah,” Heather answers.

  “How’d you get there?”

  “Well…” her eyes slowly roll over to me, and I feel my jaw drop like a cartoon character.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Annie’s mouth has parted too as she looks between us. Heather can see the turmoil taking over my brain and she rushes to tamp it down for me.

  “I was pretty sure I was gay, but not one hundred percent. I couldn’t for the life of me feel myself completely tip one way or another, and Tyler, well, he had a reputation…” she looks from Annie to me, sheepishly. “An impressive one!” she hurries to clarify. “I’d heard from some other women, and, well, I figured if Tyler couldn’t convince me I was straight…” she trails off as my ego comes crashing through the floor.

  Fucking. Hell.

  Sex with me made a woman decide she was never going to bat for team hetero again. Not exactly a vote of confidence in what you thought was your most skilled specialty.

  Our weird night passes through my mind and so much of it makes sense now.

  Oh, for the love of fuck, is that why she kept telling me “give me all you’ve got”?

  And it has to be why she kept joyfully crying “THANK YOU!” as I was getting dressed. I chalked her up as quirky and maybe a little eccentric, but satisfied, and went on my way.

  My hands go slack at my sides as I stare at a spot on the floor, not lifting my head until Heather speaks again.

  “I’ve never been more confident or happier,” she looks at me with a sincere gratefulness in her eyes. “I have to start the class. Let me know what you guys decide.” While she seems a little pensive, her smile hasn’t lost an ounce of warmth as she takes a couple steps backward before retreating into the classroom.

  “I know what you’re thinking Ty. Don’t even let you
r mind go there,” the all of a sudden sensible version of my lady says as she walks towards me with a knowing smile. “You didn’t turn anyone gay.”

  “No, but one night with me helped someone confirm to herself that she doesn’t like men,” I return cynically. She drops her head back and sighs.

  “While I don’t particularly enjoy being reminded that you’ve been with so many women you developed something of a status, you did a wonderful thing for her,” she says lifting both a shoulder and a corner of her mouth as her hands come up to my chest.

  I let out a huge breath and look down at her. “You seem suddenly very okay,” I observe.

  “Yeah, I’m back. Hi.”


  “And you realize it’s not a comment on your skills in the bedroom, right?” She tries to remind me with an encouraging smile. I know it doesn’t. I’m just seriously thrown off by the prospect of this; unwittingly playing a part in someone’s self-discovery like that. It’s surreal and unexpected. But I’m okay with Annie stroking my ego for the time being in the hopes she’ll be stroking another part of me later.

  “Yeah?” I prod.

  “Yeah. That reputation precedes you.” Her hands glide up to join behind my neck as I wrap mine around her waist, locking them together at the small of her back. Not as easy as it used to be, what with her big belly squashed between us. “Besides, I’m happy to let you remind me how very straight I am, and how much I like men, later.”

  “Men?” I ask, wanting just one more piece of validation.

  “One man,” she confirms as she goes up on her toes and gives my bottom lip a gentle nibble before releasing it to full-on kiss me. My dick triumphantly springs back to life behind my fly as I put my hand to the back of her head and return her kiss with full force. Hormonal Annie is back; zero to horny in three seconds flat. After a few moments of reassuring each other that the only thing that should matter to us is each other, she softly breaks the kiss.


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