Clean Slate

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Clean Slate Page 10

by Aleksandr Voinov

  “Here’s the deal,” Chris said as he walked back toward his desk. He continued while quickly dissembling his rifle and returning the weapon to its compact case. “We buy a couple bottles of booze, get some restaurant take-out, then head back to my place.”

  “Why yours?”

  Chris gave Andrei a look that clearly said John had no idea how ridiculous his question had been. “Because you live in a dump compared to my condo. Besides, I bet you still haven’t changed the locks to keep that ex of yours out the way I’ve been telling you to.”

  “I never did get around to that.”

  Chris smirked and threw his arm around Andrei’s shoulder. “I have a Jacuzzi and a shower and a king-sized bed. Not as grand as that lodge of yours, but I think it will fit the three of us.”

  John’s heart stopped for a moment when Chris turned Andrei’s chin toward him and kissed him, and the Russian responded. That was, no doubt, for his benefit, a taste of what was to come, but John thought that was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. “Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Andrei said, voice a little rough.

  “Great. Another good reason to work as a trio. We’ll always have two votes overriding one. Get your ass in gear, Soong.”

  In the elevator, Chris punched the button and skewered John with a long look. “When we hit Montreux, you aren’t going to get a hard-on as soon as we pass that Freddie Mercury statue, are you?”

  “I won’t if you promise not to sing that damned Deep Purple song as soon as we cross into the city limits.”

  “Oh, I’m singing it, Johnny. In Japanese this time!”

  Andrei laughed and pulled them both into a swift hug. If these two couldn’t see they were meant to be in a relationship, he’d be sure they did.

  Andrei laughed harder when they exited on the building’s calm, businesslike ground floor and drew the attention of everyone in the area. John looked incongruous and ushered him and Chris outside as quickly as possible, where Chris led the way to his car. A Mercedes-Benz SUV.

  Well-appointed and roomy, Andrei had no trouble imagining the three of them doing more than simply driving in this one day. He climbed into the rear seat and watched as John pulled up the restaurant app on his iPhone. “We’ll do dim sum from Hom’s.”

  Chris laughed and hit the CD player as he pulled out of the garage. “Leave it to you to gravitate there.”

  John grinned back at Andrei. “He complains now, but if we lick mango pudding off his cock later, he’ll sing a different tune.”

  The Deep Purple album filled the car with some absolute classics. “Soldier of Fortune,” “Smoke on the Water,” “Perfect Strangers”… Andrei could quite happily have finished listening to the collection, but it was only a short drive from Caux to Montreux, which sat right on the shores of Lake Geneva.

  They grabbed bags and bags of food from Hom’s on the way, then headed to a modern apartment building, all polished designer surfaces and manicured potted plants.

  Chris hadn’t promised too much with his condo, which was wide and spacious, clean, not a speck of dust or anything lying around. The only thing that seemed very much like Chris was an exercise area in one corner, with a heavy sandbag dangling from a chain in the ceiling, boxing gloves stacked on top of each other. Andrei could imagine Chris, chest bare, attacking the bag like it was a human being.

  The other two men were opening packets and little boxes, and Andrei joined them on the couch, tasting one of each, many of those flavors unknown; but he always liked trying new things.

  “Now, what about that mango pudding, eh?” Chris asked, leaning back on the couch, tilting his hips in invitation.

  With masterful ease, John flicked a translucent shrimp dumpling across the low glass table and hit Chris right in the crotch. Chris picked the dumpling up and popped it into his mouth. “If that leaves a stain, you’re picking up the tab for a new pair.”

  John flipped him a middle finger in reply before spooning some lo mein noodles onto Andrei’s plate.

  Andrei topped their wine glasses, then gestured to the container to John’s left. “That’s a pork dumpling, yes?”

  “Yes. And as much as I hate to say it, the ones Chris can make when he’s feeling generous and benevolent are better.”

  Chris stood and took a bow. Andrei smiled. With the pressures of the job off and the truth finally laid bare between them all, John and Chris were finding their way deeper and deeper into his heart. He sipped his wine, feeling the warmth of it swim through his veins and race back to the spot where Chris was rubbing his shoulder.

  “I think this will work out for you, Andrei. I know it’s got to be hard as hell not knowing so much, but we really will be here for you. Right?”

  “Definitely,” John said. He raised his glass in a toast to them all.

  Andrei took his glass and touched it to theirs, then regarded the red liquid that rounded off the strong flavors beautifully. “I’m getting the feeling I didn’t like my old life much. This is much better.”

  “Sometimes second chances is all it takes.” Chris’s grin told him Chris was perfectly aware that sentence cut several ways between them.

  Chris emptied his glass in a thirsty gulp and set it down. “I’m heading to the bedroom. If you’re not coming, I’ll start without you.”

  John grinned and shook his head. “Not a chance.” He and Andrei scrambled to their feet and followed. Andrei stopped and turned back halfway.

  When he made it to the bedroom, John and Chris were both standing naked at the foot of the low bed, locked in a passionate embrace. Andrei set down the covered plastic tub he’d retrieved and stripped, his cock hardening at the sight of the men’s heated kiss and the way they bobbed their hips back and forth, stroking one another to hardness.

  Picking up the bowl, Andrei popped off the lid and dipped his fingers into the mango pudding. He flicked out his tongue to take a lick. The texture was rich and silky, the flavor glorious beyond description. This would be the finest dessert he’d ever had.

  He knelt before his lovers, reached out, and coated each of their erections. They parted and peered down at him as he worked his way back and forth between them, licking them both clean. Chris grabbed his wrist and licked the pudding remnants from his fingers, sucking them in deep and slowly, his hot tongue swirling around, sending the pleasure straight to Andrei’s cock. He gasped when John knelt before him, the pudding in hand to lick it from him as he’d done to them.

  “Don’t make him come. It’s way too soon to end this party, Johnny,” Chris said, gently urging John’s head away from Andrei’s cock.

  Exhaling, John eased off and stood. He licked his lips, then pulled Andrei into a kiss. Andrei pressed against him and felt Chris behind him, erection rubbing against his ass, John’s against his front. By now, he knew more about having sex with another man, and he was glad John had shown him the ropes. He felt much less helpless and clueless now.

  “Has John fucked you yet?” Chris asked in his ear, flicking his tongue across it.


  “Did you like it?”

  “Yes.” Andrei reached behind him and pulled Chris closer. “Do you want to fuck me?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Sex with John had been relaxing, almost healing, whether by chance or design he didn’t know, but Andrei was certain Chris Gibson’s inner fire would make things much different this time. It came as a surprise when Chris said, “Not that way,” when Andrei climbed onto the bed and got on his hands and knees. He moved aside to let Chris lay in the center, a bottle of lube in his hand.

  “You be on top. I want to watch you come.”

  Smiling, Andrei watched as John took the lube from Chris’s hand and coated his erection, making Chris writhe with the skill of his touch. John dripped a bit more onto his fingers. “Can I do you too?”

  Andrei shifted into a kneeling position, his knees spread wide to let John slide his slick fingers inside with slow precision, knowi
ng just how to move for maximum effect. He hated the empty sensation when John withdrew but forgot the feeling once he saw the hungry look in Chris’s eyes and the blood pulsing in his cock as he waited.

  John took Chris’s cock with one hand and the other guided Andrei to take it slowly. Andrei trusted him and followed the motions, then felt Chris inside him. Taking him deeper, he saw the spaced-out expression on Chris’s features, a sudden softness and vulnerability that changed that face entirely. The intensity was still there, but it was far more emotional.

  John was behind him, kneeling between Chris’s legs, running his hands up and down Andrei’s chest, while Chris’s hands were on Andrei’s thighs. “Now fuck yourself on me.” Chris grinned at him. “Slowly.”

  Andrei moved, groaning when he found the perfect way to do this, just lifting himself up with his thighs fast and then, very slowly, sinking down again. John steadied Chris’s cock, although there was no risk of it sliding fully out, and wrapped his free hand around Andrei’s cock, pumping him slowly in time with his own movement.

  “God, that’s it,” Chris groaned, thrusting up.

  His position and tempo settled, Andrei reveled in the sensations building the heat within him. His arousal grew more when John slid around to kneel at Chris’s side to lick and bite his small, taut nipples. Andrei closed his eyes, remembering the thrill of John doing that to him. Chris groaned and Andrei opened his eyes, watched Chris lick the drops of precum from John’s cock.

  He moved faster, took Chris into his ass as deeply as possible, clenched his inner muscles, just to hear that lusty moan once more. He could feel Chris almost squirm as he got closer, then Chris and John shared another intense kiss, tongues fighting, fingers digging into hair, pulling closer, and tighter, no man giving quarter. John had a steel core and wouldn’t be bossed around, but that never kept Chris from trying.

  Chris went rigid underneath him and came, small, harsh thrusts riding out his pleasure, and Andrei dipped down to kiss him, too, then John, who looked like he needed release desperately after that show. He slipped off Chris and stretched out next to him, pulling John close into his arms, kissing him, feeling Chris push a couple fingers into his hole and fuck him like that. “Oh, he’s nice and stretched, now, John,” Chris murmured. “And he hasn’t had enough yet.”

  Andrei gave a husky laugh. “Is that what you want to see?”

  “I love watching John’s face when he fucks a guy.”

  “Yes, Andrei?” John asked breathlessly.

  “As if I could refuse.” Andrei rolled onto his back, bent his knees, and spread them wide. John slid into him and quickly settled into a smooth rhythm that was different but no less satisfying than Chris. And Chris was a sight to behold, his gaze intent on John, his attention wrapped in watching the man he loved find his pleasure, his fingers wrapping around the base of Andrei’s cock to stroke him in time to John’s steady fucking.

  “Don’t hold back, baby,” Chris said. “Fuck hard. I want to watch you come.”

  Certain the American’s words were meant for both of them, Andrei sucked in his breath as the pleasure mounted and Chris coaxed him to a fevered pitch. He cried out as the climax hit with a vengeance, a spatter of glistening cum catching Chris in the face, the rest spurting onto his own belly.

  John groaned and came the moment Chris bent to lick the cum from Andrei’s skin.

  Pulling back at last, Chris looked across the room to the bureau. “We have any more of that mango shit left? I’m still hungry.”

  Andrei laughed, entwined his fingers with Chris’s.

  John lunged to grab a pillow to swat Chris. “We were sharing a tender moment here and you had to say that.”

  Chris snatched the pillow and tossed it back, then jumped out of bed, making a beeline to the last of the pudding. “I get hungry after sex, so sue me.”

  “I don’t think I can do that in Switzerland.”

  Andrei rose up on one elbow. “I’m a lawyer. I’ll represent you pro bono.”

  Chris made a theatrical show of grief, slumping over the bureau. “Oh, the disloyalty….”

  John gave Andrei a look, and they both leapt from the bed to tackle Chris, John catching the bowl of mango pudding before it fell to the floor. He held it up in triumph while Andrei straddled Chris’s waist.

  “Soong, don’t you dare.”

  “Or what?” John tipped the bowl so a dollop of the pudding hit Chris in the forehead.

  “You’ll be sorry. Both of you.”

  “I’m terrified,” Andrei teased. “Feel me tremble.” He wriggled his ass.

  John laughed. “Three… two… one.” With that, he tilted his wrist and let the pudding splatter onto Chris’s face and chest.

  Chris groaned as it slid down his forehead toward his ear. “I hate you guys.”

  “You know you love us,” John said, bending to quickly lick away the mango.

  “Both of us,” Andrei added. He moved off Chris and began licking the pudding from the other side of his face.

  “Yeah, well, maybe I do, but only a little,” Chris said, clearly struggling to keep a straight face.

  About the Authors

  Aleksandr Voinov is an emigrant German author living near London where he makes his living as a financial journalist, freelance editor, and creative writing teacher. He has published five novels and many short stories in his native language. His genres range from horror, science fiction, cyberpunk, and fantasy to contemporary, thriller, and historical erotic gay novels.

  In his spare time, he goes weightlifting, explores historical sites, or meets other writers. He single-handedly sustains three London bookstores with his ever-changing research projects and interests. His current interests include bonsais, tailored suits, chess competitions, World War II, Afghan history, Roman emperors, and Russian oligarchs. He loves traveling, action movies, and spy novels and ponders taking up boxing.

  Visit his web site at and his blog at

  Barbara Sheridan has been published for over ten years and has over two dozen books currently available in both electronic and print form. Barbara has been inspired by everything from the original Dark Shadows and cheesy S/F and horror flicks to loads of old TV westerns, cowboy movies, and hot Asian musicians and actors.

  Visit her web sites at and; her blog at; and her Yahoo!Group at Follow Barbara at

  More Suspenseful Romance from Dreamspinner Press


  Clean Slate ©Copyright Aleksandr Voinov and Barbara Sheridan, 2010

  Published by

  Dreamspinner Press

  4760 Preston Road

  Suite 244-149

  Frisco, TX 75034

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the

  authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,

  business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Paul Richmond

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  244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

  Released in the United States of America

/>   April 2010

  eBook Edition

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-441-1




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