Christmas with the Boss

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Christmas with the Boss Page 8

by Seaton, Annie

  He slowed his movements as she met his gaze with a sinful grin. Her low moan reached him from afar as she wound her legs around his back. He held her gaze as he came, finally easing himself down onto her, both of their bodies slick with sweat.

  “Warm enough now?” he murmured against her neck. He kissed her shoulder and traced his lips to the nape of her neck.

  “Not an iceberg to be seen,” she said with a sexy giggle.

  He fell asleep with Jilly’s legs wrapped around his, holding him close.

  Chapter Twelve

  New Year’s Eve

  Jilly rolled over and propped her head on her elbow. Dominic was sleeping peacefully beside her, his broad chest rising gently with his breathing. She had moved her few things into his cottage when he’d locked up his cousin’s cottage three days ago. She reached out and tucked a stray curl behind his ear but he didn’t stir. The last few days had been wonderful. She’d done more wild things with him this week than she had in her whole life. Beach sex. Up against the wall sex. Morning Sex. Afternoon sex and one all night marathon session. Luckily Dominic had filled his fridge with groceries because her appetite was insatiable. Not only for him, but for food as well.

  Eating, sleeping, surfing, and sex. A magical vacation. She grinned to herself—maybe magical wasn’t the right word to use. He’d driven into town and brought his cousin Margaret back for lunch on their second last day. Margie was quirky but friendly to Jilly, especially once she knew that Derro’s cottage was empty again. She’d bolted down her lunch and borrowed a garden spade from Dominic’s shed, preferring to weed the garden than catch up on old times with her cousin and his…

  His what? Jilly wondered?

  His executive assistant? His girlfriend? His lover? A quiver of uncertainty ran through her as she wondered what things would be like when they returned to Sydney.

  All doubts fled when he opened his eyes and reached for her. She sighed as a hot tingling ran low in her belly. His lips found hers before she could speak but Dominic said all there was to say without opening his mouth.


  “How do you want to greet the New Year?” Dominic came up behind her in the kitchen as she washed some lettuce leaves in the old sink. “Mary at the servo tells me there’s a rocking party at the river.”

  “What river?”

  His deep laugh sent a shiver though her. She’d fallen hard for this man over the past few days. Working with him for the last six months, although distant, had already shown her what a good man he was. He was a man of integrity, kind and considerate. This week had also shown her what a great sense of humour he possessed…and what a versatile lover he was.

  “The one around the point.”

  “Didn’t know there was one. You’ve barely let me out of bed.”

  “Are you complaining, Miss Henderson? Am I working you too hard again?”

  “I’m not. But tonight’s our last night before we go back to the big smoke and I think I’d rather stay in unless you want to go out?” She turned around and held his gaze steadily. “What’s going to happen when we go back to work? What about our rules?”

  “I’ve had an idea and our rules aren’t going to matter.” Jilly looked up at him but he wouldn’t be drawn into discussing his idea.

  He shook his head. “Come on, we’ll head into the shops and get some food and I’ll cook you a fabulous meal. Tempt you with some local seafood, perhaps?”

  “Tempt me?” She reached down and undid the top button of his jeans. “I don’t need seafood for that. Maybe some whipped cream and strawberries? What do you think of that?” she said in a husky voice.

  “Mm. Maybe ice cream? Your skin is feeling very hot.”

  When his lips found hers, Jilly returned his kiss with everything she had; unsure about the coming weeks. He lifted her and carried her to the bedroom but she slid from his arms and pushed him back against the wall before they reached the bed. She looped her arms around his neck as Dominic grabbed her butt and turned her around to the wall. She raised her legs around his hips. He lifted her sarong and a murmur of pleasure exploded from his throat as his hands encountered bare skin.

  “Clever girl.”

  “No point putting panties on if you keep taking them off.” She nuzzled his neck as she pulled down the zipper of his jeans. She could do it all by feel now and instantly he filled her hand, hard and ready for her.

  “You are incredible,” she murmured.

  “I aim to please.” She let go of him and gripped his hips, opening to him as he plunged, filling her with one swift movement.

  They made the local shops five minutes before closing time.


  New Year’s Day

  Rested and relaxed, Dominic and Jilly packed his Audi ready for the trip back to Sydney together later that afternoon. For some reason, her car was stone dead and she knew Dominic suspected that a well meaning—but ghostly—hand had been at work. He had insisted that they needed to have a midday nap to prepare for the trip ahead, but of course very little sleep had taken place. She shook her head and her hair brushed against his shoulder but his eyes remained closed as his chest rose and fell gently.

  If anyone had told her the events that would pass when she came for her solitary holiday at the beach, she would have told them they had had a touch of sun, or perhaps too much Christmas cheer. But Dominic’s explanation had been heartfelt, and had supported the things that had happened to her over the past few days; Jilly wondered whether a ghostly influence really had been at work bringing them together. Or was it simply that their deepest desires had culminated in dreams that had guided their choices.

  She would never forget that night of terror sitting up in the chair when something had frightened her out of the cottage and into Dominic’s arms. She moved to lie back on her pillow but her hand was held and pressed against a tanned and golden-haired chest. She sighed and smiled into the wicked eyes that were holding hers. A warm, hair-roughened leg rubbed against her thigh and before she knew it, Dominic had grabbed her and flipped her up onto his chest. His erection was hard and throbbing against her stomach, and she gave into the exquisite sensation that ran through her whenever he touched her. Anywhere, anytime—even a touch on her back as he walked behind her sent shimmers of desire running straight between her legs. She let out a little giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” Dominic’s fingers were doing wicked things to Jilly’s composure as they moved down her back until they cupped her bottom. She rolled over and lay on top of him and his fingers continued to work their magic.

  She smiled at him and kept her tone saucy. “I was just thinking about the size of your feet and whether I should tell Shaz about her theory.”

  “Don’t you dare.” His voice was husky as he moved his lips down the side of her neck.

  “I’ll be able to tell the girls that I have tested the theory and that Mr Iceberg has a new nickname. Mr Hot Stuff, maybe?” She giggled at the look on his face as he pulled her down to his chest.

  “Oh, I don’t think so, Miss Henderson. I think you’ll be doing exactly what your boss says.”

  And Jilly did for the next hour or two.


  “I’ve got a proposition for you,” Dominic said later that afternoon.

  Jilly threw him a laughing glance. “We don’t have time.”

  “I’m serious.” He walked across to her.

  She tilted her head to the side. His face was closed and he looked more like Dominic the boss. Zipping up her toiletries bag, she put it on the bed and walked across to him. She slipped her arms around his waist, reveling in her new found ease with this man.

  “Tell me.”

  “How much do you like living in Sydney?”

  “I don’t. I’d be out of there like a shot if I could get a decent job out of the city.”

  “How would you like to be my executive assistant in another business? Out of the city?”

  Hope flowed though her as she stared up at him.

/>   “Where?”

  “How about here? We can do what we do from anywhere, you know. There’s more to life than work and with our experience, we could work from here and use our skills consulting and telecommuting in the finance industry.”

  “And surf some of the day?”

  A slow grin crossed his face as she looked up at him and saw her expression.

  “Amongst other physical activities.”

  In the end they decided to leave Jilly’s car there; it was a good excuse to come up for another weekend and start to set up their home office until they were replaced at the bank. Dominic’s Audi was packed with their bags, and both surfboards were secured to the roof racks.

  “We’ll have to surf at Narrabeen until we move back,” he said. “You can’t let all that surfing practice go to waste.” He locked the front door of the cottage and walked slowly along the verandah. Jilly waited for him in the car and he smiled as she caught his eye.

  “Hurry up. It’s hot in the car.” She waved a hand in front of her face in an exaggerated movement. “Come on and get those big feet walking over here, boss.”

  Dominic smiled back at her. “Whatever you say, Miss Henderson.”

  Dominic had no doubt that in some way, Derro—whether it had been a dream or not—had shown him the way to where his future and true happiness lay.

  With Jilly. At the beach.

  He slipped into the driver’s seat and started the car. Slowly he drove down the driveway and glanced in the rear view mirror, back at the cottage where he had spent many happy years, and where he was going to make a life with Jilly. He touched her hand and gestured back behind them.

  Though the haze of the late afternoon, Derro leaned against the fence, his surfboard beneath his arm. Lazily, he lifted his arm and waved before he turned and walked across the sandy road to the beach, disappearing into the sea mist that hadn’t been there a moment before.

  Also Available by this Author

  Check Annie’s website for buy links

  Ten Days in Tuscany

  Capturing the Pirate’s Heart

  Silver Valley Witch

  Holiday Affair

  Italian Affair

  Outback Affair

  The Romance Abroad Bundle

  Hot Rock

  Tangling With the CEO

  Brushing Off the Boss

  Guarding His Heart

  Seductive Secrets

  Dangerous Desire

  Adventures in Time

  Kakadu Sunset…coming December 2015 to a bookshop near you in Australia and New Zealand.

  On Kindle for my international readers

  Seductive Secrets


  Regan James turned her cheek into the soft silk of the pillowcase. Her head throbbed and she squeezed her eyes closed, willing sleep to return. She had a huge day ahead and wasn’t looking forward to facing the bathroom in this seedy motel room. Another half hour of sleep and she’d force herself to climb out of bed and make a start. She burrowed further into the soft pillow and let her head sink into the feather soft silkiness—

  What the…? Silk?

  Regan lifted her head and opened one eye. Her stomach roiled and she swallowed, fighting back the urge to throw up, when the contents of her stomach rose to her throat. Fuck, she couldn’t even remember coming home or getting into bed.

  When her stomach stopped churning, she turned her eyes to the pillow.

  Yep, it’s silk. Pale green silk that matched the drapes across the other side of the huge room.

  A luxurious room. Nothing like the two bit dive she’d checked into yesterday afternoon when she’d flown in from Bali.

  Holy fuck, where the hell am I? Raising a shaking hand, Regan covered her eyes as the throbbing in her head intensified. A lost night and a hangover from one drink? Impossible. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to remember last night.

  She’d gone to the waterfront to check out the Midas, the luxury motor cruiser she’d applied to work on. A guy at the bar had tried to hit on her. She’d ignored him, sipped her wine and looked out over the bay at the huge white cruiser. The last thing she could recall was thinking about the job interview. Hoping against hope she got the job. If not she’d have to ask Gracie for a loan until the scholarship money came through. And Regan would only do that as a last resort. Her little sister had bailed her out too many times before. Regan had changed and it was time for a new start.

  Today. One o’clock. All her hopes hung on that one interview.

  Money was going to be tight until she got to Sydney, enrolled in her university course and picked up her scholarship, so she was going to have to slum it for a few nights. She’d lined up some work for the next month until the semester started…or hoped she had. The interview today hopefully would seal that for her.

  Drawing a deep breath in through her dry mouth, Regan opened her eyes to the bright light filling this strange room.

  Water. Painkillers. She needed both before she could even think about leaving. Leaving wherever I am. A cold feeling snaked through her chest as the thought of kidnapping briefly ran through her mind. She rolled over and drew in another breath in relief as her silk camisole slipped on the silk sheet beneath her.

  At least I’ve got clothes on. Regan looked around as the pain in her head lessened.

  Where am I and how did I end up here? But there was no sound apart from the quiet hum of the air conditioner.

  Thank goodness. At least there was no one in bed beside her. And the panties that matched the silk camisole were still in place covering her butt. Regan’s hair dropped in a curtain across her face, blocking the light as she pushed herself up to lean against the soft padded bed head.

  “Ah, Sleeping Beauty awakes. And she didn’t even need a kiss.”

  No. God, no. Please no.

  Regan knew that deep, sexy voice; she’d know it anywhere. She’d heard it in her dreams often enough over the last year. The sick feeling slammed back as she slowly turned her head to the doorway on the opposite side of the room.

  Rod Carruthers stood there. Tall. Broad shouldered. Jet black hair, his face more deeply tanned than when she’d last seen him just over a year ago. His bare, muscled chest was covered in water droplets, a white towel slung low over his hips, hinting at what was beneath. Regan lifted her eyes to meet the sardonic expression of the man she’d run away from.

  “Still sleeping around, Regs?” The disdain in his voice tore at her gut, worse than the sickness that was still roiling away in there. Regan fought down the solid lump that seemed to have lodged in her throat. She swung her feet over the side of the bed and glared at the one and only man she’d ever loved.

  “Still rescuing damsels in distress, Rod? Or kidnapping them?” She flicked a casual hand around to the luxurious room. “Now tell me, how the fuck did I get here?”

  Rod pushed himself away from the door, and Regan narrowed her eyes, ignoring the response of her traitorous body. It might have taken a year but she was over him.

  I am.

  Her body needed to listen to her heart. What they’d had was good, but it had burned into ashes when he’d doubted her. Just another man who couldn’t be trusted; she should have known that from the very beginning, despite him saying he loved her. Just like a man, he’d conveniently turned the tables and blamed her for what had happened.

  “I figured someone had to save you from yourself.” Rod knotted the towel more firmly around his hips as he strolled over to the bed.

  “I had one drink.” Regan fought to hold her gaze on his face, and not drop her eyes to the body that had taken her to heaven and back for six months. Although staring at his mouth was just as bad. But rather than seeking to give her pleasure, his lips were now curled up into a sneer.

  And she knew now that’s all it had been— sex. Despite his talk of a future together, despite him telling her he loved her. Talk was cheap and so was she, according to Rod. That last no holds barred argument had brought out some home truth

  She’d not even had a chance to tell him she’d caught him out too, that Mandy had confessed to sleeping with him. Even though he’d accused her of cheating on him, they’d still ended up in bed after harsh accusations were exchanged that last night. Because that’s all it was and all it would ever have been—a sexual attraction that burned hotter every day they spent together. He’d thought the worst of her, believed lies about her and what had hurt the most—on the word of someone else. Regan had caught him out, but he’d blamed her for being dishonest and cheating before she’d even had a chance to raise it. And yet they’d still ended up in bed.

  As they always did.

  So she’d packed her bags and left him in Perth. Snuck out in the middle of the night without telling him that she knew he’d cheated on her.

  Broken-hearted. Devastated. Taken the first flight to Bali. Left him to his life as a cop, climbing the greasy pole of career promotion, not caring who he trod on, or who he hurt on the way up. Left him to take up with Mandy—his partner in the local area command of the police service. Left him gladly—she’d tried to convince herself of that for twelve long months. Self disgust warred with the sickness in her belly. Warmth was pooling in her belly already and she ached for him to touch her.

  Regan startled, her thoughts coming back to her present predicament when Rod sat next to her on the side of the bed. She gazed down at her red-painted toenails, fighting for composure, trying to look disinterested and not appear greatly affected by seeing him again. By having him within touching distance.

  “Christ, Regan. It’s a wonder you haven’t been found dead in an alley somewhere. Will you ever grow up and get some fucking sense in that head of yours?”

  The desire coursing through her fled as a red mist of anger pushed past her aching head. Regan turned and shoved a finger into his bare chest.

  “As usual, Rod, you weren’t listening to me. I told you I only had one drink.”


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