Dear Santa: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

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Dear Santa: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance Page 3

by Lulu Pratt

  “On a Saturday night?”

  “That’s what I thought, but he’s in construction, and apparently, they have strange hours. Besides, who am I to say he was lying?”

  Monica nods slowly, her gaze sliding to the play area where she checks on Lindsay automatically.

  “Look, it’s good to be in the dating game and getting to know him before you really get attached. That’s all you can do with anyone you meet. I know Larry and I had a whirlwind romance, and we got married less than a year after we met, but I wouldn’t recommend that for everyone. We were lucky.”

  I know Monica and Larry have the perfect kind of love. They are the reason why I’ve been holding out for the fairytale love when I wasn’t sure it still existed.

  “I think you should go for it,” Monica says. “But don’t force anything. Let it unfold naturally, and go with the flow. You might be surprised by him.”

  That makes a lot of sense. Monica has always been very open-minded about relationships. It’s the reason why, when everyone else thought she was crazy to marry Larry so quickly, I knew she was doing what she felt was right. If there ever was a sensible person, it was Monica.

  “I know you’re nervous because you got hurt,” Monica says. “Just take your time to get to know him.”

  I nod. Monica is right, of course. After all, I can’t be hung up on a college heartbreak forever. Jacob may have hurt me, but that was years ago, and I have learned and grown since then. To let him, and what he did to me, hold me back would be to let him win. We were nothing more than kids at the time, and he was nothing more than an asshole. Everyone gets hurt occasionally, right? I won’t let that stop me from giving true romance a shot.

  Besides, I want to see Graham again. I want to see if I feel that spark again, if the attraction to him is more than just physical. I think it is, but I was so giddy last night, I might have read more into it. Seeing him another time would help me straighten out my head and my heart.

  He’s my neighbor, so I should be able to see him often. It will be easy to stage a run-in at any time if it really comes down to it. What I would really like, though, is for him to call me and set up another date. That would show me that he feels the same about me as I do about him.

  Chapter 6


  Mrs. Reeves is a frail old lady, and she gets paranoid about everything. Last night, I managed to get the heater working again, but there is more that needs to be done to it. So, today, I’m back at her house.

  She rents the place along with her son, who travels a lot for work. When he’s gone and things go wrong at the house, she leans on me to come over and handle things, even simple tasks. I don’t normally mind, though.

  Mrs. Reeves is a little strange, but she’s nice enough, and they pay the rent one day early every single month. That’s a big deal. It happens from time to time that I have difficulty with other tenants. It’s a pleasure not to have to fight about rent with Mrs. Reeves or her son.

  When I’m done installing the part, I find Mrs. Reeves in her living room, watching a cooking show. She tries to pull herself out of her armchair when I come in.

  “Oh, don’t get up,” I say, and she sinks back into the cushions. She’s so small, it looks like the armchair is swallowing her whole.

  “I fixed the heater. You shouldn’t have any more problems.” I don’t try to explain to her what I did. I doubt she’ll understand it anyway.

  “Let me pay you for the parts, Mr. Cook,” she says.

  I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Reeves. It’s my job to keep you warm and safe.”

  “Bless your heart, Mr. Cook.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Reeves,” I say before I leave her house.

  I don’t particularly enjoy spending time with my tenants. Most of the time, I avoid seeing them face-to-face or speaking to them on the phone at all. They pay me by electronic transfer or check, and unless something is terribly wrong, the arrangement works. I learned from experience that knowing them personally makes it difficult for me to do the right thing when they violate their lease or don’t pay rent. It’s easier for me to put down my foot when it’s necessary when I don’t know them.

  Mrs. Reeves is an exception. With her son away so often and her paranoia and her age, I feel a little responsible to make sure she’s all right. It’s not much of a bother to me, and I’d to find out something bad happened to her when I could have gone over and helped. Plus, Mrs. Reeves reminds me of my grandmother. If I ever have to evict someone again, I pray to God it’s not Mrs. Reeves and her son.

  When I arrive home, I notice Sarah is outside with who I now assume to be her sister and her niece. The little girl is running around the front yard, and her mother looks exhausted. With a child that energetic, I can understand why.

  I consider going over to meet them. I hesitate, wondering if that would be intruding. I decide to go anyway. It’s my property, after all. Even if they don’t know it. Besides, I really want to see Sarah again.

  When I walk around to her driveway, Sarah notices me first, and she smiles. She’s wearing a red coat that makes her dark eyes seem darker, and her hair is tied in a bun.

  “Graham, hi,” she says. “Let me introduce you to my sister. This is Monica.”

  When Monica turns around, I can see the resemblance. Her hair is darker, but she has the same deep eyes Sarah has and the same easy smile. Sarah is more beautiful, though, but maybe I’m just biased.

  “Monica, this is my neighbor, Graham,” Sarah adds.

  Monica holds out her hand, and I take it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I understand you’re in charge of the little matchmaker.”

  “Oh, God, yes,” Monica says. She points at her daughter on the grass. “That’s her over there. Lindsay, come over and meet Santa.”

  I chuckle. The girl — Lindsay — groans and comes to us.

  “Mom,” she whines. “I already said I was sorry.” She turns her green eyes to me, her father’s eyes, I assume.

  “This is Graham, Lindsay,” Sarah says, and I notice how she speaks to Lindsay. She worked at the school, I remember. She is used to being around kids. I can’t deny that it’s an attractive trait in a woman — men are naturally programmed to look for a woman who would be a good mother.

  “Hello,” I said to Lindsay. “I have to thank you, Lindsay.”

  Lindsay blinks at me. “For what?” she asks.

  “For setting me up with Sarah,” I say, and Monica and Sarah laugh. Lindsay grins, looking pleased with herself.

  “I didn’t know you’re not Santa,” Lindsay says.

  I nod. “You’re right. I’m not. But I am interested in your aunt, so technically your wish got granted, didn’t it?”

  Lindsay grins again.

  I look at Sarah. She’s blushing, and I didn’t even mean for that to happen. I love it.

  “I want to apologize for last night, Sarah, by the way. The client had a problem that couldn’t wait. Will you let me make it up to you? I’d like to take you out again.”

  Sarah smiles shyly, and I notice Monica glancing at her. No doubt, the sisters talked about me. That’s not a bad thing generally. Sometimes, women can team up against a man, but I don’t get the feeling that Monica doesn’t like me. Whatever Sarah said, it must have been good. Monica looked eager to meet me, not irritated. That’s always a good sign.

  “That would be nice,” Sarah says, nodding.


  “Well, does Monday during the day work for you?” I ask. “I know it’s a little strange during the week, but…”

  Sarah shakes her head. “I’m off with the school being closed for the day. Monday works perfectly for me.”

  I smile and nod. “Monday, it is,” I say. “All right, I’m going to leave you ladies to your family time. It was nice meeting you, Monica.” I wave at Lindsay, who is playing on the grass again. She waves back at me with a big grin, and I’m sure she thinks we’re partners in crime. It’s always good to be in there with s
omeone close.

  When I turn around and walk away, I can feel both women stare at me. No doubt, they’ll gossip about me again. I don’t mind. I can’t see how they have anything bad to say, not if Sarah agreed to go on another date with me. Besides, I want a do-over. I want another shot at kissing her, making out with her, and taking it further.

  Sarah is a stunning woman, beautiful and interesting, but she is also hot as hell, and I want her in my bed. Or hers. Both work for me. This isn’t just about a one-night stand, either. I want to get to know Sarah better. I haven’t had many women in my life besides the crazy ex, and even though I have opted for one-night stands until now, there’s something about Sarah that makes me want to try again. Of course, we’re only just getting to know each other, and I’m not planning on rushing anything.

  Seeing her for another date so soon is rushing it, I admit to myself, but I’m not going to postpone the date. No way. I want to see Sarah. I want to spend time with Sarah. I want to fuck Sarah.

  Chapter 7


  I’m thrilled Graham wants to see me again. I thought he might call me a week after our date. Instead, he came to ask me out in front of my sister and niece the very next day. If that’s not a statement, I don’t know what is. I’m flattered he wants to spend time with me again so soon. I’m also curious about what he wants to do. And a daytime date is usually hard to pull off.

  When I stand in front of my closet, deciding what to wear, I’m nervous. I’m more nervous about today’s date than I was about Saturday night’s date because even though I know Graham a little better, I also know that things can go a lot further this time. That nearly happened the other night. If it wasn’t for the phone call, who knows how far it would have gone?

  What makes me more nervous is that I know I won’t say no. I want Graham. But I haven’t been with a man in so long — most of the guys I’ve gone on dates with weren’t worth my time, let alone worth spreading my legs for. This time, it’s different.

  At least, this time if anything happens, it will get Monica off my back about dating and finding a man.

  I do hope it goes further. After Saturday night, I was relieved that we were interrupted, as I didn’t want to rush the first date, but since then, I’ve had time to think about what might have happened and how I feel about that. This time, I’m sure what I want, and I want him.

  I’m not just on board with sex, but with dating as well. Of course, I’ll never admit that to Monica. She did advise that I take it slow. I’m not so sure how slow I’m taking it if I’m really considering giving myself to Graham, going on dates with him so soon, and doing everything you do with someone you’re serious about.

  Still, if he comes on to me, I’ll let him. Graham is hot, and even if it doesn’t end up going anywhere, I deserve to let loose and enjoy myself occasionally. I’m fairly certain an evening in bed with Graham will be enjoyable.

  Finally, I decided on something to wear. I lay the clothes out on the bed and get into the shower.

  Graham comes to pick me up at noon, and he looks neatly dressed, but casual. I’m relieved because I chose skinny jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with it. I’m wearing another pair of boots and a windbreaker.

  “You look great,” Graham says, kissing me on the cheek. His cologne is in my nostrils, and it makes my stomach flip. He looks good, too. “Are you ready?”

  I nod. “I don’t know where we’re going, but I’m ready.”

  “It’s nothing fancy, you’ll see,” Graham says with a smile, and we walk to his car.

  We drive through town, and he parks in front of what looks like an art studio. I’m curious, and when he leads me inside, I realize that it’s a painting and pottery place.

  “This is different,” I say.

  “I thought it would be fun to do something different,” Graham says. “If you don’t like it, we can go somewhere else.”

  I shake my head. “No, I like this. I like creating things.”

  Graham smiles, and we get rid of our coats. We are taken to a bench where we make what they call a couple’s painting. I create one half of the picture, Graham creates the other, and when we hang them side-by-side, the images become complete. Graham and I talk and laugh as we paint, and even though he’s not as artistically inclined as I am, I’m surprised at how good it comes out.

  “This is really nice,” I say when the paintings are finished. “What are we going to do with it?”

  “I think we should take each other’s paintings and hang them up. If this ever becomes more, we can hang them together one day.”

  I smile at him. “That sounds like a great idea.” I don’t add that I hope that’s exactly what will happen one day, and we’ll end up hanging the two pictures side-by-side in a house that we share. That’s jumping the gun a little bit. Well, a lot, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

  When we’re done and the paintings are dry, Graham drives us back home. I can’t believe how well we get along. Throughout the day, we didn’t have awkward silences once.

  The sun is starting to set, and everything feels romantic when Graham pulls up in front of my house. He turns to me, and the atmosphere charges around us. His eyes slide to my lips, and I know what he’s thinking just before he moves closer to me. When his lips press against mine, I sigh. Kissing Graham is like a dream. One hand moves to my cheek, and the other buries itself in my hair. His tongue slips into my mouth, and he tastes me, exploring me.

  When he breaks the kiss, I’m breathing hard.

  “Do you want to come in?” I ask. I don’t care that I’m being forward. I didn’t get the chance on Saturday night and I know that I want him. Every nerve ending is alive, and something at my core aches for Graham.

  “Yeah,” he breathes, and we get out of the car, walking to the front door. I unlock it, determined not to let this end on my porch again. As soon as we are inside, Graham is on me. He pushes me against the wall, pinning me with his body. I could feel his erection in his pants, and I gasp. He grinds himself against me, his hands on my breasts, and I’m melting into my panties. God, I want him. I want him to undress me, to take me to my bedroom, and to fuck me.

  Just as I think it, he starts to peel off my clothes. In winter, there are so many layers to get through, but I’m a patient woman. He can take all the time he needs. The reward will be worth it.

  When he’s about to pull off my shirt, his phone rings again.

  Graham swears under his breath. I sigh, exasperated.

  “Sorry, I should see who this is.”

  He fishes for his phone and glances at the screen. I hope he will ignore it and let the call go to voicemail. A phone call interrupting us is exactly what I don’t need right now.

  “Another client?” I ask, and I can hear the irritation in my own voice. I’m turned on, horny, and ready to let Graham take me.

  Graham frowns at his phone. “Actually, no. It’s my sister.” He clutches the phone, looking up at me. “I really need to take this. It might be an emergency.”

  I can’t imagine ignoring my sister when she might need me during an emergency. We speak almost every day. I nod.

  “Of course,” I say. “If it’s important, you better take it.” Deep down, I’m disappointed. I hope it’s important, and that Graham is not just blowing me off. He couldn’t have planned this, though. The timing is too precise.

  The phone stops buzzing, but Graham still has it in his hand. “You’re really great, Sarah. I promise, I’ll make this up to you.”

  I nod. That part, I know I can believe. He’s already made up for the last interruption to me today. He presses a quick kiss against my lips before he turns around and walks to the front door. I stay behind, flushed, hot and bothered, without any kind of release or satisfaction.

  I close the door behind Graham and lean against it, sighing. Maybe that’s a good thing, I tell myself. Yes, I would have loved to have sex with him, but it might be good that this is going slower than I would have let it. I don’t know an
ything about him, after all, and it’s good to spend time together, not doing anything intimate until we are better acquainted.

  Once again, because of his phone, I’m forced to be rational about my frustration. If his phone hadn’t gone off, we would have been getting undressed together right now.

  Sometimes, the universe talks to us in strange ways. And sometimes, I’m just looking for excuses why things are working out the way they are. If this happens a third time, I’m not sure how I’ll feel about it. I don’t mind being interrupted because of emergencies, but I don’t want to be placed anywhere else than the top of the priority list. If Graham won’t prioritize me, it’s something I won’t be able to live with. No matter how nice he is, I’ll have to break it off with him. Whatever “it” is.

  I know what Monica would say to me now if she knew what I was thinking. She would go on about how I always find flaws in a man again. She doesn’t seem to understand that I respect myself enough to only spend time with people who are worth my while. So far, phone calls aside, Graham seems to be that guy.

  Chapter 8


  I start calling my sister back as I walk down Sarah’s porch steps. When she answers, Britney is in a state. He sounds like she’s been crying — a lot.

  “Slow down, Britney,” I say when I can’t figure out what she’s saying. “Take a deep breath. What happened?”

  I’m already dreading her answer. Britney is married to an abusive man who goes through bad patches and takes it out on his wife and children. They’ve been married for almost ten years. Britney knew what kind of man he was less than a year into their marriage, but she refuses to leave him. She always says it’s for the sake of the kids, but that doesn’t make sense to me. When she found out he was an asshole, they didn’t have children yet. And the kids are getting hurt, too. I tried to get involved, but if Britney doesn’t want to leave the bastard, there is nothing I can do.


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