Slave Girl

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Slave Girl Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “You named the little whore.”

  He shot at his uncle’s leg, dropping him to his knees. “She’s no whore.”

  “You think I didn’t use her? I saw you watching her and was curious.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you were curious about. What I want to know is why you’re the one I’m talking to. What happened to you, Romeo? Or do I call you Dad now? What the fuck is this? When did Gino start calling the shots? When did Gino become such a fucking buddy?”

  “You can’t kill me, Raphael. You see, your father needs me. This entire fucking organization needs me. Isn’t that right, Romeo? You’re not strong enough. No one can take this away from me. This is all mine,” Gino said.

  He’d had enough of hearing his uncle talk. Raphael dropped the gun and grabbed his knife. Killing his uncle would be at his own hands.

  Closing the distance, he held a knife and slid it into his shoulder. His uncle screamed. “Not so invincible now.”

  “You can kill me but you’re a dead man, Raphael. No one will follow you.”

  Raphael heard a noise and quickly pulled his uncle against him, holding the knife to his throat to see Antonio there, gun raised.

  “Ah, my enforcer. Shoot this traitor, Antonio. I’ll make you capo. I’ll give you everything your heart desires.”

  “Untie Elenore,” Raphael said.

  “That man doesn’t answer to you,” his uncle said. “He’s mine. He knows who his boss is.”

  “He does. He’s a free man, who can make his own choices. He doesn’t have to do as he’s told anymore. He doesn’t bow down to anyone.”

  Antonio put the gun down and went straight to Elenore.

  Raphael breathed a sigh of relief.

  “You’ll regret this,” his uncle said. “I will end all of you. No one will ever work for you. You’re nothing without me. You will all die and I’ll make sure she spends her time with dick inside her. She’ll be fucking broken by the time her usefulness is done. She will be done and finished.” His uncle kept on yelling. The moment Elenore was free, Raphael slid the blade into his uncle’s throat, killing him. He didn’t need his uncle to find out what the fuck happened.

  His uncle Gino didn’t die straightaway.

  Raphael watched him go, choking on blood. It wasn’t a pretty sight but one he intended to relish. After he took his last breath, he dropped the knife and rushed toward her.

  Elenore fell against him but he couldn’t protect her back. He wanted to hold her, care for her, love her.

  “I’ve got you. Did he…?”

  “No, he just beat me. I fought him, Raphael. I’m no longer his slave girl. I’m me. I’m your Elenore.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I hate to spoil the moment,” Timothy said. “But this will snap my neck.”

  Antonio was already walking over to the doctor.

  Raphael cupped her face, tilting her head back. “I love you. I love you more than anything in the world.”

  “You do?”


  “You’re mine.” He slammed his lips down on hers, kissing her, silencing any protest.

  Someone clearing their throat drew his attention.

  Raphael looked toward his father. He had his hands out at his sides. “Please, son, this is all I ask.”

  “You want me to kill you?” He got to his feet, holding Eleanor close to him.

  “I … I fucked up.”

  “What happened?” Antonio said. “Why was Gino the one calling the shots?”

  “I had a heart attack several years ago. My health has been in decline and in the past few years, Gino has offered to help. I … I didn’t always agree with him or what he did. To keep me in power, he promised to be by my side whenever I needed and in return, he asked for a few things.”

  “A few things?” Antonio asked.

  “The shipment of girls was an avenue I wanted no part in but it was part of our world already when I took over. Gino wanted me to put more attention to it, so I did. In return for him keeping me at the top, I had to give him what he wanted.”

  “Young girls,” Raphael said.

  “Unlimited access to them, yes. I, I’m not a good man. I know that. I’ve made a great many mistakes.” His gaze was on him. “This is your rightful place, Raphael. You have the right to be called Boss. To take my place.”

  Raphael stared at his father. “I’m not going to kill you but you will put right all the wrongs Gino did. You will announce your immediate retirement and I’ll be your successor.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “I hate to invade this private moment. Her wounds need to be taken care of, and I need a hospital. Your uncle decided to crush my hand. I may never be able to do surgery again,” Timothy said.

  “We need to get them to safety,” Antonio said. “Before the rest of the men arrive. We’ve got a whole lot of a mess to clean up.”

  “You’re right, and we will.”

  He held his woman as he walked her out of the house. She couldn’t walk properly as his uncle had hurt her foot. It looked like it had been broken, but he hoped it hadn’t.

  His uncle was dead. His life free.

  Now, he just needed to bring the Family together, show that his father didn’t have their best interests at heart, and take over.

  It sounded simple.


  One month later

  “And you’re expected to make a full recovery?” Elenore asked.

  Timothy turned his bandaged hand over and back. “I don’t know. Time will tell. The best bone doctors reset the breaks. I can only hope they didn’t fuck it up.”

  She touched his hand. “I hope they didn’t.” Her back was finally healing. Timothy helped her put ointment on her wounds daily. The welts had lessened. She’d still have scars but she had plenty of them already. She still couldn’t wear a bra. The first week she couldn’t even wear a shirt to cover herself. Anything that touched her back caused her immense pain. Now, though, she was able to wear a shirt. Her ankle wasn’t broken, just badly sprained. From the beating from Gino Giavanni, she did sustain two broken ribs, which did make moving uncomfortable.

  “Have you heard from him?” she asked.

  “Not since the last time.”

  “He’s still alive?”

  “He is. He misses you. I know that.”

  They were empty words. Ever since Raphael had gotten her and Timothy to safety, she hadn’t seen him. He hadn’t even come to visit. He told her he loved her, but in the next breath, she didn’t know what to believe. He wasn’t around.

  He was just gone. Completely disappeared as if he wasn’t even there.

  “I’m going to head outside.”

  “He’s got a lot to deal with, Elenore. I know if he could be here for you, he would be. No doubt about it.”

  “Thank you, Timothy.”

  They’d been able to build a friendship together. It was an odd one, but they were happy together.

  Stepping outside, she tilted her head back to bask in the glorious sunshine. She never allowed herself to be cooped up indoors for too long. She liked being outside more than she did inside. This provided her some peace away from the harsh reality of her life.

  She took off her pumps and stepped onto the flawless grass. It was cold against her feet. She smiled. These were one of the few pleasures she had left in her life.

  Tucking some hair behind her ear, she stepped further into the garden, moving toward the roses. She took her time as her ribs still gave her pain if she tried to do anything too strenuous.

  She found the bench she’d unearthed a couple of weeks ago and sat down, perching on the end. The sound of birds filled the air. A stillness filled her.

  “You look beautiful,” Raphael said.

  She turned to see him behind her.

  He wore a dark-gray suit and a crisp white shirt, and his hair was impeccable.

  “Raphael,” she said. She stood as he came toward her.

  A fe
w steps from her, he stopped.

  Her heart raced.

  He didn’t rush to have her in his arms.

  She waited.

  “You look good,” she said.

  “There was a vote today,” he said. “A vital one.”

  “You’re taking your father’s place?”


  “Did it really require a vote?”

  “I needed to remove those who will not show loyalty to me. I killed them, and I took my rightful place. My father is stepping down and dealing with all the problems Gino caused.”

  “It sounds dangerous.”

  “It always is. This world is a scary one, Elenore. It’s dangerous.”

  He reached into his jacket and pulled out a brown envelope.

  “What is this?”

  “Elenore, you have experienced only the cruelty of life. Of knowing how bad it can be. Born as no one, given no name. Just passed around until you ended up in my father’s care, suffering my uncle’s abuse. I never wanted that for you. From the first moment I saw you, all I could think about was protecting you. Loving you. Taking care of you.”


  “In here is the most selfless thing I’ve ever done. It’s your life. A passport, driver’s license. Even a job and a teacher to help you study. There’s money, a house, a car. Everything to get you started in this new life.” He was letting her go. “It can all be yours. I will never darken your doorstep. You will live free, clear, away from all the pain and suffering people have to offer.”

  “Is this what you want?” she asked.

  “This is my selfless option. The choice I’m giving you.” He stepped up close and put the envelope on the chair. He reached back into his pocket and she watched in shock as he sank down to one knee. He held a box in his hand. “This is my selfish option. I want you to marry me. To become Elenore Giavanni. To be my wife, the mother of my children. I will give you everything in that envelope. You will want for nothing. I will only ever love you. Show you kindness and give you the life you really deserve. Here’s the catch, you will have to stay in this life. This life of violence, of pain, of knowing I will make some bad choices. I will kill. I will hurt, but I will never, ever allow it to taint what I feel for you.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Two choices. Which one would you like?”

  She stepped up into his arms, cupped his face, and kissed him hard. “You. I will always choose you.”

  He stood up, sinking his fingers into her hair and kissing her hard. “You know I’m being selfish, keeping you all to myself.”

  “I don’t care. I love you, Raphael. I thought you had forgotten me. That you no longer wanted me.”

  “I want you. Never doubt that. I love you and care for you, and I don’t want a life without you. You’re mine.”

  “Please, put it on me,” she said.

  He lifted the ring out of the box and slid it into her finger. It was a perfect fit.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Timothy said, coming down the garden path.

  “Did you know he was here?”

  “Of course. I told him you love sitting out in the garden. He didn’t want to make a big entrance.”

  Raphael held her close and she didn’t want to let him go. Not ever.

  He was hers, just as she belonged to him.

  “Can anyone join this party?” Antonio asked, coming into the garden with his wife.

  She’d met Ellie once as she’d come to visit her to introduce herself.

  “Congratulations,” Ellie said.

  Elenore wasn’t entirely sure she was a friend, but for now, she was happy to have a female companion.

  Antonio and Raphael shook hands.

  “This is for you,” Raphael said. He pulled a device out of his pocket. “There was no paperwork. My father kept USB keys with all the relevant information on it. I’m a man of my word. You’re free.”

  Antonio took the device. “Free? And how do you expect to keep your standing? The respect of the men?”

  “I have my ways.”

  “Exactly. I’ll keep the device and my title as enforcer.”

  “Antonio, this is your freedom. You don’t have to answer to the Family anymore.”

  “And I won’t. I will only answer to you.”

  Ellie smiled. “We’ve talked about it and he doesn’t believe he can handle a nine-to-five job.”

  “You’re okay with this?”

  “Yes. He loves me and I know he’s doing what is right for us, for this family.”

  Elenore turned away as the couple kissed. She didn’t need to see them. She only had eyes for Raphael.

  “It would seem I’ve got to get myself a woman,” Timothy said.

  “I don’t think you could handle anyone,” Elenore said.

  “I can find a nice woman. One who can handle my enjoyments. I will find her and put you all to the test.”

  “I bet he finds a woman,” Antonio said. “I’ve seen what he can do and I’m convinced he can do fucking anything.”

  Raphael burst out laughing. “I won’t be betting against him. I’ve seen him in action. I just don’t think he could taint the perfect woman.”

  “You’re all mocking me,” Timothy said, shaking his head. “I’ll go and fire up the barbeque. I’m hungry.”

  “I’m going to follow him to make sure he’s cooking something good and not human parts,” Antonio said.

  Alone, she turned toward Raphael.

  “I love you,” they both said in unison.

  “I’m never going to get tired of hearing you sat that.” He pushed some of her hair off her shoulder. “I promised myself if I got to you before my uncle could hurt you, I would tell you every chance I got. I love you, Elenore. So much.”

  “I love you too. Forever.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. She had started out as a slave girl, but she wasn’t that anymore. Her past no longer had any control over her.

  Raphael had helped her, guided her, and now she knew she was free. There were no longer any cuffs binding her.

  She’d be his wife and make him proud.

  She would also make sure no other girl or woman ever suffered the way she had. She’d help to set others free.


  Five years later

  Raphael hated leaving his woman behind. When business called, he tried to keep her as far away as possible. He never wanted it to even look at her, let alone touch her. There were times she needed to play the role of his wife and he was okay with that. He loved having her on his arm. She hated the gossip about her. Even after five years, she was still one of the most talked-about people at any given party.

  Sipping at his water, he watched her.

  Her guards were close but like he ordered them, they were to keep an eye on her but not touch, not disturb her peace.

  For years, she’d been controlled in every aspect of her life that he made sure she could have her freedom in their home at least. Like now, she lay on the grass that was probably still damp from the rainfall they had the night before. The sun was out, though. She wore a dress that nipped in at her waist to flare out across the hips. With the way she lay on the ground, completely vulnerable, her swollen bump could be seen.

  The sight alone was enough to make his dick ache.

  After he’d taken everything from his father, killed his uncle, he’d wanted to wait for children, to make sure he had people’s trust before he even considered having children. Now, after five years, they were expecting their first. He was terrified, but his wife, she thrived being pregnant. She was sexy as well.

  What did surprise him was that retirement suited his father. Romeo Giavanni had handed over the empire without a second’s hesitation. He’d also put to right everything he allowed Gino to do. He’d even given him his support as well. For the first time in their lives, Raphael enjoyed his father’s company.

  Stepping out into the warm air, he held her water in his hand, fo
llowing up the path, going straight toward her.

  She took a deep breath, expelled it, and took another as he returned.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said.

  The smile played across her lips, lighting up her whole face. “You’re back.”

  She sat up and he sat on the ground beside her. He handed her the glass of water and she took it, drinking it down.

  “How was your day?” she asked.

  “Eventful but I don’t want to talk business. How are you?” he asked, placing a hand on her stomach.

  “I’m fine. We’re fine. Worried about you.” She cupped his face.

  “Don’t be. I’m home now.”

  She licked her lips and her gaze fell down his body, a clear sign she wanted something a little more … dirty from him.

  Taking the glass from her hands, he picked up his heavily pregnant wife and started toward the house.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking my wife, the love of my life, to our bedroom where I’m going to start by making love to her. Licking her pretty desperate pussy, and then I’m going to fuck her hard like she wants me to.”

  “Your wife is looking forward to it.” Elenore wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her upstairs.

  She owned his heart, just as he took hers.

  He’d do anything for her. There were no limits to his need when it came to this woman, to his little slave girl.

  The End

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