Sweet Taste of Revenge

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Sweet Taste of Revenge Page 11

by Mary Ellis

  Liam glanced at the clock on the wall. ‘Time is almost up, dear sister. You’d better go.’

  ‘Why don’t you request a meeting with the Escambia County DA? If you identify your co-conspirators, he might move up your first parole hearing.’

  Utter sadness filled his face. ‘You’re still the same, sweet, country girl, aren’t you?’

  ‘This isn’t about me,’ she snapped.

  ‘Oh, but it is. It’s always been about you, Katie-girl. According to that attorney I fired, if I didn’t confess, an eyewitness was ready to step forward and testify I shot the guard. Then I got a message that my sister would be in for a world of hurt if I snitched on my pals. They planned to keep tabs on you for the rest of your life.’ Liam leaned across the table until he was nose to nose. ‘And since you’re here, pestering me again, I know they’ve done exactly that. So I said nothing to the DA back then and I’ve got nothing to say now. Somebody’s watching you out there, and somebody’s watching me in here. Drop this or we’ll both end up dead.’ Liam sat back. ‘If we play our cards right, I’ll see you in a few years.’

  ‘There must be something—’

  ‘No!’ he shouted. ‘Now get out of here and don’t come back! I have nothing more to say.’ Liam pushed to his feet and, for the second time, strolled out of her life without a backward glance.


  It took Kate the distance between the prison’s visitation park and her car before the full impact of Liam’s revelation sunk in. When it did, she took one look at Eric and burst into tears.

  ‘What happened inside?’ He placed a hand on her shoulder.

  Sobbing, Kate leaned close enough so Eric could put his arms around her.

  ‘Was Liam mean and nasty? Did he hurt your feelings?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘Did you wait all this time, but he didn’t show up?’

  Another negative head-bob.

  ‘Talk to me, Kate. We’re friends, remember?’ Eric tightened his grip on her shoulder.

  Kate pulled away and leaned against the headrest. ‘All these years Liam spent locked up in jail—’ her words broke into a shaky staccato – ‘were because he was protecting me. It was exactly like I saw under hypnosis. Liam didn’t shoot that guard. The guy was dead before my brother arrived. Liam took the blame, along with a maximum sentence, because his cronies threatened to hurt me. That’s why he never ratted out the men who set him up.’ Tears streamed down her face unchecked.

  ‘And that’s who’s been watching you.’ Eric’s hands balled into fists as he scanned an almost empty parking lot.

  Kate tried to rein in her emotions. ‘Someone’s been watching Liam too. When he requested a new lawyer, that’s when they blew up your car. It was a warning not to start digging up the past.’

  ‘What are we …’ Eric hesitated. ‘Sorry. What are you going to do?’

  She started the ignition. ‘Give me an hour to think. By the time we get back I’ll give you my answer.’

  Eric did exactly what Kate asked. For the next sixty minutes, he fiddled between stations or stared out the window at the rural Florida Panhandle. The moment they turned into the Vacation Inn and Suites parking lot, he switched off the radio. ‘Well, what’s the plan?’

  Kate focused on a family unloading the car after a day at the beach. ‘If I hadn’t moved back home, you wouldn’t be here looking at restaurant locations.’

  ‘You sound mighty sure of yourself, Weller. Ever consider I might prefer the Gulf of Mexico over the Atlantic Ocean?’

  ‘Baloney, you’re not a beachy kind of guy. Tell me the truth – is there anything I can say to make you go back to Charleston?’ She still couldn’t meet his eye.

  Eric rubbed his jaw with the back of his hand. ‘Can’t think of a single thing. Friends stay loyal through thick and thin, remember?’

  ‘That’s what I thought.’ She swiveled around to face him and pointed at a red, turbo-charged Charger. ‘See that sports car over there?’

  ‘Yep, that is one sweet ride.’

  ‘It belongs to Michael Preston – Beth’s partner and fiancé. Michael is here to spend the weekend. When he returns to Savannah, I want Beth going with him.’

  ‘Aren’t they getting married soon?’

  ‘In two weeks, unless Beth postpones it again. And I don’t want her doing that. If I’m still alive and kicking, I’m her maid of honor. If Beth got hurt while babysitting me, I couldn’t live with myself.’

  ‘And this is where I come in?’ Eric asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  ‘Yes, but only because you’re too stubborn or too stupid to stay away from me after someone blew up your car!’ Kate crossed her arms.

  ‘It was just a car, Kate. Look around. Cars are everywhere, unlike beautiful women who really know how to sweet-talk a man.’

  It took her a moment to realize he was mocking her. ‘Look, Manfredi. I don’t want anything bad happening to you either. But if I send Michael and Beth home, you’re all I’ve got. Nate’s wife just had a baby, so I can’t ask my boss for help.’

  ‘Ahhh, you’re at the bottom of the barrel.’ Eric released his breath with a whoosh. ‘And that’s your best offer?’

  She cringed at her poor choice of words. ‘You’re nobody’s bottom of the barrel, but I know that beneath that cool sophistication is a man who can handle himself in dangerous situations. So let me rephrase: Eric, will you help me track down a killer who’s gotten away with his crime for sixteen years? Keep in mind he’ll do anything to stay out of jail.’

  ‘I thought you’d never ask. I accept.’ Without warning, Eric took hold of her chin. ‘You’re right – I can take care of myself. And nothing will happen to you, not on my watch. I’ll see that you make it to Beth’s wedding on time and in one piece.’ Releasing her chin, he pulled out his cell phone. ‘Let me call my new boss and back out of the sous chef position.’

  Kate pulled the phone from his hand. ‘No. That’s where we’ve gone wrong. I’ve been too obvious – stomping up to Santa Rosa Prison, demanding my brother tell me who pulled the trigger, without a thought as to who might be listening. Today, Liam put on a good show when he sent me away. But if I go everywhere with a six-foot-four-inch bodyguard, no one will believe Liam’s ruse.’

  Eric shook his head. ‘But if I’m not with you, what help can I be?’

  ‘Tomorrow is Sunday. You and I will go to the beach like other friends on vacation. If anyone is watching me, they’ll see nothing they don’t like. Then, on Monday, you report to the restaurant as planned. Then after your shift, I’ll pick you up. I promise not to do anything suspicious until we’re together.’

  ‘No, Kate. If Beth and Michael go back to—’

  She didn’t allow him to finish. ‘Any investigating I do will be on my case for Nate. Remember? I still work for a living, so you might as well too. If that’s really why you came down to Pensacola …’

  ‘Yeah, it’s why. You’re not that irresistible, Weller.’

  ‘Good to hear. Now let’s break the news to Beth and Michael.’ Kate opened the car door, but Eric grabbed her wrist.

  ‘No, why not wait until Sunday night to tell them? Otherwise, Beth will pester you all weekend.’

  ‘Wow, a smart man who can cook. What a catch you are, Manfredi.’ She imbued each word with sarcasm.

  Eric stretched to his full height next to the car. ‘Don’t mess with me. I’m way bigger than you.’ He headed across the parking lot.

  Kate ran to catch up. ‘What are your plans for tonight? Why not stop in and meet Michael? You already know Beth. You two have been conspiring behind my back.’

  He stopped in his tracks, his face unreadable. ‘Who’s the smart one now?’

  She pulled open the door. ‘I’m sure your accomplice would like you to meet him.’

  ‘Lead on. Why don’t we all have dinner tonight? And not down by the pool. I’d like to treat Beth and Michael to celebrate their engagement.’

  ‘Fine by me, but let’s
see what they think.’ Kate pushed the button for the elevator, feeling oddly disconcerted, as though she’d just been outwitted.

  Once they entered her suite, Beth practically bowled her over. ‘Kate! I’m so glad you and Eric are back from Milton. Michael tracked down Mrs Westin’s boyfriend on social media. He is … or rather he was an avid poster of their romantic liaisons on Facebook and Twitter.’

  ‘Hi, I’m Michael, Beth’s fiancé and a fellow co-worker at Price Investigations.’

  ‘Eric Manfredi, Kate’s landlord from Charleston and trusted confidant, much to Beth’s dismay. A pleasure to meet you.’ The two men shook hands.

  Beth stepped in front of Kate. ‘Only initially dismayed. I judged you based only on size. Big people intimidate me.’ She stood on tiptoes. ‘But I was charmed the moment I tasted your cooking. Michael had better hurry up and walk me down that aisle.’

  ‘You’re the one holding up the three-ring circus, missy.’ Michael slipped an arm around her waist. ‘Don’t feel bad, Eric. Beth totally despised me for the first few weeks.’

  ‘And in your case, height had nothing to do with it.’ Beth batted her long eyelashes up at Michael.

  Feeling neglected, Kate stepped forward. ‘Eric invited us out to dinner, but I’m sure you lovebirds would prefer to be alone.’

  ‘Not in the least,’ said Beth. ‘We’ll soon be stuck with each other for eternity. Thanks, Eric. We cordially accept.’

  Kate rolled her eyes. ‘Tell me what you found out about Mrs Westin’s lover.’

  ‘Come look at these photos Mark Harris posted on Instagram the day Mrs Westin died. It shows the two of them on the Arrivederci Sorrento.’

  ‘No thanks. I prefer not to see anything sleazy.’

  ‘Sit,’ Michael ordered. ‘There’s nothing X-rated.’

  Kate sat and, with Eric peering over her shoulder, she gazed at two smiling people at a bistro table with champagne glasses in hand. A picnic hamper was open at their feet.

  ‘From the angle, it was probably a selfie taken by Harris.’ Michael tapped a few keys and the photos rotated like a slideshow. ‘All the shots are equally benign: just two people having lunch and then sunbathing on deck. Notice there is no staff present in any of the pictures.’

  Kate waited to comment until she studied the final shot of Harris climbing the main mast, obviously taken by Mrs Westin. ‘The boat appears to be docked so Captain Holcomb wasn’t necessary. And you don’t need a waiter to serve sandwiches and fruit salad.’

  ‘True,’ Michael agreed. ‘But that means there were no witnesses during their final rendezvous.’

  ‘Except for dozens of people in the marina if the boat was docked.’ Beth passed around a bowl of pretzels. ‘Who’s to say the Dancing Fool wasn’t having its own dockside party?’

  ‘That’s what I’ll find out when I talk to Mark Harris, among other things.’

  Beth rubbed her hands together. ‘I can’t wait. We’ll uncover the true motivation behind this May–December relationship.’

  Kate exchanged glances with Eric. ‘We’ll have to discuss that later, Beth.’

  ‘Doesn’t anyone want to see the video of Mark and Agnes?’ asked Michael.

  ‘Not me. I’m going to hit the pool before dinner.’ Beth marched into the bedroom and closed the door.

  ‘I’ll pass too. I need to Google a special place for the engaged couple to have dinner.’ Eric dug his hands into his pockets.

  ‘I’ll view the video in private. Send it to my laptop,’ said Kate.

  ‘Will you please relax?’ Michael asked, sounding exasperated. ‘It’s just two people snorkeling around the marina. There’s absolutely nothing vulgar about it and they seem genuinely fond of each other. Although it could’ve been dangerous if a speedboat didn’t notice their snorkels.’

  ‘I get that, but I need to talk to Beth in private,’ Kate said softy. ‘I want her to go home with you on Monday. Eric will fill in as my bodyguard and investigative assistant. You two can concentrate on your wedding and the case Nate assigned you.’

  ‘Sounds good to me, and we do have a case to work in Savannah. But Beth isn’t going to like it.’

  ‘I know. That’s why she and I need some girl-time, in case it turns into fisticuffs.’

  ‘Could I stand by with my video camera?’ asked Michael, to Eric’s great amusement. ‘It would really break the ice at my bachelor party.’

  ‘Absolutely not!’ Kate snapped

  ‘I’ll leave you to thrash out the details and call later.’ Eric sauntered toward the door. ‘Michael, you’re welcome to spend the night on my couch instead of theirs. Then you won’t have to fight two women for the bathroom. I’m in 308.’

  ‘Sounds good, thanks.’ Michael waved over the computer. ‘I’ll finish my background check on Harris and stop over later.’

  With Eric gone and Michael’s nose buried in his laptop, Kate slipped into the shared bedroom.

  ‘Are you coming down to the pool?’ Beth asked. She was already in her swimsuit and was busy applying suntan lotion. ‘Isn’t Eric sweet? I can’t believe he wants to take Michael and me out for our engagement. Do you think he’ll pick someplace fancy?’

  Kate sucked in a deep breath. ‘Yes, I would love a dip in the pool. Yes, Eric is very sweet. And yes, I’m sure it’ll be the fanciest place in a three-county area.’

  Beth stopped in mid-swipe, her fingers full of lotion. ‘What’s going on? You usually ignore my run-on questions.’

  ‘You and I have something important to discuss.’

  ‘Don’t even think of backing out of the wedding now. No one else can fit into that hideous bridesmaid dress.’

  Kate swallowed down a laugh. ‘No, and the ridiculous dress has nothing to do with it. I can’t wait for your wedding.’

  Beth wiped her palms on her knees and plopped down on the bed. ‘This sounds serious.’

  Kate sat next to her. ‘Tonight we’ll celebrate and have a good time. Tomorrow Eric and I will spend the day at the beach. You and Michael are welcome to join us if you like.’

  ‘O-kaay, that sounds good. I love swimming in the Gulf. Now get to the point.’ Beth’s eyes narrowed.

  ‘I can’t be so obvious when I’m poking my nose into Liam’s misguided past. So you’re going home with Michael on Monday. I already spoke with Nate. He agrees with my decision.’

  Beth arched her back like a startled cat. ‘I’m not going anywhere. With Michael here, we can wrap up the Westin case and devote our full time and attention to Liam. Don’t you understand the danger you’re in? Someone who killed before will kill again to prevent the truth from coming out.’

  ‘It’s you who doesn’t understand. Michael is here because you asked him to come and he adores you. But I refuse to endanger your life anymore. Eric can help me track down whoever is targeting me.’

  ‘Why is it okay for Eric to risk his life but not okay for me?’ Beth’s face knotted with confusion.

  ‘Because he’s single, same as me. No one is counting on him to walk down the aisle in the immediate future.’

  ‘Sounds like you’re just using the man. I think that stinks. Besides, I’m a heck of a lot more qualified to protect you.’

  Kate shot back in anger. ‘I care very much about Eric, even if we have no future. I tried sending him away, but he refuses to leave. Please, Beth. Why must you always have your way?’

  Her best friend’s face grew pale. ‘I guess I don’t. Just promise you’ll call if you need me. Savannah is only … nine hours away.’ Beth slid off the bed.

  ‘Don’t be angry with me.’

  Beth turned to face her. ‘I’m not mad. I get it. I just wish there was more I could do. Leaving right now … feels so final.’

  But Kate couldn’t think of a single thing to say.

  Since he had no calendar, Sunday was the only thing breaking Liam Weller’s days into measurable weeks – no work, extra yard time if he had no visitors and better food in the mess hall. Liam shouldn’t have any m
ore visitors since he ordered his little sister to stay away. Liam’s usual routine was to eat breakfast, attend the non-denominational church service, then work out in the yard. On rainy days he would read in his cell, away from the loud-mouthed bullies who picked the TV shows in the common room. The library had a decent selection of dog-eared and censored fiction and non-fiction self-help books. A man could learn anything, from hooking up electronics, raising vegetables in pots on the patio, or how to make lasagna with only five ingredients. After years of eating inmate-prepared meals, Liam intended to learn how to cook before he was released. The library also contained a law section, which Liam would steer clear of since Kate had a target on her back.

  Katie-girl. Why would she want to help a loser like him? A man who’d caused nothing but grief since the day their parents died. Even if he never learned to grow vegetables or hook up a computer, he hoped to live long enough to make this nightmare up to her.

  After the chaplain finished sharing practical examples of how to turn the other cheek – a popular topic for incarcerated felons – Liam headed toward the library.

  ‘Hey, Weller, where ya going?’ The voice of Darius Gage, the nastiest guard in the cellblock, stopped him in his tracks.

  Liam turned. ‘Library. Fixing to get me a book written during the current millennium.’

  ‘Forget ’bout that. You got yourself a visitor, inside, since it’s raining cats and dogs outside.’

  The tiny hairs rose on Liam’s neck. No way would Kate come back this soon, not after how he treated her. ‘Who is it?’

  Gage sighed like life was way too exhausting before he checked his clipboard. ‘Signed the sheet as John Henry Holliday. Says he’s your cousin from Atlanta. Let’s go. I’ve got better things to do than track down your sorry butt.’

  ‘I don’t remember no cousin and there’s no John Henry Holliday on my visitor list.’ Liam fought to make sense of something niggling in the back of his brain.

  ‘Look, Weller. Since you don’t get many visitors, I approved the request this morning. Maybe some long-lost relative croaked and left you a fortune. You can spend it at the prison commissary.’ Gage cackled like a hyena.


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