Sweet Taste of Revenge

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Sweet Taste of Revenge Page 15

by Mary Ellis

  She nodded. ‘Okay, what is it you want from me today?’

  ‘I want to go back. I want you to put me under.’

  Looking confused, Faraday flipped through a few pages of notes and skimmed the page. ‘As you were emerging from the regression, you said and I quote, “Liam didn’t shoot that man. He was already lying on the ground.” Then I asked, “What happened next?” And you told me that you didn’t know because you ran away.’ Faraday stopped reading and met Kate’s gaze. ‘I don’t know what else you aim to learn.’

  Kate swallowed hard. ‘I lied to you. I didn’t run, because I was too scared to move from my telephone pole. Please, Mrs Faraday, I want to see what happened to Liam and his friends.’

  The hypnotist pursed her lips. ‘This isn’t like rewinding a videotape. Who knows if I can get you back to that precise moment in your past? Hypnosis is not an exact science.’

  ‘Can we try, please? My brother’s life may be at stake.’

  ‘Very well.’ Still sounding unsure, Faraday walked around the room, dimming lights and closing blinds. ‘First of all, I want you to verbalize what you hope to see under hypnosis. What do you hope to learn? Sometimes, if we focus on a question such as where we last saw our cell phone, right before we fall asleep, the answer will come to us in the dream state. We might trigger a regression in the same way. Tell me what you hope to learn.’

  ‘I want to see what happened to Liam,’ Kate said quickly. ‘And I want to see what his friends looked like and which one of them knocked Liam out,’ she added after a few moments.

  ‘Very good.’ Faraday rolled over her chair and turned on her tape recorder. ‘Sit back comfortably, Kate, and close your eyes. Relax the muscles of your neck … your arms and legs … and your back. Take three very deep breaths. Draw the air in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Imagine you are standing on the beach, watching the waves lap the shore. It is a warm summer day and you are ten years old. Can you feel the warm sun on your face and hands?

  ‘Please don’t nod your head. Instead, speak every thought that comes to mind. Now, can you see yourself standing on the beach in your shorts and T-shirt?’


  ‘Very good.’ Faraday spoke softly in an almost melodic voice. ‘Remember, Kate, these are memories and nothing from the past can hurt you.’


  ‘As you listen to my voice, your mind forms a picture of that summer day when your mom worked the night shift and Liam was supposed to watch you. Do you remember that day, Kate, when Liam made plans to go out with his friends?’

  ‘Yes, Liam was very mad at me. He gave me a Coke and a bag of chips and told me to watch TV in my room all night. I asked what if I gotta go to the bathroom. He said stop being such a baby!’

  ‘Is that what you did, Kate? Did you stay in your room all night?’

  ‘No, I climbed out my window and hid under a smelly tarp in his truck.’

  ‘And Liam didn’t know you were there until you came up for air. What happened then?’

  ‘He got real mad.’ Kate’s child-like voice rose in agitation.

  ‘Don’t worry; Liam loves you. He just wants to keep you safe.’

  ‘He made me climb out of the truck and then he drove away. I started crying.’

  ‘But you were very brave. You followed him several blocks through downtown Pensacola, until he parked by the curb. What did he do when he got out of this truck?’

  ‘He walked over to his pals. They were standing in the middle of the street.’

  ‘What do you see in the middle of the street?’

  ‘A car accident – a shiny black van and a smashed-up red car. And there’s a man lying on the ground. He’s not moving. Everybody is yelling. Liam is yelling too. He’s real angry.’

  ‘Why is he so mad, Kate?’

  ‘Liam is mad at his friends. He said a bad word and points at the ground. Then he said, “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”’

  ‘Who’s he talking to, Kate?’

  ‘A skinny man and a chubby man with a beard.’

  ‘Do you know their names?’


  ‘What does the chubby man say?’

  ‘He called Liam a bad word and says, “This is your fault, because you can’t get anywhere on time.” Then Liam grabs the man’s shirt and says, “You were supposed to wait till we’re all here.”’

  ‘Tell me about this chubby man. What color is his hair?’

  ‘Brown. And his hair looks dirty. He wears glasses.’

  ‘Then what happens to Liam and his friends?’

  ‘Somebody hit Liam on the head.’ Tears began to stream down Kate’s face.

  ‘Remember, nothing here that can hurt you. Was it the chubby man with the beard who hit Liam or the skinny man?’

  Kate shook her head. ‘No, it was a different man. He came from behind the black truck.’

  ‘Tell me what this man looks like. Is he tall or short?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Is he a white man or a black man?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘All right, tell me what happened after this man hits your brother.’

  ‘Liam falls on the ground by the man with blood on his shirt. And the skinny man starts yelling, “What did you do that for?” Then the chubby man says, “Shut up. He’s been nothing but trouble right from the beginning.” Then I heard sirens in the distance and somebody yelled, “The cops are coming!”’

  ‘What did everyone do then?’

  ‘The chubby man picks up a duffle bag and the skinny men says, “This ain’t right. We can’t just leave him like this.” He points down at my brother. Then the man who hit Liam says, “Shut up and get moving. We ain’t got much time. Or maybe you want to end up down there with your pal?”’

  ‘Now can you see the face of the man who hit Liam?’

  Kate shook her head. ‘No, his back is to me. But he’s wearing a red plaid flannel shirt.’

  ‘What happens next?’

  ‘The chubby man and skinny man run away with the black bag. Then the other man squats down next to Liam.’

  ‘What did he do?’

  ‘I couldn’t see. Maybe he was saying sorry. Then he went into the dark building.’

  ‘He didn’t run away like the others?’

  ‘No, he went inside the building.’

  ‘What did you do, Kate?’

  ‘I just stood there behind the telephone pole. I wanted to see if Liam was okay, but the flashing red and blue lights were too close. I was scared the police would tell Mom I snuck out of the house. So I ducked into the alley behind Liam’s truck and ran until I was far away.’

  ‘Did you see police cars on the next street?’

  ‘Yes, but I hid behind a trash can when one drove by.’

  ‘Then you walked back to Highway 29 and hitched a ride to get home. Once you were home, nobody was there, right?’

  Kate nodded. ‘I hid under the covers and pretended I was asleep.’

  ‘That’s where you are right now, Kate. Safe at home in bed where nothing can hurt you. But the sun is shining, so it’s time to wake up. As I slowly count back from five, you are going to wake up. Five,’ said Faraday.

  Kate’s closed eyelids fluttered.

  ‘Four,’ she said, slightly louder.

  Kate’s shoulders twitched.

  ‘Three.’ As she spoke in her normal voice, Kate shifted on the sofa.

  Faraday moved to stand above her patient. ‘Two.’

  Kate’s entire body spasmed.


  As Kate opened her eyes and shook off the last vestiges of sleep, Faraday handed her a second notepad.

  ‘I want you to jot down everything you can remember, Kate. Don’t bother with spelling, punctuation, or complete sentences. Keep writing until you can’t remember anything else that you saw or heard. Just like a dream, the longer you’re fully conscious, the less you’ll be able to remember of our session.�

  Kate started writing and didn’t stop until her hand cramped painfully. ‘That’s it. I sure hope you tape-recorded our session.’

  ‘I did. Between my recording and your notes, you should have an accurate picture of the events that night.’

  Kate reached for several tissues and dabbed her damp face. ‘I don’t know if these are tears or sweat from exhaustion. But I feel like you made me run around the block, carrying a twenty-pound weight.’

  Faraday laughed, then handed her a new memory stick. ‘That’s a normal response. Feel free to rest for as long as you need. I have no other patients tonight.’

  Kate pushed to her feet. ‘I appreciate the offer, but I need to beat someone back to my room.’

  ‘Are you kidding? That’s exactly like what you described in your regression.’

  ‘Yes, but now it’s a hotel room and a boyfriend I need to beat instead of my mom.’ Kate pulled out her checkbook and paid for the session.

  It was not until she was inside her car that she realized what an endearing term she’d just used for Eric Manfredi.


  No matter how Kate referred to Eric – her partner-in-training, bodyguard, or boyfriend – she did not beat him back to Vacation Inn and Suites that night. Eric was sitting on a kitchen chair in her doorway when she stepped off the elevator. She would either need a battering ram or stick of dynamite to get around him.

  ‘Where have you been, young lady? The street lights have been on for half an hour!’ Playing the role well, Eric tapped his toe on the tile floor.

  ‘What are you doing here, Manfredi, and how did you open my door?’

  ‘Don’t change the subject.’ He rose to his full six feet four inches and crossed his arms over his chest. ‘You told me you were staying in to research Steve Rivera.’

  ‘I did, until I learned all I could from the internet.’ Kate tried to squeeze past him, but he parried to the left and right. ‘Okay, I’ll confess if you let me inside.’

  ‘Don’t even think of jumping from the balcony.’ Eric stepped to the side.

  Kate walked into her suite, which seemed naked without her roommate’s junk. ‘By all means, Eric, make yourself comfortable.’ Her voice oozed with sarcasm.

  ‘I’m waiting for a full confession.’ He moved his chair back to the table and bolted the door.

  ‘I had an appointment with my hypnotherapist tonight for a second session. I went alone because you don’t think much of the pseudo-sciences.’

  Eric blinked. ‘I don’t care if your appointment was with Aladdin on his flying carpet. Spend your money however you choose. But until we find out who shot that guard, I don’t want you going anywhere alone.’

  Kate grinned at his analogy. ‘Do you have Aladdin’s number? I’d like to give him a call.’

  Eric took hold of her shoulders. ‘Stop joking around, Kate. You’re not safe in Pensacola.’

  She shrugged off his hands. ‘I know that, but tonight we got one step closer to finding out who pulled the trigger. Sit down and I’ll tell you the whole story. But first I need something to drink.’ She headed for the refrigerator, then halted midstride. ‘No, first you’re going to tell me how you got in here. Beth gave me her key card when she moved out.’

  ‘Not until after Beth had an extra copy made for Michael. He was originally planning to sleep on your couch, remember?’ Eric stretched out comfortably in the recliner.

  ‘And Michael gave the copy to you instead of me?’ Kate pulled two Cokes from the vegetable crisper.

  ‘Yep, he figured if I had to come to your rescue, a key would come in handy.’

  She chose not to comment on Michael’s faith in her abilities. Instead, Kate handed Eric a Coke and launched into a summary of the hypnosis session. She omitted the details about entering and exiting the subconscious state and concentrated on the new information she’d learned.

  Eric gazed up at the ceiling. ‘So, under hypnosis, you saw Liam’s two cronies and will be able to describe them to your brother.’

  ‘Yes, but neither of them knocked out Liam. There was a third guy Liam didn’t know about.’

  ‘Could he have been the other armored car driver?’

  ‘No, this guy had on a plaid flannel shirt – red, to be exact. The guards wear uniforms – white shirt with an insignia on the pocket, and black pants.’

  ‘Chances are your brother will know who their ringleader recruited at the last minute.’

  ‘That’s what I’m hoping, especially since he probably got Liam’s share of the loot after framing Liam to take the fall.’

  ‘Sounds like you got your seventy-five bucks’ worth. What do we do now?’

  Kate tipped up the can and finished her drink. ‘We can’t talk to Liam until Saturday. And in the meantime, I’ve got my bread-and-butter case to work tomorrow. Let’s go meet Steve Rivera, the lucky fiancé of a soon-to-be very wealthy woman. I need to track down the nearest Lexus dealership.’

  ‘One step ahead of you, boss.’ Eric sat upright in the recliner and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. On it was the name and address of a dealership.

  ‘Aren’t you a handy man to have around? Speaking of paying jobs, how did your second night at Henri’s go?’

  He scrunched his nose, as though whiffing something foul. ‘I need to find a suitable location to open another Bella. The owner accepted a delivery of fresh fish, just caught in the gulf yesterday. And what did he tell me to do with it?’

  ‘I’m assuming you grilled it as the daily special.’

  ‘That’s what a sane chef would do. But my boss had me dip it in heavy batter and drop it in the deep fryer.’ Eric closed his eyes to the painful memory. ‘And we served it with fries and coleslaw.’

  Kate had to hold her hand over her mouth to stop laughing. ‘A restaurateur must cater to his or her clientele. This is the beach. People want ice cream, hot dogs, and stuff fried. Me, I love fried flounder under a thick blanket of tartar sauce, with creamy coleslaw, Cajun fries, and lots of catsup.’ She rubbed her belly in a circular motion.

  Eric stood and lifted his chin with imperious dignity. ‘With that comment, Miss Weller, I’ll take my leave. I’ll meet you in the breakfast bar at eight-thirty.’ He opened the door and closed it none too quietly behind him.

  But before he reached his suite, Kate hollered down the hallway, ‘See you then, my favorite hash-slinger. Just don’t expect eggs Benedict or crème brûlée.’

  Kate laughed herself silly as she bolted the door. But, if she was being honest, she liked Eric keeping tabs on her and sleeping only twenty feet down the hall. With Beth and Michael gone and her brother in jail, she was alone in the town where she grew up. She could call her last foster mother, but what could a fifty-something woman do with three teenagers still in the house? Having someone who looked out for her – especially someone who cared – helped her to fall asleep and remain asleep until morning.

  At first her dreams were filled with tubs of fresh fish being battered and deep-fried by someone chained to the stove. But they ended with a handsome knight just returning from the Crusades, a knight who just happened to ride a white horse.

  When Kate joined Eric at breakfast the next morning, he was eating plain toast and drinking black coffee.

  ‘What … no ham and eggs with cheesy grits today?’ she asked.

  ‘No, I had a plate of fried fish after my shift yesterday to see why it’s so popular, and I still have heartburn.’ He nibbled his piece of toast.

  ‘Different strokes, my friend,’ Kate said. ‘I’m not hungry either, so let’s get going. The closest dealership is almost in Mobile. Luckily, that’s the one where Steve Rivera works.’

  While Eric drove west along I-10, Kate updated the Westin case file on her laptop. Eric seemed a million miles away today, so she steered clear of small talk. Once they arrived at a showroom filled with upscale automobiles, Eric popped out to open her door.

  ‘Always the gentleman. I’m glad I brought you, Manfredi.�
�� Kate exited the vehicle carefully in her snug sheath dress and high heels. High-end cars warranted the most expensive clothes in her closet which, in her case, hadn’t been very expensive at all.

  ‘You look very nice today, boss,’ he said, offering her his hand. Eric must have had the same idea regarding apparel. He was dressed in pressed chinos, a starched shirt, and a linen sport coat.

  Kate took his arm but muttered under her breath. ‘Thank you, but you should curb those kinds of comments. Since temporarily I am your boss, there are federal laws against sexist behavior in the workplace.’

  ‘I’m not allowed to say you look nice?’ Eric looked bewildered.

  ‘You may not.’ Kate smoothed down her dress with one hand. ‘Let’s just pretend we’re in the market for a snazzy car, at least until we’re face to face with Mr Rivera.’

  Once inside the lavish showroom, they were approached by not one but two sales professionals. Eric smiled at one, while Kate greeted the other. ‘Good morning,’ she drawled. ‘I’m Kathryn Weller. A friend of ours recommended this dealership and told us to ask for Steve Rivera.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am, sir,’ said the female salesperson, nodding at them. ‘I’m so sorry, but Mr Rivera is out ill today. But I’d be happy to help you … or perhaps Mr Prentiss?’ She gestured to her cohort. ‘He has twenty-two years in the luxury car business.’

  Kate smiled demurely. ‘As far as I’m concerned, you both look quite competent. But our friend insisted that we deal directly with Mr Rivera. Could we wander around and narrow down our choices? Then we can make an appointment after Mr Rivera returns.’ Kate kept grinning until she thought her face might crack.

  ‘Absolutely!’ chimed Miss Stokes, according to her name-plate. ‘Take all the time you need. Our customer lounge has coffee, tea, soft drinks, snacks and high-speed WiFi – complimentary, of course.’ She pointed a well-manicured hand toward a doorway.

  ‘Come on, honey.’ Eric grabbed Kate’s hand. ‘Let’s get started. I can’t wait to drive one of these beauties.’

  ‘Just remember, dear, we’re not buying anything today.’ Kate let Eric drag her to a sleek sports car.


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