School of Broken Dreams: Academy of Souls Book 3

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School of Broken Dreams: Academy of Souls Book 3 Page 7

by C. R. Jane

  You have angel blood.

  I don’t mention to my parents the angel idea as I worry they’ll think I’ve gone mad. And with Mom softly sobbing against me and Dad moving over to hug us both, I’m barely holding on myself. Plus, if they found me on their doorstep, what else can they know?

  “Sorry you had to find out this way,” Dad rasps. “We wanted to tell you but never found the right moment.”

  “I love you both, and no matter what, you’re my parents,” I say, never taking my eyes off the feather. Unsure how much time passes of us huddling close, Dad breaks away first, then Mom, wiping her eyes.

  “We love you too,” Mom answers, Dad nodding behind her, so genuine with admiration on his face.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  Okay is such an ordinary word in a moment when I feel like the heavens should open up with answers, but instead I’m left with more questions. But I won’t cry anymore. I won’t do it.

  Not while I have two people who raised me as their own, loved me more than my real parents could have.

  “I think we need to go watch a funny movie and eat ice cream,” I suggest, to which Mom laughs.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  With hands on my shoulder, Dad guides me out of the room. “Thank you,” he whispers. “You’re Mom has cried so much in preparation for this day.”

  My next breath doesn’t come any easier, and I tell myself I have time to dig into my past, see what else I find out about exactly who I am, but for this weekend, I plan to just enjoy my parents’ company and pretend everything is normal for all our sanity.

  Chapter 6

  By the time I arrive back at Raven Academy, it’s Monday morning and I’m rushing to my first class. I loved seeing my parents, but my eyes still feel heavy and raw as sleep struggles to come. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how they found me as a baby left on their doorstep. Who does that to a child?

  Since finding out, it feels like an invisible vice is squeezing my heart, but I need a distraction before I over-obsess as I have been doing all weekend. I never said another word about this to my parents, not wanting them to worry. Except I’m not fine. I have so many questions about who exactly I am and who my real parents are. Part of me can’t help but think the answer is linked to the whole angel confusion, and it hurts my head each time I try to make sense of it.

  I step into class ready to lose myself in my studies, and the first lesson passes in a blur, bringing with it a strange comfort in the familiar routine. My next period is free, so I make my way to the library for quiet study time.

  The lush lawn outside is long enough that the blades scrape my ankles. Guess the gardener has been slacking off.

  “Adeline,” Connor calls me from behind, and I groan. “Wait up.”

  When I turn around, he’s running up toward me, and for want of something to say, I nod and pause.

  When he gets closer, my breaths speed up, like they always do in his company. Must be a kick-back reaction from the days when I’d swoon in his presence. Even now, he’s captivating, but we have too much unresolved past for me to ignore how we left things.

  “Been meaning to talk to you but didn’t see you around all weekend,” he says.

  “I spent it at home with my parents. It was kind of nice to get away a bit.”

  His eyes light up. “How’s your dad?”

  Thinking of him brings a smile to my face, how happy he was, the good news that he’s recovering so fast. “He’s doing amazing and he’ll probably get the all clear very soon.”

  “Wow, that’s incredible, Adeline. That’s a miracle in fact, and I can’t tell you how glad that makes me.” Instinctually, he reaches over, stroking my arm, his touch sending warmth through me. I still remember how much I’d crave his touch when I crushed on him so hard, I forgot how to breathe. Now, I’m left feeling hurt.

  “Come with me,” he says, leaning closer. “There are too many eyes out here.”

  Next thing I know, I’m being tugged along the grounds with him, his grip strong on my arm. But I don’t want to go anywhere with him, and I pull free.

  “No,” I murmur. “Please, Connor, just leave me alone.”

  But he isn’t taking no for an answer and stares at me with persistence in his gaze, like somehow, I belong to him. Like he’s allowed to do as he likes. There’s so much I want to say to him about our past to make him understand why I’m angry at him. But the crunch of grass coming up behind me steals that opportunity.

  “You heard her,” Finn’s voice carves through the air. “You can leave now, Connor.”

  Finn stands near me, towering like a warrior come to protect me. His staring match with Connor thickens the air, and neither is backing down. I don’t ever remember Connor being this strong, this territorial in his actions before.

  “Connor, just go, please,” I finally say, well aware Finn will leap into a fight if Connor makes the wrong move. And I don’t want anyone fighting over me, don’t want Connor hurt even if he deserves it. Every nerve ending in my body is on edge.

  Finn takes my hand, laying his claim and I watch as Connor’s jawline clenches.

  “Remember what I told you, Adeline,” Connor states. “Be careful.” Then his fiery gaze shoots to Finn, who simply keeps holding my hand, his thumb rubs over my knuckles, soft and gentle as if he’s trying to keep me calm.

  Connor doesn’t say another word but turns and walks away, strolling casually, seemingly unbothered by our confrontation.

  Finn’s frown turns into a smile when he looks over at me, his expression mesmerizing. My hand is still imprisoned in his, and it feels incredible to have him holding me so protectively.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, those captivating eyes filling with sympathy.

  I nod. “He didn’t hurt me,” I admit. “He keeps wanting to talk to me, and I’m not sure I feel ready to talk to him yet.”

  There’s a pause before he speaks, long enough for me to notice and know he’s evaluating what I said.

  “I’m here if you want to talk about anything, Adi. I’m a fantastic listener. Plus, I’ve been thinking about you all weekend, waiting for your return, and I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” His grin is charming, and sparks of delight race up my spine at his words.

  “Feel like going for a walk?” I suggest, suddenly not wanting to be alone either.

  He answers only with a grin and his fingers intertwine with mine, awakening the butterflies in my stomach that seem to be ever present nowadays. Finn’s personality is like a balm to my nerves and I know that today has changed for the better now that he’s with me.

  We stroll hand in hand on the outskirts of the school grounds, following the line of woods surrounding the place.

  “I don’t even know why he came to Raven Academy,” I say.

  “So, he did something to upset you back at your old school?” Finn asks.

  I kick tufts of grass in my path and look up at him. “Feels weird talking to you about him. But he did hurt me really bad, that’s all.”

  “Did he lay a hand on you?” Finn’s voice darkens, his grip squeezing lightly.

  I shake my head. “No, but he didn’t stop the ones who did, and overnight he decided I no longer existed.”

  “Always knew he was an asshole. He has that asshole face.”

  “Well, that’s the thing,” I drag Finn back into our walk after we’d paused. “He’s actually kind hearted and was there for me when my dad got cancer, but I just don’t understand why he turned into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the end.”

  “It’s clear he likes you,” Finn admits. “And he hasn’t gotten over you.”

  I go stiff, my head’s fuzzy about having my boyfriend telling me another guy likes me.

  Finn’s grin morphs into a laugh. “You should see your face. I’m not blind and see lots of guys at school checking you out, so of course Connor wants you back if he lost you. He realizes his mistake.”

  “This feels awkward talking about this
with you,” I tell him again. This is Mercy territory, except I’m alone here. Just me and my guys, and something about Finn’s calm demeanor always leaves me feeling at ease around him.

  “And I can relate,” he admits.

  I look up at him incredulously then trip over a pothole in the ground, but he catches my elbow and steadies me.

  “You had bullies? Impossible.”

  With a nod, he continues, “When I was younger, my best friend caught me stealing his lunch money, and instead of just shoving me, he ganged up with a bunch of others and shoved me off a steep hill behind the school.”

  “Ouch! How much money did you take?”

  “Three dollars and forty-five cents.”

  I eye him suspiciously. “How old were you?”


  I roll my eyes and shove my hand into his arms. “You were babies.”

  He chuckles and grabs me back into his arms, embracing me as he moves us forward in an awkward walk. “Well, he still bullied me, and he goes to Raven Academy too.”

  I dig my heels into the ground and spin around in his arms. “He does? Who is it?”

  “Alexander,” he says with a smirk.

  This time I explode into laughter. “Clearly you two made up.”

  We are strolling past the woods with a light breeze in our hair, and Finn’s company is always calming. I make a note to do this more often and get outdoors a lot more frequent.

  "Do you ever get tired of the trees and this weather? All the fog that never seems to go away. I miss the beach and the palm trees sometimes.”

  “Where is this coming from?” His eyebrows rise.

  “Being home with my parents reminds me of things we did together. I don’t know, maybe I’m feeling a bit nostalgic I guess, but I remember this amazing trip we took to the Florida beaches one year and something about the place made me fall in love with it. I guess I’m a sucker for a good sunrise.”

  “It was all those alligators, wasn’t it?” he jokes, and I nudge him with my shoulder.

  “It was everything, the warm weather, the sound of the waves...I don’t know. It’s just a place that always brings me joy when I think of it and reminds me of my parents. Maybe one day I’d like to live there.”

  He takes my arm and brings me to face him. His hands are cupping my face, and he’s not saying a word but staring at me with those incredible green eyes. The wind blows his blond hair from his face, and I’m captivated by his beauty. How can he look so divine, leaving me wondering if I’m dreaming that a guy like him would be with someone like me. Just an ordinary girl...well, maybe an ordinary angel. If that’s a thing.

  “I’ll take you to the beaches someday, pretty girl.”

  His fingers are swirling over my knuckles again sending another wave of excited shivers over me. When he stares at me with such intensity, it feels like someone has sucked all the air from my lungs. He leans in closer, ducking his head to reach me and steal a kiss.

  Finn’s hands cup my ass and he swings me around, then walks me backward into the woods, away from prying eyes. My back meets a tree, and there he pins me with his body. I cradle myself closer to him, my hands bracing the back of his neck. I stare into eyes brimming with desire.

  The bulge in his pants is hard and pressing against my lower stomach.

  His fingers skate up my body. “I’m never going to hurt you,” he says and takes my lips again. He kisses me soft and passionate, and I barely hold back the burning arousal awakening inside me. I want to wrap my legs around him, so I draw him closer, kissing him with hunger.

  He drags his lips over my chin and neck, before taking my earlobe into his mouth. Suckling me gently there, his hands are ravenous beasts, pulling my shirt out of my pants and snaking up and over my bra.

  I moan my pleasure.

  He tugs the fabric down, and his fingers are on my hardened nipple.

  “Keep doing that,” I beg breathlessly.

  “You’re so fucking hot!” he whispers in my ear. “And I bet you’re wet too, baby.”

  “Holy shit!” My voice comes out hushed as he squeezes my nipple hard, and I tilt my head back against the tree, dying from lust and heat.

  Just then the bell rings and Finn takes a step away from me, a huge smirk on his face.

  “Nooo,” I practically screech, my body on the cusp of release. I just need a few more minutes with his hands…

  “Come on pretty girl,” he says, laughter threaded through his voice. “We’ve got to get you to class. Wouldn’t want to mess with your academics for an orgasm.”

  “I’m okay with messing with them,” I tell him emphatically. But he’s walking backwards away from me, holding out his hand for me to take so we can head back to the school grounds. I fix my disheveled clothes reluctantly.

  “The anticipation will only make everything better,” he says with a wink when I walk towards him and take his hand with a groan.

  Payback’s a bitch, Finn, I think with a small smile as I try to settle myself down. School is going to be torturous for the rest of the day.

  Chapter 7

  The lunch bells rings and I file out of algebra with everyone else. In the hallway, I spot Alexander leaning against the wall, one leg bent and propped up behind him, his arms folded over his chest. He’s waiting for me.

  I lose my breath at seeing him. He’s absolutely captivating. Dark hair swept off his face, his gaze lingering on students passing him, his white school shirt gapes open at his throat. I’m still revved up from Finn’s teasing earlier and seeing how sexy Alexander looks only makes it worse.

  When our gazes meet, he offers me the most delicious grin and pushes off the wall, then makes his way through the crowd and toward me with the sexiest stroll. He’s all shoulders and all I want is to fall against that broad chest.

  He collects me into his arms, and the heat on my skin from our touch is electric. It’s so alluring, I slip up against him, pressing my chest against his, desperate for him. I don’t know what’s come over me but being away from Alexander for two days makes me crave him like we’ve been apart for weeks.

  “I missed you so much,” he whispers and walks me away from the chaos of the main hall and to a side corridor.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” I admit, staring at his gorgeous face.

  He leans in closer and gently kisses me on my neck, and a moan slips from my lips. His next words come closer to my ear, his hand threading through my hair.

  A shiver of excitement rolls through me.

  “I had a dream about us last night.” He runs his hands down my body.

  My heart won’t stop racing, and I’m breathing heavily. “Tell me more.” I close my eyes, trembling with a crazy passion claiming me, not even minding that we’re doing this in the hallway.

  “I’d rather show you,” he insists, a smile working across his angular face which has the same effect on me as his hands that are sliding lower on my back.

  Under his gaze, I’ll do anything he asks to taste those lips again.

  I lift myself on my toes. “Then show me. I want you. I want us,” I whisper in Alexander’s ear seductively, then pull back and watch how his controlled demeanor shifts in seconds to one of desire and recklessness. I have no idea where my bravery comes from, but in his presence, I can’t think of anything else but us together. Not to mention my insides are on fire from this little foreplay.

  “No idea where that came from,” he admits but takes my hand. “You can have anything and everything you want though, Adi. If that’s me, I’m yours.”

  I laugh as we move fast through the hall and over the school grounds, and I’m buzzing all over at the excitement in his voice, at my own bravery, at my confession. It isn’t long before we are standing in his dorm room with the door locked, and he’s watching me.

  I wind strands of hair around my finger as I admire Alexander unbuttoning his shirt in slow motion like he’s giving me a show, his incredible blue eyes sharpening every time he looks down
at me.

  “You like to tease,” I say, trying my hardest not to blush. All my life, I’ve followed rules, done the right thing, and avoided breaking the law.

  Do the right thing and you’ll never find trouble, my principal from my old high school used to say. But right now, as Alexander stares at me with a craving darkening his gaze, with his lips parted like he is barely keeping himself restrained, I want all the trouble in the world if it comes in the form of him.

  He saunters toward me, peeling his shirt off, pulling it down his strong arms. I stare at his broad chest, practically drooling over his ripped abs and that delicious V-shape where his pants hang low on his hips. Not a word is spoken, I can’t find them as I’m burning up and he hasn’t even touched me yet. It’s illogical the effect he has on me.

  “Are you sure about this, beautiful?” He reaches out and takes my hand, then draws me closer.

  My heart does a silly thing and beats completely out of rhythm. “Yes, I’ve wanted this since I first met you.”

  He raises one of his eyebrows, looking almost astonished, then he smiles, and my legs are melting under me. “You wanted to sleep with me the first time you saw me on the Academy grounds?”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. “Maybe I did.” I can’t remember back that far to what exactly went through my mind, but it was something about losing myself to the beautiful boy in front of me and falling under his spell.

  He pushes the curl of hair around my finger behind my ear, his touch leaving a trail of electricity in its wake. “You’re adorable when you blush, and I love the way you react so innocently to my touch.”

  I want to say something smart back, but I’m drowning under the sexy cadence of his voice, drawn to his lips, imagining them dragging over my skin.

  He’s pulling my top up and over my head, his fingers wrapped around my back and unclasping my bra before he unzips my skirt. Everything falls down to my feet and I’m left standing in my black underwear in front of him. My skin is on fire, nipples pebbled tight under his roaming gaze. I press myself against him, skin to skin, reaching up to kiss him, my hands braced around his neck. My passion is raw and needy, urging him to claim me, to make me forget everything, to make me his.


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