Touch of Fire

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Touch of Fire Page 14

by J. E. Taylor

  He laughed. “And what do I get to make up for your four-year deficit?”

  I swallowed hard and waved to the empty space where my chips had been. His smile chilled me. He nodded and flipped over his cards one by one until four jacks were exposed.

  I hung my head for a moment, swallowing the sob as he laughed. His laughter died when I fanned my hand out on the velvet tabletop. I had four kings and I couldn’t help the grin.

  Kaine blinked and his jaw dropped before he snapped his mouth closed. I pulled the pile to my side of the table, ignored the pain it caused in my abdomen, and then looked at him expectantly.

  He was too stunned to compute the rest of what he owed me. I raised my eyebrow and when he still stared at me with a blank expression, I said, “Suitable clothes?”

  “What?” he snapped.

  “Part of the bet was providing me with something suitable to wear.”

  His jaw tightened and his chin dropped to his chest. Then he unbuttoned his shirt. He peeled it off and handed it to me over the table. I took it from his hand and he closed his eyes as our fingers brushed. My gaze fell to his bare chest and I couldn’t help the flush of heat that colored my cheeks as I struggled to put his shirt on.

  I stood, letting the hem of the shirt fall to the middle of my thighs and I focused on the buttons. Once I had the shirt buttoned, I rolled up my sleeves and gave him a small nod.

  He had busied himself with neatening the piles for me while I covered up. I pulled back to the table and grit my teeth against the flare of pain as I sat back down. He pointed his chin at my pile.

  “I’m not done yet.” I tossed him two coins. “That’s what I owe you, plus a half a day bonus.” I added my ante to the center of the table. “Deal,” I said. I knew caution should have taken precedence, but I was that much closer to the goal due to his foolish bet.

  He shuffled the cards again, this time much slower than the last. I saw the slow nod and then his eyes met mine. A flash of something danced across his irises and then he placed the five cards in front of each of us.

  I picked up the cards and sucked my lip in, wondering what I would have to endure this time, as I slowly put the cards down and slid them toward him with a shake of my head. His eyes closed for a moment and when they opened, it was as if he steeled himself for what came next.

  He pushed the table to the side and called me to him with just his index finger. When I didn’t move, he whispered, “It will be so much worse if you don’t come here now.”

  I forced myself to my feet and crossed until I stood in front of him. My eyes misted and I blinked the tears out of the corners. He slowly unbuttoned the shirt, his fingers fumbling and his jaw tight. He eased the fabric off my shoulders and it drifted to the ground around my feet.

  “Spread.” He pushed my feet wider than the chair.

  “Can’t I just give you a blow job?”

  His soft smile ate through my defenses until he spoke one word without explanation. “No.” He reached his hand toward me and hesitated; instead, he stood and slid his index and middle finger in my mouth. “Make them wet,” he said in no more than a breath and I sucked, coating his fingers with my saliva. His other hand had found my breast and rolled my nipple through his fingers. Kaine pulled his fingers from my mouth, sat down, and slid them into my sore pussy.

  I cried out but he didn’t stop the consistent movement. Out of self- preservation, I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull his hand away. With a quick warning glare, my hands were pulled behind my back and bound in metal clasps.

  “Kaine, please,” I whined as his fingers still plunged to the knuckle like a vibrator on auto-fuck. His feet kept my legs spread and he slid them out an inch farther, pulling more hot tears from my eyes.

  “You played the hand.” He looked at me. Whatever sadism lived within him was tempered by his own pain. His jaw tightened and he leaned forward.

  When his mouth latched onto my breast, I gasped. He sucked as if he was removing venom and the way his teeth kneaded my nipples hurt. His mission of debasing me for every loss started to sink in about the time he switched breasts.

  I cried out and the sound of his zipper made me start to hyperventilate. He pulled away from my breast and his fingers gave me a reprieve for enough time for me to catch my breath. Then he pulled me over his lap.

  Instead of lowering me onto his hard cock, his hands gripped my waist and he stood. His full length plunged inside me and lifted me off my feet, peeling a scream out of me. He pulled out of me as he sat down and the glint in his eye sparkled. He repeated the plunge over and over until I couldn’t stand on my own. That’s when he collapsed into the chair, still embedded inside me.

  The edges of his dark hair clung to the sweat on his brow as he guided my body up and down his shaft. Each full penetration brought a cry of pain from my lips. His mouth worked my breasts the same way he had worked my ass the last time, and one look at the black and blue hickeys pulled more teary gasps from my chest.

  He arched into me, groaning and grinding, and I felt every drop of his eruption as it burned down the raw walls of my vagina. He dropped his head against the back of his chair and met my gaze. He actually huffed a small laugh.

  As we sat, still coupled, the trembling shaking my form wasn’t from me and I looked at his arms. The muscles actually quivered; same with the muscles in his thighs. This had overexerted the randy bastard.

  I forced my breathing to slow as his shaking subsided. His hands squeezed my hips.

  “Bastard,” I breathed.

  “This wasn’t just a punishment for you,” he said through a new wave of laughter as his hips circled, grinding, and my chest hitched with a sudden gasp.

  “Why?” I managed.

  “Because,” he said, punctuating it with a quick hip thrust.

  Pain threaded from the point of contact like a spiral out of control. I cried out again and his hands clamped harder on my hips, his fingers digging in.

  “Kaine?” I gasped.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he growled. The warning in his features confused me. “Unless you’d like to be handed over to His Majesty for the rest of the game,” he added as he propped me back on my feet to start the rotation over again.

  This time he didn’t have me suck his fingers first; instead, he functioned as if he was on autopilot. I caught his gaze when his fingers pulled out. He was not taking pleasure in this and the standing slam began, each penetration more painful than the last until he had to sit.

  Agony and exhaustion rolled my eyes back in my head.

  “Don’t you dare pass out,” he breathed, pulling me back with the growl in his voice.

  “What happens if I do?” I whispered.

  “He takes over and you’ll never see the light of day again.”

  I met his gaze. “He?”

  “My boss,” Kaine said and I blinked. “I’m a kitten compared to him.” As if arguing against his point, he lifted my hips up and down his hard shaft in blows meant to crush the spirit. “Fuck,” he gasped. Both his eyes and his hands squeezed closed, ripping a scream as his fingers tore through my bruised skin.

  His semen boiled against the torn walls of my insides and I couldn’t breathe. There was no scream loud enough to voice my suffering.

  Kaine pulled my mouth to his, delivering the kind of kiss I dreamed about, but in the current landscape, it only served as a vivid kernel in this drawn-out nightmare. It wasn’t until he yanked away with a gasp of his own that I understood. He had gone off script and something in his eyes told me to keep quiet as my pussy started the slow tingle of healing.

  He circled his hips and I whimpered. “Please, no more,” I whispered.

  “Layla.” He tilted his head and glanced at his watch. “We still have another four hours to go.”

  I just stared at him as he propped me back on my feet. I knew this torture took a long time before he came, but I didn’t think we burned through twenty hours with just two completed fucks. When his fingers dipped inside
me, I didn’t react at all. There was no more pain.

  “Four hours?” My question was clouded by confusion.

  “I owed you half a day back.” He slammed his fingers.

  I winced, but it wasn’t the same reaction as the breathless screams of the last two times and his jaws tightened. When I didn’t react to the next few strokes, more fingers were added until his fist breached me again.

  “I can’t let you just numb over on me.” He twisted his wrist slowly. Unfortunately for both of us, what came out of my mouth wasn’t a scream, it was a moan.

  “Fuck,” he muttered and pushed his fist in a punch that lifted me off my feet and drew the scream he was looking for. Pain webbed again and my breathing labored as he delivered three pounds in succession before withdrawing.

  Now came the stand and sit motions; each drew the same screech of a scream as before until we collapsed on the chair again. His forehead rested on my chest as he fucked me hard. Harder than he had before and I felt every inch of his brutality.

  And through it all, I wondered why the hell he had given me a reprieve.

  His head whipped back and his growling cry echoed on the blackness surrounding us. Every muscle in Kaine’s body shuddered and I added a throaty scream, to mimic the sounds I had made earlier.

  Something told me my life depended on it.

  When he opened his eyes and met my gaze, the seriousness in his features drew me a picture that made me shudder and I whimpered. Within a blink, that sadistic smile was back and he checked his watch.

  “Time.” The binds holding my wrists disappeared and he set me on my feet.

  I stumbled back and landed in the seat with a sharp cry.

  Kaine picked up the shirt and tossed it to me. “Is six years enough?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Sixty years might be, but not six,” I said and the table slid between us.

  “You’re pushing your luck.” He picked up the deck and shuffled. “The next time you lose, it won’t just be me fucking your fine ass.”

  I had a chip in my hand and I met his gaze. “What do you mean?” The question came out husky and raw.

  “We’ve done all the solo acts,” he said. “Next comes the gang bangs. You would have been better off losing that big hand.”

  I bit my lip and stared at the chip in my hand. “You haven’t done a sixty-nine scenario.” I raised my eyes to his. It was my stall. If I had to be brutalized, I’d rather be brutalized by him and not be put in a group position.

  His huff sent my stomach spiraling to the floor. “I get your mouth, anyway,” he said, sending a shiver through me.

  “I guess I better not lose.” I tossed the coin into the center and his lips thinned.

  Kaine shuffled a few more times and added his ante before he dealt the cards.

  Luck shined on me this hand with a full house. I stared at the twenty-five day pot and weighted my options. I didn’t want a gang scenario but I also didn’t want to lose out on an opportunity to earn big. There was really no halfway bet. Go big or go home, and all that happy horse shit.

  “I’m all in.” I pushed my pile to the center. “And I want you to heal both of us when I win this pot.”

  He laughed and matched the bet. “I’ll see you, and I’ll raise you a private sixty-nine scenario,” he said, using finger quotes. His eyes shimmered with something devious.

  I nodded. “Call.”

  He flipped his cards over. I had to hand it to him. The flush of hearts was impressive, but it wasn’t a straight flush and it didn’t beat my full house.

  His smile cranked down a notch. He thought he had me and when I leaned forward to scoop up my winnings, he tapped my forehead.

  The tingle gripped my entire form and my gaze dropped to his hands as he collected the cards. The bruises faded to nothing before he set the deck aside.

  “You want the bottom or the top?”

  His question threw me.

  “Sixty-nine. Bottom or top?”

  “You were serious?” I pulled away from the table.

  “Bottom.” He took the choice away from me as his zipper cranked down and he pulled me onto the table. The back of my head hung over the side and I opened my mouth to argue. His cock filled the space but he didn’t force himself on me.

  Kaine stood still, letting me set the pace as he leaned forward, wrapped his arms around my thighs, and buried his face in my pussy. Coins dug into my back, creating a cool shuffle against my hot skin. I think the bastard’s tongue was magic; it created a heat that consumed me and I stroked him with the opposite motions. I used slow strokes to his fast tongue flick.

  My first orgasm caught me by surprise and I moaned around his thick girth. He inched farther into my mouth. His hips formed small circles as his breath panted with each lap of my pussy.

  I lost track of time and of the number of times he brought me to the brink. I dripped in waves and he still had yet to come once, but every vein on his cock stood out and my lips carried that pleasant stretch of a good workout.

  “Suck faster.” His hot breath tingled over my sensitive clit.

  I kept doing a slow stroke and ignored his request.

  “Dammit, Layla, go faster,” he growled, but his hips didn’t force it like I thought he would at this stage and his tongue resumed.

  I pulled away. “Fuck you.”

  He lifted far enough off my body to meet my gaze before I did another slow stroke and let out a little laugh as a bubble of pre-cum surfaced.

  “Please,” he whispered and his body trembled with need.

  I shook my head, doing the same coy, slow stroke. He stayed elevated over me and went back to flicking me at that insane pace. I wanted him to fuck my mouth right now, but I couldn’t voice that. I couldn’t give in to the need drilling my core and I arched, screaming into this orgasm and squirting my come all over the poker table.

  I panted between the slow strokes and he mumbled curses at me.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He stood and grasped my head, forcing the fast stroke on me with only the length that fit comfortably in my mouth. When he came, it ricocheted off my throat and pooled on the roof of my mouth. I sucked and sucked through each aftershock until he finally pulled away and collapsed in his chair.

  “Take the deal, Layla,” he said, with such defeat that I found the energy to lift my head and look at him.

  “It’s not enough.”

  “It’s twelve years.” He gained some of his energy back and he zipped up his pants.

  “I want more.” I rolled off the table.

  Exasperation etched into his features. “That’s precisely what got you into trouble in the first place,” he snapped.

  I shifted the shirt, getting comfortable again even as the itch of drying cum tickled my thighs. “You know nothing about me.” I pulled the chair back in place before my gaze landed on the shimmering coins. I picked up one and put it back down as if it transmitted leprosy. The shimmer on the top layer was my come and I glanced at Kaine, waving toward the table.

  “Get over it.” He didn’t seem to have any of the warmth he had a few minutes ago.

  “Deal,” I said.

  “Ante up.” He nodded toward my slick pile and I tossed one in.

  “What did you mean that’s what got me into trouble in the first place?”

  The muscles in his face twitched and he closed his eyes, hanging his head before he tilted a glance in my direction. “You really don’t remember?”

  “Remember what?”

  And for the briefest of instances, his eyes flashed with unfathomable pain, but the slow close of his lids shut it off and he just shook his head.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he whispered. The cards sailed across the space.

  I didn’t lift mine up; instead, I stared at him and waited for some sort of explanation. “I remember the casino,” I finally said. He let out a soft laugh.

  “That’s not what I was referring to,” he muttered. “Are you in or are you forfeiting?” His icy st
are penetrated me as hard as anything he’d dished out to that point.

  I picked up my cards, well aware of the gamble I was making. Losing right now wasn’t an option. If what he said held true, any loss would be more painful than the agony I already experienced.

  I had a pair of kings and a ten and two other crap cards. Even a one-day loss wasn’t okay and I tossed the second day in, swallowing hard. His face didn’t give me anything as he matched coins. I dropped two cards and he dropped four. That was the most he had ever dropped and as I picked up the new cards dealt to me, I felt a little better about my hand. Two pair was still at the low end of the pole, but I needed to stay in, even if it was a bluff.

  I had a two-day deficit but he wasn’t acting all cocky anymore. I counted ten coins and tossed them in the pot. He looked at the pot and then at me, biting his lower lip.

  He counted out ten and tossed them in, and then tossed another ten in as a raise. He called my bluff and I made the decision to pursue it further.

  “I’ll see your raise.” I matched his bet and then I glanced at my pile. I chopped my hand down the middle of my pile and pushed half in the center, looking back up at him.

  “How much is that?” He pointed at the pot.

  “Six years,” I said and he met my gaze. He threw his hand down with a growl.

  “You’re folding?”

  He crossed his arms and nodded; the muscles in his jaw jumped every second or two as if he ground his teeth between his tightly clamped lips.

  I moved the pile back to my side, gaining a month and a half.

  “Are you through?”

  “Not even close.” I tossed the coin in the middle, felt that rush of invincibility now that I was on a roll.

  He matched the ante and shuffled. His gaze kept traveling to my growing pile and then he’d sigh and focus on the cards in his hands.

  The next hand was worse than the last and after the flip, I bit my lips and did another repeat, but with only five chips instead of ten. This time, he didn’t raise; he matched and called. My meager pair of jacks spread on the table and his eyes closed.

  He slowly spread his cards out and my heart plummeted. I lost twelve days; my heart jumped in my chest and all the saliva dried in my mouth. Kaine looked truly defeated when his eyes opened.


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