Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 6

by Spencer Pearson

  “You definitely should.”

  “Cheers,” Riley said, clinking her glass off Lauren’s. Winning was great and everything, but this was so much better. She was back at Lauren’s, and now that the tournament was finished, Riley could finally relax.

  Lauren looked amazing tonight. Riley had thought so when she’d come over earlier for dinner, but now... She didn’t know if it was the thrill of winning or just being back here again, but Riley couldn’t take her eyes off her. Lauren’s white pants and red top showed off her figure, and those heels... Those red heels did something to Riley. She knew she had a thing for feminine women, but Lauren took it to a whole other level.

  They both took a drink as they stood in the kitchen, and Lauren put the champagne on ice. “I hope I didn’t ruin your plans for tonight,” Lauren said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “I should have asked rather than assumed. You might have wanted to celebrate with Nicole or someone else.”

  Riley smiled. It was so unusual to see Lauren like this, shy almost. Nervous? Riley was used to seeing the confident version of Lauren, standing in front of a class and somehow making business ethics or auditing interesting. “I’m glad you suggested this. I would have just gone home.”


  Riley nodded. “I’m not really into partying.” She pushed herself up onto the counter, something she did often when she was having a conversation with someone in the kitchen, but once she’d done it, she saw something flicker in Lauren’s eyes, and Riley wondered if she’d done something wrong. Was it rude to sit up on the counter like this? Riley wouldn’t have said so, but then again, she didn’t have that sophisticated air about her like Lauren did.

  Lauren tilted her head slightly. “How old are you?”


  Lauren nodded, but didn’t say anything. She took a drink instead.

  “Why?” Riley asked.

  “Just wondering. You seem older. You’re playing poker on Friday nights instead of going out and getting drunk like everyone else your age.”

  “Yeah,” Riley said with a shrug. “Except the math and accounting students. There’s a few of us there every week. It’s not that abnormal for us.”

  “Putting those math skills to good use, huh?”

  Riley swallowed. When had Lauren gotten so close? She was practically standing between Riley’s legs. “I don’t know about that, but it definitely clicked tonight. I don’t want to say I got lucky, but... The cards were kind to me tonight.”

  Lauren’s hand was on her knee as she spoke. “No. I watched you. I saw you take that hit. That would have put a lot of players on tilt. You acted like a seasoned professional. You folded probably... At least the next ten hands. Most people would want to jump right back in there and win those chips back. You kept your cool. You knew what you were doing. It was more than the cards tonight.”

  Riley knew Lauren was complimenting her, but she was so lost in those blue eyes that she couldn’t process her words. She bit her bottom lip. If this was a normal situation, if she was with another student that she liked or a woman she’d met at a bar, Riley knew exactly what she would do. She’d run her hand over her shoulder and up her neck, sliding her thumb along her jawline as she leaned in and kissed her, but this was not a normal situation.

  Lauren blinked, breaking the spell. Her hand left Riley’s knee, her palm resting on the counter beside Riley’s thigh instead. Lauren took a drink, her cheeks flushed, and Riley couldn’t take her eyes off of her. Lauren was absolutely stunning, her dark hair falling across her eye as she put her glass down. She sighed and made a move towards the other side of the kitchen, maybe to get the bottle of champagne, maybe to get something else. It didn’t matter, because Riley reached out to catch her wrist.

  Lauren glanced down at her hand and then back up to her eyes, the air thick with electricity. Riley’s pulse swished in her ears. It was one of those times where words would have ruined the moment. Riley would have loved to tell her how beautiful she was or how she’d wanted her for the last three years, but she didn’t say anything.

  Riley brushed Lauren’s hair behind her ear as she stepped back in between her legs, her hand on Riley’s thigh as Lauren’s eyes flickered down to her lips.

  “I know what I want,” Lauren murmured, “But I also know that it’s a terrible idea.”

  Riley took a steadying breath. Lauren was inching closer, her head tilted, her eyes fluttering closed. Riley reached out to lightly touch Lauren’s cheek.

  “I want this too,” Riley said in just above a whisper, and she surged forward, closing the gap between them, sensing that Lauren needed her to make the first move.

  Riley sighed into the kiss as Lauren’s warm lips met her own. Lauren’s hand stayed on her thigh, the other threading through her hair, deepening the kiss as she parted her lips.

  Riley moaned, melting into Lauren, her hand sliding away from Lauren’s cheek to rest on her neck as she scooted forward on the counter, wanting to be even closer to Lauren.

  When Lauren’s tongue skimmed across her own, a warmth spread through Riley’s body. This was unlike any kiss she’d ever experienced, and she’d kissed her fair share of women. This was hot and intense, yet sensual and passionate. There was a possessiveness to the way Lauren kissed her that made Riley want her even more.

  They broke the kiss, more to breathe than anything else. Lauren’s forehead rested against Riley’s as they caught their breath.

  Lauren took a step back, meeting Riley’s eyes. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  Riley sat up straight, her palms flat against the countertop. She was not going to be that young student who practically begged her older professor to push ethics to the side. As much as she wanted Lauren, she wasn’t going to do that. She wasn’t that desperate, and it wouldn’t achieve anything.

  Lauren’s eyes were on her when she’d stayed silent. “You know we shouldn’t,” Lauren said, her voice still husky.

  Riley met her gaze. “Technically, we’re not breaking any rules, and I’m a very willing participant, but if you don’t want this... I can leave.” Riley’s hands gripped the edge of the counter, ready to push herself off.

  “It’s not that simple.” Lauren sighed, her hand on her hip.

  “I’ll go.” She hopped down off the counter, wondering what exactly she was doing, but she reminded herself that she could do this. She could play the long game. She could wait for Lauren to come to her.

  Lauren’s hand was on her forearm, catching her before she left the kitchen. Riley’s breath caught when she saw the desire in Lauren’s eyes. Maybe she wouldn’t have to wait, because the way Lauren was looking at her right now, she was minutes away from seeing Lauren’s bedroom.

  “What do you want, Riley?”

  Riley let Lauren back her up against the counter, Lauren’s warm hand slipping underneath her shirt just above the waistline of her black pants, and Riley’s breath hitched at the contact.

  She’d gotten this far without losing it. Surely, Riley could last another few minutes. “I want you. I have for a long time.” Riley held her gaze as she reached up to cup her cheek, her thumb tracing over Lauren’s bottom lip. “But I know that this is risky for you.” Riley let her hand fall away, when she really wanted to keep touching her. “But if you want me to leave, I will.”

  Riley held her breath, waiting for Lauren to say something, her heart pounding in her chest.

  Lauren’s thumb caressed the skin above Riley’s hip, resisting the urge to slide her hand up any further, Riley’s words hanging in the air.

  But if you want me to leave, I will.

  It wasn’t a question of what Lauren wanted. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to press her body against Riley’s, to keep kissing her, to find out what drove her crazy, but Lauren knew better than to start something with a student.

  She knew better, but that didn’t stop her from sliding her hand up the side of Riley’s neck, her thumb moving across her jawline as
Lauren dipped her head, finding her lips.

  Riley’s mouth was hot against hers, and Riley moaned as Lauren slid her tongue across hers. Lauren knew right then that they were doing this, as crazy as it was. They were both drunk with desire, their lips meeting again and again, the intensity, the desperation growing by the second.

  Lauren broke the kiss when Riley’s hands moved across her back and then up her thighs, grabbing her ass as Riley shifted to move her leg between Lauren’s.

  Riley’s lips were skating along her clavicle, trailing kisses up her neck, and Lauren moaned when Riley’s thigh met her center, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. Riley’s lips were on hers again, their tongues swirling, and Lauren couldn’t focus on anything but getting Riley in her bed. Now.

  Lauren took a step back, both of them out of breath, and she forgot what she was going to say. Riley’s eyes never left hers, dark with desire, as she reached for Lauren’s hand.

  “I’m guessing you don’t want me to leave,” Riley said as she interlaced their fingers, and even that simple touch had Lauren’s pulse tripping.

  “No.” Lauren knew the look in Riley’s eyes, and as hot as kitchen sex could be, that’s not where she wanted her first time with Riley to be. She needed a bed and pillows. She needed the time and space to fully appreciate that gorgeous body she’d spent more than a few weeks admiring.

  Lauren held onto her hand, leading them out of the kitchen, down the hall, and they barely made it to Lauren’s room before picking up where they’d left off. Riley backed her up against the door as soon as she’d shut it, and Lauren had not been expecting her to take the lead. Not that she was complaining. The way Riley’s hands roamed over her white pants, moving up her thighs and slipping underneath her top, had Lauren’s body humming with desire.

  Lauren’s eyes fluttered shut as Riley’s lips met hers, their tongues finding each other in an already familiar dance. She didn’t know what it was, but the way Riley kissed her, it was like nothing she’d ever experienced. Her lips fit perfectly with hers, and Lauren couldn’t wait to get her into bed, to taste every inch of her.

  Lauren broke the kiss to push Riley’s blazer over her shoulders, and Riley momentarily stopped what she was doing to help her get it off, tossing it to the side, before her hands were on Lauren again, one on her hip, the other moving through her hair as she brought their lips together again.

  Lauren melted into her. This was not at all how she thought this was going to go, not that she’d allowed herself to do much fantasizing about it, but when she thought back to their first interaction, when Lauren had caught her peering through the narrow window, when Riley had blushed so easily... This was so far from that. Riley’s eyes had barely met hers that day, and now here they were, just a few weeks later, and Riley was having her way with Lauren. As hot as that was, Lauren was ready to take back some of that control.

  She broke the kiss, reaching for the hem of Riley’s top and lifting it over her head. Her eyes lowered to the swell of Riley’s cleavage, and Lauren couldn’t resist bending to kiss the soft skin, just above the white lacy cup, moving to the other side before she reached behind Riley to unhook her bra, letting the fabric fall away.

  Lauren knew she was staring, but she didn’t care. Her hand cupped one breast, her thumb brushing across Riley’s nipple, hardening after a few gently swipes. A whimper escaped Riley’s lips, her body arching into Lauren’s as she continued to play her nipples, tilting her head to lean in and find her lips again.

  Riley’s hand threaded through her hair as she deepened the kiss, and before Lauren knew it, her back was pressed against the door again, Riley’s hand on her breast, palming it through her top. Lauren’s hands were around Riley’s waist, her nails raking across her bare back before she slid them lower to grope her ass through her jeans.

  Riley groaned, breaking the kiss as Lauren pushed her leg against her center, her hand gliding over Riley’s hip, along her ribs and over her shoulder, cupping her neck as she brought their lips back together.

  Lauren’s body was already on fire. What would happen when there were no clothes separating them? Her breath was coming in quick gasps as Riley’s hands fumbled with the button and then the zipper of her pants, her hand slipping inside, her fingertips moving over her panties, along her entrance and up to her clit, drawing slow, deliberate circles. Lauren gasped, her head falling back against the door, her eyes closed, her hands on Riley’s shoulders as she continued to circle her.

  “Fucking hell, Riley,” she managed to say, her eyes fluttering open. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Riley’s voice was hoarse. “And you have way too much on right now.” She slowly removed her hand, grabbing a hold of Lauren’s pants and working them down Lauren’s thighs.

  Lauren kicked off her heels and lifted her own top over her head, letting it fall to the floor as she stepped out of her pants, leaving her in white lingerie, feeling the tiniest bit self-conscious even though she was in great shape. She still wasn’t going to compare to the twenty-three-year-old body standing in front of her.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Riley said, her eyes trailing over her body, lingering at her breasts and the white lacy fabric covering them. “Stunning,” she murmured, her hands on Lauren’s hips as she stepped closer, her eyes finding Lauren’s again. “Absolutely stunning.”

  Lauren swallowed. Riley’s intense stare was full of emotion, and she didn’t know how to react to it, so Lauren kissed her instead, and eventually, led them over to the bed, easing Riley onto it.

  Lauren unbuttoned Riley’s black pants with surprisingly steady hands. Her heart felt like it might jump out of her chest, and Lauren took a deep breath as Riley lifted her hips off the bed to let Lauren slide her pants down her legs.

  She had no reason to be nervous. She wasn’t going to let her past decisions affect this moment. This was so much more than a fling with a student. She’d been so afraid to admit it to herself, but she cared about Riley, and right now she was going to show her that, even if she wasn’t ready to say it out loud.

  Riley moved into the middle of the bed, and Lauren climbed on top of her, her hand trailing up Riley’s leg and over her flat stomach to palm her breast as she bent to wrap her tongue around her other nipple. Riley’s hands were everywhere, in her hair, around her waist, moving over her back, reaching for her ass.

  Lauren propped herself up with one hand, the other cupped Riley through her panties, causing her hips to lift off the bed. Lauren rubbed the heel of her palm against Riley’s clit as she gave her other nipple the same attention, swirling her tongue around it.

  “Yeah,” Riley moaned. “That feels so good.”

  Lauren glanced up at her, and Riley was the image of sexy, her mouth slightly agape, her eyes slammed shut, her tongue running over her lips as her body writhed underneath Lauren whenever she added a bit more pressure to her sensitive clit or played with her nipple.

  Riley was so expressive, so uninhibited. There was no stifling or suppressing the whimpers, the moans. It was incredibly hot.

  Lauren kissed her way down Riley’s stomach, trailing kisses across her soft skin, each hand taking a hold of Riley’s white panties, sliding them down her legs and tossing them over her shoulder as Lauren got comfortable between her legs.

  She kissed her inner thighs, taking her time as she inched closer to Riley’s sex, her musky perfume invading Lauren’s senses as she used her hands to gently push Riley’s legs a little further apart. Riley sighed as Lauren got closer, the tip of her tongue tracing the line of Riley’s sex, barely parting her folds as she got closer to her clit before withdrawing and starting the movement again.

  Riley’s hand slid into her hair, keeping her there, as Lauren dipped her tongue between her folds, moving through her heat until she reached her sensitive bud. She flicked her tongue over it before circling it and taking it into her mouth, alternating between slow, long strokes and quick, light touches.

  Riley moaned, her grip on L
auren’s hair getting tighter as her hips rose to meet her tongue. Lauren shifted Riley’s thighs to rest them on top of her shoulders, giving her even greater access. Her nervousness was long forgotten. Lauren was so caught up in the moment, that she didn’t have time to be worried about this was or wasn’t. Right now, she just wanted Riley to enjoy this and judging by the noises she was making, she definitely was.

  “Right there,” Riley panted. “Yeah.”

  Lauren’s hand slid underneath Riley to clutch her ass as her tongue moved across her clit. Riley’s body trembled with every pass of Lauren’s tongue, one hand gripping Lauren’s shoulder, the other lost in her hair until Riley groaned, her body stiff, her fingers digging into Lauren’s skin as her hips bucked.

  Lauren held onto her as she came, her thighs pressed against Lauren’s ears until Riley collapsed onto the bed, her hand sliding out of Lauren’s hair. Riley inhaled a shaky breath, her arm thrown over her eyes.

  “Oh my God,” Riley breathed. “Fuck.” She still hadn’t opened her eyes, and Lauren carefully lifted Riley’s thighs as she got out from under them, moving onto her knees, admiring Riley’s glistening body as she straddled one of Riley’s legs, replacing her tongue with her hand.

  Riley’s eyes fluttered open when Lauren’s fingers slowly slid through her slick folds, her touch light against her clit, knowing how sensitive it would be after Riley had just come.

  “Come here,” Riley said, her hooded eyes sweeping over Lauren as she reached for her, her hand on Lauren’s hip as she moved further up her body. Riley’s hand was on her cheek, guiding her to her mouth, her lips parting against Lauren’s, drawing a low moan from her.

  Riley reached behind her, unhooking her bra with one hand, and Lauren broke the kiss to fling it away. Riley’s hands were on her, cupping her breasts, her thumbs grazing over her already rock hard nipples.

  Lauren’s hand was still between Riley’s legs, circling her clit in wide, light strokes, and Riley’s hands fell away when Lauren pushed two fingers inside her. Lauren broke the kiss, her forehead resting against Riley’s as their breaths came out in short gasps.


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