Tainted Love (Book 1)

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Tainted Love (Book 1) Page 22

by St. James, Ghiselle

  “That’s, uh, that’s good. Jenny and I broke up–”

  “Again,” I interject. This is the third time for those two.

  “Whatever, smart ass,” he chides. “As I was saying, we broke up again. I don’t think I wanna go through the rigor of getting back together again though. I think I’ll just stay single this time.”

  “Could it be? My brother is maturing? You’ve finally figured out that you don’t need pussy to be a real man, congratulations, Spaz!” I taunt. I know he’s hurting, and not from the breakup with Jenny. He’s still in love with my best friend. I just hope he gets his shit together this time to come back for her.

  “Fuck you,” he spits jokingly. I love my brother…miss him terribly, too.

  “Look, I gotta go, Big Head. My calls are still being tracked. Hope your first day back at school was good,” Marshall tells me, making me smile. My head is not that big.

  “It was. Thanks for asking, Marshmallow.” We hang up and for a moment I think I’m going to cry. I miss my family so much and hate that that asshole Rick and his family have made me run from them.

  “Hey Sullivan,” Janelle calls after me. “You left so soon.”

  “Hey, Janelle, I’m just distracted is all.”

  Janelle is almost like my twin, if not for a darker complexion. She is short, curvy, and luscious in all the places that matter – lips, ass, breasts and legs – and has long, straight hair. Her friends call her redbone.

  “You must be…with a guy like Ben Hayes on your arm. You sure do know how to pick ’em, bitch,” she says excitedly. “I saw you guys in the paper today. You look so great together.”

  “Fuck, bitch, he picked me!” I laugh, giving her a high five. I always feel so much closer to my ethnicity with her around.

  “He normally goes for them size zero blondes, beba,” she comments, looking at me up and down with respect. That look says that I’ve conquered yet another stereotype.

  “The paper said that you’re not his usual type and wondered if he could handle a Latina,” she chatters. “They wanna know who you are, boo. So watch out for the paparazzi, yeah?”

  My scalp prickles. Shit. This is what Marshall is afraid of, what I am afraid of. I don’t need any more publicity, and if people dig deep enough, they’ll find out everything they want to know and blow it all out to high heaven. My safety is too important to risk.

  More than being found out, I couldn’t face Ben if he were to find out the kind of person I am before I’m ready to tell him. He said he wouldn’t leave me, but I’m not so sure. He has a good reputation and being affiliated with my past would ruin it.

  A painful ache grips my chest as I think about how wrong I am for Ben. I agreed to be with him last night because I’d hated seeing him with that bitch Blondie. Being with him would endanger his reputation. Can I risk that and risk losing him all at once?

  I rub at the pain in my chest and exhale. “Thanks for the heads up, J.”

  “No probs, sweetie. I gotta go talk to my supervisor about my research paper. I’ll see ya.” Janelle waves to me as she leaves.

  I descend the rest of the steps too wrapped up in thought. For both of our sakes, Ben is better off without me. How can I be so selfish? Ben needs someone without complications, someone with a clean past and a brighter future. What does he even see in someone like me? My birth mother’s words clang around my head like a cymbal: “You will only ever be good on your back, you little shit.”

  “Miss Beal, are you okay?” Simon asks, his brows knit in concern. How had I not seen him before?

  I gasp, forcing myself back to the present. “Yes, I’m fine.” I shake my head to dispel my thoughts. “Was just thinking about the class I just had. You’re really gonna have to stop following me around, Simon.”

  He smiles and I smile too. “Mr. Hayes sent me to get you,” he says.

  “Sent you for me? Why?”

  “He would like to have lunch with you.”

  I arrive at Fielding House at 12:15 p.m. Simone is all smiles when she stops me.

  “He’s been smiling all morning, not his usual Monday grumpy old self. You do wonders for his mood, girlie.” She beams at me and all my inhibitions disappear for the moment. I make him happy and he makes me happy. That matters most right now.

  I can’t help grinning as I ascend the floors in the elevator. The doors open on the 25th floor, where Ben is leaning against the wall in all his undeniably handsome glory. He is statuesque, radiating beauty and power. His ear-length hair is sexily ruffled. The tailored three piece suit he dons, sans jacket, hugs his body like a glove, showing off thick arms and a taut chest. I bet the women in this building have been fantasizing about seeing him naked all day, and here I am, privileged to have seen and felt that naked body. I close my eyes and a shiver of remembered bliss runs through me.

  “Well, hello Miss Beal,” he says silkily, his voice sinking deep into my veins, making my core salivate for him. Jeez, what his voice does to me.

  “Hello, Mr. Hayes. You’re looking…mmm,” I murmur satisfyingly.

  I take his proffered hand, exiting the elevator, and he pulls me close, sealing his lips over mine. Fisting his hair, I pull at the roots, which rewards me his expert tongue that I suck hard on.

  “Mm,” he moans, as we kiss like no one can see us. “Sullivan, what are you…doing to me?” Ben says between salacious licks into my mouth.

  “I’m…kissing you,” I reply as I suck on his sweet tongue.

  “Come. You’re unraveling me and we’re not alone,” he whispers, pulling me through the glass doors where his secretary is.

  She doesn’t look up at me, but I can see how red her face is. A smirk of mischief delights my lips, knowing she saw our torrid display of affection and loving it. I guess anybody would be turned on by that kind of intensity between two people, especially if the guy is as super-hot as Ben is.

  “Was your day any worse?” he asks as he ushers me into his space.

  “Boring is more like it,” I answer.

  “As long as there were no further problems, you had a good day,” he says.

  “Optimist,” I murmur, hiding my smile.

  “Pessimist,” he replies, smacking my ass. He smooth his hand over the mild sting, igniting my libido. What this man does to my sex drive is nothing short of extraordinary. I am always ready to go when it comes on to sex, even when my body isn’t. With Ben, however, I seem to be in a constant state of readiness…and wetness.

  I shake off my desire and focus on my surroundings.

  Inside his inviting, spacious office, I find two plates sitting under silver dish covers decorated with crystal embellishments. Ben always goes over-the-top when it comes to grand gestures; but I guess it has to be, considering it is a grand gesture.

  Ben uncovers both plates revealing a rather scrumptious serving of honey barbecue chicken breasts and scalloped potatoes with fresh lettuce leaves. The steam from the meal excites my taste buds and it’s then I notice that I’m hungry.

  We sit on his sofa face-to-face eating our lunch and we talk about what he does as C.O.O. – which is a whole lot of quick, smart decision making and a whole lot more bossing around. He also asks me about my studies – which no one, apart from Rae, Marshal and Mrs. Wade, has ever done – and about my independent study, which he finds very interesting.

  “Positive Psychology,” he wonders.

  “Yeah, I love it,” I express, then explain what it’s all about.

  I tell him that Positive Psychology aims to understand and build the emotions, and the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. I think I’ve lost him with my explanation, but he just nods his head as sign of his comprehension.

  “I think it works well with what I do at First Steps,” I continue.

  First Steps is a center for troubled teens. I’ve been doing my Independent Study there, studying the effects of a positive environment on troubled teens. This positive environment includes meaningful play
, therapeutic interventions, accountability and mentorship for these teens. So far, though quite challenging, the methods we’ve employed there have yielded some success.

  “I’m glad things are coming together with your Independent study,” he says.

  “The independent study isn’t the problem. My research paper due at the end of the semester is. I can’t afford to fail if I’m going to do my Master’s afterwards,” I say, resting my empty plate between us.

  “Well, you are an honor’s candidate. I don’t think you got there just by your beautiful face,” he reassures, resting his hand on my knee and squeezing it. “I like that you have so much direction. It’s new.”

  I want to ask him what he means, but I have a feeling he’s referring to other women he’s dated, and I really don’t want to hear about those other bitches.

  He takes the plates up, depositing them on the mini fridge and heading into the bathroom after paying me such a high compliment and leaving me to process it. Ben has such faith in me and I can’t see why. I am so wrong for him and in so many ways. I am hiding my entire life from him, a past that can ruin us both, yet he still trusts me and sees the best in me. I don’t deserve it, but of course he doesn’t know everything about me does he?

  “You okay?” he asks, exiting the bathroom and drying his hands.

  “I’m fine,” I lie. “I’m just really glad I’m here with you. I’ve been spaced out all day, I missed you so much.”

  Ben draws closer to me. “Well, when you said you wished you could be anywhere as long as it was with me, I had no choice but to grant that wish.” He leans in and kisses me softly, charging my body with the sexual awareness he exudes.

  I pull him on top of me and wrap my legs around him. He chuckles then leans up, staring at me. I think I see something pass in his eyes – something warm, adoring and intense that causes my heart to constrict. The thought is fleeting as he takes my breath away with a deep, hungered kiss.

  Ben presses his forehead against mine and breathes, “I can’t get you out of my head.”

  “I can’t either,” I concur.

  “What do we do?”

  “I don’t know. Bask?” I guess, reeling with the fact that he has been feeling this way right along with me.

  He trails light pecks from my forehead to my nose then moves his face to my hair where he inhales deeply. He’s lying on top of me, cradling my breasts and I run my fingers through his hair, enjoying his contented sighs. We lie comfortably like this for minutes until his intercom buzzes, disrupting our serenity.

  “Mr. Hayes?” his secretary speaks. “I’m reminding you of your 1:30 meeting. It’s in ten minutes, sir.”

  Ben groans and unwillingly rises from me. “Just when I was getting comfortable,” he grumbles.

  I rue at this unwanted interruption, but relax knowing that I have to get back to my classes as well.

  “Simon will take you back to your classes,” he says. “And he’ll pick you up around five to take you back to the apartment.”

  “Er,” I mutter, biting my lip.


  “Well, I have to go to First Steps today. It might be well after seven when I finish. I’ll just take the bus home since it’s not that far away,” I suggest.

  “Are you sure?” Ben cups my face staring deeply at me.

  “Yeah I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” He kisses me. “I’ll come by afterwards then. I’ll just go to the gym and work off some of my sexual tension.”

  “Sexual tension? Are you horny, Ben?” I ask, amused.

  “When am I not horny around you, Sullivan?” he says, adjusting himself. “Consider yourself lucky that I’ve got a meeting.”

  “Sounds like you had something diabolical planned, Mr. Hayes,” I comment, taking up my book bag and heading for the door.

  He places his hands on the door on either side of me, effectively trapping me. He grinds against my ass, allowing me to feel the hard bulge in his pants.

  “I was planning on fucking you until you were sore. It would be a constant reminder of where I’ve been,” Ben breathes.

  His voice churns desire deep in my belly. I grind against him shamelessly and am turned on by the helpless sounds that escape him. I want him so much that it hurts. My center throbs with unsatisfied longing and I don’t know if I can go the rest of the day without that much needed release.

  “Can’t we do it real quick?” I beg, my movements becoming more distinct…insistent.

  He growls, licking my earlobe. “I wish, but I don’t think I would be able to concentrate afterward. I don’t even think I’ll be able to concentrate now.”

  “At least touch it,” I bargain, needing to feel him anyway I can.

  “If I touch you, my sweet girl…” he begins. “Then I’ll fuck you,” he growls, sinking his teeth into my shoulder.

  A helpless cry escapes me and my body goes limp with want. I turn into him, dropping my book bag and I start kissing him madly. I am going to have to take it.

  I quickly strip my blouse over my head, revealing engorged, needy breasts. Ben hisses and bends to kiss them. My nipples stand in awareness of him and he nips at one with his teeth. Pleasure spikes through me making me want him even more.

  Ben pulls away from me in a fit, cursing and shoving his hand through his glorious hair; an action so sexy that it makes me want to run my hands through it while he rams his thick cock inside me.

  “No,” he seethes, grabbing onto the edges of his desk.

  I step toward him stubbornly but am halted when he strikes his hand up.

  “Don’t,” he warns. “I have a meeting and you have to get back to your classes.”

  “I’m not leaving until I get fucked, Ben,” I fuss, folding my arms and staring at him with determination.

  “Sullivan,” he admonishes through clenched teeth.

  I grab my shirt and drag it on frustratingly. Taking up my book bag, I snap at him, “Don’t bother coming by later.”

  I barge out of his office only to hear him calling after me. Smiling at his secretary, I head for the elevator but decide against it. I take the stairs instead.

  My cell phone vibrates in my bag and I ignore it. I am wound so tight, my pussy still throbs and my nipples still feel sensitive, desirous of touch. Still in heat, I needed the distraction of walking down the winding flights of stairs to cool me off.

  “Sullivan!” Ben shouts.

  I look up to see him a few floors up. Why did he have to follow me? I start pacing down the steps and he follows after me.

  “Goddammit, Sully!” Ben growls as he runs and jumps down the steps to try to catch up to me.

  “Just leave me alone!” I scream, descending the flights even faster. Why does this feel exciting?

  “Fuck that!” he snaps. “Stop…running!”

  I duck through a door, trying to mask the smile on my face, and I find myself in an architecture firm. Running down the hall toward a bank of elevators, I bump into a security guard who holds me tightly.

  “Do you have her?” Ben’s voice clips through the guard’s walkie-talkie. Shit!

  “Yes, sir,” the man answers.

  No longer smiling, I wriggle in the man’s hands trying to get away, but his grip is too strong; guaranteed to bruise. I’m about to scream when my voice disappears, hiding behind my vocal chords, at the sudden appearance of Ben. I’m…in trouble.

  Ben grabs me by the elbow and dismisses the guard. He is pulsating with anger. His jaw clenches and I hear the faint grinding of his teeth. He doesn’t look at me when he stabs the elevator button.

  The elevator dings open and an employee to the floor exits. She trips upon exiting when she sees the Greek god that is Ben Hayes and stutters a greeting to him. He doesn’t so much as pass the poor girl a glance or a mirrored greeting as he drags me into the elevator and jabs a button for the doors to close.

  The car begins to descend and Ben jams an elevator key in, bringing the car to a slow halt. He tugs me to him
and ravages me with a kiss, my bag falling to the ground as I reach into his hair to pull him deeper.

  Ben pushes me away, unbuttoning his vest and untucking his shirt. Pulling down his pants and boxers to free his mouth-wateringly rigid cock, I eye his length needfully.

  “Suck,” he commands with a snarl.

  I fall quickly to my knees and I start sucking him. Sending him to the back of my throat, he hisses and grabs onto the gold rails in the elevator.

  “Fuck, that feels so good,” he bites out.

  I fellate him appreciatively, making slurping noises. He smells alluring – of body wash and arousal – which creates a heady mix for me. I suck him harder and he grips the sides of my head to steady me while he fucks my greedy mouth.

  Ben lifts me to stand and spins me around. “Off,” he clips, tugging on my pants.

  Deftly pulling my pants down, my sex tightens with delight. Ben drags me closer then impatiently bends me forward.

  “Grab on to the rails,” he orders, but I faintly hear him over the blood roaring through my ears. He swats me hard on my ass and rephrases his command, “Grab on. Now!”

  I do as I’m told.

  Shifting my black thong, Ben shoves his hot, throbbing cock inside, making me yelp. My legs wobble as an instant orgasm threatens and he begins the merciless pounding of my sex. The elevator is filled with the smell of hot sex, the slapping of skins and the most carnal of sounds. I cry out with every pleasurable hit of my pussy, my vocal chords already strained.

  “Don’t. Ever. Defy. Me,” Ben breathes, with every swift stroke of his cock. “Never. Run.”

  Gripping my waist he grinds into me and I squeal in ecstasy. My knuckles are white as I grip the rails hard for balance; balance that threatens to leave me if I ever come. I am drenched in sweat, my hair wet around me. He starts pounding me again and it feels too good for me not to come.


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