by Tony Baker

  Harry knew the DEM was one of several distribution centers for the city’s emergency supplies. As long as they kept the building secure, which they obviously had since he was talking to them, they would have food and water for weeks.

  Once Harry released the transmit button, he was somewhat startled to hear the mayor screaming, all pretense at self-control gone. “What the fuck are you talking about? We can’t stay here! Those things are pounding on every goddamn door to the building. Now you listen to me Officer, I gave you a direct order to pick us up and I mean right now! You are an employee of this fair city, and being the Mayor you work for me, so I expect to see you as soon as you can get your ass moving! There are also several board supervisors here so if you want to keep your fucking job I’d strongly urge you to follow those instructions! Oh, and if you’re unclear, please understand those are orders and not a request! Do I make myself clear?”

  Mayor Edgar Jarvis was a career politician who had served in several elected positions in the city throughout his career, finally being appointed interim mayor after the position had been vacated due to the then-mayor winning a state government election and moving to Sacramento. Interim Mayor Jarvis had said he would only serve out the year remaining before the next election and that he would then step down. Many had listened to that hype and knew it for what it was.

  This had been the position Jarvis coveted for years, and everyone knew he would not give it up easily. Sure enough, ignoring his initial statements pertaining to not running for the office in the regular election, Jarvis submitted his name, and, with the help of his many big business political allies, won by a very narrow margin. Unfortunately, Edgar Jarvis tended to bend whichever way the political wind happened to be blowing, so it was generally felt his agenda was anything but for the good of the City. The already out-of-control fiscal deficit the City had been in during his year as interim mayor continued to spiral out of control after his election.

  Jarvis was also very short in stature, with a definite short person’s complex. He was lucky to be 5’4” tall, and only that because of the elevated shoes he was renowned for wearing. He only took photos sitting down, and had a two-foot-high platform behind any podium he spoke from. Jarvis was also extremely critical of the police department. Harry had always thought he was just afraid of the men and women in uniform who were allowed to carry guns. There had been an outcry from the rank and file when Jarvis announced he was going to go outside the department to find a chief. The previous one took early retirement, not wanting to deal with the bullshit that he knew was coming. Jarvis finally relented and appointed the current chief, which was probably the only good decision he had made since taking office.

  Looking up at Derrick and Frank incredulously, Harry’s anger was clearly evident. After a couple of deep breaths, he activated the mic button and said condescendingly, “Now you listen to me, Mr. Mayor, there are only three of us here and we are on the other side of the City. Obviously we are having some serious issues with the citizenry of this fair city right now, so getting to your location would prove somewhat problematic, and for the record I most certainly do not work for you as I’m retired. Since I do not foresee pension benefits direct deposited into my bank account any time in the near future, that factoid definitely reinforces that particular point at least for me. I’m a Reserve, and in case that position eludes your understanding, you pompous ass, that means I volunteer my time, at my pleasure and the department’s, not yours! Now stay off the fucking radio and let me talk to one of your security detail!” Harry was referring to the police officers assigned as mayoral protection.

  As soon as Harry released the transmit button he heard Jarvis still screaming. “Pompous ass? How dare you call me a pompous ass? And for your information, I placed my brave officers at the doors while they were being secured to prevent those poor unfortunates outside from gaining entrance into our facility. Unlike you they died doing their jobs! YOU’RE FIRED YOU ARROGANT SON OF A BITCH! Put one of those other officers on right now!” Jarvis’ voice had steadily risen until it was an almost unintelligible screech.

  Angrily pulling the earpiece from his ear, Harry held it toward Derrick and Frank. “You heard what that piece of shit said? I’m fired!”

  “Nope, not me, I don’t want to talk to that idiot,” Derrick said, backing up half a step from the console and shaking his hands in front of him.

  The normally reserved and quiet Frank, looking at Harry, said with a confused expression on his face, “Does he know what the word volunteer actually means? Geez, that guy really is a dumbass!”

  With that being said, the tension was instantly broken and both Harry and Derrick began to laugh. Not so much at what Frank had said, but how.

  “What?” Frank responded to their laughter.

  Derrick reached over and clapped Frank on the back and said, “You’re a rookie, kid, but no truer words have ever been spoken by one so young!” Frank cracked a small smile, but still did not seem to understand what was so funny. He genuinely thought Jarvis had lost his mind.


  Sobering, Harry stood, leaning forward slightly and placing his hands on the top of the console desk. “Listen guys, Jarvis may be a twit but his bullshit just brought something home to me.

  “You do realize I am in fact retired, right?” he said, looking first to Derrick then to Frank. “I really don’t hold any more authority than the average citizen now, and you both know that. Somebody will get this mess under control at some point, and I sure as hell don’t want either one of you to be in the shit because of me.” Looking to Derrick, Harry continued. “I really think you should take this, Derry. You’re the most senior officer on scene, so the responsibility really does fall to you. Besides, you of all people know I don’t play well with others when there’s too much bullshit involved. Right now I feel like I’m up to my ass in it.” Harry let out a deep sigh, then turned his back to the desk and leaned his butt onto the edge, crossing both arms across his chest. “I’m just getting too old for this shit.”

  Derrick was silent for a moment, obviously in deep thought. He then turned toward Frank and said, “I’m not sure exactly what you may have heard about Harold Lancaster, but let me give you a little insight on the man,” speaking as if Harry were not in the room.

  “This isn’t the time, Derry,” Harry began, but was immediately cut off.

  Raising a hand toward Harry, but still looking directly at Frank, Derrick said, “Not finished here.

  “As I started to say,” Derrick resumed, “not sure what you heard about Harold Lancaster, but you should know that he is among the most respected officers in the department. Not only by those who served with him but also by the folks we are all sworn to serve. Hell, I think even the bad guys he busted respected him! He has received so many departmental commendations that it would take a librarian to catalog them all. I don’t even want to try to count the times he has received a Medal of Valor. I know there were a half dozen Bronze, Silver, and at least four Gold medals pinned on him.

  “One of those Gold medals was awarded for a little action he and a couple others carried out when there were hostages taken at the Ritz Carlton. One of those folks held hostage just happened to be the head of Her Majesty's Inspectorates of Constabulary. He was a seriously important British dignitary, who also happened to be attending an international law enforcement conference here in San Francisco. Harry would have you believe that he was just at the right place at the right time, just doing his job, and the other officers played a more vital role – as he said during the awards ceremony. What happened was they dressed as waiters, gained access through a side window in the basement, and worked their way up to the area where the hostages were held.

  “But it was later revealed by the other officers who had gone in with him that day that Harry planned the whole action, spur of the moment, and actually took out four of the six bad guys himself before SWAT had even gotten the call out. Yes, it was a team action for sure, but Harold Lancaster led
that team and because of their actions saved a room full of people.” Derrick took a breath and turned, looking directly at Harry, but continuing as if still talking to Frank.

  “If he hadn’t turned down so many promotions over the years he would have been at least a captain, or hell, maybe even chief. But he thought if he promoted up he would lose what he loved the most in the department and would become what he liked the least. What he didn’t realize, Frank, is that by remaining a street cop he helped develop a whole new generation of caring, well-trained and professional police officers, men and women, by his example and leadership. Not to mention the countless citizens he touched on a daily basis that came to know and respect him deeply. He’s told me, and others, dozens of times over the years that he didn’t need strips of gold on his collar to do his job. His very clear gratification was just being a cop and doing the job that was his life’s love,” Derrick finished with another deep breath.

  Then walking up to Harry, Derrick said, “Now you listen to me, Harry. I don’t give a rat’s ass what that ID you carry has stamped across it. Retired or not, you are the most senior officer on scene and you will take command of this little operation whether you like it or not. You served this city for two and a half decades, then came back to give more on your own dime. So, until a ‘bar’ or better shows up, you’re it. I, for one, would follow you through the streets of Hell, my friend, and if those streets happen to be full of zombies then so be it! Get over the ‘too old for this shit’ pity party you’re at and lay out what we’re doing here!” Derrick concluded, folding his massive arms across his chest, mimicking Harry’s current posture and giving him a defiant look.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Frank asked. “A bar or better?”

  Clearing a rather large lump in his throat, Harry said, “What my friend is trying to say, Frank, is that until someone with rank – a sergeant or lieutenant – is on scene, the senior officer remains in command of an incident.”

  “Oh, never heard that term in the academy, but did hear it in a war movie once. But I believe the term was butter bar,” Frank said.

  Derrick seemed a bit hurt that the wind under his speech had been taken away a bit. “Whatever, I know I heard somebody say that once on scene,” he said defensively.

  Frank actually produced a full smile as he then turned to Harry. “I want you to know, Mr. Lancaster, that I couldn’t agree more with Officer Washington. I trust your experience and judgment explicitly and I also consider you senior officer on scene.”

  Harry nodded solemnly then, taking a deep breath, he took charge. “Obviously with the weapons and ammo we have now, not to mention the Bearcat and a few other supplies, we could easily secure the marina. But I want you to know that once we get set up somewhere I’m coming back into the City to look for more survivors.”

  “Yeah, we’ll do just that,” Derrick said without hesitation, looking toward Frank who nodded in agreement.

  Harry looked at both men for a moment. “You do realize how dangerous that will be. I’d feel more comfortable if you guys stayed at the stronghold as security.”

  “Well, I can see your point there, Harry,” Derrick replied as he feigned deep thought, “but I’m thinking a better idea might be if I come along and maybe cover your ass. I know you’re Dirty Harry and all, but you can’t have all the fun!”

  Frank added, “I think I’d like to drive that Bearcat around the City, too. Since I’m from the Deep South, well, Florida if you count that, I always did think about maybe becoming a NASCAR driver someday. Here’s my chance to live out that boyhood fantasy. Wow, a redneck with a badge behind the wheel of a big truck: scary stuff!”

  “Great, that’s all we need, another redneck in the world,” Derrick said with a smile. Frank shrugged his shoulders in reply.

  Harry walked back to the console desk and sat down. “Okay, we’ll discuss that when the time comes. Let’s see what we can find out here for a few more minutes, then we move out.”

  Harry replaced the earpiece. He could still hear Jarvis screaming, but he was suddenly cut off.

  “Edward Six, do you copy?” a female voice intoned over the radio, albeit in a slightly exasperated manner.

  After a few moments of consideration Harry pressed the transmit button and simply replied, “Edward Six.”

  “Mr. Lancaster, this is Julie Roth, part of Jarvis’ security detail. Jarvis has been taken out of communications and escorted to a rear office. He has been encouraged to relax and allow us to work through this. I’m done with his bullshit. He’s already gotten two officers killed and he’s not going to kill the rest of us.” Harry picked up a great deal of emotion in her voice, which included very clear anger.

  Harry glanced up at Derrick. “Do you know her?”

  “Yeah, she’s a tough one and a very competent police officer,” Derrick replied. “She was scheduled to take the SWAT placement exam this summer. She probably knocked the crap out of that little asshole while encouraging him to relax.”

  Harry nodded, than responded to Roth. “Officer Roth, I know you appreciate the current situation we’re all in. As I was trying to explain to Jarvis, since you are in a secure location, and have supplies, we are going to carry out our initial plan on this end. Once we have secured a location, which will be on one of the Bay Islands, we will come back for you and the others as soon as possible.” Harry then spent a few minutes outlining those plans to Roth in more detail, once again including everything he had seen and learned.

  “I understand Mr. Lancaster and I completely agree. We are good for supplies including water and food, plus our location is secure here. It is a bit noisy with those things constantly pounding on the doors, but it would be nearly impossible for them to breach,” Roth said without hesitation.

  “Good, then I will leave that location in your capable hands and we will see you in a day or two,” Harry said, silently praying that would be the case.

  “10-4, Edward Six, One Charlie Fourteen is 10-10.” With that, Roth concluded the radio transmission, letting Harry know she was actually the supervising officer and would be standing by.

  Flipping the citywide switch once again, Harry tried the call out several more times. “Three Edward Six at Central Station to any units, do you copy? Does anyone hear me?” He tried a half-dozen more times, waiting several seconds between calls, then finally pulled the earpiece out again, laying it on the desk. Sadly he said, “Guess that’s it for now. I’m not convinced there aren’t people out there though. Batteries could be dead or a whole host of other reasons nobody is replying.” Harry did not want to entertain the alternative, that there just was not anyone left alive to answer.

  Standing up and turning toward Derrick and Frank, he said, “Okay guys, time to roll. Has the building been cleared?”

  Frank spoke up, saying, “Only this floor, since this is where most of the supplies were located, and of course the armory. We really didn’t think it necessary, or wise, to search the entire building, although we did ride the elevator to each floor. Listened to see if there might have been any sound or movement, and even called out several times when we thought the floors were clear of those things. Guess everyone evacuated or were on calls because we didn’t get responses, so we locked the elevator off on this level. The stairways use one-way access doors and those are secure.”

  Derrick added, “We also cleared the two garage levels below. Didn’t find anything except the Bear and a Ford truck. It looks like everyone bugged out or were already on calls like Frank said.”

  “What about the locker rooms?” Harry asked. “I want to change out of these civvies and put on a jumpsuit. I keep a couple in a locker back there, and guess I should look more the part. I also think Frank should change out of his standards. It’s going to get interesting out there so we all should be as comfortable as possible.”

  “Yeah, the locker room is clear,” Derrick replied. “I think Frank should be able to find one that will fit in our ready room. Jessup was about his si
ze.” Jessup had been on the SWAT team with Derrick, and Harry picked up that Derrick had not elaborated on Jessup’s fate.

  “Thanks,” Frank replied.

  “Okay then, let’s get to it”, Harry said as he walked out of Dispatch and headed down the hall toward the locker room, Frank right behind him.

  “I’ll meet you guys in the garage,” Derrick said as he followed them out, then took off in the opposite direction down the hallway.

  “See you in about fifteen, Derry,” Harry replied.


  Harry took Frank to the SWAT ready room located just before the general locker rooms and told him to go in and find a jump that fit. Harry continued to walk the short distance to the main locker room and entered. Continuing to the rear of the room, then turning left, he came to the dozen or so lockers that were utilized by reserve officers. Nothing was locked here as the only things in the lockers were uniforms, and this was a police station after all.

  Stopping in from of Locker 27 and opening the door, Harry found the two very familiar jumpsuits just as he had left them. The standards he wore, which referred to the regular uniform most prevalently seen worn by police officers, he kept at home. Pulling out the one dark navy blue jump, he noted the name LANCASTER embroidered on a cloth patch attached just above the right hand pocket, with a silver cloth star sewn on just above the left with the words SAN FRANCISCO on the top rocker and POLICE on the lower rocker. In the center was his star number.

  Unlike Derrick Washington’s black SWAT jump with muted-color shoulder patches,

  those on Harry Lancaster’s had a bright blue background, trimmed in gold, with the image of the Phoenix in the center and the words SAN FRANCISCO POLICE in gold lettering above the bird. The words ‘ORO EN PAZ - FIERRO EN GUERRA’ were on a banner clutched by the bird’s talons, which translates “Gold in Peace, Iron in War”. This was the motto of both the City and the County of San Francisco, as well as the Police Department’s. Above each of the shoulder patches was a blue rocker with the word RESERVES. On each side of the jump’s collar, just above the collar points, was a silver three-chevron pin denoting the rank of sergeant.


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