by Honey Palomino

  I looked down at Grace again and decided to give it one more shot. If she didn’t wake up after this, then I’d call an ambulance and drive off. I hated leaving her. I hated that I’d hit her so hard there was a goose egg forming on the side of her head. I’d panicked when she’d turned around so quickly…

  Taking a deep breath, I whispered her name one more time before lifting my hand up and slapping her firmly across her face. Her eyes fluttered open and she shook her head slowly.

  I couldn’t help but smile as I stood up slowly and pointed my gun at her face. She looked up at me in pain, recognition registering across her face.


  “Who are you?” I demanded.

  “What happened?” she asked, her hand flying up to her head.

  “Who do you work for?” I pressed. “You a cop? What did you do with those girls?”

  She nodded slowly, her big green eyes looking up at me in the dark as she held her hands up.

  “You really want to know the truth?”

  “Unless you want to fucking die,” I said, cocking the hammer on my pistol.

  “Okay, okay,” she said, throwing her hands up. “I work for an organization that helps rape trafficking victims and others. Not the cops. But I’m not a broker, either.”

  “Helps them how?”

  “Whatever they need. Reunite them with their families, give them new identities, help them reintegrate into society, counseling, anything they need.”

  I looked down at her in disbelief. So she was some kind of fucking guardian angel, huh? Did that really exist?

  The cops weren’t helping, that was for sure. I’d already tried that route.

  Who else was there to help those girls? I’d heard about groups like this but never thought they really existed, not in the real world, not in our world.

  Certainly not in Snake’s world. He was untouchable.

  I looked down at Grace and nodded. Maybe he wasn’t so untouchable, after all. Maybe he just hadn’t been touched by the right people.

  I put my gun in my pocket and reached a hand towards Grace. She looked at my outstretched hand and then met my eyes. I nodded. She took my hand and I pulled her up and into my arms, wrapping them around her and pulling her in tight.

  “I’ve been waiting for someone like you.”



  Ryder was getting antsy.

  “She’s been gone too long,” he said.

  “Relax, dude, she said she was going for a little walk to clear her head. She’s been through a lot, give her some time,” Slade said.

  “I don’t know, man, something doesn’t feel right,” he said. He threw on a jacket and shoved his gun in his waistband and headed for the door. We sat there watching him. He turned and looked at us with exasperation.

  “Well, are you coming or not?” We jumped up and followed him out of the door, seven huge dudes walking down the hallway like we were stepping right out of some action film on our way to a fight. By the time we got outside, I could tell Ryder was on edge.

  “Wreck and Riot, go around the front,” he said. “The rest of you come with me.”

  Wreck and Riot disappeared around the corner and Nate, Slade, Bones and I followed Ryder as he went around the back of the hotel through the parking lot. There was no sign of Grace anywhere. Ryder stopped and called her phone again. We listened in the darkness, our eyes darting around looking for her.

  The faint ringing of a cell phone sounded from the far back of the parking lot and Ryder took off running. We ran after him, our boots pounding the wet pavement like a band of horses.

  “Grace!” Ryder called. “Grace! Where are you?”

  We reached the edge of a trail and entered it, darkness falling around us as the trees blocked out the light from the streetlights, our eyes slow to adjust. We peered into the trees trying to make out what we were looking at.

  When I saw Ryder pull his gun, my heart skipped a beat. We all followed suit, our guns raised as we slowly walked forward. Wreck and Riot came running up behind us.

  “What the hell!” Ryder shouted, pointing his gun in front of him. I stretched my neck to look around him and gasped when I saw Grace standing in front of Sophia. Sophia held a gun down at her side. When she saw us coming her way, she jumped in front of Grace and pointed the gun at Ryder.

  “Get away from her!” Ryder shouted. “Drop your gun!”

  “Fuck you, dude,” Sophia said, lifting her chin.

  I stopped breathing and time seemed to slow down as I watched them stare each other down.

  “Stop it!” Grace shouted. “Sophia, stop, this is Ryder. They’re all with me.”

  “They’re safe?” Sophia asked Grace, briefly looking over her shoulder. Ryder took the opportunity to rush her, effortlessly taking her gun from her and twisting her arm around her back.

  “Hey!” she shouted.

  “Ryder, stop! Fuck, you guys! There’s no need for this,” Grace insisted.

  “She had a gun!” Ryder said.

  “I know, but it’s okay, really,” Grace said, stepping from the shadows and taking Sophia’s gun from Ryder. “Let her go!”

  Ryder released his grip, holding his hands up.

  “Alright, sorry,” he said. Grace handed Sophia’s gun back to her and for the first time, Sophia raked her gaze over my way. She caught my eye and I nodded.

  “Ma’am,” I said.

  “Eli,” she nodded.

  “Let’s go inside,” Grace said. “We’ve got a lot of talking to do.”

  I was confused as hell. Sophia? Here? She must have followed us, I thought. But why was Grace giving her gun back?

  Begrudgingly, Ryder turned and we all followed him back into the hotel. When we got to the room, he sat down in a chair and shook his head as the rest of us trailed in. Grace closed the door behind her and locked it, before turning back to us.

  “Sophia, meet the Gods of Chaos. Gods, meet Sophia.”

  Hellos were mumbled with confused looks, names exchanged before everyone turned back to Grace for further explanation.

  “Sophia, I know you’re Snake’s old lady, but if there’s any way you can help us, we’d appreciate your help.”

  “I fucking hate Snake,” she sneered. “I’d do anything to bring that bastard down.”

  “Well, then, I think you’ve come to the right place.”

  My heart filled with happiness to hear Sophia’s words. I knew something wasn’t right. I knew she was better than that. I couldn’t help but smile at her and when she looked over at me and smiled back, my heart felt like it might burst.

  Nate was sitting next to me on the bed and he nudged my foot when he saw the way I was looking at her. I glanced over at him, silently telling him to cut it the fuck out with my eyes. A fierce glare and he shrugged, shaking his head and looking away.

  “Would you like to sit down, Sophia?” I asked, patting the spot on the bed next to me. She nodded and came over, sitting down next to me and taking us all in.

  “Wow,” she said. “I never expected this.”

  “Sophia, maybe you can tell us a bit about yourself so we can understand your position a little better?” Grace asked.

  “Sure,” she said. “But I think I’m going to need a drink first.”

  Slade pulled a flask from his boot and offered it to her.


  She took it gratefully and nodded.


  I watched as she brought the flask to her full lips and took a sip. When I saw a tiny drop linger on the corner of her mouth, it was all I could do not to imagine licking it away, sobriety be damned.



  “I hooked up with Snake as an act of rebellion. My parents were strict evangelists that kept me under lock and key for most of my teenaged years. Once I turned eighteen, I thought it would stop, but they continued to attempt to rule my life. I ran away, because my father started beating me for every mi
stake I made. Everything I did became a source of contention. They didn’t like that I worked at a record store, because loud music belongs to the devil. So, he’d try to beat it out of me. They didn’t like my friends. So, he’d beat me so I would be too embarrassed to hang out with them because of the bruises. They didn’t like the way I dressed, and any thought of dating was out of the question. They refused to accept that I was growing up and let me make my own choices. So, in order to give them a swift kick of reality, I brought Snake home to meet them.

  “He was much older than me. I met him at a party and I never expected I’d end up in a relationship with him. He was handsome and dangerous and everything my parents warned me about. To me, at the time, he was perfect. Until he wasn’t. I moved in with him after a year or so of him treating me like a queen. I thought it was always going to be like that.

  “But once I moved in, everything changed. He became even more abusive than my father had been, controlling my every move, taking me for granted, yelling at me, leaving bruises and black eyes. But he always came around afterwards and apologized, just like my Dad. I thought it was normal behavior at that point. But for the most part, Snake was busy with club business, so at first I didn’t see him too often, because he was always out hustling. But then after a few years, the girls started arriving. Just a few at first. We had some major fights about it, but no matter how much I protested, he’d eventually just hit me again to get me to shut up. After a while, I learned it hurt a lot less to just keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. More girls arrived, and then even more, until there was a constant revolving door of johns and girls. And with each new arrival, the girls became younger and sadder. Snake just became colder and more violent.”

  I stopped, watching their reactions. Their eyes were filled with compassion and kindness and it was a little unnerving to have people look at me like that. I was so used to the clubhouse, with everyone out for themselves, like a tank full of hungry sharks with no regard for anyone else.

  “That must have been very hard for you,” Grace said.

  “It was,” I replied. “I hated what was happening, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. After a while, I realized Snake was having sex with these girls, too, or rather, raping them, because consent kind of goes out the door when you’re a sex slave, right?”

  Grace nodded, giving me a gentle smile.

  “I called the cops.”

  “You did?” Grace asked. “What happened?”

  “Nothing! I made an anonymous call and then I hid out at my parent’s for a few days because I didn’t want to get arrested. I kept waiting to hear about them being busted, but nothing ever happened. Snake made me come home and when I got there, the place was littered with plain clothes, off-duty cops that were bragging about who they were, flashing their stupid badges and everything. Snake bribed them and part of the bribe was that they could come and rape the girls for free anytime they wanted.”

  “That’s horrific,” Grace said. Eli bristled beside me, shaking his head.

  “Pricks,” he muttered.

  “After that, I felt trapped. Snake made me tell him where I was at all times. If I was gone too long, he’d come after me. Once I realized the cops weren’t coming, I wasn’t sure what to do. I never dreamed anyone else was coming to help.”

  “Sophia, you were so brave to call the cops in the first place,” Grace said. “What a shame they didn’t help you. I’m not surprised, though.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No,” Grace replied. “Let me tell you a little bit about us. I’m not a cop now, but I used to be. I was undercover, doing my best to bust rings just like Snake’s. But I was betrayed by my partner. He put my life at risk and if it wasn’t for Ryder saving me on a dark, isolated road one night, I wouldn’t be here today. Ryder and I fell in love and together, with the help of the Gods, we were able to take down one of the biggest rape trafficking rings in the Northwest. The cops were in on it. Some other law enforcement officials, as well — prosecutors and judges. We took them all down.”

  “That’s amazing,” I whispered, shaking my head.

  “Afterwards, we realized we all worked really well together. We formed an organization called Solid Ground. We’re a bit like an underground railroad, if you will. As I told you outside, we help victims who can’t help themselves, and whose best interests are served with keeping the cops out of it. Sometimes, like in your situation, they can make things worse. I wish I could bring down all the corruption on the force, but I suspect that will never happen. I do have a few good friends left inside, and they help us, but it’s all very discrete and unofficial.

  “That’s Riot,” Grace said, pointing over at him. “Riot’s a tech genius. He helps get new identities or track down people if necessary. He’s very valuable to Solid Ground, but he’s also the VP of the Gods.”

  I nodded over at him and he flashed me a gentle smile.

  “That’s Slade.”

  I looked over at the man she was pointing at with the crooked grin and missing front tooth.

  “Slade’s fearless, as all of these men are really, but Slade possesses a certain raw charm that allows him to disarm people without them even realizing what’s happening.”

  “Howdy, ma’am,” he said, nodding to me.

  “Wreck is over there,” she said, pointing to a guy in the corner with a huge scar ripping up his face that reminded me of the scar on Snake’s face. “He’s quiet but wicked smart. He’s Ryder’s nephew, in fact.”

  We nodded to each other and Grace continued.

  “You met Nate, and Eli. Nate is Eli’s brother.”

  I looked over at Nate and nodded to him.

  “How’s your ass?”


  “I saw you on the surveillance cameras getting mauled by the dogs.”

  “Oh. Right. My ass is fine, thanks for asking,” he said.

  I turned to Eli and tried to ignore the zing of electricity I felt when I met his gaze. He was handsome, more handsome than any of the others. Soft blonde hair fell across one deep blue eye, his cheekbones high and sharp. I tore my gaze from his, looking down at his hands that were folded in his lap. They were large, strong hands, with long fingers. I could feel the warmth rolling off of him, and I longed to lean into him, to feel his strong arms wrap around me, to feel just a little bit of comfort, if even for a second.

  But that couldn’t happen.

  Why would he want a woman like me? Obviously, he was an incredible man to be involved with an organization like this.

  He was too good for me. No doubt about it.

  I was complicit in helping Snake. I deserved nothing good from him, or anyone, for that matter. My head was spinning. An hour ago, I’d been judging these people, sure they were just as bad as the people I’d surrounded myself with. Now, I realized — I was the terrible one.


  I shook my head, lost in my own thoughts.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Where does Snake think you are right now?” Grace asked gently.

  “At my mother’s. Dad died last year. I go over and help her out sometimes. I should be getting back soon,” I said. “But, I’d like to help you. I don’t know how, though.”

  “Snake doesn’t want to sell to us anymore. But we aren’t going to stop until we get every last woman out of there.”

  I paused, my wheels turning. Suddenly, I wanted to do anything I could to help these people.

  “I want to help you. But I want to stay alive. Snake’s never going to let you in there again. Once he says no, he means it. It’s some line he’s drawn. He won’t cross it, for fear of looking bad in front of the other guys.”

  “Well, then we’re going to have to find another way in.”

  “I might have an idea, actually,” I said. “Every year Snake takes the club hunting in Eastern Oregon. He’s got a little cabin they all stay in. They’re gone for a week. They never bag anything, I’m pretty sure they just drink like fi
sh for a week. Same as they do here, really…”

  “When are they leaving?” Ryder asked.

  “Supposed to go next week, actually. Thursday, maybe?”

  “What does he do with the girls while he’s gone?”

  “Well, last year, there weren’t as many, but he just shut down business for a week and picked up where he left off when he returned. It’s likely he’d do the same thing again, but maybe not, since it’s been so busy.”

  “Are these things you can find out for us? Whenever possible, we prefer to handle things without violence, Sophia. This would be a great opportunity to get the girls out without anyone getting hurt.”

  “Well, I can’t see him leaving without putting any protection in place. I’m sure they’ll be a few guys left behind to watch over things.”

  “We can handle a few guys,” Slade said, shrugging. My eyes darted down to the wedding band on his finger and I wondered what kind of woman was married to a guy like that. Grace called him fearless and I could see that in his eyes. I imagined him going home to his wife at night after a day of being a fucking superhero, saving women left and right, all the while having some equally awesome woman waiting for him in a perfect house somewhere.

  I wanted that.

  I’d always wanted that.

  I’d gotten wrapped up with Snake and could never untangle myself. I was older now, much older, and I knew better. Present me would never have given a second glance to Snake.

  Regret is a heavy thing. I wondered if it would ever go away, just as I wondered if I’d ever find a way out of this bed I’d made for myself. I looked around the room at all of these people, doing good things, meaningful things, things that were actually changing the fucking world, and I wanted to be like them.

  I didn’t want to be Sophia, Snake’s old lady, anymore.

  I just wanted to be Sophia. A woman trying to do a little bit of good.

  “I’ll get the details. I want to help you. But if Snake finds out, he’ll kill me.”

  “We won’t let that happen,” Eli said suddenly, his voice pure heat in my cold, cold world. I looked over at him, my heart swelling as I gazed into his eyes. I nodded slowly and stood up, looking back at Grace.


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