by Debra Webb
“It may be too late to sign up,” Mildred warned.
Victoria grinned. “Talk to Lyle Vandiver at the Chamber of Commerce. He’ll get us in. Throw out all the stops, Mildred. I want to make a big splash.”
“The usual employment requirements?” her secretary asked.
There was no need to mull over the question, Victoria knew what she wanted. “No. This is going to be different. No experience necessary. Drop the age requirement to twenty.”
“Pardon? Did you say twenty?”
“Twenty,” Victoria repeated. That was a far cry from the twenty-five guideline the agency generally used. It had been a very long time since she had considered an applicant too young to have any real job experience. And there was no time like the present to see what she’d been missing.
Still sounding befuddled, Mildred assured, “I’ll get right on it.”
Victoria sat down at her desk and began to review the case files with a new sense of purpose.
That was what she’d been missing—just exactly what this agency needed—new blood. Young blood. Raw talent.
The unexpected.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7187-0
Copyright © 2006 by Debra Webb
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