Escape: A Mob Stepbrother Romance

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Escape: A Mob Stepbrother Romance Page 2

by Snow, Lucy

  I wondered if things would ever get back to normal. I just wanted to relax and stop for a few minutes, but I had to keep going until I found him. He was the only person I could think of who could keep me safe.

  Ronan was my only hope. I just hoped I could trust him.

  Finally, I turned the corner and came face to face with Pulse across the street. The giant sprawling nightclub looked gothic and monolithic from the outside; I’d been there before, so I knew the layout, wary the entire time of running into him, but thankfully we hadn’t run into each other. I don’t even know what I would say to him under normal circumstances.

  Being in this kind of trouble actually made it easier. I chuckled as I crossed the street to Pulse. There was a huge line outside. I remembered reading a thing about nightclubs, how they purposefully kept people outside in lines to make people driving by remember how cool the place must be. If they had a line that long, look at all those people dying to get in!

  Pulse, though, from what I’d heard from friends and read, deserved the hype. It was undoubtedly the hottest night club in town.

  And Ronan ran it. He ran all their clubs. And not just clubs, any interest the family had in entertainment. I shook my head, still a little shocked that the Ronan I used to know had become such a big shot in such a short amount of time.

  Too big to help me out? I was about to find out.

  I started at the back of the line, watching people get in behind me, groaning at its size but happy they were there before everyone behind them. Staking their place, hoping things would pick up soon, but knowing in their heart of hearts it wouldn’t.

  I couldn’t wait like this, though. I didn’t have that kind of time, I couldn’t be this exposed for too long. Shivering, I gave up my spot in line, already 20 or so people from the lengthening end, and walked along the sidewalk to the front entrance.

  People gave me strange looks as I passed them by, asking me with their eyes or whispers to their friends still in line - what was she doing? Where was she going?

  When I got to the front of the line I stared up at the gigantic mountain of a bouncer, dressed in a brightly colored suit that only a big man could pull off. He had a clipboard in hand and a headset around his ears.

  His eyes reached over the clipboard. “Can I help you?” I felt his gaze travel from top to bottom and back again. I still wasn’t used to that.

  “I need to get inside. I need to meet someone in there.”

  “Get in line with the rest of us!” A pale girl with black hair done up in tight ponytails pulled her cigarette out of her mouth as she yelled at me from near the front of the line. “No cutting, bitch!”

  I didn’t want to say anything; I was cutting in line, and she was totally right to call me out on it. On another night I might be in her shoes, though I’d like to think I’d use a bit softer language. Who knew after a few drinks, though.

  “I’m sorry,” I tried to mollify her, but she wasn’t having any of it. She muttered something to her friends and they all gave me icy looks, cold enough to make me shiver if I wasn’t already freezing.

  Or, you know, not on the run from people who might want to kill me.

  “You gotta go to the back of the line,” the gruff mountain of a bouncer rumbled. He went back to his checklist with interest, like he was sure that was the last he’d hear from me.

  On another night, he might be right. I stayed standing there, unmoving. He noticed me again after a few more seconds, his eyes flicking back toward me, as if to confirm I was still there. “Are you on the list?”

  “I’m not, but I know someone in there.”

  The bouncer dismissed me with a wave of his hand. “Like I haven’t heard that one before. Everyone knows someone inside. It’s fucking Pulse. Back to the end of the line.”

  I turned away, noting the smiles appearing on the girls at the front of the line, thrilled that I got my comeuppance so quickly and so easily. Instead of walking away, though, I said to the bouncer, “I know Ronan. And I need to see him.”

  The bouncer stood up off the perch of his stool, even taller now. “Ronan?” he mumbled.

  “Yeah, Ronan. I need to see him and he’ll want to talk to me.”

  The bouncer put his hand to his ear and spoke into his mouthpiece. “Stand over here,” he indicated to his right, opposite from the line, “What name do I give him?”

  I moved to where he pointed, away from the girls still sneering at me. “Kara Robinson. He’ll know who I am.”

  He spoke again into his headset and his eyes widened. “Ronan will be right out.” He put his hand in up in front of my face. “You better be who you say you are, or there’ll be hell to pay.”

  I waited outside for another minute before someone came out of the club, dressed in a perfectly fitting dark suit, dark hair close cropped.

  He faced away from me, his head close to the bouncer’s as they talked. The bouncer gestured in my direction, and the man turned to face me.

  It was Ronan.

  I didn’t think it was possible, but I’d forgotten just how beautiful Ronan was. Or maybe he’d just gotten more so since I’d seen him last. He was male perfection. I’d always had a weakness for men in suits, but Ronan wore a suit like it was a part of him, like a second skin.

  He watched me, mouth slightly open, like he was looking for something to say. I thought that was funny - I couldn’t remember Ronan ever being at a loss for words. Almost unconsciously I found myself smoothing out my dress under my coat and pulling my hair back.

  “So it is you.” I couldn’t tell for sure, but from his rough gravely voice I didn’t think he was happy to see me. That wasn’t too surprising to me; after all we hadn’t spoken in years.

  “I need your help.”

  Ronan blinked like I’d just sprouted a second head. It took him a few seconds to compose himself before he spoke again. “Come inside.” Then he turned and started back into the club, nodding to the bouncer, like he knew I’d follow.

  And follow I did, gathering my purse and stepping forward until I slammed right into Ronan’s back, feeling the muscle just beneath the fabric of his jacked and shirt. He’d stopped in his tracks.

  “Who the fuck is that girl and why does she get to go in before us? Just look at her!” It was my best friend from the line, this time laying into Ronan. He stood and listened while she took him to task, cursing up a blue streak and attracting a small crowd.

  When she it looked like she needed to pause for a breath, Ronan held his finger up to his lips, and she stopped. “Thank you for your feedback about Pulse. I’m sorry things haven’t been up to your standards. Who is in your party?”

  It was weird hearing Ronan sound so conciliatory and…gracious, I guess was the best term for it. That didn’t really seem to fit with what I knew about his line of work.

  The heckler, a huge self satisfied smile wide on her face by now, quickly pointed out the rest of her friends, 4 more in all. Ronan leaned over and whispered to the bouncer next to him. The entire group smiled as one, happy they were about to get in the most exclusive night club in the city.

  Ronan reached over and unclipped the rope line in front of the group, ushering them out and re-clipping it after them. They puffed up, either for this humble man to let them in. The bouncer went to each of them and checked their IDs, writing down their names.

  Ronan remained standing there. One by one their smiles turned questioning. “You may go now,” was all he said.

  “Huh? Aren’t we going in?” the lead girl asked, the pitch of her voice rising.

  “No. None of you are welcome at Pulse anymore. Get the fuck out. And don’t fucking try coming back. We know who you are.” And with that, Ronan took my hand and led me into the club.

  I looked back as we passed through the huge doors and saw the bouncer take his place up in front of the door, immovable and final. I could only imagine the look on that girl’s face.

  As soon as the doors closed we moved through another set and then all a
round me was sound and lights and dimly light bodies dancing and swaying to the beat. Being around that much sound shook me from the tips of my hair to my toes and I wanted to move in time to the rhythm and get lost, but I couldn’t take that chance right now.

  Ronan’s grip around my wrist was strong but not painfully so as he led me through the throngs of faceless beautiful people, each in a different state of buzzed bliss. I marveled at the ease at which he guided me with subtle pushes and pressure applied, keeping me out of the way of anyone who we came across.

  We made our way through the parting masses to the back of the club, up a staircase that seemed to come out of nowhere till we were in a spacious and lavishly furnished office, overlooking the main dance floor. Ronan motioned me into one of the lounge chairs facing the wall, letting go of my wrist and sending a bolt of electricity through my arm. I sat down, unsure of whether to get comfortable. From Ronan’s demeanor it felt like he was this close to kicking me out without a word.

  He sat down in the other chair and poured himself a drink, taking a sip and just staring at me. I didn’t know what to do.

  “It’s been a long time, Kara,” he broke the silence finally, and I exhaled sharply, not realizing till then I’d been holding my breath.

  “I know, I-“

  He cut me off. “What makes you think you can just walk in here, flashing my name around like that?”

  “I, I didn’t,” I stammered, “I didn’t now what else to do.” Ronan stayed silent. “The bouncer wasn’t letting me in.”

  “You don’t just get in because you know someone.” He looked down, focusing on his drink, the dark amber fluid swishing around in his glass, every so often catching the flashing lights coming off the dance floor below us. “Plus, it’s not like we actually know each other.”

  My cheeks reddened. “That’s not exactly my fault.”

  “I didn’t say it was.” Ronan took another sip. “What do you need?”

  “I need,” I started before stopping to compose myself. “I need a place to stay.”

  “You have an apartment. Or, rather, you had an apartment.”

  “I can’t go back there anymore. Not right now.”

  Ronan smiled, one eyebrow rising. “Roommate troubles?”

  I guess you could call it that. “Something like that.”

  Ronan stood up, leaving his drink on the table beside his chair and stepped to the window. He put his hands out against the glass and leaned on them, and I watched the hard muscles of his taught body under the tight and well fitting suit. Despite the terrible timing, I found myself unable to keep from admiring how sexy my stepbrother had become.

  Though it wasn’t like he was a slouch beforehand.

  Ronan watched the people dancing below. They were oblivious and happy, enjoying their evening, knowing nothing of mob deals gone bad and Greg getting shot to death.

  And I saw the whole thing.

  “Look,” I said, standing up, suddenly wanting to be anywhere else remotely safe than in that office, “I’m sorry to have come, it was a mistake. You’re clearly not interested in helping me, so…”

  I turned and hurried out of the office as quickly as I could. I needed to find somewhere to lay low, and Ronan wasn’t going to be any help.

  I was on my own.

  Chapter 03 - Ronan

  What the fuck was she doing here?

  And dressed like that?

  Fuck. FUCK.

  This wasn’t exactly the right time for shit like this to come walking through demanding help. I had a lot going on these days, and not just running these clubs and fucking all the girls I wanted, which was no small investment of time.

  I had responsibilities to the family - we were about to start some heavy negotiations with a Russian family that arrived in town a few years ago, and I needed to be on point for that - my father was counting on me to represent the family well.

  And that wasn’t going to be easy with Kara around. I was already thinking about helping her. As much as I wanted to refuse, how could I?

  She looked ridiculously hot in that dress. Who was I kidding? With curves like hers, Kara could stop traffic in a burlap sack and the faintest hint of a smile. I only stepped over to the wall so I could look at the people on the dance floor instead of stare at her anymore. It was the only thing I could do to conceal my raging erection, pressing against my pants.

  And now she was leaving, ready to walk out of my life just as quickly as she’d come back in after all these years. Was I going to let this happen?

  “Wait,” I said without turning around. I heard the tap of Kara’s high heels against the tile of my floor stop, and the rustling of her coat told me she was no longer pointing at the door.

  I let my hands fall. “I can give you a place to stay. Just a couple nights, alright? I’m not looking for roommates.”

  “I understand,” she whispered, a twinge of hope entering her voice for the first time since I saw her. Just the sound of her voice sent a rush through me, and I leaned on the wall again to steady myself. “And thank you,” she added, sounding more sure of herself this time.

  “Don’t thank me yet. I don’t want to do this.” I didn’t want her around, not when she had this effect on me. I needed to be able to focus these next few days, but I already knew that if I turned Kara away I wouldn’t be able to think of anything else.

  If she was really in trouble, I had no choice, I had to do the right thing and fix it.

  I saw Kara’s reflection stiffen in the glass. “Then why are you offering? I can do this by myself.”

  “You wouldn’t have come here if you really believed that.” She stayed silent at that and I knew I’d hit the nail on the head. As difficult it was for me to offer my help, it must have been much tougher for Kara to even consider coming here and asking for it.

  “No,” a small smile started to appear on her face, “you’re right, I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to.” She looked around the room, as if suddenly aware of her surroundings. “You have a nice office.”

  “Yeah. Are you ready to leave?” I didn’t want her near my business any longer than she had to be. Of course, the alternative was taking her to my home, but at least there I had fewer other responsibilities.

  “Yes.” Kara gripped her purse a little tighter and nodded. Finally, I turned around. Fuck. Looking at her reflection in glass was much easier than seeing her beauty directly on.

  I wondered if Kara knew how incredibly gorgeous she was. I wondered if she had any idea what she could do to me with just a look, if she knew just how powerless I was around her, me, with all my power and self control.

  “Good. I need to talk to a couple people first.” At my desk I pushed the intercom button. “Sam, would you come to my office?”

  “On my way, boss.” Sam clicked off, and I looked down at the desk, making sure there was nothing I needed there for the rest of the night. A few seconds later Sam knocked.

  “Come in.” Sam entered and closed the door behind him, glancing at Kara standing off to the side and then acting as if she wasn’t there.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Sam, I’m taking off for the night, gotta help a friend. You’re in charge. I’ll be back in tomorrow.” Sam nodded. “Need anything?”

  “Nope, I’m all set. Things are looking good downstairs now that Jones and his buddies have to find another place to get over their most recent loss.” Sam was one of the biggest American Football fans I knew, which I found hilarious, considering his British roots. On Sundays during the season we’d often watch games at the club on the giant video wall and drink the day away.

  “Great. That’s all. Tell Sarah I’m looking for her.”

  Sam gave a sort of mini-salute and stepped out of the room, nodding at Kara, who’d perked up at the mention of Sarah, along the way. I finished gathering some files on my computer and copied them to my portable flash drive, dropping it in my pocket when I was done. “Let’s go,” I said without looking up.

  Kara had watched me with those huge beautiful eyes of hers the entire time. I realized it had been like that since we entered the room. Most of the few female guests I had in here loved to look out the giant window, at least until we started taking our clothes off. But Kara seemed much more interested in looking at me.

  I didn’t know if I liked that yet.

  I opened the door to my office just as Sarah, looking gorgeous in her tight dress, raised her hand up on the other side to knock. Instead, her fist collided with my chest. She turned crimson, which was both an hilarious and sexy look on her.

  “Oh, Ronan, there you are! I’m so sorry.”

  “I’ll survive.”

  “Sam said you were looking for me?” She peered into my office, a place she hadn’t been inside since I’d hired her. I stepped back and she took a tentative step inside.

  “Yes, I was. But you’ve found me first.” I smiled. “I wanted to tell you I can’t get together tonight.”

  Sarah’s face fell. “Oh,” she said, glumly, “I see. Anything wrong?”

  “Not at all. Something else came up that I have to take care of. We’ll get together another night soon, alright?”

  “Oh, ok.” Sarah finally noticed Kara, also dressed to the nines, and gulped. The two women cooly appraised each other, and I lingered as long as I could, letting the moment marinate till it clearly began to get uncomfortable for them both, and then I let it go a little longer.

  Finally, Sarah spoke. “Another night soon, then, right? I was really looking forward to tonight.”

  I smiled back at her. “Of course, Sarah, another night this week. I was looking forward to it also.”

  She returned the smile, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. “OK, then, guess I better get back to work. I’ll see you around.” She looked at Kara. “It was nice, uh, meeting you.” Kara waved, and Sarah stepped out of the office and back down the hallway.

  I watched her go, admiring that ass and once again congratulating myself on changing the ladies uniforms when I took over operations at Pulse. Even if it didn’t help us bring in more money each night, which I was sure it did, I liked it enough to make it worthwhile.


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