Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2)

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Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2) Page 7

by Vikki Vaught

  At least the baroness had moved into her own townhouse three years ago when he reached his majority. His mother was a bitter woman. It wasn’t all her fault she was like that. His father had been a controlling, cold-hearted bastard, and a philandering rogue. He’d kept several mistresses and had flaunted them in front of his wife, along with bedding anyone in skirts. Because his mother had been so anguished over his father’s betrayal, she had never had time for him, neither had his father for that matter. That left him free to run wild as a young lad. If it had not been for Miss Marvel, his much-loved governess, he would have never learned any responsibility, or received any love.

  By far, the best times of his life were his schooldays. That was when he had met Effinger and Blythe. He’d known Renwick since they were in leading strings, since their mothers were close. Between his friends, and finding the attraction to women when he turned fifteen, he’d had a rioting good time at school. Even when he inherited his title at sixteen, he had continued to carouse with his friends.

  Of course, he’d had the responsibility of his estates. Through the wise advice of his solicitor and trustees, he’d managed to make some excellent investments while still under their tutelage. He had more than tripled his inheritance in eight years. No matter how much he enjoyed carousing with his friends, he had always taken care of his obligations. He had watched his father gamble away over half of his inheritance. Thank God his grandfather had amassed such a large fortune, that even his degenerate father could not make a dent in it.

  Andrew felt proud of his accomplishments. For someone his age, he had handled his duties in a mature manner.

  All this was well and good, but it didn’t help with the quandary of having to marry Kathleen.

  Damn. He should have had years to enjoy himself before he had to wed. No matter how pretty she was, he didn’t want to settle down. Now he would have no choice. Of course, just because he married didn’t mean he had to stop going out with his friends.

  All that had to change was his trips to Madame Fontaine’s. He hoped he would be able to stay true to his marriage vows. It would be deuced hard, but he had to do it, if he wanted to honor his commitment to be a faithful husband.

  Clenching his fists, he muttered, “Devil’s nightgown!”

  The carriage came to a stop. Andrew stepped out. Each foot felt as if it weighed a hundred pounds as he reluctantly climbed the steps. The door opened immediately, and the butler showed him into the drawing room where Kathleen and the duke and duchess were waiting for him.

  Andrew bowed to the ladies. “Good evening. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting.”

  The duke stepped forward. “No, we came downstairs a few minutes ago. Since you have arrived and the play will be starting in less than an hour, we shall depart.”

  Everyone moved into the foyer, and the butler handed them their outerwear. Even though it was spring, the evenings were still cool. Once the ladies donned their wraps, Andrew offered Kathleen his arm, and they followed the duke and his duchess out to the carriage.

  She sat by her grace, and he joined the duke on the side with their backs to the horses. Andrew glanced at Kathleen. She looked particularly fetching in her gold lame evening gown. It enhanced her peaches and cream complexion. The gown brought out the lighter blonde highlights in her hair and her green eyes glowed with anticipation. Her startling beauty had him looking forward to the time when he could have her all to himself. As an engaged couple, the strictures on chaperones were more lenient. He hoped he would have the opportunity to steal a kiss, if she would let him.

  Conversation centered on the upcoming play, and soon they arrived at the theater. Once settled in the ducal box, Andrew asked, “Would you ladies care for some refreshments?”

  “That would be lovely, Billingsley,” Her Grace replied. “A glass of champagne would be much appreciated.”

  “Certainly. I shall return momentarily.”

  He stepped from the box, found a waiter and requested enough champagne for his party. The waiter returned with a bottle and four tulip-shaped glasses. He accepted them, gave the servant a generous stipend, and returned to the ducal box.

  Once everyone had a flute of champagne, he took his seat next to Kathleen. Her delicate floral scent teased his senses, causing a stirring in his loins. He could imagine nuzzling her slender neck and nipping at her small earlobe.

  He surreptitiously watched Kathleen as she enjoyed the play. It was a comedy, and her musical laughter enchanted him. He could listen to her all night. During intermission, he leaned in close. “So, I take it you’re enjoying the play. I’m finding it quite amusing myself.”

  She smiled over at him with glee in her luminous green eyes. “This play is hilarious. I haven’t laughed so hard in years. I’ve always enjoyed a good comedy. Don’t misunderstand, I also enjoy tragedies. I love Othello and most of Shakespeare’s works. What of you?”

  He took advantage of their graces departure from the box and placed his arm on the back of Kathleen’s chair. It brushed her shoulders, and it raised the hair on his forearm, titillating his skin, even through his jacket sleeve. “I love his lighter works. I also enjoy some of his darker plays, such as Macbeth. Do you enjoy the opera as well?”

  Kathleen raised a brow at him and straightened in her chair, so his arm no longer touched her shoulder. “Oh, my, yes. My mother and I go to the opera regularly. I love all types of music, and I play the violin. Do you play any musical instruments?”

  “No, I do have a passable baritone voice, though. I enjoy singing tremendously. And you, do you like to sing?” as he asked her the question, he leaned closer, as if he were having a hard time hearing her. She picked up on his ploy and scooted away from him.

  “I do like to sing. I’m not good at it, though.” Making sure they were in the shadows so no one could see, Andrew captured her chin and stared into her eyes. He felt as if he were falling into their green depths.

  “My lord, what are you doing?” she asked in a tremulous voice.

  “This,” he murmured. Then he kissed her soft lips.

  Kathleen gasped. He took advantage and slipped his tongue into the sweet tasting cavern of her mouth. Desire thundered through his veins as he deepened his exploration. Kathleen’s mouth became pliant, and she tentatively kissed him back. Realizing this could easily get out of hand, he released her.

  “It’s a good thing we’re in public, or I would be in danger of taking this further than would be wise.”

  Before she had a chance to respond, the duke and duchess rejoined them and took their seats, then the play resumed. She shot daggers at him with her eyes. Although, it was worth raising her ire to taste her delectable lips. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she had enjoyed their kiss. Her untutored response told the tale.

  Through the rest of the play, he spent most of his time observing Kathleen rather than watching the stage. He found everything about her fascinating, from the tip of her upturned nose to her dainty feet. The more time he spent with her, the more enchanted he became. Perhaps marriage would be more attractive than he had anticipated. The thought of having her available to him any time he wanted held great appeal.

  Ah, yes.

  I think I’m going to enjoy teaching my charming lady the delights of our marriage bed.


  After their graces dropped Andrew off at his townhouse, Kathleen could finally relax. His behavior had unsettled her. His kiss unraveled her nerves to such a degree, she barely kept her body from trembling. She couldn’t understand why he affected her so. She didn’t want to have these feelings for him. He was a rogue and a scoundrel. She refused to fall in love with him. Her heart should still belong to William, and it grieved her greatly that she could no longer picture his face in her mind. Whenever she closed her eyes, all she saw was her newly acquired fiancé’s charming face. She had to be honest with herself…she found him devastatingly handsome and it irked her to no end.

  When she arrived at Chilton House, she wis
hed the duke and duchess a goodnight and went to her room. After her maid helped her undress, she sent her off to bed. Too restless to go to sleep, she left the lamp burning, then picked up Mrs. Radcliff’s latest novel and read long into the night. She couldn’t stop thinking about Andrew’s devilish kiss. She could still feel the seductive warmth of his lips as they had caressed hers. The slip of his tongue as it had invaded her mouth, caused gooseflesh to stand up on her arm. Then she remembered how she had responded.

  Oh, Lord, she couldn’t fall in love with Andrew, no matter how enticing his kisses were. Life seemed to be such a game to him. He never seemed to take anything seriously. Perhaps he found her a challenge. If she succumbed to his advances, he would soon grow tired if there was no longer a chase involved. It was imperative that she safeguard her heart. Andrew would surely break it, if she allowed him in. Finally, her eyes grew heavy, so she turned down the lamp.

  The next five days went by quickly, what with some type of entertainment each night and daily carriage rides with her intended. Kathleen found it all quite unnerving. Andrew had turned on his charm to a devastating degree, and each day it became harder to resist. Every time she told him to stop, he reminded her it had been her idea to pretend to be in love.

  That evening, Andrew escorted her to yet another ball. Her body ached from so many late nights. By the time she made it to bed, she fell into an exhausted sleep. She tossed and turned as images of the baron tormented her mind.

  When she returned from shopping the following afternoon, her brother had arrived. Alex stood waiting for her when she entered the house. With his arms folded across his chest, he glared at her. “It’s about time you got here. I arrived over an hour ago. I’ve spoken to Barrington, and he has assured me you’re happy and in love. I don’t believe it. Anissa told me you detest this man. What’s going on, Kathleen?”

  Taking off her gloves and bonnet, she handed them to Collins. She fiddled with her hair in front of the mirror, wanting to delay their discussion. “Alex, how wonderful to see you. I had no idea you planned to visit. How are Anissa and the baby? I’m sure Mama is reveling in being a grandmother again.”

  Standing with his feet apart, he placed his hands at his waist, then threw her another glare. “Kathleen. Do not change the subject on me. What are you thinking of to become engaged to someone in England? Last month you were trying to convince me you loved William Jones. Explain yourself.”

  Now was the time for some serious acting. She had to convince Alex she loved Andrew.

  Oh, I wish he were here.

  He’s much better at this deception than I am.

  Turning to face Alex, she gave him what she hoped was a confident smile. “There’s really nothing to explain. I was wrong concerning my feelings for Mr. Jones. I realize now that what I felt was mere infatuation. Once I spent some time with Lord Billingsley, he swept me off my feet. I truly am in love with him. Please be happy for me. Now that you’re going to be living most of the year in England, we can remain close. Andrew’s estate is less than a day’s drive from Overton Park. And he’s agreed to travel to America when you, Anissa, and the children go next year. Everything’s perfect.”

  Kathleen slipped her hand inside her pocket to hide her fisted hand as she watched Alex’s reaction to her story. She prayed she was convincing enough. She schooled her features to what she hoped looked like a woman in love.

  Alex studied her face, then spoke. “Before I give you my blessing, I want to meet this man. From what my wife told me, he’s a womanizer. I do not want my sister opening herself up to heartache.”

  Thank goodness.

  I must be a better actress than I thought.

  I’ve convinced him to at least reserve judgment until he meets Andrew.

  “Lord Billingsley is joining us for dinner, and then we’re going to Lady Rozzell’s ball. You will have an opportunity to talk to him tonight. Now, let’s go to the parlor and you can tell me about your wonderful son.”

  While discussing the family, catching up on Melanie and Harry’s antics, and learning more of Anthony, she waxed on over how much she loved Andrew and how compatible they were. One of her brother’s biggest objections to her previous engagement was that he believed William had changed her from the fun-loving girl she’d always been. She made sure Alex saw that side of her again. By the time she went upstairs to dress for dinner, her brother seemed more accepting of her change of heart.

  When Andrew arrived for dinner later in the evening, Collins showed him into the drawing room. Kathleen stood and went across the room to greet him with her hands outstretched, offering them to her betrothed. Rising up on her toes, she kissed his cheek. “Darling, I’m so glad to see you. It seems like forever since we went driving yesterday. I’ve missed you so. Come. Let me introduce you to my brother. He came to check on me and to meet you.”

  Thank goodness, Andrew played along. He put his arm around her waist as he said, “I know what you mean. I couldn’t wait to arrive so I could see you again.”

  Turning to face her brother, she said, “Alex, this is Andrew Grainger, Baron Billingsley.” Giving him an adoring look, she added, “Andrew, my love, this is my brother, Alex Hawks.”

  Andrew released Kathleen, walked over to Alex and offered his hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Your sister has told me so much about you. I understand congratulations are in order. Best wishes on the birth of your son.”

  Alex accepted Andrew’s hand and shook it. “Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you as well. I would like to talk to you after dinner. I have a few questions to ask, and it would be better if we talked without the ladies present.”

  “Certainly, I would be happy to accommodate. I have something I would like to discuss with you as well. My betrothed told me about your shipping company. I’m always looking for good investments, and your company sounds perfect. I understand His Grace already invested.”

  Andrew appeared relaxed as he talked to her brother. That made her feel better. They might pull off this charade after all. Alex already appeared less intense, and he had only spoken with Andrew a few minutes. She wished she could be there when they discussed their upcoming marriage.

  Before Alex had a chance to speak, the butler came in and announced dinner. Kathleen slipped her hand in the crook of Andrew’s arm and placed her other hand through Alex’s as she said, “Shall we go into dinner?”

  Most of the conversation during the meal centered on the ball they were attending later. She had trouble focusing on the discussion and toyed with her food, too worried over the talk Alex planned to have with Andrew after dinner. When Her Grace suggested they leave the gentlemen to their port, a ball of lead settled in her stomach.

  Oh, please dear Lord.

  Let him convince my brother we’re in love!

  While Andrew talked to her brother, Kathleen tried to work on her embroidery, but ended up having to remove most of her stitches. The duchess had been playing the pianoforte, but then she stopped, came over and sat beside her. “I can tell you’re worrying over the conversation Billingsley is having with your brother. I don’t think you need to be concerned. You presented a splendid picture of a woman in love. In fact, you did so well I want to ask if your feelings for the baron have changed?”

  She laid down her needlework and looked over at the duchess. “I’m not in love with him, if that is what you’re asking. Although, I have found some redeeming qualities in him to admire. Oh, Your Grace, this is so important. Alex must believe I’m in love with Andrew, and he cannot find out what actually happened. He would never go along with the marriage if he thought I did it to protect him and Anissa.”

  “I dare say you are correct,” she replied. “I do hope the Duchess of Brentwood is not at the ball. She is the only one who would be brazen enough to say anything to him.”

  “Oh, dear! I never thought of that. I pray she isn’t there.”

  Oh, Lord, that would be catastrophic.

  The duchess put her arm around her
shoulders. “I am sorry. I should not have said anything. I will suggest to His Grace that he take your brother to the card room after we arrive. That way if she is there, she should not have a chance to meet him. I am sure all will be well.”

  “It may not matter, if Andrew isn’t able to convince my brother he’s in love with me.” Hearing a noise, Kathleen looked up and saw the men enter the room. Andrew and Alex both had smiles on their faces. His Grace gave a slight nod, letting her know everything went well.

  She stood, her heart in her throat, as Alex approached. He grinned at her, then said, “Well, Kathleen, I suppose you’re going to be staying in England. Both of you have convinced me. You have my blessing.”

  Her skin prickled and the blood in her veins rushed to her head. If her brother had not reached for her to give her a hug, she might have collapsed. His hug gave her a chance to gain her composure. “Thank you, Alex. It means everything to me to have your blessing. Now my only concern is Mama. She will be alone in Baltimore for most of the year with both of us here.”

  Alex patted her shoulder. “You know Ma, she’ll be fine. She will have our brother, John, most of the winter and us through the summer. Now that my mind is at ease, I will be returning to Anissa and the children tomorrow. Ma told me, if I gave my approval, to let you know she’ll come to help you with the weddin’.”

  “Oh, how wonderful. I can’t wait.”

  The duke cleared his throat. “I hate to interrupt. However, we do have a ball to attend, unless you would rather stay here. I’m sure Lady Rozzell would understand. My duchess and I will give her your regrets.”

  Alex looked relieved. “I would much rather stay here with Kathleen, since I’m leaving in the morning.”

  Andrew spoke up. “If you don’t mind, I would prefer to stay here as well and become better acquainted with my future brother-in-law. And of course, spend more time with you, my love.”


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