One Night with His Rival

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One Night with His Rival Page 8

by Robyn Grady

  The concierge was saying it could take up to thirty minutes to have a shoelace delivered.

  “I’ll come down and grab one. Thanks.”

  This would be a good night, Ajax reaffirmed to himself as he left the room with one loose shoe. Better than their night in Saratoga. Even better than after Lanie’s birthday party.

  And tomorrow morning...?

  The elevator doors slid open. After stepping inside, he dug his socked toes into that loose shoe while visualizing the most obvious outcome. Tomorrow morning they would make love for the third or fourth time since returning from dinner. Then they would talk, probably about setting a date to see each other again.

  But he was snowed under at the moment. It didn’t make things easier that Hux had been weird since that phone call from his pal at the Commission. And Drake’s recent comments to the press questioning the legitimacy of Rawson’s long list of wins certainly didn’t help.

  For years, his father had left the majority of business decisions to Ajax. These past couple of weeks, however, Hux was always in the office or hanging around the stables. Asking questions. Going over things. Once he’d even enquired about Veda, and not in a supportive way.

  When Ajax left the elevator, he finally lost the unlaced shoe. Picking it up, he continued across the extensive lobby floor. He didn’t want to think about that other situation back home now. He wanted to focus on Veda because he absolutely couldn’t wait to see her again. The thought of her made him buzz all over, like his blood was vibrating, it was pumping that hard.

  Sure, he liked playing the field, like Griff. And, yes, like their father when he was younger, although that had changed when Hux had met “the one.” Apparently, back then, Ajax’s mom had let her future husband know early on that she wasn’t letting go. Hux said that after a couple of dates he had known it would be until death do us part.

  Gripping that shoe, Ajax shivered to his bones. Committing to a woman for life was one thing. Having her taken away far too soon was something else again. Losing his sweetheart had broken Hux in two. Ajax had never contemplated testing fate the same way. He had never imagined himself, well...risking that much.

  One lousy misstep and everything could be lost.

  A man behind the reception desk ambled over. After Ajax had explained about the shoelace, the clerk went off to hunt one down and Ajax’s thoughts returned to Veda. When he’d texted earlier, she’d said they should meet here in the lobby. He smiled to himself wondering what she would be wearing? The lipstick-red number was a hard one to beat, but then Veda looked amazing no matter what she had on. In fact, his favorite getup had to be that oversize men’s shirt and black cowboy hat.

  What man in his right mind would pass that up? Who wouldn’t want to grab on and never let go?

  Still holding the shoe, Ajax crossed his arms and exhaled. What a night that had been. It made him wonder how this evening would compare. Guess he’d find out soon enough.

  And in the morning...

  Tomorrow morning...

  * * *

  Leaving the elevators, Veda saw him standing by the front desk—holding a shoe?

  Ajax looked particularly gorgeous in a dark blue suit that accentuated those beautiful broad shoulders all the way down his long, strong legs. But his usual cheeky grin was nowhere to be seen. In fact, his eyebrows were drawn together and his freshly shaved jaw was thrust forward.

  She couldn’t have anticipated Ajax showing up uninvited, for all intents and purposes, at the seminar. The bigger shock was her asking him—and in record time—to be her date for this evening’s dinner. But she was determined to go through with her plan. Either way, this had to end. Better it be sooner rather than later and with her in the driver’s seat.

  Following Lanie Rawson’s insider opinion, when a woman pursued Ajax rather than the other way around, he lost interest. This class of male was all about the chase. When she fully leaned in to grab Ajax’s charms with both hands—when she let him think that she was ready to be his happily-ever-after—he would choke and retreat. Problem solved.

  Of course, in order for this plan to play out, she would need to end up in his bed again. She wouldn’t complain. Nor would she hold back. Tonight she had a valid reason to really let loose. In the afterglow, she would bring up the possibility of marriage.

  Come tomorrow morning, Ajax Rawson would be running for the hills.

  After a uniformed man behind the desk passed something over to Ajax, he took a seat in the lobby lounge. Now she could see that he was rethreading his shoe with a new lace. Drawing nearer, Veda watched the jacket stretch taut across his broad back as he worked. Even doing such a mundane chore, his moves were close to hypnotic.

  She was closing the distance, almost upon him, when he looked up and sent over the slowest, sexiest smile. Veda flushed—cheeks, breasts. Everything.

  As he got to his feet, she put her plan in motion, giving him an openly salacious once-over. When his smile faltered, she read his thoughts. What exactly is going on here? he was wondering. Then she stepped into the space separating them, set her hand on his lapel, pushed up on tiptoe and brushed her lips over the fine-sandpaper feel of his jaw.

  “God, you look hot,” she murmured near his ear.

  When she pulled back, she could barely contain her grin. Ajax looked shell-shocked. It would sting like hell when this ended, but in the meantime she was good with having an obscene amount of fun. Call it payback for all the girls who had been left behind in the Stud’s wake.

  He cleared his throat, resumed that dynamite smile and acknowledged her dress—a sheath made from a shimmering Caribbean print fabric with a corset back. She had planned to wear a matching cap-sleeved bolero jacket, but in this case, less was definitely more.

  “And you look absolutely beautiful,” he said. “Breathtaking, in fact.”

  Playing it up, she glanced down at her bust. “You don’t think it’s too...snug?”

  She had laced herself up extra tight to get the maximum advantage from her cleavage.

  “Not too snug,” he assured her. “Just right.”

  She glanced down at his feet. “You had some kind of problem?”

  “Would you believe I threw a shoe. All fixed now, though.” He stomped like a horse and then offered her his arm. “Shall we?”As they walked to the elevators, she was aware of heads turning, men’s as well as women’s. Aside from looking like Hollywood’s top leading man, Ajax oozed charisma and smelled divine. This might not end well, but right now it felt good to be the one on his arm.

  A woman joined them in the elevator going up. Her bobbed honey-blond hair and black evening gown with its halter neckline made for a stunning combination. But all of Ajax’s attention was focused on his date. On Veda. Given the famished look in his eyes, she wondered whether he might tell her there was a change of plans. That he was taking her straight up to his room and staying there.

  When the doors slid open, Veda let out her breath. She’d been full of confidence earlier, but he was the one with all the experience. Had she bitten off more than she could chew?

  They followed the woman out and headed toward the ballroom’s open doors.

  “I’ve already told you how beautiful you look, haven’t I?” he asked in a voice that suddenly sounded deeper and slightly rougher.

  She pressed a palm against her stomach to ease her nerves. “Breathtaking, you said, and not too snug.”

  “You smell beautiful, too,” he said as they entered the room. “What is that? Something French?”

  “It’s domestic.” And hardly expensive.

  “Want to know something?”

  He looked so intense and sincere, like he had a juicy big secret he needed to share. She smiled, nodded. “Sure.”

  “I want to thank you.”

  “Thank me for what?”

  “For trusting me. For not walking a

  It was on the tip of her tongue...snide and a little bitter. Has any woman ever walked away, Ajax? But tonight was all about an experiment that had only one logical conclusion. She would continue to come on to him, strong and relentless, and be the victor when she scared him away.

  * * *

  Throughout the evening, Ajax tried to look interested. And he had to admit, there were some high points. Like the main course, which featured the freshest lobster on earth. Veda seemed happy with her vegetarian option. He guessed tofu actually worked for some palates.

  The conversation around the table was...interesting. Their dinner companions were well-heeled folks involved in the self-help business. There was a psychologist guru and his wife, a personal budget planning person and her high-profile chiropractor partner. The rest were people who had enjoyed being part of the exclusive seminar audience today.

  While awards for best this and most acclaimed that were presented, Ajax tried to remain present. Rather than let his mind wander to the challenges that awaited him back home, he focused on Veda. Along with that dress, which was stimulation enough, she was doing all kinds of suggestive things, like when she’d held his eyes while licking her dessert spoon real slow and all around. Or when she’d “accidentally” missed her mouth and spilled water between her spectacular cleavage. Either Veda was trying hard to let him know something or he was losing his grip.

  A waiter was removing their dessert plates when Veda settled her hand high on his thigh. And squeezed. Ajax slid her a pointed look while what was behind his zipper paid attention, too.

  “I guess you’re ready to go then?” he asked as her nails circled, then slid higher.

  Her smile said, You’d better believe it.

  He was pushing back his chair when she said, “I need to have a word with someone first. I won’t be long. Can you wait a couple of minutes?”

  He scooted his chair back in. A couple of minutes? Sure. “I’ll be here.”

  He watched her weave between the tables and people milling about, some leaving, others heading for the dance floor. He would have liked a cheek-to-cheek but she was obviously keen to slide into home base. Which, of course, ratcheted up his anticipation levels. Because this was a sure bet.

  Like really, really sure.

  “Excuse me. I saw you earlier in the elevator.”

  He focused on the woman standing by his chair. “Oh,” he said. “Hi.”

  “But I feel as if I’ve seen you before that,” she went on.

  He smiled. Shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

  She took Veda’s vacant chair. “Maybe in a movie or a magazine.”

  Ajax chuckled. “Afraid not.”

  “Perhaps I’ve seen you at a previous event.”

  “This is a first for me.”

  Ajax flicked a glance Veda’s way. She was deep in conversation with a couple on the other side of the room.

  “The woman you’re with...”

  He replied, “Veda Darnel from Best Life Now. She spoke today.”

  She glanced at his left hand. “You two aren’t married.”

  He shook his head. Definitely not married. “Veda and I are...good friends.”

  Her eyes suddenly rounded. “Oh, now I know where I’ve seen you before. You’re Ajax Rawson. The Stud.”

  Ajax gave a wry grin. Would he ever live that tag down?

  “I’m Ajax. Right.”

  “You own a big ranch. A stable.” She sighed. “I love horses. I went to the Kentucky Derby last year. What an amazing day.”

  He paused, then turned a little toward her. “We lost by a nose last year.” He mentioned the name of the horse.

  “Oh, so close!” she agreed before arching a brow. “So which Rawson ride should I keep an eye out for next?”

  “Actually, I have a good tip for the Breeders’ Cup.”

  “So hopefully an Eclipse Award, too.”

  He looked Veda’s way again. She was still talking. So he settled back and continued to share his tips.

  * * *

  When Veda turned back toward the table, her stomach dropped. Her falling-all-over-Ajax plan was working better, and faster, than she had even hoped. He was talking with a woman—the same woman who had shared the elevator ride from the lobby up to this floor—and looking more animated than he had all night. Like this woman was so entertaining, he couldn’t get enough of her conversation. Like he was already over Veda after she’d lavished attention on him.

  With measured steps, she approached their table and, gritting her teeth, joined them. It took a second for Ajax to realize she was there.

  “Oh. Veda. This is Charlotte.”

  Charlotte continued to smile into Ajax’s eyes and explain for Veda’s benefit, “I’m a huge horse racing fan.”


  As Veda collected her purse off the table, Ajax got to his feet. “Did you catch up with your friends?”

  “I did.” Veda exhaled. “I think I’m done here.”

  When Charlotte got to her feet, too, Veda fought the urge to push her back down. “Please,” she said. “Keep talking.”

  Charlotte tipped her head Ajax’s way. “Your call.”

  Ajax actually took a moment before he replied. “It was great meeting you. Might see you at the Derby one year.”

  As Charlotte took her leave, Ajax reached to take Veda’s hand. She stepped away. Frankly, she wanted to kick his shin. Lanie was right about her brother in spades. All about the chase.

  “I really don’t want to get in the way,” she said, overly sweet.

  He had the audacity to look confused. “ mean get in the way of me and that woman?” His grin was pure charm. “I met her two minutes ago.”

  “Well, you do work fast.”

  His look said you’ve lost a screw. Like she was cranking the crazy for believing her eyes, knowing his record the way she did. Her plan tonight had been to come on so strong that he lost interest. But now she wondered. Would he have flirted with that woman regardless?

  “Veda,” he said calmly, sincerely, “she came over and recognized me. I was filling in time, waiting for you.”

  As she studied those blue, blue eyes, her throat began to close. Irrespective of whether that was true, she felt like a loser. Like a lost, misunderstood teenager again.

  She blew out a shaky breath. “Ajax... You do my head in.”

  He kept his gaze on hers, looking as if, for once, he didn’t know what to say. It was her move to make, and she knew what to do. What she should have done when he’d shown up unannounced earlier.

  She walked away.

  “I’m going to bed,” she said, and then added, “alone.”

  An hour later, she had changed into her pj’s and was staring blindly out over the quiet moonlit waters, feeling lower than low, when she heard a knock. Knowing who it was, she walked to the door, opened up. Ajax stood there, his tie hanging loose, shirt half-undone, making remorseful look so sexy that she quivered.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you,” he said. “I honestly didn’t mean to.”

  While her heart continued to break, she took a long, agonizing moment and finally stepped aside.

  He crossed the threshold and, before the door had even swung shut, somehow she was back in his arms, both hating and consoling herself for wanting this man more than ever.

  * * *

  After Veda had left him in that ballroom, Ajax went down to the bar and thought the whole thing through over a double scotch. She’d been open about her feelings and insecurities where his dating history was concerned. Talking to that woman... He hadn’t done anything wrong. But, hey, he got where Veda was coming from.

  He could see, he supposed, why she’d been upset.

  Finally, he’d knocked back that scotch and then knocked on her door. After his apology, she had buckled and
let him in. As soon as their lips touched, she melted in his arms. And as the kiss deepened and he brought her closer, he felt a tremor run through her as if she was feeling the same relief that he did.

  “I didn’t want you to come back,” she said against his lips. “I prayed you wouldn’t because I knew I’d give in.”

  His hold on her shoulders tightened as his gut clenched. “Veda...don’t you know how much I care about you?”

  She cupped his cheek and almost smiled. “You should show me.”

  Ajax slipped the tie from his collar and let it fall on the floor. Veda wasn’t asking for sex. She wanted him to make love to her. She needed to know she wasn’t just one in a line. Now he needed to know that, too.

  As she led him into the bedroom, he took a quick inventory...muted light, turned down bed. Then he held her face with both hands before brushing his lips over hers, feathering kisses on each side of her mouth until her eyes drifted shut and her hands covered his. Then he kissed her more deeply, but not the way he had at the door.

  He stroked and teased her tongue with his, every now and then adjusting the angle and taking as much time as he could. When his lips finally left hers, her breathing was heavy and he was aching to move things along. But this wouldn’t be like the last time when he’d jumped off that cliff way too early. He wanted to arouse her to the point of begging, then leave her satisfied beyond ever needing to question again.

  He coaxed her around until her shoulder blades rested against his chest. After sweeping her hair to one side, he nuzzled a trail up the slope of her neck while his palm skimmed up and down over her pajama top. Nibbling her lobe, he undid three buttons and then slipped his hand in under the silk.

  When Veda sucked in a breath, he shifted to rest his cheek against hers and slid his other hand into the opening, too. Veda’s head fell back against his shoulder as she trembled and sighed. And when she pressed her behind against his thighs and undid the rest of the buttons herself, he coaxed her around to face him and kissed her again.

  He blindly stepped her back until her legs met the bed. Then, easing the silk off her shoulders, he kissed her a little harder. When the sleeves caught at her elbows, he guided her down until she sat on the bed’s edge. Lowering onto his knees, he drew one nipple into his mouth while she held on to his head, grazing the back of his leg with her toes.


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