Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3)

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Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3) Page 30

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Thank God.” Her face crumpled again. Frustrated, angry tears filled her eyes. “I’ve never hated anyone as much as this bastard, Alex. He’s hurt so many people.”

  “He won’t anymore. But what did they do to you? Are you hurt?” His words stopped, his panicked eyes met hers, and both hands pushed her messy hair back then cupped both sides of her face.

  Alex wanted to ask Angel if she’d been violated by Mark Swanson or the others. The question ate at him, twisting in his gut like a dull knife. He wanted to know only because he hated to think she’d gone through something so horrific. He worried if he did ask, she might think it would change the way he looked at her. He wouldn’t be able to stand it if she thought it would change his feelings for her.

  Angel read his thoughts and shook her head, sniffing and wiping away a single tear that managed to escape. “No. I’m okay, Alex.”

  He brushed his mouth on hers softly. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave, but still he didn’t have the exact answer he was after. He didn’t want to push her. “Good. Because I’d wake that cocksucker up and kill him all over again.”

  He brought her to him in a tight hug, and she laughed against his chest. His gentle hands found both sides of her face, and he kissed her again and again. He was elated and miserable, happy and heartbroken all at once. “I love you so much. I was so afraid.”

  “Alex, you’re bleeding.” She pulled back and examined his wrists, noting the blood, which was also seeping through his shirt at both elbows, and some of it was dried.

  “I’m fine, it’s from trying to get free of the ropes. I barely feel it. Where’s Jillian?” His arms burning where the ropes had ripped into his skin, but his wrists were far worse.

  “With Kyle,” she said, her face turning into his neck as her hands slid from his arms back around his waist. “Outside. He killed the big one in the barn.”

  He wanted to hold her tighter, to kiss her, but they needed to move. Alex released her gently. “I guess we’ve all been busy. Is this Kyle’s gun you used on Swanson?”


  Alex’s mouth tightened and anger exploded inside him, and his voice boomed at the same time he shoved it into the waistband of his jeans. “Why the fuck are you in here and not him? What was he thinking? I should castrate him!”

  “It was my fault. I was familiar with the layout of the house, so I knew I’d be able to sneak in easier. We have no reason to be mad at him, Alex! We should be thankful he’s here. I couldn’t believe it when I heard his voice. What’s he doing here?”

  Alex was still furious, but her words put things in perspective. Kyle deserved his gratitude not his wrath. Angel was right, but still, he didn’t agree with the choice, and Alex still wasn’t sure he wouldn’t confront Kyle later. “I needed help, and I knew he would help me. Allison called him for me.”

  “Makes sense. We both owe him a lot.”

  “I agree, but I’m still pissed the let you come in here. I need a small knife. Try to find one, but don’t touch anything with your bare hands.”

  Angel nodded and found one in the kitchen, returning it to Alex. She watched him remove his shirt and wrap a part of it around the handle.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t know. Fuck! It depends if we’re calling the cops or not. Either way, I don’t feel comfortable leaving Kyle’s bullet in this asshole’s chest.”

  “Holy shit! Why wouldn’t we tell the cops, Alex?” Angel’s eyes flashed at him. “We’re not criminals. And why can’t we leave the bullet?”

  Alex explained his meeting with Marvin Standish. “I promised I wouldn’t implicate him.”

  “If he doesn’t want to be implicated in dirty shit, I guess he shouldn’t dabble in it, then,” she pointed out, with barely veiled sarcasm.

  Alex rolled his eyes. They were standing in the middle of this shitstorm and seconds away from the most thankful moment of their lives. “Are we arguing about this right now? We’re alive, and I’d prefer not to go to prison or get whacked because I didn’t keep my word! If you don’t mind.” The look he shot at her was incredulous.

  Angel’s mouth snapped shut.

  Alex dialed Marvin Standish’s personal number.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” Standish answered.

  “Yes, but not where we thought. Are you connected to any property in the Ozark Mountains?”

  “We could have associates that may but not directly, no. Why?”

  “Because that’s where we found the, um, package. It turned into quite a mess. I’ll need to call someone, if it won’t be a problem for you.”

  “What happened?”

  “She was taken; I found her. Shit happened, and now it’s over. It would be easier to tell the authorities the truth because it was self-defense, but I am a man of my word, so I needed to make sure you have no connection to the location before I do that.”

  “We’re clear.”


  When the call ended, he breathed out a sigh of relief. “That’s that.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening. We killed three people, and now you’re BFFs with a mob boss?” She huffed, wondering if any of them would have some sort of traumatic repercussions later, forever emotionally scarred from any of this. Looking at Alex, he was solid as a rock, taking it all in stride. Kyle hadn’t seemed any different, so time would tell.

  Alex walked to Angel and put two strong arms on her shoulders. “It was pure survival instinct. We had no choice. As for Standish, I did what I had to do, and I would have done a lot more if it meant getting you back without getting hurt.” His voice was hard, but his eyes were full of pain. She knew the torment he went through, and she knew the love that drove him. “I was in fucking hell!”

  Angel nodded in understanding and touched a hand to his jaw then the injury on his temple. “I know. I understand. I would have done the same thing.”

  “Good. Go get Kyle. You don’t need to watch this.”

  When Angel left to find Kyle, Alex crouched down to Mark Swanson’s body and located Angel’s iPhone in his left front pants pocket. Thankfully, it wasn’t covered in blood. He took it and shoved it into his own pocket. He despised the bastard, and while he thought he’d take pleasure in killing him, he felt only relief that he wouldn’t be able to torment them any longer. He didn’t feel remorse, and he didn’t feel pleasure. He felt nothing but relief.

  No matter what, he would not allow someone who helped him to be implicated in this nasty mess. Sighing, he put the knife to Swanson’s wound, praying the fucking bullet wasn’t in too deep.


  It was just before dawn when they’d walked out of that hellhole. When Alex walked out of the house, Jillian, now awake, began struggling in Kyle’s arms. She didn’t know Kyle, but she knew Alex.

  “Zander! Zander!” She put out her arms and went immediately into Alex’s embrace, hugging his neck with all her might.

  Alex chuckled. He had his coat back on, so the blood on his shirt wasn’t showing. All four of them were dirty and looked worse for wear. “Hi, sweetheart.” Alex kissed Jillian on the cheek, and Angel’s heart swelled. Could he get any more amazing? He was like some modern-day knight in shining armor, only better. He was strong and responsible, and true, he didn’t take any shit, but deep down, he was the most caring man she’d ever known. And one day, he’d make an incredible father.

  “Anga said you’d come.”

  “She did?” Alex smiled. “Anga knows me pretty well.”

  Alex had carried Jillian with one arm—the child soon fell asleep on his shoulder—and his other hand was threaded with Angel’s the entire walk out of the woods. There was some discussion between the three of them about how everything would be explained, and how much easier it would have been if the local sheriff wasn’t involved. Then, they could’ve walked out and never mentioned it again. But, the authorities were searching for Angel and Jillian, so they would need an explanation about how Alex h
ad managed to find and extricate them, where they had been held, and what contributed to the deaths of the perpetrators.

  Once they reached the car, Angel called and reserved rooms at the same hotel where Alex’s parents and Becca were staying, while Alex drove back to Springfield. It was decided they’d drop Kyle at the hotel, and Alex and Angel would meet Charles, Cora, Becca, and the authorities at the ER of the same hospital where Cole was being treated.

  Becca had fallen apart when she’d been reunited with Jillian, and all of the women cried. Angel hugged her briefly, kissing Jillian’s head and telling her they’d explain it all in the morning. Becca hugged Alex hard, thanking him again and again for Jillian’s safe return.

  Alex ruffled Jillian’s hair and touched her soft cheek with one finger. “Zander, are you gonna ride horsies wit me and Anga?”

  Alex looked at Angel, his expression full of questions. “Horses?”

  “Just say yes,” she instructed with a tired smile.

  “Okay, sure. I’ll ride horses, Bean.”

  Alex and Angel were enfolded in hugs from Alex’s parents. Cole was awake, and would make a full recovery, though he would be in the hospital at least a week before he was well enough to fly back to Chicago. Allison and Josh had not accompanied his parents to Springfield.

  Alex and Angel were treated for their injuries, and Jillian was also examined. It took another two long hours to make their statements. Alex told the truth about the rescue, but left Kyle’s involvement completely out of it. He was on the verge of a record deal, and he didn’t need his career ruined before it began because he’d risked his life and helped a friend in dire need. Also, there was no mention of Marvin Standish.

  Finally, mid-morning, Alex and Angel were allowed to go back to the hotel, but the authorities requested they not leave the state for a few days while the investigation began.

  They were quiet with each other because, as tired as they were, words seemed too much effort. They peeled off their filthy clothes, and Alex shoved them into one of those plastic bags the hotel provides for laundry and saved it for the police. The blood evidence would prove they’d both been bound and beaten. Their exhaustion was tangible in the way they barely spoke and how slowly they were moving. Alex had been given the belongings that were in the rental car Cole had been driving, so they had a few clean things. What they needed most was to get clean, get sleep, and love each other.

  They took a warm shower together because Alex couldn’t bear to let Angel out of his sight, but there had been no wild lovemaking. Instead, it was gentle kisses and reverent caresses, love words, and wave upon wave of reverent worshiping. Alex didn’t intend to make love to Angel. Both of them were injured and exhausted, but once they were in the small space together, alone and surrounded by the warm steam, it was more a case of reaffirming they were together and safe, and were unable to help themselves.

  Angel’s hands slid up his soapy chest, and she heard his fast intake of breath as the soap ran into the open wounds on his arms and wrists. She wanted to kiss every inch of him, to take away any pain. She kissed his chest, and his hands fell to her waist. When she lifted her face to his, her mouth dropping open, he couldn’t help but be aroused. Her soft touch, the obvious want in her dark brown eyes, made his heart dance and his dick twitch.

  “Baby.” His hands ran down her arms then around her body. Angel, feeling his thick, full arousal against her stomach, reached one hand down to close around his swollen flesh. Alex groaned against her mouth. “Angel, we don’t have to…” It was said in an aching whisper.

  “I want you. I was so scared I’d never get to feel your hands on my body again. I thought I’d never get to be with you like this. I think that was worse than dying.”

  “Oh, Angel,” Alex moaned into her mouth and took it with his, at the same time lifting her up and against the wall of the shower. Her legs automatically wound around his waist, and she pressed her body tight against him.

  “I wanted to take you into my mouth… pleasure you.” She said the words between hungry kisses.

  “That’s not close enough,” Alex responded. His mouth was after hers like he was starving and finally, he moved and guided the head of his cock into her body.

  “Mmmmm…” Angel sighed as he filled her, and her body stretched to accommodate him.

  “Fuck, I was going crazy. I was out of my fucking mind.” His throat tightened even as he lost himself in Angel’s warmth. Tears squeezed from beneath his closed eyelids; Angel could taste them on her lips when she kissed the side of his face. Her heart exploded.

  “I love you, and we’re together now. Just love me.”

  “I’ll never let you go.” His mouth found hers and would not leave it again until their passion was sated.

  Alex was gentle, but the kisses were deeply passionate; the hungry touches, urgent and intense as emotions overflowed and hushed love words were mixed with tears and slow, desperate thrusts.

  Only when Angel was shuddering against him and clenching around him, did Alex let himself come. He didn’t want it to end, but his arms and legs were starting to shake from fatigue. They were both on the verge of collapse.

  When they fell into bed, Alex pulled her onto his chest, and they curled around each other Alex still turned everything over in his mind; so much surreal shit in just two days. It was Monday, and maybe he’d ask Mrs. Dane to clear a few more days. His face was bruised, as was Angel’s. He’d be able to hide the injuries on his wrists under his shirts. but not so to his face, so a few more days away would be needed.

  His hand came up run softly down her arm in a long caress. His heart ached knowing all she had gone through, and he was upset he hadn’t been able to prevent it. He took her hand in his, silently rubbing his thumb over the top of her fingers, and brought it to his mouth, softly brushing his lips against her fingers. He loved touching her and hadn’t stopped since they’d left that awful house; so thankful she was alive, and they were together.

  “Angel?” He’d whispered into the dark created in the daylight by the pulled blinds. “I love you. No matter what. I want you, no matter what.”

  “I know,” she whispered back. Alex closed his eyes slowly, his arm tightening around her gently.

  “I’ve never been so tormented. I was in so much agony; I lost my humanity for a while. I came in there prepared to kill all of them. It didn’t matter how many of them I had to face or what happened to me afterward. I’ve been in literal hell.”

  Angel turned her head and kissed his chest, running her open mouth back and forth softly. It was arousing, but this wasn’t about sex, it was about love.

  “I wanted to try to escape, but having Jillian with me made it more difficult. I didn’t think I’d be able to get away with her, and I would have made whatever sacrifices to keep her safe. I knew you’d come for us.”

  Alex’s heart hammered beneath Angel’s ear. She could literally feel it beating, not just hear it thrumming. “Yes, Jillian’s involvement made it worse. That was part of the agony. I bet she was terrified. I know you said they didn’t hurt you, Angel, but I have to know. Did they…”

  “It didn’t come to that, Alex. They didn’t touch me like that.” Alex let out a breath, unaware he’d been holding it, when he finally heard the words he needed. “I promise, I’d tell you if they had.”

  “I thought you might bury it inside of yourself to spare me. High-powered psychologist status notwithstanding.”

  “It’s moot, now. I may have before, but we promised we wouldn’t have secrets.”

  His chest rose beneath her cheek as he sucked in a big breath. “Thank God. When I heard that gunshot, I felt like the earth had opened up and swallowed me whole. Then, when you came down the stairs behind that fucker, as horrible as it was, you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I was so grateful you were alive.” Alex’s voice shook with emotion, but a small laugh broke from his chest. “You leave me speechless. You’re so brave, and unlike anyone I’ve ever known. Never
a dull moment.”

  Angel sighed and closed her eyes, snuggling in, thankful she was back in Alex’s arms where she belonged. “I missed you.”

  He pressed his lips to the damp hair on the top of her head. “Tell me about the horses.” Alex was finally relaxed, his muscles blissfully uncoiled after the prior ten days of hell. He could feel sleep drawing him in.

  “I promised Bean we’d go to Will and Ben’s and ride the horses because her birthday got cancelled.”

  “Okay,” Alex murmured. “We have to stay in the state anyway, so that works.” The truth was, staying in the state was playing well into Alex’s own plans to meet Angel’s father. Now, more than ever, he wanted to meet Joseph Hemming. Not only did he want his permission to ask Angel to marry him, he also needed his help to convince her that her career path was way too dangerous. It would be too much to ask that Angel would acquiesce to his wishes, but maybe with her father’s help, she would listen to reason.

  “You’re going to stay with me?”

  “Yes. It will be a while before I let you out of my sight.”

  Angel smiled softly, love for this man overwhelming her heart. “I’ll suffer through.”

  “You’re stuck with me,” Alex murmured, content.

  Angel grinned wider, still with her eyes closed. “Good thing I like your peen, then.” Exhausted as she was, she couldn’t help but tease him. “Because, less than stellar peen has been a major deal-breaker for me in the past.”

  Alex chuckled, reminded again why this woman owned him. She was beautiful, brave, smart as a fucking whip, and funnier than hell. He kissed the top of Angel’s head and pulled her closer. “At least, I’ve graduated from ‘man banana’.”

  Angel giggled against his chest, her fingers gliding over the hard muscles and smooth skin.

  His small laugh came out as a sigh. “You are so goddamned perfect.”


  The Plan

  Kyle was flying back to Chicago; Alex and Angel had gone to the hospital to see Cole one last time. He was doing well, though he was feeling guilty about losing Angel and Jillian.


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