The Line Between

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The Line Between Page 17

by Tamsyn Bester

  I’d never, and I mean never gone bareback before. I was strict about using protection, not only to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but also to prevent any kind of STD.

  “Are you sure? I’ve never…”

  “I’m sure,” she replied. “I’ve been dying to know what your apa feels like without a condom.”

  I knew she liked my apa, and I was eager to have her feel it with nothing between us.

  “Turn around,” I instructed. “Get on your knees, and keep your ass in the air.”

  I kneeled behind her, spreading her knees wider, and rubbed the head of my cock against her opening. I swallowed the groan bubbling in my throat from the feel of us, skin-on-skin.

  Holding her hips, I gently guided myself inside her until she’d taken all of me. My breathing hitched, and I shut my eyes as I got used to the feel of us like this. Bare. Unbridled.

  “Dane, please…”

  Kennedy’s plea snapped me out of my stupor, and I started moving, slipping out, and then slipping back in. My hips started thrusting harder, and after a few minutes, the sound of Kennedy’s whimpers, and my slick skin hitting the back of her thighs filled the room.

  “God,” I moaned. “You look fucking hot like this, Kitten. Your pussy is greedy.”

  “You have a dirty mouth.” Kennedy chuckled, but it turned into a whimper when I slapped her butt cheek.

  “Get onto your elbows,” I said. She obeyed, and I lifted her feet to my sides.

  “Ohhhhh, that’s deep….”

  “Yeah?” I huffed. “How’s this?”

  I bent my knees a little more, and thrust up in one hard motion. The tip of my cock hit her g-spot, and I strained not to come before she did. My muscles trembled from the effort it took to hold back my release.

  Kennedy clutched at my sheets, and cried out. “Ohhh fuuu…” Her words trailed off, and I felt her squeeze. She was close, and I wasn’t far behind. I dropped her feet back onto the bed, and leaned over her. I repositioned my legs, and with my arm around her waist, I lifted Kenned so that she was straddling me from behind. She held onto my thighs as I started lifting us up and down. I bit her shoulder, and then lapped up the taste of her salty skin.

  “Harder, Dane, I’m right there.”

  My free hand slid down between her legs, and I rubbed her clit with a few deft strokes until her body tensed and tightened around me.

  Kennedy let out the sexiest moan as she came, and I pushed into her as hard as I could before I let go. I was marking my mate, and the visceral affect rattled me. Our bodies shook, and we came down from the unreal high together. She didn’t move, and I wanted to stay inside her forever, but I felt our joint wetness trailing down my thigh. Just like I’d marked her, she was somehow marking me too.

  “Oh shit,” she looked down, “we’re sticky.”

  I chuckled at the tone of her voice, liking that she was so new to a lot of this. I couldn’t wait to show her more.

  I gently lifted her off my lap, and handed her my discarded t-shirt before heading into the bathroom. I got her a washcloth, and went back to clean her up. Her leg twitched when I wiped her clean.


  She shook her head, and blushed. “Sensitive.”

  I threw the washcloth into the hamper next to my door, and pulled on my briefs. She’d started to get up when I climbed into bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I was going to leave, but - ”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” I said. I lifted the sheets, and opened my arm. She slipped back in beside me, and put her head in the crook of my arm. I lifted one of her legs over mine, and curled her into my side. We fell asleep, and I remember thinking I never wanted her to leave my bed. Ever.



  WARM, SLIGHTLY CALLOUSED hands trailed around my waist and down my stomach, rousing me from sleep. I sighed, opening one eye, and welcomed the warmth of the hot body behind me.

  “You stayed the night again,” I murmured tiredly. The sun peeked through my curtains, and I surmised it must have been past eight in the morning. Dane chuckled, and his chest vibrated against my back. “You wore me out. I didn’t have enough energy to leave.”

  His hand cupped my sex, and my breathing faltered when he rubbed his finger over my clit.

  “I’m tired,” I said. “You might have to do all the work yourself if you want to play.”

  He hummed against my shoulder, pressing his morning erection between my butt cheeks. “I just want to touch you.”

  He pushed a digit into me, and despite the way my body livened with the touch, I winced.

  “Did I hurt you?” He asked quietly, easing his hand between my legs.

  “I’m a little sore,” I replied honestly. “You were a little rowdier than usual last night.”

  I turned around, and faced him, marveling at the brightness in his blue eyes. “Something was bothering you.”

  Dane brushed his lips across mine, and cupped my head so that I wouldn’t pull away. He knew I was weird about morning breath, but for some reason it didn’t bother him. He still devoured my mouth like it was a necessity.

  We’d been doing this song and dance for almost a week already. During the day our lives were normal, and we went to school and acted towards each other the way we always had. But at night Dane would sneak into my bedroom, and like the villain he was, he would use his wicked ways to turn me inside out. I went through the motions of my day, guarding our secret closely, and making sure no one suspected anything, but all I could think about was the next time Dane would be coming to me. It was just sex, but I’d come to crave the way he owned my body, and showed me that his body was made to please. And my God did he please me.

  “I can kiss it better.” His lips moved against mine, and he shifted his thigh between mine. He was avoiding my observation, and I figured it was too personal for our arrangement. He avoided sentimentality, unless he was whispering salacious things into my ear while bending me to his will.

  “I’d rather be doing something else,” I replied. My hand moved down his stomach, over his washboard abs, past that delicious V, and I wrapped my fingers around his cock. His skin was soft, a contradiction to the hardness it covered.

  “I think you’re right,” he said in a rush. “That is a close second to what I’d been planning on doing to you.”

  I tightened my grip, and started moving my hand up and down, watching the way Dane’s eyes clouded over. As much as I liked being at his mercy, it made my insides coil when he was at mine.

  He kissed me hard, stealing the air from my lungs. My thumb stroked the head of his cock, spreading his pre-cum in circles.

  “Jesus,” he groaned.

  I smiled, feeling pleased with myself. Just as I ducked my head under the sheet, a loud knock came from the other side of my door. We froze.

  “Kennedy? Are you awake?”

  “Shit,” muttered Dane. “It’s Jade.”

  I scrambled up from the bed, grabbing my robe from my desk chair. “Yes, just a minute.”

  The doorknob jostled, but the door stayed closed. “Why is your door locked?” Asked Jade.

  “Uh…” I searched my mind for an answer but came up empty. I frantically looked at Dane, and started hiding his clothes.

  “I locked the door,” he whispered.

  “Just stay under the sheets, I’ll get rid of her.”

  I brushed my fingers through my freshly-fucked hair, and opened the door just enough to slip out.

  “Hi,” I said in a breathy voice. “I’m awake. What’s up?”

  Jade’s perfectly shaped brow quirked. “Why was your door locked?” She asked again.

  When I didn’t answer her eyes widened. “Oh my God, is there someone in there?”

  She tried to push past me, but I blocked her. “Jade, please don’t.”

  Her face nearly cracked when she grinned. “It’s a guy, isn’t it? Who is it?”

  “Jade,” I chided. “H
e can hear you!”

  “So it is a guy!” She squealed, and started clapping like we were teenagers again.

  “Yes,” I hissed. “If you must know, it’s a guy. Now will you tell me why you were looking for me?”

  “Is he hot? What’s his name? Is the sex good?” The way she looked was laughable – like a dog begging for a bone. I could indulge her curiosity without giving away too much, right?

  “Fine,” I acquiesced. “He’s hotter than Hades, but that’s all you’re getting.”

  Her mouth formed a pout. “I need more than that.”

  “We’ll talk later okay? Like when he isn’t on the other side of my bedroom door.”

  With narrowed eyes, Jade replied, “Okay, but I want details. I wanted to know if you’re free for lunch today. I have a two-hour break between classes, and I don’t want to sit alone.”

  I thought about my schedule, and nodded when I remembered that I also had a two-hour break between my only two classes for the day. “I’ll meet you in the cafeteria at say, twelve-ish?”

  “Sounds good. Now go shower, you smell like sex, and I’m getting jealous.”

  I giggled, and gently shoved her towards the living room before I opened my door. It clicked shut behind me, and I found Dane lying on his side in the middle of my bed with the sheet haphazardly strewn across his waist. But it was his shit-eating grin that got me.

  “Hotter than Hades, huh?”

  I slapped my hand over my eyes, warmth creeping up my neck. “You heard that?”

  The bed creaked, and I felt Dane move in front of me. He lifted my hands from my face, and pinned me against the door.

  “Stop blushing,” he snickered. “I’m glad you like my body because I know for a fact that it likes you.”

  I met his gaze, and the corners of my mouth turned upwards. “You’re such a charmer, but in case you haven’t already noticed, you’ve been inside my panties for the past week. There’s no need to butter me up with words.”

  “I’m not buttering you up,” he replied. “Just stating a fact.”

  I stretched onto the balls of my feet, and pressed a soft kiss on the side of his mouth. “My body likes yours too. A lot.”

  “Good,” he exhaled. “I have to get going, but I’ll see you later?”

  “Maybe.” I shrugged, playing for nonchalance. I didn’t want him to know I was waiting for him.

  “That’s cute,” he nipped at my lips. “But there’s no ‘maybe’ about it, Kitten.”

  He stepped away, and started getting dressed. When we were sure no one was around, he made his way back next door, leaving me with nothing but a chaste kiss to see me through the day.

  JADE, ASHLEY, AND Grady were already seated at our usual table when I walked into the cafeteria. I placed my tray on the table, and sat down. When I looked up they were all regarding me, and the glint in Jade’s eye meant only one thing – trouble.

  Well trouble and that she’d already told Grady and Ashley about our run-in this morning.

  “Do I have something on my face?” I asked sweetly.

  “No,” replied Grady. “But it’s so obvious you’ve been playing mattress gymnastics in the last twenty-four hours.”

  Ashley laughed around her mouthful of grilled chicken. “Mattress gymnastics? Really?”

  Grady gave her his best ‘yes really’ expression, and turned back to me with blatant curiosity etched across his face. “So, who’s the lucky guy? Do we know him?”

  “I’m not telling you anything,” I replied.

  “You promised,” whined Jade. “At least give us something. I haven’t had sex in weeks, and I’m pretty sure my cooch has forgotten what a real, live penis looks like.”

  I choked on my soda, and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “You’re so crude.”

  “Honey,” said Grady. “It’s sex, of course it’s crude. Don’t expect us to be prudish about it just because you are.”

  “I’m not a prude,” I said defensively. “I just don’t feel like talking about my sex life at lunch.”

  Jade placed her hand over her heart, and pretended to sniffle as she looked at Grady. “Our baby has a sex life,” she wiped a fake tear from under her eye, “I’m so proud.”

  “You’re full of shit,” I retorted. I bit into my cheeseburger, and hummed. I was starving.

  “Is that what you sound like when you come?” Asked Jade. She eyed me, and I realized she was serious. Typical.

  “Oh my God,” I grumbled around the food in my mouth. “Why are you so damn inquisitive?”

  “Because you bringing someone home is so out of character for you. I feel like I should be lecturing you about the birds and the bees while shoving the Kama Sutra in your face. This is a proud moment for me as your friend.”

  “How come you never grill Ash about her sex life? Surely it has to be far more interesting than mine.”

  “Trust me,” said Ashley. “My sex life right now is as interesting as watching paint dry. I don’t think I’ve ever used my vibrator so much in such a short space of time.”

  I wanted to crawl into a hole, and stay there until this conversation was over. It was too personal for lunchtime chit-chat. Admittedly, I didn’t want to share any details about me and Dane because then it would it feel like what we had no longer belonged to us.

  “Okay, let’s do it this way,” Grady piped up. “We’ll ask you questions, and you can choose whether or not to answer. From what Jade told us you were quiet flustered this morning, and I for one am dying to know who had you so frazzled,” he paused, and then puckered his lips. “Unless it was Chase. Then I’d rather not know because that would weird me out.”

  Ashley’s eyes shot up, and looked at Grady dubiously. “Talking about your brother doing the nasty weirds you out, but you can openly talk about Kennedy’s sexcapades?”

  “Well duh,” Grady flicked his hand, and rolled his eyes. “As long as Kennedy’s sexcapades don’t include my brother, then we’re good.”

  Grady fixed me with his stare. “I’ll begin. Do we know him?”

  I took a bite of my burger, and chewed in lieu of answering. That was probably the question I feared the most.

  “Obviously she doesn’t want us to know who he is,” Jade huffed. “So we’ll skip that, and move on to the good stuff. Is he hung?”

  I lifted my burger to my mouth, but not before she caught my grin. She could interpret it any way she wanted because I wasn’t giving them a straight-laced answer.

  “Oh my, you lucky bitch!” Shouted Jade. “He is totally hung!”

  I ignored the stares that Jade’s statement garnered, and focused on eating rather than entertaining their stupid game.

  “Okay,” Grady spoke up. “Next question. Is he any good?”

  Thoughts of just how good Dane was flooded my mind, and I knew my cheeks were reddening because of the images playing out in my head.

  Me on top…

  Him behind me…

  Me beneath him…

  Up against the wall in the shower…

  Me in his lap…

  “She’s totally thinking about it,” smirked Ashley.


  “It’s official,” added Jade. “I’m jealous.”

  “You could have any guy you want,” I replied, opening my mouth for the first time since their stupid little game had started.

  “Oh no she can’t,” Grady sing-songed. “The one boy who Jade really wants is playing the ‘our friendship means too much’ card.”

  Jade glared at Grady, and Ashley cleared her throat, clearly uncomfortable with the turn our conversation had taken.

  I looked at Jade, and gave her a sad smile. She didn’t need to say anything else. I knew exactly who Grady was talking about.

  Ashley left and we made plans to have Chinese for dinner when we got home. Grady and Jade continued their silent stare off, and I twisted around to look at the other students just for something to do.

  That’s when I spotted him.
/>   A few tables away with his friends.

  Staring at me.

  We avoided each other at school, and when we happened to cross paths he treated me like he had before, only now it was less defensive. We simply pretended that the other didn’t exist.

  His gaze was heated, and the upturn of his mouth made me wonder if he might’ve heard what we’d been talking about. I held his stare a little longer, lingering on the promise in his eyes. My heart stuttered and came to a halt when I realized that I cared about him. A lot. Maybe I always had.

  A tall redhead sidled up to his side, and drew his attention away from me. It was the slap in the face I needed.

  It was just sex between us. Nothing more.



  I WAS AGITATED. On edge. I’d left the cafeteria – after spending most of the time trying not to stare at Kennedy - after lunch and headed to the football field. We had a game in a few hours, and I wanted to run over our plays with Coach Ford before the guys started getting ready. I also wanted to distract myself from my preoccupation with Kennedy.

  When I walked into Coach Ford’s office, the sight of my father sitting in one of the chairs stopped me cold. I hadn’t seen him since before our classes started, and I was more than happy to keep it that way. If only he’d stuck to the same plan.

  “Coach,” I greeted first, giving him a nod. My father turned in his chair, and gave me his standard icy stare. At fifty-five years old, Derek Winter’s was as intimidating as he was astute. His hair was the same color as mine, with a few streaks of grey coming through, and his eyes were brown, and lifeless. We looked alike, but that’s where our similarities ended.


  “Dane,” he replied. “I was in in the area. Thought I’d stop by and chat to Coach Ford.”

  You mean to check on me.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” I told Coach Ford. “I can come back when you’re done.”

  “That’s okay,” my father said. He stood up, buttoned up his black suit jacket, and reached over the desk to shake Coach’s hand. “Bentley, it was good to see you again. Looking forward to tonight’s game.”


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