A Midsummer Night's Scream (The Dulcie O'Neil Series Book 7)

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A Midsummer Night's Scream (The Dulcie O'Neil Series Book 7) Page 4

by H. P. Mallory

  “And you are mine,” I reiterated obediently. I loved seeing and hearing that possessive, brutal side of him; it was so primitive and bestial. This was the animal side of Knight that made me unable to catch my breath.

  “I will always be yours,” he answered while lifting my legs above his shoulders and burying himself inside me as deeply as he could.


  “So who is the guy now taking up one of our prison cells?” I asked Knight as I lay against him, naked in his bed.

  After having sex in his office, we both hurriedly dressed and hightailed it back to his lavish townhouse. I wasn’t sure whether or not we’d spend the night together, owing to his duties in the Netherworld, so I was thrilled when we did.

  “That charming example of a law-abiding citizen is Jax Rochefort,” Knight answered, his lips in a tight line.

  “Jax Rochefort,” I repeated, shaking my head since the name meant nothing to me.

  “He’s been a perpetual thorn in my side for at least the last seven years,” Knight added as he glanced down at me. He busily twirled a tendril of my hair between his fingers and pulled me closer so he could kiss me on the forehead. “And now he’s back to being a pain in my ass again.”

  “If he’s behind bars,” I started, shaking my head, “how much of a pain in your ass can he really be?”

  Knight raised his brows at me, suggesting, you don’t know what you’re talking about. “Behind bars or not, Jax was, and continues to be, a pain in my ass,” he ground out. “And he’s not the only one. All the competing factions of potions smugglers have been vying for power since we deposed your father.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Knight shrugged again. “Just because the ANC announced Caressa was the new Head of the Netherworld, doesn’t mean everyone likes it, or complies with it.” He cleared his throat. “In fact, there is plenty of opposition.”

  Caressa Brandenburg was the highest ranking official in the ANC, aside from my father. When Knight and I removed my father from office, it only made sense that Caressa should replace him as Head of the Netherworld. I supported this approach because Caressa was honest and good and most of all, she was strong. But now, I had to wonder if she were strong enough.

  “So these potions rings are trying to put their own guys in?” I asked for verification.

  Knight nodded. “But they aren’t too smart about it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They rely on strength in numbers—there are so many of them, they nearly outnumber us. But the main problem for them is they can’t get their shit together long enough to unite forces against us.”

  “Maybe it’s just a matter of time before they do?”

  Knight cocked his head to the side as he nodded. “That’s what we’re worried about. The day that happens, we could have a serious fight on our hands.”

  “So how does Jax figure into this? Was he trying to usurp power?”

  “No,” Knight answered as he shook his head. He placed one of the pillows behind him so he could sit up against the headboard more comfortably. “I’m not sure how he fits in, to be honest.”

  “Okay,” I said doubtfully, wondering whether or not he had anything more to add to his statement. “Soooo, how did you catch him?”

  “I wouldn’t say we caught him.”

  I leaned up onto one elbow and studied him quizzically. “Well, he’s in one of our jail cells at this very moment, so I’d say you caught him.”

  “It’s more correct to say that Jax caught us,” Knight amended. “He turned himself in.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Exactly,” Knight answered before tapping his index finger on the tip of my nose, as if to say I’d hit it right on the nose. “That’s the exact question I’ve been asking myself and, more importantly, Jax.”


  “And nothing,” he replied with a sigh, shaking his head. In general, Knight didn’t like it when his questions outnumbered his answers.

  “He hasn’t told you anything?”

  “Well, he hasn’t told me anything I believe, anyway,” Knight admitted with a shrug.

  Why do you think he turned himself in?”

  “He said he wanted to leave the thug life and start a new life and needed protection, yadda yadda yadda.”

  “And you don’t believe that?”

  “Of course not!” he responded with snort of disbelief. “Why should I?”

  It was my turn to shrug. “Maybe he’s telling the truth? Is it so inconceivable to believe some of these guys might want to start over and leave their old lives behind them?”

  Knight shook his head. “With someone else, I might buy it, but as it pertains to Jax Rochefort, I can’t and I won’t.”

  I nodded, even though I wasn’t sure what to make of it. “So why did you come all the way to Splendor to lock him up? The Netherworld prisons weren’t secure enough?”

  Knight shook his head. “Jax is too high profile. It would be impossible to hide him. And he was very up front about all the hits he knows are out on him. Regardless of what I might think, we have to take him seriously.”

  “If he has a hit out on him, or multiple hits, that has to mean he spilled information to you, right?”

  Knight nodded. “Yes, of course. But whether or not that information is valid is another question. So far, we have yet to validate anything that comes out of his mouth.”

  “So you think he’s lying?”

  “We shall see.” He smiled at me and secured the tendril of hair he’d been playing with behind my ear. “In the meantime, we have to take any threats to his safety seriously. That’s why I decided to bring him to Splendor. It won’t be as easy to find him here as in the Netherworld.”

  I just nodded, unsure how to interpret the information. “For how long?”

  Knight shrugged. “Not sure yet. Maybe a couple of days.”

  I just nodded as I remembered the large man with the dimpled smile who was now calling our jail home. “So I got the feeling that Jax is a Loki like you?”

  “I thought you weren’t able to detect my species?” Knight replied with a raised eyebrow of suspicion aimed at me.

  Cocking my head to the side, I stared at his well-defined pecs for a few seconds before I started snaking my fingers down his chest. “I can’t detect your species,” I admitted finally. “But based on my inability to place him, I figured that meant he was a Loki, just like you. That and you guys look like you could be twins, well bodily anyway,” I glanced back up at him and smiled to say I was proud of myself and my powers of deduction.

  “Twins?” he asked with a frown. “Should I take that to mean you thought he was good looking?”

  I shrugged, feeling my smile widening because I suddenly wanted nothing more than to stoke the fires of his jealousy. “Well, yeah,” I started. “I mean, come on, he’s obviously a handsome guy.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah, really.”

  “Uh huh,” he continued as he reached over and gripping me around my middle, started tickling my sides. “I’d love to know how hot you think he is.”

  “I,” I started amid giggles as I fought to emancipate myself. “I…think…he’s…really….hot!”

  “Tell me more!” he responded with a chuckle as he released my sides and gripped my feet.

  “No!” I yelled at him. “Not my feet! They’re way too ticklish.” But he didn’t release me right away. “Come on, Knight, I’m being serious. Not my feet!”

  “So am I,” he answered with a frown as he perched his fingers over the bottoms of my feet threateningly. “Tell me how hot Jax is again.”

  “He’s not as hot as you are,” I replied immediately.

  “Getting better,” he said with a grin as he ran his index finger down the center of my foot and caused me to wiggle against him in an attempt to free myself.

  “He’s nowhere near as hot as you are!” I continued, feeling like I was begging for my life. But he must
not have been satisfied with my response because he continued to tease me with his finger. “You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever seen!” I said with another laugh. “No one can compare to you!”

  Knight smiled more broadly at me as he released my foot and I breathed out a sigh of relief. Then he gripped me by the arms and pulled me into the warmth of his chest, wrapping his arms around me while I snuggled against him.

  “How do you know Jax?” I asked.

  “He was in my training class way back when.”

  “So you know each other pretty well?”

  “We used to,” he corrected me. “Then, somewhere along the line, he got mixed up with the wrong crowd. I didn’t hear from him for a good few years—probably while he was making a name for himself in the street potions business.”

  I nodded, but lacking any more to say on that topic, I dropped it. “When do you have to go back?” I asked, although I was dreading his answer. It felt so natural and right to have his huge, warm body pressed up against mine. Having him here with me now made me wonder how I’d managed to make it through all of those nights by myself.

  “In the morning,” he answered with a heartfelt sigh.

  “I figured.” I was unable to mask the disappointment in my tone and, instead, focused my attention on the huge scar that bisected half his chest. It was from a tangle with a werewolf that had happened long before I’d ever met him.

  “I’m sorry, Dulce,” he started. “Once everything over there calms down, I’ll be able to come back here permanently. It’ll probably be no more than a couple of months.”

  “I know,” I said quickly, not wanting to sound like a nagging girlfriend. “I’m not upset. I know how busy you are and how important this is for all of us.” I glanced up at him and smiled. “Don’t worry about me, okay?”

  “Of course I worry about you, Dulce,” he answered and pulled me in even closer. “There isn’t a day that goes by when you aren’t uppermost on my mind.” He exhaled deeply. “But this is just one of those things that we both have to deal with.”

  “I know,” I said with a slight smile to tell him he didn’t have to explain anything further.

  “I appreciate your patience more than you know,” he continued. “And I want nothing more than to get back here as quickly as I can. You must realize that.”

  “I do,” I said, resting my head against his chest and inhaling as deeply as I could. Then, with a yawn, I unwittingly closed my eyes, feeling so at home in his large arms.


  The next morning wasn’t easy for me.

  I woke up, and immediately rolled over, hoping to find Knight’s warm body right beside me. Instead, I found nothing but empty space, only the stark whiteness of the sheets greeting me. Yep, Knight was already gone.

  I sighed my despondency and tried to ignore the boulder that was already taking shape in the pit of my stomach. How long would I have to wait now until I saw him again? Another two months? Three? Four? Six?

  I shook my head as I dreaded the upcoming days and weeks and possible months that I’d have to endure alone. I wasn’t even sure how I’d managed to make it through the last two months. In a way, seeing him made his absence hurt even more; the blatant vacancy I felt without him made things exponentially worse.

  Dulcie, stop acting like a lovesick dumbass! I scolded myself. Your life was fine before Knight came into it, and it will be fine until you see him again. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Get a move on! You’ve got a full day ahead of you!

  I sat up and noticed a folded piece of paper on Knight’s pillow. I reached for it and, unfolding it, read:

  Dulce, I’m sorry I had to leave so early—Caressa texted me with an emergency meeting. I didn’t want to wake you when you were sleeping like an angel. Be back as soon as I can. I love you. –K.

  I folded it in half again and clutched it to my chest, feeling a smile breaking out on my face.

  “I love you too, Knight,” I said out loud.

  I was half hoping that one of his never ending Loki skills might include the ability to hear his girlfriend’s voice despite being in another dimension. But when I received no response, I figured that was one trait that wasn’t in his arsenal. Bummer.

  Even though the note from Knight warmed my spirits a little bit, it was still outweighed by the emptiness that claimed me as soon as I realized Knight was gone. I exhaled and forced myself to get up. Then I threw on a pair of tan cargo pants and an old Duran Duran T-shirt that was nearly threadbare, I’d washed it so many times. Even though I was headed to Headquarters, I didn’t feel like dressing the part. That was another perk to being the boss—wearing what I wanted.

  But then thoughts of Headquarters led to thoughts of Knight and what had happened the last time I’d been inside his office and I started getting depressed all over again. As soon as my pity party started again, I nipped the feelings right in the bud, forcing them right out of my head. Depressing thoughts had no place in my life. I had a job to do—get to Headquarters and find out as much as I could about this Jax character.

  So now, you’re basically no more than a glorified babysitter. That miserable voice, the one that always states the obvious, started in my head again.

  I’ve got a job to do and that’s the end of it, I snapped back with as much authority as I could muster. I was pleased to find that my alternate self had no come back.

  After I got dressed, I made Knight’s bed before running/walking through the hallway that led to the front door. The faster I left his home, the easier it would be to focus on other things. Once I was outside, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then locking his front door, I banished the persistent doubt of when I’d be inside his townhouse again to the darkest recesses of my mind. I could only hope it would be sometime in the very near future.

  After I left Knight’s place, I drove back to my crappy, little apartment. I had to feed my dog, Blue, as well as take him for a walk. Yes, I wasn’t supposed to have a dog; my apartment wasn’t exactly dog friendly. But luckily for me, being on the ground floor, I actually had a small yard, never mind it was all cement. And even more lucky for me, I was a fairy which meant I was able to magick special wards around the place so my nosy neighbors and my landlord had no clue I was breaking any tenant rules.

  After I fed Blue and took him for a much-needed walk, I was ready to head into the office so I could interrogate our newest prisoner. But as soon as Blue was back in his yard, he became very aware that I was on my way out again. He started whining and pawing at the slider screen, looking completely depressed and pathetic.

  “Seriously, dude?” I asked as he whined and stared at me, cocking his head to the side. “Come on, Blue, don’t make that face!” After another few seconds, I was jelly. “Ugh!” I said in exasperation, throwing my hands in the air and starting for the slider door. I was no more than a pushover where the yellow Labrador was concerned. “You can come with me to work today, but only if you’re on your best behavior!” I warned him. I opened the door and let him inside the house again. He simply looked up at me with those bright brown eyes before trotting happily to the front door, where he retrieved his leash from the doorknob. I clipped it to his collar and we headed out for the Denali.

  After securing him into his doggie seat belt in the backseat, I rolled the window down so he could poke his head out, and we were off. It took me a little bit longer than ten minutes to make it to Headquarters because I didn’t drive as quickly, or as recklessly, when Blue was in the car. Maybe it was just my maternal instincts coming out … Well, for my dog anyway.

  “Remember our deal, Blue,” I said as I parked the Denali outside Headquarters. “You need to be a good boy today, got it? Otherwise, Mommy can’t bring you back to work with her again.”

  Blue just looked up at me innocently while his tail wreaked havoc on the interior of the car, leaving coarse, yellow hairs all over the black leather upholstery. I frowned and figured I’d have to get the Denali washed sooner rather than later.

nbsp; I unbuckled Blue and got him out of the car; then we trotted up to the front doors and allowed ourselves inside. Elsie, the receptionist, nearly jumped out of her seat when she saw us.

  “Blue!” she called out before immediately coming around to the front of her desk. She pushed her thick, black glasses back onto her long, narrow nose, and crouched down on her knees. Enveloping Blue in a huge hug, she didn’t appear to mind at all when he whipped her with his thick, wagging tail. “I missed you, boy!” she said in her unnaturally high-pitched voice. She reached behind her where she kept doggie treats in a jar on top of her desk. Popping off the top and selecting one, she handed it to the very appreciative dog.

  “Good morning to you too, Elsie,” I said, pretending to be offended.

  “Oh, hi, Dulce,” she answered as she glanced up at me for a second or so with a quick smile. “Sorry, I just get very excited whenever I get to see your adorable little boy!” The eardrum-splitting, high pitch of her voice steadily increased. I briefly worried all the glass in the office might shatter and come crashing down around us.

  “Else, if you aren’t busy this morning, would you mind dog sitting?” I asked. I was grateful, for once, that Knight wasn’t around; because this never would have flown with him. Knight wasn’t exactly the sure!-you-can-bring-your-dog-to-work kind of boss. Especially when said dog was given to me by my previous boss who also happened to be my ex love interest.

  “No problem!” Elsie almost sang, reaching for Blue’s leash, which I eagerly handed to her.

  “Thanks, Else,” I called over my shoulder as I started down the hallway. Thoughts of my ex-boss, Quillan, were already occupying my mind.

  Even though Quill and I were now good friends, there was a time in the not-so-distant past when I’d wished he and I could have been something else, something more. And he’d felt the same. Then, a cyclone, who went by the name of Knight Vander, stormed into my life. After him, no other men could compare.

  I later learned that Quill had been serving as my father’s right-hand man all along, unbeknownst to me. In the end, Quill, however, did come clean about all of it. He even sided against my father; but as far as I was concerned, the damage was already done. Even if Knight hadn’t been in the picture, I could never have given myself to Quill fully, not after knowing his past. But that was all a moot point now. Both Quill and I had found people who made us happy. Now, we were no longer in each other’s sights.


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