Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3)

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Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3) Page 1

by Sadie Carter

  Alien Mate

  Sadie Carter


  Sadie Carter

  Alien Mate

  © 2015, Sadie Carter

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  This story contains explicit sex scenes. R18

  Cover Design: No Sweat Graphics

  Editor: Christie Giraud: EbookEditingPro

  I feel the need to apologize to my own mother-in-law, who is a wonderful person.

  A big thank-you to all the fans of this series—I love Zoey and Dex and I’m so lucky you guys do too.

  Sadie xo

  Where are we now…

  As if being mated to an overprotective, sexy, Zerconian male wasn’t enough, drama and danger seem to lurk around every corner for our heroine, Zoey.

  After Dex discovers some of his warriors have been taken prisoner by Targos, he attempts a rescue mission to free them. Unfortunately, Targos proves to be one step ahead of our hero. After capturing Dex, he locks him in his dungeons, with the intention of putting Dex in the arena to fight to the death.

  Zoey couldn’t just stand by and let her mate be murdered. So, posing as a rich, bored widow, she lands on Edreinia and sets about distracting Targos while Koran rescues Dex.

  What she didn’t factor in was how evil Targos was. If not for Boris coming to her rescue, Targos would likely have raped and murdered her.

  Now, Zoey is on her way to Zerconia with Dex, where she’ll face perhaps her greatest challenge of all.

  Her mother-in-law.

  Chapter One

  “I need to get laid.”

  Zoey flopped back on the sofa in Thor’s office with a loud sigh. His office was small and sparse with just a few pieces of furniture. As the ship’s chief healer, he spent most of his time in the medical ward.

  “You wish to lie down?” Thor asked.

  “I need sex. Not just any sort of sex, either. Knock-my-socks-off, make-my-eyes-pop, ooh-my-body-is-sizzling sex.”

  “Zoey, it is inappropriate that we discuss this subject matter.” Thor’s panicked gaze jumped around the room, probably searching for someone to come to his rescue. But other than Giz, there was just the two of them. Giz, who had an uncanny resemblance to a gremlin with his pointed ears and large eyes, just yawned as he lay on the sofa next to her.

  Yeah, she’d already tried talking this out with him.

  He’d just chewed his foot until he fell asleep.

  No help whatsoever.

  “Who else am I supposed to talk to? Boris? He doesn’t exactly give good advice.”

  Boris was her other companion—sort of. She’d actually bought him in an auction, intending to set him free. That spur-of-the-moment idea hadn’t quite gone to plan when she’d discovered he was mute and couldn’t tell her who he was or where he came from.

  She’d even had to give him a name.

  To say Dex hadn’t been happy with her purchase was an understatement. His face had gotten that thunderous look and that tic by his right eye had reappeared.

  But after Boris saved her from being raped and murdered by an egomaniac asshole, he’d earned Dex’s gratitude and respect. Despite the fact he only had one working arm, Dex had assigned him as her primary bodyguard.

  “What about Macon? Or Jaxan? Should I talk to them?” she asked. “I know. I’ll go find Koran. Maybe if I ask him how I can convince Dex to get down and dirty with me, it will stop him from apologizing every time he sees me.”

  “Down and dirty?”


  Thor blanched. “Koran still feels guilt over what happened to you.”

  Koran felt guilty because he’d agreed to her plan to keep Targos distracted while he rescued Dex and the others. It would have been a great plan. If Targos hadn’t been a scum-sucking bastard who’d decided he had to have her, no matter her feelings on the matter.

  “What happened to me wasn’t his fault. He needs to stop feeling guilty, it creeps me out.”

  Thor frowned. “Creeps you out?”

  “Yeah, it’s unnatural for Koran to be so, well, nice to me.” She’d nicknamed the other warrior Grumpy when she’d first met him, due to his surly temperament.

  Thor’s eyes widened. “You are objecting to Koran being nice to you?”

  “Yes, I guess. Look, I know it sounds stupid. But I’m used to Koran being a grouch. I’m not used to him treating me like I’m fragile. Like he owes me something. Each time I see him, it reminds me of what happened. I need him to stop.”

  The guilt in Koran’s face, the way he treated her so gently, it kept everything fresh in her mind when she’d really rather just forget how that bastard Targos attacked her.

  “Erasing it from your memory is not possible, Zoey. You were attacked, nearly raped; you cannot just ignore that and move on.”

  Frustrated, she clenched her hands into fists. “I know that. Don’t you think I have the nightmares to prove that I’m not over it? But I also don’t need it thrown up in my face all the time. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

  “I do not think they can,” he told her gently.

  “Well, it’s not going to happen with everyone tiptoeing around me on eggshells.”

  She massaged her temple. “I can understand why Dex is more overprotective than usual, but the rest of you are taking things too far. Yesterday, there was a puddle of fluid on the floor. Before I could attempt to walk around it, the warrior in front of me turned and lifted me over. Then he spent the next thirty minutes apologizing profusely for touching me. Everyone watches me like I’m a ticking time bomb. And Dex hasn’t touched me sexually.”

  Thor rubbed his hand over his face. “You should talk to Dex about this. It is not my place to advise you. Everyone will work their way through this. It is not your job to help them. You need to concentrate on yourself. On what is best for you.”

  “Exactly. And what is best for me is to get laid. Immediately.”

  Thor dropped his head into his hand. “Why are you bringing this to me?”

  “Because you’re a doctor and you’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like I’m frail.”

  “They care about you.”

  “And you don’t?” she asked.

  He looked appalled. “No, of course I do. But I know that treating you differently will not be helpful. However, you cannot just ignore what happened.”

  She waved her hand. “I’m not. I talk to Dex about it.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. What’s with the hundred questions?” She shifted around on the sofa, feeling uncomfortable with his scrutiny. If she’d known he was going to interrogate her, she’d have kept this to herself.

  “I know that Earther females need to talk through their feelings.”

  Zoey sighed. “We’re not all the same, you know. Yes, we talk about emotions more than you guys, but you’re all emotionally stunted so that’s not saying much. Just tell me how to get Dex to start acting normally around me. He didn’t even get mad at me for trying to rescue him from Targos.”

  “You wanted him to get mad at you?”

  “Of course not. But you don’t understand how weird he’s acting.”

  Thor leaned forward. “What do you mean?”

  “He keeps agreeing with me. I’ve been deliberately making these outlandish statements a
nd he just nods and says, ‘whatever you say, my own’.”

  “Stars! It sounds like he is in a dire way. Perhaps I should admit him for examination?”

  Zoey wrinkled her nose at him. “Don’t be an ass. That’s Koran’s thing and it doesn’t suit you.”

  “Zoey, I am not sure I can help you.”

  “If I could just get some alone time with Dex, I’m sure I could bring him around. But every time I attempt to talk to him, someone interrupts us. I suppose it might be better once we get to Zerconia.”

  Thor shook his head. “I am not so certain. As Crown Prince, Dex’s duties are vast.”

  “Great! So I’m doomed to have a sexless marriage and a mate who asks how high every time I say jump. I actually used to wish Dex was more malleable. Be careful what you wish for, huh?”

  “What if you could get some time alone with Dex?”

  Zoey sat up straight. “I’m listening.”

  “In a day’s time we will pass by the planet Rolan. It is a resort planet. Beautiful and peaceful.”

  “You think I could convince Dex to stop there?” she asked.

  “You did say he cannot tell you no at the moment.”

  Zoey slowly grinned. “By joves, Watson. I think you’ve solved it.”

  “Zoey, am I ever going to understand you?”

  “Probably not. More fun that way, though, right?” She stood, feeling more energetic and light-hearted than she had in ages.

  “If you say so, Zoey.”

  “You sound more and more like Dex every day.”

  He frowned then pointed at the door. “Out.”


  “This planet is beautiful.”

  It was a little weird that the ocean was deep purple with streaks of green. It was also boiling hot rather than cold, which was kind of disappointing since she’d love to go swimming. But the sand was white and silky soft.

  The hut they’d rented was simple. Just one large room with a small bathroom attached to the back. There was a bed, a bench along one side and large double doors that opened out so you could take in that spectacular view. What more could she ask for?

  Maybe for Dex to stop acting so odd and return to his normal bossy, arrogant self.

  “Hmm, yes, I suppose it is.” Dex tapped on his tablet. He had barely put the thing down since they’d arrived early this morning. Surely he wasn’t going to be on it the whole time they were on Rolan.

  Most of Dex’s men were currently enjoying themselves in Rolan’s largest port while she and Dex had caught transport out to this remote resort.

  It was probably the most romantic place she’d ever been and her mate was glued to his tablet. Dex better get his act together soon. Or else.

  “What are you doing?” she asked nicely. Patience wasn’t her strong suit, but she was trying.

  Really, she was.

  Although she was close to doing something drastic. Like stripping naked and dancing around the room. If that didn’t work, she could always grab his crown jewels and hold on tight. Surely then he would listen to her.


  He glanced up, looking distracted. “Is it dinner time? Shall I order us some food?”

  The main lodge held a restaurant that provided service to the huts on the beach.

  “I’m not hungry. At least not for food.”

  It was time for action. All systems are go!

  She undid the knot at her neck, letting the sarong she’d bought at the gift shop fall to the floor.

  She wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing underneath.

  Dex just stared at her. His eyes turned amber, indicating his arousal. When a Zerconian felt a strong emotion, their eyes changed color. Amber for arousal. Red for rage. Blue was sorrow and purple happiness. Then he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

  “There appears to be a fault with your dress. We will return it for a refund.” He opened his eyes and immediately turned to back to his tablet.

  Are you kidding me? Oh, he was sooo dead.

  “For God’s sake, Dex. Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you just not attracted to me anymore?”

  Grabbing the tablet, she threw it away, wincing as it smashed against the wall. Dex stood, scowling down at her.

  “Zoey! Why did you do that?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t actually mean to break it.” Although she wasn’t really sad that she had. Seemed her patience was at an end.

  “You are acting odd.”

  “I’m acting odd?” She pointed at him. “What the hell is wrong with you? I’m standing here, naked, and all you can do is play around on your tablet.”

  “I do not play. I was working. Wait—do you mean that you are naked on purpose?”

  She was really starting to feel like a fool, standing here naked as he gaped at her. “Of course I’m naked on purpose. Dex, I’m not sure I can make it any plainer. I’m a girl standing in front of a guy, telling him to fuck her. Now.”

  “But I, ahh, I mean, are you sure you...” His confusion would have been amusing under other circumstances, but her amusement at this situation had long since died.

  “Dex, I want you to join with me.” She stepped forward and ran her finger down his chest. “I want to fuck you. I want you to touch me, to run your hands, your mouth, and your tongue all over my body. Make love to me, Dex.”

  Dex grasped hold of her shoulders, staring into her eyes intently. “You’re certain?”

  “Hell yes. Why do you think I wanted to get you alone? It wasn’t so I could sit twiddling my thumbs while you worked. I could do that on the ship. I wanted us to be together without being interrupted.”

  “Why did you not say so, my own?” He frowned with confusion.

  “I was trying to be subtle.” Not something she was good at obviously.

  He looked confused. “Why?”

  Why, indeed. “I don’t know. I guess I was waiting for you to make the first move.” For a sign that he still wanted her. “I thought you would be able to feel through the bond how much I wanted you. Do you think something’s happened to it?”

  When a Zerconian met their mate, a bond formed between them, enabling them to sense each other’s emotions. The bond between Zoey and Dex had only fully formed a few days ago, and she was still getting her head around it. No one had even known that a Zerconian could mate with a human until Zoey and Dex had mated.

  Dex looked shamefaced. “I have been shielding you from my emotions.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I have placed shields up to stop my emotions from bombarding you through the bond.”

  Well, that explained a number of things.

  “I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “Scare me? I don’t understand.”

  “With how much I desire you. I was giving you time to recover. I did not want to press myself on you and remind you of—”

  “Targos. You won’t. Because making love to you is nothing like what he did to me. I need your touch, Dex. I need to know that you still want me.”

  “I will always want you.”

  “Then make love to me. Please.”

  Picking her up, he moved to the bed and laid her gently down. “If I frighten you or do anything to scare you, tell me.”

  He pulled them down so they were lying on their sides, facing each other.

  “You bet your ass I will.” She ran her hand over his ass then squeezed. “And a sexy ass it is. Damn, who knew a butt could be such a turn on?”

  “You find my buttocks a turn on?”

  “Damn straight. Those tight pants you wear should be outlawed. Every time you bend over, it’s like, hubba-hubba.”


  “Makes me want to jump you.”

  “Jump me? That is good?”

  “Very, very good. Don’t you think you’re a bit over-dressed?”

  Standing, he stripped off his vest then pulled down his pants, hopping on one foot as his pants caught around his ankles. Zoey giggled, never
having seen him so clumsy.

  Finally, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the pants completely off.

  “There.” He turned and crouched on the bed on his hands and knees. “Where were we?”

  Zoey pointed to her lips. “About here, I believe.”

  “Of course, my own.” He moved over and Zoey placed a hand on his chest.

  “Maybe, could I be on top? It’s just…I feel a bit claustrophobic.” She didn’t think she could relax with Dex crouched over her, even if she did trust him implicitly.

  His face grew sober. “Certainly, my own. That was remiss of me.”

  Dex rolled onto his back and Zoey moved so she was on her side. “I don’t want things to be weird between us, Dex. I just want to go back to how things were before.”

  “We have discussed this, my own. Everything cannot be exactly as it was.”

  “I know. But he doesn’t get to ruin our lives!” she told him angrily. “He doesn’t get to come between us! I did nothing wrong and I won’t be punished as though I did.”

  “Of course you did nothing wrong,” he replied fiercely, holding her gaze with his own. “It was his fault.”

  “He was a complete and utter bastard who tried to hurt me. But he doesn’t get to break me or us.”

  “Nothing can do that, my own.”

  “So why does it feel like everything is broken? We talk, but it’s so polite, so impersonal. When you touch me, it’s like you’re afraid I’ll break. Everyone tiptoes around, waiting for me to collapse. I just want everyone to treat me as they did before. I’m not some sort of leper.”

  “I do not know what a leper is, but I can guess your meaning. I am sorry, my own. I can see now how my actions might be misconstrued.”

  “You think I’m going to break and I’m not!”

  “No. I know that. You are strong.”

  “So what’s with all the ‘yes, my own’ and ‘whatever you say, my own’.”

  “I wished to be supportive.”

  She sighed. Damn, she felt like a bitch for complaining. It’s why she’d waited so long to say something. Because she knew his intentions were good.

  “And I appreciate that. I really do. I know I can’t just sweep this under the rug.”


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