Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3)

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Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3) Page 8

by Sadie Carter

  “If you weren’t so darn tall we could have some mutual fun.”

  “Mutual fun?” he asked.

  “With your mouth on my pussy and mine on your cock. Guess you’ll just have to watch while I have my fun.”

  “I may not be able to reach you with my mouth, but my hands still work.” There was a question in his voice. Before her attack, Dex would have taken charge and if she was honest, she loved his dominance in the bedroom. But even more she adored that he was able to step back and give her the time she’d needed and the control to work through what had happened to her.

  “Dex?” she asked.

  “Yes, my own.”

  “I would love it if you would touch me. In fact, I’d like you to kind of take charge again.”

  “You are sure?”

  “Yes. I trust you. I still think I’d find it hard to have you on top. But otherwise, I want some normalcy back.”

  “Then you will have it. But anytime you feel overwhelmed or scared you tell me. Promise.”

  “I promise.”

  “Then spread your legs wide and suck my rod.”

  Oh yeah.

  As she took his cock into her mouth, delighting in his slightly salty taste, Dex delved into her pussy, pushing one finger deep, tapping at her clit. Immediately, bliss filled her, her desire spiraled higher and higher.

  She ran her tongue over his shaft then took him deep and fast. With one hand, she braced herself as she grasped hold of the base of his cock with the other hand, squeezing.

  Dex groaned, driving another finger inside her. She pulsed around him, her whole body filled with need for him.

  “I need to be inside you. Now. Turn around.” She moved so she was facing him, her pussy brushing against his hot, hard cock. With his hands clasping her hips, he guided her down over him, entering her slowly, stretching her deliciously.

  “Dex, oh God, Dex.” He strummed her swollen clit with his thumb as she took him deep inside her. She clenched around him and he shuddered.

  Drawing herself up and down his shaft, she threw her head back, her breath coming in hard, sharp gasps.

  “Play with your nipples,” he demanded.

  Zoey glanced down at him in surprise. “What?”

  “Tease your nipples, pinch them. I want them swollen and red. Now.”

  Okay then. With a slight blush—she’d never touched herself like this in front of him before—she lightly pinched her nipples.

  “More, harder,” he demanded, his own breath coming quickly as he clasped her around the hips and drove himself deep.

  Awash with sensation, she pinched her nipples harder, feeling a corresponding throbbing in her clit.

  “I am close. Touch your clit, make yourself come.”

  “Oh God, I can’t.” Touch herself in front of him?

  “Do it now. Touch yourself. For me. Come with me.”

  Feeling her cheeks growing red with more than just need, Zoey reached down and tentatively rubbed her clit with her finger. Oh hell. Bliss overcame her, washing away her embarrassment and she moved her finger faster, harder.

  “That is a beautiful sight, my own.”

  Staring down at him, she saw the approval in his gaze and the last of her embarrassment fled.

  “Come. Come now.”

  She moved her finger faster, his cock rubbing against the sensitive spot inside her until she exploded in a rush so hard it stole her breath, robbed her senses, leaving her in a world filled just with pleasure.

  Dex’s shout as he came brought her back into the present and she collapsed against him, breathing heavily.

  He held her, rubbing her back until they had both gotten their breath back. When she finally had the energy, she leaned up to look down at him.

  “What now, Dex? How do I wake up?”

  He smiled, happiness filling him. “Simple, my own. You just follow me home.”

  Dex opened his eyes and stared down at Zoey, who lay still and slumbering.

  “Dex? What happened?” Thor asked.

  Dex held up his hand for silence. “Wait.”

  They waited in silence. He knew Thor and Koran had to be filled with questions, but he had faith. She was coming home to him.

  Her eyelids fluttered. Looking down into her eyes was the most beautiful sight in the universe.

  “Welcome home, my own.”

  Chapter Nine

  Zoey stirred, blinking as the sound of a raised voice woke her. She glanced around the room. She was still stuck in medical, although Thor had assured her that if she kept improving she could go back to the palace within the next few days.

  Four days had passed since Dex had pulled her out of her coma. This was one of the rare times that Dex had left her side. It had taken her, Koran, and Thor to convince him to leave. He’d probably only agreed to go because he knew she would be well guarded. Boris was never far away.

  As well as Boris, there was always two other guards assigned to her. Dex’s protective instincts were on high since she had collapsed on him. Not that she could blame him. Apparently, it was unheard of for a qola to enter a built-up area. They stuck to the desert, so how it had come to be in her belongings was being treated as suspicious.

  She didn’t understand why someone would want to harm her, though. Dex’s family didn’t approve of her, but she couldn’t see them wishing her harm and she hadn’t had enough time to piss anyone off that much.

  Which made her worry that perhaps someone wished Dex harm. But the qola had been hidden in her belongings, where it would likely harm her.

  There was still a slim chance it had slithered its way into the palace on its own. But why their bedroom? It seemed too much of a coincidence and she knew Dex didn’t believe in those.

  “Your Royal Highness, I cannot allow you to enter.”

  Zoey frowned as the guard’s voice filtered through the door. She looked to her right to find Boris standing beside her bed, his gaze focused on the door.

  “I demand you let me past.” Liula’s voice was filled with fury and Zoey winced. It would take a strong person to stand in her way.

  “I don’t think she would harm me, do you?” she asked Boris.

  He glanced down at her then at the door. The light in the room had been lowered to allow her to sleep while still giving the healers enough light to see by.

  Boris nodded. Then he moved over to the door where the guard sounded increasingly under pressure.

  Poor guy. One look from Liula could shrivel a man’s balls.

  Boris opened the door and everyone fell silent. When he returned, Liula was behind him.

  She stood at the side of the bed, her cold face never thawing as she stared down at Zoey.

  “My son says that he is leaving. For good.”

  Zoey winced. Crap. Dex had stuck to his decision, despite her cautioning him to think more about it. He was stubborn as ever. Once he made up his mind, it took a lot to change it.


  “Oh. Is that all you have to say?” she asked coldly.

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

  “This is your fault. You convinced him to leave. He was perfectly satisfied before he met you.”

  “And that’s what you want for your only son? For him to be perfectly satisfied?” It had to be a bit of a shock, but did Liula even care about Dex? Or was it just the loss of face she was worried about?

  “I wish for him to fulfil his duty. To be a right, fair, and just ruler.”

  “What about being happy? Don’t you want him to be happy?” Zoey didn’t understand her. If she had children, she would move heaven and earth to ensure their happiness.

  “Happiness can be found in fulfilling his duty.”

  “I know you don’t like me, but I told myself that at least you loved Dex. Are you capable of love? Were you even given a heart?”

  “Foolish nonsense you speak. I should have known you would bring this down to feelings and emotions. This has nothing to do with love. That is a usel
ess emotion. One that is suitable for others perhaps, but not when your duty must come first. Feelings must be put aside for duty.”

  “Is that what you did?” she asked. “Did you love someone other than Dex’s father?”

  His mother puffed up, looking like a half-starved rooster. “Certainly not. You will not talk to me about such things. Dex should never have brought you here. He should have returned and mated with Fedora. She would have made him a proper mate and princess.”

  “Finally you admit to grooming Fedora to be Dex’s mate. Dex is my mate. That’s not going to change.”

  “You are human, weak. A Zerconian bond cannot be broken, but there is nothing to say that a human-Zerconian one could not.”

  So that was her game. It wasn’t anything that Zoey hadn’t thought about. Their bond had only solidified in the last few months and she had been afraid that because the bond was so weak Dex might be able to leave her.

  But once she had let go of all her fears and worries about their relationship, the bond had fully formed. Dex would never leave her. He loved her.

  “Our bond is strong. I was going to try and convince Dex to stay and try and work things out but after our little chat, when I can clearly see how little he means to you, I am going to help him pack his bags!”

  Zoey lay back limply on the bed, completely spent. Her anger had drained what little energy she had.

  “I think you had better go now,” she said wearily.

  “I have not finished.”

  “I have. Boris.” Her dark shadow stepped up beside Liula, who glanced up at him with a hint of fear. “Escort her Royal Highness out, will you?”

  Liula gave a superior sniff and turned on her heels. Zoey shouldn’t have been surprised by their conversation, yet still she couldn’t help but feel downheartened.

  “We’re really leaving, Giz.” Her furry companion rubbed his head against her leg. Poor little guy had refused to eat or drink until she’d come out of her coma and he’d barely moved from her bedside. “I guess it’s for the best.”

  She didn’t fit in. Not at the palace, anyway. But she couldn’t help but feel that she should have done something for the people.

  “Not up to me. We’ll leave and go somewhere better. Somewhere where we are accepted.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Dex, I’m fine. You need to go.”

  “I told Father that I wouldn’t be fulfilling any more duties now that I am leaving,” Dex replied.

  “He’s not getting any younger and he could use the help.”

  Dex and his father had arranged a trip weeks ago, before she’d nearly died, to visit some of the outlying villages. It was a trip they made twice a year, and would take them away from the palace for three weeks.

  Zoey didn’t want Dex to leave her for so long, particularly not when she was still feeling weak, but she also knew Dex would feel guilty leaving his father to go alone.

  Since Dex had told his parents they were leaving, it seemed as though his father had aged fifty years. She could almost sense the despair and longing inside him. His mother appeared as cold and uncaring as ever, but Zoey saw actual pain in his father’s eyes.

  She thought that Dex could see it to, which is why he was so torn up over this decision.

  “We are supposed to be leaving next week.” Dex crossed his arms over his chest, giving her a stubborn look.

  They had been waiting for her strength to return before leaving. Even though she wasn’t at a hundred percent yet, she was doing much better than she had been.

  “So we will put it off for another few weeks. That will not matter.”

  “I don’t want to leave you. What if something happens? I will not be here to protect you.”

  “Thor gave me a clean bill of health. I just have to rest when I feel tired and I’ll soon be right as rain.”

  Actually, she had hoped to be stronger than this by now. She wasn’t used to feeling this weak. But she didn’t dare say anything to Dex; he would have her back on bedrest immediately.

  Dex had been informed about his mother’s trip to see her when she was in medical. He had questioned her over what Liula had said to her, but Zoey hadn’t told him everything. She didn’t want to hurt him. There was no point.

  “I am not sure whether rain is right or not, but I cannot leave you when someone may try to harm you again.”

  “We don’t know that anybody did try to hurt me. It was probably just bad luck that qola snuck its way in here. Who would want to harm me?”

  It wasn’t like she was a threat to anyone.

  “Whoever put that bounty on your head perhaps?”

  She supposed that was true. In fact, considering she was no one special, a number of people had it in for her, from that asshole shrink, Pressad to Targos, to Dex’s own mother.

  She did seem to collect enemies, must be her winning personality.

  “And how would they get past Zerconian security? This place is locked down tight. Besides, that wanted poster said alive, remember?”

  Dex shook his head. “I shall not leave you.”

  “Dex, do you really think I will be alone? Boris follows me everywhere. He’s almost more protective than you are.”

  Silently, Dex watched her. “I know that. But still, I cannot go. Father will have to cope on his own.”

  “You owe it to him and to your people, Dex,” she said gently. “Your father looks so sad. Almost lost. Please go. I couldn’t live with myself if you didn’t.”

  He paced the room silently for a long moment as she watched him from where she lay on the plush sofa. Even though Thor had given his permission for her to come off bedrest, she still wasn’t allowed to exert herself and was under strict instructions to rest as much as possible.

  “I shall go on three conditions.”

  “Okay. Let’s hear them.”

  “We must talk at least once a day.”

  Easy. “Done.”

  “You take a nap each afternoon. And before you argue, I know that you have not been honest about how tired you are.”

  She should have known she wouldn’t get much past him.

  “I’ll get more rest. What’s the last one?”

  “There will be guards on the doors and whenever you leave, either Koran, Jaxan or Macon will accompany you as well as Boris.”

  “Fine. I’m not planning on going anywhere, anyway.”

  “Then I will go.”

  She held back her grin. “You do that, baby.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Zoey sat out in the garden and took a deep breath. The garden area of the palace was lush and filled with a number of exotic plants that seemed to thrive in the hot climate.

  She couldn’t even keep a cactus alive back home.

  Would they go back to Earth to live? Was that what she really wanted? She couldn’t imagine Dex living on Earth. Then there were the others to consider. Not only would Koran, Thor, Giz and Boris be accompanying them, but a large number of Dex’s warriors had indicated they would be coming as well. It had been another blow to his parents.

  “Zoey, should you be out here? Should you not be inside resting?”

  Zoey looked up into Fedora’s cool, gray gaze. She really couldn’t work the other woman out. She knew Dex’s mother had probably pushed the younger woman towards Dex, making her believe they would mate.

  And then Dex brought home an entirely unsuitable mate. Was Fedora angry with Zoey for stealing Dex when she thought he would be hers? Or was she happy to be free?

  The other woman was extremely difficult to read.

  “I’m all right. I needed some fresh air. I was getting a little claustrophobic stuck inside all day.”

  Giz sat up and stared at Fedora. Zoey patted his head comfortingly.

  She glanced over to where Jaxan was keeping watch on her. She knew Boris would be close by as well. She was well protected, but still she admitted to feeling uneasy with Dex away. He had been gone five days now and she missed him horribly. Why had she c
onvinced him to go?

  “May I sit next to you?” Fedora asked.

  “Sure.” Giz sighed as she shuffled him over to make room on the bench.

  “Follows you everywhere, doesn’t he?” Fedora commented.

  “Yeah.” She ran her hand through his fur. She sometimes wondered what she would do without Giz.

  “I do wish that you weren’t leaving.”

  “Really?” They weren’t exactly close. She didn’t even like Fedora; why would the other woman be sad to see her go?

  “Yes. I thought it would be nice to have another female around. A sister.”

  “Oh. I didn’t really think you would want me around.”

  “Because Liula had a plan for Dex and I to mate?” Fedora asked.

  Well, yeah.

  Fedora laughed lightly. “Dex and I would never have worked. He sees me as a sister, not a lover. Although if Dex had shown an interest in me then I probably would have mated him out of loyalty to Liula and Ronaldan. I was shocked when I heard he had found his mate and that you were human, but after a while I grew relieved. Dex is not right for me, nor I for him. Although Liula is having difficulty realizing that.”

  “Oh. Right. Sorry.”

  Fedora waved a graceful hand through the air. “No apologies necessary.”

  “I am sorry we didn’t get to know each other.”

  “We still could.”

  “Dex and I leave in a few weeks.” She still wasn’t certain about the other woman’s intentions, the memory of that Zota ball, which had felt like swallowing fire, was still fresh in her mind.

  “But you have some free time while Dex is away. Perhaps you would enjoy going shopping with me?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.”

  “Please. I want to know that you do not hold what Liula has said and done against me.”

  How could she refuse without coming across as churlish?

  “Of course I don’t hold what Liula has done against you. I would be happy to spend time with you.”


  Zoey found herself engulfed in a floral embrace. Had Fedora bathed in the scent? Her eyes watered and her nose twitched with the urge to sneeze. “Does tomorrow afternoon suit?”


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