Gena Showalter - [Lords of the Underworld 13]

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Gena Showalter - [Lords of the Underworld 13] Page 23

by The Darkest Craving

  He wasn’t a sweet man.

  He closed the rest of the distance. At the moment of contact, a moan escaped him. Her wonderfully soft. The women from the club had wanted his kisses, but he’d refused. The thought had even disgusted him. But with Tink, things had always been different. He wanted more from her than he’d ever wanted from another—and he would have it.

  Her lashes fluttered open. Cobalt met his penetrating stare, and he waited for the confusion to evaporate—and realization to take its place.

  “More?” he said, a question and a demand. Desire burned white-hot, sizzling through his veins.

  She arched, rubbing her needy little body against him, creating the most delicious friction. “Absolutely.”

  He dived down for another taste. His tongue licked into her mouth and she moaned, already as lost as he was, in a place where nothing mattered but the pleasure. He was tentative at first, as gentle as he was capable of being. She was hesitant, unsure this early in the morning, with the room teeming with sunlight, but the more time he took with her, the deeper she allowed him to take possession of her mouth. The deeper his possession, the more she melted against him. Soon, their tongues were meeting thrust for heated thrust.

  The bed shook. A growl sounded in his head.

  Kane slid his hand under her shirt and palmed her breast. Her back arched, and he began kneading. Such a delicious fit. She mewled, a decadent noise that drove him wild. “You like when I touch you this way?”


  “I can do more.” He slid his fingers down her stomach, to the apex of her thighs. “And I can do it here.”


  One-word responses, as if she couldn’t focus on his voice, only his touch.

  “I want your clothes out of the way. All of them.”


  He ripped the collar of her shirt, and put his mouth where his hands had been. While he sucked her, he worked at the zipper of his pants. Then, finally then—

  “Wait,” she said, seeming to blink through a sensual fog. “Wait. Maybe we should think about this.”

  He wouldn’t curse. “We can think later.”

  “But...I’m not sure...maybe this is a mistake...”

  He heard footsteps and a male’s whistle beyond the door.

  Not. Happening. Not again. Especially now, when he was desperate to find out why Tink thought they were making a mistake.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Yo. Warrior. It’s garden time,” William called. “You don’t want to leave her queenliness waiting. She’s already sent a guard to hunt your Tinker Hell down.”

  He roared, “Go away.”

  A pause was followed by a laugh. “Bad time?”

  “It’s okay,” Tink said, breathless but unsure. “If the queen wants me in the garden, she has a game of cricket lined up. I need to go.”

  He. Hated. William.

  At least the bed stopped shaking.

  “Get dressed,” he said. “I’m going with you.”

  * * *

  “IT’S SIMPLE,” THE QUEEN explained, using her snobbiest tone. “Servant Josephina will tie her drab little—”

  “That’s not her title anymore,” Kane roared, making Josephina gasp.

  The queen blanched. “Well, she must stand with her hussy’s legs apart...I mean her legs,” she corrected when Kane took a menacing step toward her, “and we will each take turns knocking our balls through the gap with our mallets.”

  Heat filled Josephina’s cheeks as she latched onto Kane’s wrist to hold him in place. As soon as she knew he wouldn’t attack the woman, she released him with every intention of entering the clearing to assume her position.

  He was the one to grab her by the arm this time, stopping her. He snapped, “She won’t be doing that.”

  The queen huffed and puffed, and Josephina listened as the two sped into a heated argument about her purpose in the game.

  “I’ll go get the king and allow him to settle this,” Kane said. “The girl is mine, and I decide what she does and does not do.”

  Penelope’s gaze strayed to William.

  “The disagreement is a waste of time. Give him what he wants,” the warrior said. “And later, I’ll do the same to you.”

  There was a strange mix of boredom and huskiness in his tone.

  “Fine,” the queen huffed, either too afraid to go against the king or too eager to have whatever William was offering. “We’ll play without Servant—I mean, the girl.”

  “Better.” Kane patted Josephina on the butt before joining the group in the clearing. She had to press her lips together to keep from laughing.

  Next time, I’m going to stand up for myself. Kane had once called her brave, and he wasn’t a liar, so, it was time to act the part. There would be consequences, consequences she’d once feared more than anything. But she wasn’t a slave, that wasn’t her lot in life, wasn’t something she would tolerate any longer, she thought.

  Choices. They were hers to make. Hers to see through.

  The sun was brighter than usual, casting golden rays over the rows of multicolored flowers and alabaster statues Tiberius had commissioned of himself, Synda, Queen Penelope and Leopold. Though the one of Leopold had been battered by weather, but never fixed. The air was warm, and it was a good thing, too. Her dress was still a little damp from the washing Kane had given it.

  Synda skipped to her ball, looked to Kane and nibbled on her lower lip. “Will you come help me, Lord Kane? I’m far too weak to hit my ball very far.”

  Was that...flirting?

  Kane paused only a moment before stomping over to her.

  Yeah. That was flirting.

  Synda fluttered her lashes at him and preened as he positioned her hands on her mallet. Rage stewed, bubbling up. Josephina hated seeing the warrior—her warrior—anywhere near the princess.

  “This is still proving tedious,” William said to the queen, in a stage whisper everyone could hear. “Why don’t you go upstairs and wait for me? In a few minutes, I’ll follow, so no one will suspect we’re together, and we’ll play a game of a different sort.”

  “Well...” Queen Penelope peered at her daughter, her mind clearly whirling. Then, she nodded.

  “That’s a good girl.”

  Off she raced, without a goodbye, heading toward the palace as if her feet were on fire.

  They were lovers?

  Josephina knew the queen had taken other men to her bed. Men the king had killed, though Tiberius had never admitted that was the reason why.

  Poor William. He wouldn’t survive, either.

  He sidled up to her as if he hadn’t a care.

  “Your friendship with Kane won’t save you,” she told him. “If the king finds out what you’re doing with the queen, and he will, he’ll—”

  “Trying to save me, female?” He flashed a perfect, white smile. “How adorable is that? But you’re wasting your time. Your father is nothing more than a fly.”

  “Why don’t you challenge him, then?”

  “And steal Kane’s moment?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Excuses, excuses.”

  He shrugged. “By the way, your step momma is a terrible lay. Seriously, I’ve been with dead girls who have more life.”

  Okay. Too much information. She covered her ears.

  William forced her hands to her sides. “I’m distracting her, and look, it’s working.”

  “Well, then, why don’t you distract the princess, too?”

  “I only have one Big Willy, and he’s currently on loan to the queen.”

  Synda gave a tinkling laugh, and Josephina looked over. The princess was now smashed against Kane, her arms wrapped around his neck. She was tiny and delicate in comparison, peering up at him with expectation of a kiss, and though he was stiff, he wasn’t exactly fighting her off. Josephina’s hands fisted tightly. If he did it, if he allowed his lips to meet the princess’s, she would...she would...oh! There was no action violent enough

  “He’s got a lot of darkness inside him, you know,” William said. “You’re helping, I’ll give you that, but if you can’t stick around until it’s all gone, back off. You’ll both be better off.”

  Her shoulders straightened in a snap. “How about you back off? I’m dealing, but that doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants anytime he wants.”

  “And here I thought you were intelligent. He doesn’t want that girl in any way.”

  “I know, he told me, but that doesn’t mean he won’t marry her if he thinks that’s the best course of action.” And if he didn’t? If he chose Josephina, as he’d seemed to do this morning? What then?

  The answer was simple: war.

  William reached over, plucked an ice-blue rose from the bushes, and tucked the bud behind her ear. “I’m surprised he told you that much. You can’t be mad at him for his plan, though. The only reason he’d ever marry such a shrew would be to save you. Hopefully, though, it won’t come to that.”

  Hopefully, he’d said, as if there was a greater chance Kane would have to do it. “Are you trying to help his chances with me or torch them?”

  He ignored her, saying, “Listen up, and listen well. What Kane has gone through would have killed most people. He thinks I’m staying with him to keep him away from White, but he’s wrong. I’m trying to help him heal. I can tell you being with him isn’t going to be easy.”

  Was he referring to Kane’s time in hell? “I know what he went through,” she said.

  William anchored two fingers under her chin and forced her to look up at him. “He told you?”

  “Some of it, yes. I also saw him right after it had happened.”

  “Surprising. On both counts. He talked, and he let you live with the knowledge.” He shrugged, and said, “Give him time. He’ll figure out the best course of action, it’ll please you, things will smooth out, and you’ll live happily ever after. I’ll be quite disgusted, I’m sure.”

  Time? Was he serious? “The ball is tomorrow, and the wedding is the day after that. How much time do you think I should give him?” And how selfish was she, to actually have put Kane in such a position? To marry her horrible sister, just to save her, or to marry her, and live with the ensuing bloodshed?

  William smiled, and it wasn’t a nice smile. “Are you planning to run away if things don’t go your way, little fairy? I’d rethink that if I were you. He’ll track you down. He may not punish you when he finds you, but I will. I’ll do things to you you’ve only read about in horror stories. I don’t like to be inconvenienced, and I don’t like to see my friends suffer. Combine the two, and I’m afraid I get a little cranky.”

  “Save your threats. I’m not—” A waft of smoke sent her into a coughing fit. She searched the area, and found a raging fire spreading through the flowers.

  She heard Kane curse under his breath. “The Phoenix is here,” he threw at William before taking off in a run. Only, he stopped after just a few feet and turned. His narrowed gaze locked on the warrior, who still had his fingers under Josephina’s chin, then he started running again—in the opposite direction, flying straight toward the two of them.

  He launched himself at William, shouting, “No one touches her but me!”


  HE HAD TO get himself under control.

  Kane had tackled his only ally, just for touching his chosen female, allowing a mortal enemy to escape.

  Now, that chosen female was nowhere to be found. She’d run into the palace during his fight with William, and he hadn’t been able to find her since. He was forced to sleep alone—not that he did much sleeping. Without Tink in his bed, he couldn’t relax.

  By morning, the palace was a flurry of activity. Servants rushed here and there, cleaning and moving furniture around to accommodate three long buffet tables.

  He caught one of those servants by the arm, stopping her. “Where’s Josephina?”

  The female grinned up at him, delighted by his attention. “I last saw her in the kitchen, Lord Kane. I’ll fetch her, if you like. I’ll do anything you ask.” She stepped closer to him. “Anything.”

  Mine, Disaster said.

  “Thanks, but I’ll fetch her myself.” He stalked to the kitchen—and missed her by less than a handful of seconds.

  He picked up a bowl, his grip so tight the crystal instantly shattered. He didn’t want Tink working. He wanted her out of harm’s way. He wanted to kiss her and finish what they’d started yesterday morning. Then, when his body was calm—finally, blissfully satiated—he could figure out his next move.

  He left the kitchen and ran into Synda. “Lord Kane!”

  Mine, Disaster shouted.

  Her smile of greeting slowly faded. “Tell me you’re not wearing those hideous clothes to the ball.”

  He was wearing the clothes he’d come here in, but they were clean. “Will you cancel if I do?”

  She patted his cheek, and he stepped out of reach. “You’re so cute when you expect the worst, but you’re even cuter in the proper attire, so make sure you change, or I’ll be very unhappy.” With that, she skipped away.

  Whatever. With Tink avoiding him, he might as well try to take care of her Phoenix problem. He slipped out of the palace and into the forest, pleased to find Petra had left tracks today. Ridiculously obvious tracks, he realized with a frown. Did she want to be captured?

  Yeah, he thought a moment later. She did.

  A long time ago, he’d done something similar. He’d planted tracks, allowing his enemy to find him and escort him into their camp. Once there, he’d rained absolute and total destruction.

  “—will suffer for what your people have done,” a male voice said.

  Kane pushed through a veil of bushes and found four Fae soldiers pinning Petra to the ground and tying her hands behind her back. She was struggling, but her efforts were puny at best.

  “Let her go, and stand back,” Kane commanded, pulling the gun he hadn’t given back to William and aiming at her head.

  All eyes whipped to him.

  The men frowned. Petra cursed.

  “But Lord Kane, the other Phoenix have fled. When they return we can use this girl to threaten them,” the shortest exclaimed.

  Kane bared his teeth in a scowl. “I said, let her go.”

  The four instantly stepped away from her. She popped to her feet, and the rope they’d used fell away, the ends singed.

  “You always ruin everything!” she screeched with a stomp of her foot.

  Mine, Disaster purred.

  Shut it!

  “Let’s have this out,” Kane said. “Me and you. Winner gets the girl.”

  She stilled, studied him with intrigue. “You’d fight a female?”

  “I’d do worse than that.” Hadn’t he proven it already?

  She gloated, saying, “Kill me, and you’ll only strengthen me. I’ll rise from the ashes and enslave you.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  She paled at the reminder that no Phoenix was guaranteed an eternity. At some point they all died for good.

  “To be honest,” he said, “I don’t really want to kill you. I want to give you back to your people. After all, I was told your king would like to...speak with you.”

  Fear darkened her eyes, and she backed a step away. Kane smiled—and squeezed the trigger once, twice. Screaming with pain and surprise, she collapsed. Blood leaked from both of her thighs.

  “However,” he said, “I’ll do what I have to do.”

  “So will I.” Cringing, she reached for one of the gaping soldiers. The moment her fingers touched the male, he burst into flames, flailing about, screaming with agony. Kane lost sight of the girl as he patted the man down. By the time the flames had been doused, Petra was gone.

  He hunted for one hour...two...six...determination driving his every movement. He found multiple trails of her blood, but no more than that. She remained expertly hidden.

  His mood was black an
d stormy by the time he returned to the palace. He could hear the murmurings of the crowd, and remembered the party. Tink would be serving. Still in his “hideous” clothes, he snuck in through one of the secret passageways and, after claiming a glass of whiskey, camped in a shadowed corner.

  The ballroom had been decked out. The chandeliers dripped with diamonds as big as his fist, and dragon-shaped pillars had been wheeled inside. The heads moved, ruby eyes scanning the room, forked tongues darting from between blackened lips, and releasing smoke.

  Fae males were dressed in weird, girly suits with lace and bows, and the women in big, puffy gowns, with their hair styled bizarrely, with knots and spikes shaped to look like animal heads. There was a lion. An eagle. An antelope. The atmosphere was very...Victorian era meets The Hunger Games in Wonderland, with an R rating. The men were feeding the women by hand, then going in for a taste themselves. On the dance floor, bodies gyrated together, hands roaming, clothing being shoved aside.

  Kane watched as Synda fluttered from one group to another, sipping champagne and laughing gaily. The king had left his throne and now “graced” the assembly with a dance. Leopold waited at the entrance, greeting guests as they arrived. The queen was perched on a settee in back, ten of her friends sitting at her feet, watching the proceedings with hawk eyes.

  William—my PMS—had gotten his stupid kids an invitation, and the group had taken up residence in the corner across from Kane. They watched him watching them, trying to intimidate him. All they did was irritate him.

  Ignoring them, he searched for Tink. She had to be here. She—

  Had just entered the room.

  Breath caught in his throat. Her fall of black hair was tied in a simple bun at her nape, yet several tendrils had escaped confinement and framed the incomparable elegance of her face. She was captivating, and maddening, and utterly enchanting.

  She was...everything.

  He finished off his whiskey and dropped the glass in a potted plant. His blood heated, practically boiling in his veins as he pushed from the wall and stalked across the room. His gaze remained on her, studying her more intently. She wore the now-clean uniform he’d bought for her, managing to outshine every other woman in the room.


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