Daddy's Virgin Bride

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Daddy's Virgin Bride Page 19

by Nikki Bella

  I felt myself falling back, back toward the dresser. Only my hands, my nails digging into the back of his neck saved me. As the thundering ecstasy pounded through my head, my eyes opened long enough to look down my slim, naked form, passed my breasts as they bounced in time to Tyler’s urgent thrusts, over my tight stomach as it curved to better angle my pussy for him, down to the bare mound between my thighs and the incredibly erotic sight of his great rod rhythmically appearing and disappearing as he slammed it inside me.

  “Oh, my God! Oh, fuck!” Tyler startled me by suddenly growling. Somewhere deep inside me, even among my wild thrashing, I felt him tense and pulse.

  “I want it, baby,” I managed to breathe. “Shoot your load in my pussy! Give me everything you’ve got!”

  He let out a loud, animal roar and I couldn’t help grinding on him even harder, trying to cram as much of his marble-hard cock into me as I could, before his swollen erection finally burst inside me, throbbing uncontrollably as he spilled his hot seed deep in my pussy, shooting out volley after volley until I thought I couldn’t hold any more.

  His legs seemed to give out but he still had enough control to guide us toward the mattress. We tumbled slowly until Tyler landed on his back and I just about stayed on top of him, his twitching member still buried inside me. I giggled as we hit the floor, then stayed still. A small gasp escaped my lips as I felt his final shot expelled deep within me, before we both let out a deep, satisfied sigh.

  Still straddling him, I bent forward to kiss him on the lips. “Oh, my God!” I breathed, “and to think I’d decided not to see you again.”

  “You really feel that way?” he asked. I looked questioningly at him for a second. “Henry did a lot of digging very quickly to try and figure out where you were.”

  That knot began to form in my stomach again, even as I could still feel his dick softening inside me. What has he found out?

  “I know about your father, your family, your dad’s business and what my father made happen,” he said. I went to lift myself off him but he held me in place. “And I’m sorry. He was a bastard!” Tyler hissed. “He didn’t care about the thousands of lives he ruined by breaking up companies and laying people off, and he didn’t care about the two lives he ruined more than anyone. My mother’s and mine. She was beautiful, but as soon as she passed thirty-eight he was fooling around with younger women. Girls really. He didn’t even try to hide it. If my mother spoke up he’d hit her. If I tried to help her, he’d punch me. We went to the police, but his lawyers made sure no one knew anything. We became prisoners in our own home until he eventually did the decent thing and died,” Tyler finally seemed to notice that tears were running down his cheeks, “Even then he made sure that my mom got nothing. Everything went to me, but only if I kept running his firm. The only thing I can do is try to not be like him, every chance I get.”

  I lay down beside him stroking his cheek softly. “So, you knew I was only looking for you for revenge?” I asked him.

  “I figured it out,” he replied.

  “And you still came to find me?”

  “I fell in love with you. It felt like you’d fallen for me too. I had to find out. Besides,” his mouth shifted into a grin, “I’m now majority shareholder and executive VP of a yacht building company, and I clearly know nothing about yachts. I had to find me an expert.” He laughed as I bit his nipple.

  “So, how did you find me?” I asked, kissing my way down his chest.

  “Odd thing,” he began, “Henry was trying everything. He hired two PIs, expensive ones, and we got ready for a long wait before we heard anything. But last night we got a message from Rufus.”

  “Rufus, downstairs Rufus?” I gasped. I’d almost licked my way down his stomach.

  “Yeah. I guess he heard we were looking for you and called us direct, saying you were here.” I heard him sigh as my lips found their way further down still, my fingers gently running along his cock, coaxing it back to life.

  I smiled to myself. It felt good to have people that cared so much about me. Rufus, putting his feelings aside so I could be happy. I thought of Tarquin and Tanya, and the kindness shown by Captain Harper. And then I thought of Tyler. I gently licked my way up his stiffening shaft, pausing before taking the head of him in my mouth.

  “Does that mean,” I asked quietly, “that you’re not a billionaire anymore?”

  “If I say ‘no’, are you going to stop what you are doing?”


  The End

  My upcoming book…

  Time isn’t on my side. I have no choice but to resort to extreme measures. It’s not how I want to lose my virginity.

  I want the white picket fence and the happiness found in the groom to be. Damon is my final hope, but I can’t tell him the truth. I don’t even think I know his real name.

  It certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s handsome and has the kind of body I would love to start at the top and work my way down to the bottom. He won’t show me his face. Is he bashful or is he trying to hide something from me?

  Samantha is that unattainable piece of fruit at the top of the tree. She’s unspoiled and has a purity which draws me towards her like a moth to a flame.

  I don’t know why she’s doing it, but I can’t in good conscience allow somebody else to claim the prize for his own.

  Money isn’t the issue, but my loyalty to her father is in question. How can I possibly give her what she wants when I feel like I would be betraying a long-lasting friendship?

  Chapter one


  I sat there in my limousine sequestered from the rest of the world and I knew those looking into the tinted window would love to change places with me.

  The cigar in my mouth had a fine Cuban flavor and I had a humidor full of them courtesy of Castro himself before his demise.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to have to wrap this up, gentlemen.” I was afforded the opportunity to do business from afar and I could be anywhere in the world and still be making millions. My time was valuable and I only felt compelled to show my face to those of my investors. It was the only way to give them the personal touch.

  “Nicholas, we appreciate everything that you have done and we know the company is in good hands. You always go above and beyond and we can’t ask for anything more than that.” Jackson was my biggest supporter and we had started the company together on a shoestring budget.

  “You can always reach me and communication is the key to any relationship.” This conference call was made possible by technology born from the money I invested. I had my hand in many pies and I found myself responsible for the next generation.

  “I can see you have been working yourself into an early grave and maybe you need some time to smell the roses. Things can wait and you should go to one of your private islands. I can take care of things from this end and you know that you can trust me.” Jackson knew where all the skeletons were buried and he had metaphorically held the shovel.

  “I do need a vacation and my latest acquisition is something that I have been itching to get my hands on.” I had bought myself a jet and it was one of those impulse buys. Most people would consider getting a new TV extravagant, but I went well and beyond that sentiment.

  I was the perfect bachelor with boyish good looks and a body sculpted by a personal trainer every morning. It was one of the only relationships which had lasted more than a couple of months. Bentsen took no prisoners and there was no gain without the pain. I had to admit the results were hard to ignore.

  I should’ve had girls coming in and out of my bedroom like a revolving door and that was the perception the public had of me.

  Jackson was a man with a unique taste for Asian women and his wife didn’t know about his dirty little secret on the side. She wasn’t going to hear it for me.

  “I wasn’t suggesting a normal vacation and what you really do need is to find some young thing to put a smile on your face.” It was a good thing the other investors had al
ready signed off and they certainly didn’t need to know about my personal life.

  “I’ll take it under advisement.” I could’ve had any woman I wanted, but I was always fearful about the reason why they were with me. I would never know if they were there because they truly cared or was in need of a sugar daddy.

  “I know you better than anyone and it still confounds me the reason why you haven’t found somebody to settle down with. You can have your cake and eat it too. Look at what I have with Emily and I still have time to indulge in my secret fetish.” I felt bad for Emily and she was oblivious to his wandering eye.

  I straightened my suit which was custom made by a little old man in Italy. He was supposed to be retired, but money has a funny way of opening doors which were closed to others.

  I didn’t consider myself to be a magnanimous man and I had the penchant of running over the little guy without giving it much thought. It was all about business, but there was a necessity to give the public a different perception of me. I dedicated a percentage of my earnings to those in need. I had to have the public approval and the only way to do that was to make myself seem like I was approachable.

  “I don’t know why, but I just haven’t found the one. Perhaps I’m looking in all the wrong places and I’m under the mistaken belief she will find me.” I hadn’t given up on love, but I thought it was a fairy tale with no basis in reality.

  “I’ve been your best friend since high school and we made this company what it is today. I take a more active role, but I like to get my hands in the dough of the pie. You are content in jet-setting around the world and putting out fires abroad. Together, we are a formidable team and nobody in their right mind would ever cross us.” He was full of himself, but Jackson had every reason to believe he was untouchable.

  I looked at my reflection and I didn’t look like I had aged a day passed my 30th birthday. I was still ruggedly handsome, but sex didn’t have the same appeal as it did when I was younger.

  “I’m almost at the Airport and I haven’t decided what my next destination is going to be. When I know, you’ll know. I’ll only be a phone call away.” I signed off, sitting back against the leather seat of the limo and then I heard this ding.

  I was always looking out for anything unusual and my assistant had sent something which made me sit up and take notice.

  Timothy had been my assistant for five years and still, he was able to surprise me. On the screen was a desperate plea for financial independence, but it was in the way they were going about it which got my attention.

  This young woman of questionable morals had put an anonymous price tag on her virginity. She was treating her virtue like something you would acquire on E-bay.

  The risqué photos of her nubile young body in various states of undress had me leaning forward to get a second look.

  I was stunned into silence as I saw the telltale birthmark on her neck. It couldn’t be, but there was no other explanation.

  The woman who had grown up under the watchful eye of my best friend was practically throwing herself at strangers. I was named her godfather, but I hadn’t seen her since she was 13 years old. There was no resemblance of the woman I remembered her to be except for that birthmark. She was a delectable dish best served hot from the oven, but could I even dare place the bet.

  Chapter Two


  I wasn’t surprised by the results of my advertisement, but there was a desperate need to find the right one without feeling like they were perverts. Many guys sent me crude comments and pictures of their junk which wasn’t what I was looking for. I did need a financial windfall and I couldn’t depend on my parents for obvious reasons. I didn’t want to disappoint them by asking for money. A friend of mine had tried what I was doing with amazing results.

  Living at home stunted my love life and I had to sneak around behind their backs. I was consciously aware of my body and how men responded with their mouths parted with anticipation. They became drooling idiots and I learned some interesting techniques with my hand. I was 22 and still hadn’t gone all the way, but that didn’t mean I was pure as the driven snow.

  There was no better sight than seeing a man in the throes of ecstasy. It was in the way their faces would contort and their bodies would respond to my touch. I got a thrill when I saw them reach their release.

  “I can’t believe you’re going through with this. I thought you were kidding, but you really are making them pay for it.” Julia was that flaming haired vixen who had all the boys ready to please her in whatever way she wanted. She was a tease, but nobody seemed to mind as long as they were in her gravity.

  “I don’t have a choice and instead of complaining you should be helping to weed the undesirables out.” I was a bottle blond and the drapes didn’t match the carpeting. Being a blond did afford me the opportunity to bat my eyelashes and get guys to stumble over their feet to help me with my homework. I guess in some part, I was just as much of a tease as she was except I followed through with hand to cock contact.

  “I told you I would lend you some money, but my trust fund is cut off. My shopping habits got a little carried away and my parents want to teach me a lesson.” She was quite endowed and I was no slouch in that department. Both of our bodies were sculpted from working out together doing pilates and jogging every morning.

  “Don’t you think I wish that there was another way? I don’t want to talk about this and I need to make this happen by the end of the week. There have been some interesting prospects, but nothing really stands out from the pack.” The photographs these men had sent me were enough to set the smoke detector off in my room.

  “I know you have an obsession with the big ones and you could start by eliminating those ill-equipped to do the job. You know exactly which ones I’m talking about and it doesn’t matter how much money they have.” We were both young enough to spread our wings, but old enough to understand our actions had consequences. I didn’t want to take the walk of shame with my virginal white panties balled up in my purse. If I was going to do this then I was going to do it the right way. Losing my innocence was only going to happen once and I wasn’t looking for the 5-minute wonder.

  It was the middle of the night and I had absconded with a bottle of wine from the cellar in the basement. I needed the liquid courage and each sip lowered my inhibitions. I had taken some candid shots in various states of undress avoiding plastering my face for everybody to see. There was a need for discretion and my parents held some influential positions in the community.

  “I do like someone with more than the average, but I need the whole package. Some of these guys are too brazen and bold which scares me. I know I’m asking them to pay, but there has to be respect. I don’t want somebody tearing my clothes off unless the heat of the foreplay has made me susceptible to their eager hands.” I knew what I wanted and I knew what I didn’t.

  The photos of my body were there on the cloud and there was no taking it back. The ad had barely been online for less than a day and already I had too many responses. I specifically mentioned in the ad to read the entire thing before responding. There were those who didn’t even bother and their callous disregard was sending off alarm bells in my head.

  “There has to be a better way, Samantha.” I had given this a lot of thought and the amount of money I was looking for couldn’t be had in one day any other way. My parent’s assets were frozen, but they made it seem like everything was perfectly fine. I told my friends it was because their money was tied up, but they had no idea to what extent.

  “I’m open to suggestions and I’m only doing this because of Erica. She told us in confidence about her experience and we both thought she was crazy at the time. The money she received helped her to leave this town in her rearview mirror.” We were both sitting on the bed in thin tee shirts and panties. She was staying over for the night and we had enjoyed lasagna for supper and then watched a movie.

  “I don’t know, but selling your body doesn't sound li
ke it can end well. I don’t agree with what you’re doing, but I did promise not to say anything. I wouldn’t be a good friend if I wasn’t there with you every step of the way. The only thing I want from you is your solemn vow you won’t meet anybody without me. We will both grill the man you decide to meet to make sure this isn’t going to come back and bite you.” I heard the light knocking on the door and then minimized my browser in time for my mother to come in to offer us cookies and milk like we were still little girls.

  “I wanted to pop in and see you both before I went to bed.” I came from good genes and when I was my mother’s age I was going to be a cougar in training. There was no doubt in my mind that my father’s political aspirations were made possible by having her as eye candy on his arm.

  “We won’t be staying up for too much longer and we just need to finish up some homework.” Going to college made them proud, but they had no idea that I was burning the candle at both ends. I was struggling to keep my grades from falling, but somehow I was making it work.

  “I worry about you and I hope you know you can talk to me about anything.” I only wished that I could believe that and they couldn’t know what I was doing.

  She was the woman behind the man and her good looks and charm were good enough to have those movers and shakers eating out of the palm of her hand. They underestimated her and I had learned a lot from watching her. She was nobody’s pushover and most found out how mistaken they were about her when they crossed her. I got my fiery temper from her and I made no apologies for it.

  “I’m just a little tired and it’s nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t cure.” Sleep deprivation and the feeling of everything slipping through my grasp was a good combination to get on my last nerve.


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