Daddy's Virgin Bride

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Daddy's Virgin Bride Page 21

by Nikki Bella

  “I love what I do and when in life can anybody say that and really mean it? Sex is the one thing everybody has in common and very rarely does someone get what they really want. The lucky ones don’t have to hide who they are deep down inside. I let the unlucky ones explore and in the process, I also find interesting ways to cross things off of my bucket list.” She only had to use a handful words to get men to fall to their knees. Those guys were powerless to resist the sexual charisma oozing out of every pore.

  “All that anybody really wants is to be happy and you have always been able to make your own happiness. Most girls in your profession would only be doing it because they have no choice. They convince themselves the money is too good to pass up, but you are different in so many ways.” I couldn’t remember exactly how we had met and I believed it was through some mutual friends. It finally came to me that my first run in with her was at a house party.

  I went looking for some solitude from the mindless chatter and found her orally satisfying my best friend. I knew that Samantha’s parents were not the monogamy sort. They played around behind each others back and Lillian came to me looking to scratch that itch. I did it once and I felt bad enough about it that I told Steven. He laughed good-naturally and said it was better me than him.

  Samantha’s father was a rainmaker and I had no doubt he would bounce back from what would have crippled most people financially. He was always one to save for a rainy day and never had all of his eggs in one basket.

  I heard the telltale announcement from my phone and looked down with a beguiling smile. I still had the taste of the caviar in my mouth, but I also tasted the aroma of victory in the air. I was at the top tier of the bidding, but there was still two days to go. There was enough interest in what Samantha was offering that I knew my initial proposal was going to get knocked out of the running.

  She might have had some design on choosing who would be the best fit, but this was an open-ended bet and there was no telling who was actually going to procure her innocence for the night.

  “I always know when a man is distracted and you have been staring at her all night long. I find it fascinating you can do that without being obvious about it. There are a lot of guys who can’t stand and look at a woman in a passing glance.” I’d learned from my father and he made sure there was no way to lose my balance in the face of a beautiful woman.

  “I have to question the reason why you’re over here with me when there is unsuspecting prey ready to be fleeced of information. There is one I want you to pay particular attention to. He’s nursing a cocktail in the corner. Use whatever tricks you have up your sleeve to make him pant after you like a starving dog. This is the long game.” She moved her fingers down my arm and she purposely grazed my hand enough to give me a noticeable problem.

  Just because I wasn’t going to have sex with her didn’t mean that I didn’t find her attractive enough to bring a little stiffness to an otherwise ordinary evening. I took a few deep breaths and from the smirk on her face, she knew exactly what her actions had resulted in. I had no reason to shop around for other companions and wherever I was in the world, I would always find a way to have her flown in at my expense.

  I slowly made my way over to where Samantha was currently in deep conversation with some politicians looking to learn more about her father. They thought by grilling her they would be able to find some inside information.

  “I can’t tell you everything, Miles and where would the fun be in that. You must know already my father is a very private man. Once it goes in the vault there’s no way it’s coming back out until he absolutely wants it to.” She was playing the game, touching them innocently enough and showing attention to make it look like she was working the room.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but could I possibly pull her away from all of you?” I didn’t give them a chance to refuse and I easily hooked her arm underneath mine and dragged her away from the mundane and boring political jargon that was being thrown around.

  “Putting on that fake smile for my father is driving me crazy and I’m grateful for the reprieve.” I brought her onto the makeshift dance floor and I did promise I was going to leave a dance for her. I had a few young and older women wanting to get close to hear what I had been up to lately. I was not very sociable and I would rather stay at home, but this was very important.

  “This is not the place for you and there are far better things you can be doing with your time. I’m sure there’s a boyfriend and why he isn’t here showing his support leaves me perplexed.” I was testing the waters to see how much she was going to reveal without even meaning to. I was good at small talk even though I found the whole thing tedious.”

  The open forum for the bidding was making for a hefty sum growing by the minute. It was automated and she wouldn’t know what was going on until she logged in to find out.

  “I’m selective when it comes to men and most are little boys pretending to be more mature than they are. Don’t let any of my friends hear me say this, but I find older men more appealing. It’s not the money and it’s more of the experience and wisdom. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the finer things in life, but my father is not known to be generous.” I’d known for quite some time her father was a man of character. It didn’t surprise me to learn he wanted her to find out what the value of a dollar really was.

  I was thinking about how I was going to explain myself when she finally showed up at the hotel. There had to be a way to keep my identity and still have her at the same time. Lowering the lights would be a good start, but it wouldn’t be near enough to prevent things from getting awkward.

  “It’s a good idea to sample everything on the menu and you never know what you’re going to like. There are things that require an acquired taste and there are others which will certainly dance on your palate from the moment it enters into your mouth.” I was using the metaphor of the food displayed on the tables and not being very subtle about how I was making comparisons to sex. I was curious how she was going to respond and it didn’t look like I was going to have to wait very long.

  “It does make sense to try different things, but sometimes you always go back to something familiar. It’s that one taste which leaves you addicted and unable to pull yourself away from it. I like a very thick sausage something to really challenge my appetite.” I felt that the conversation had taken a serious left turn and it was quite delicious to have this verbal sparring match.

  “Samantha, a woman of your youthful enthusiasm should always taste new delights.” I spun her around on the dance floor, keeping her close and smelling her perfume which was making something very difficult to keep corked. I had to move in a certain way that would not make her go running screaming in the other direction. I was quite blessed and those girls who had been in my sheets had found out for themselves what I was made of.

  “I may look sweet and innocent, but I have been subjected to some interesting culinary delights abroad.” I knew that their vacation was never the same place twice and her father was always trying to impress by going to out of the way destinations. She was very lucky to have an education in other cultures and she didn’t know it, but she was going to become a well rounded worldly woman.

  “I must admit, you did look sweet and innocent the last time I saw you but in that dress, there is nothing virginal about you. I’m surprised your father even gave you his permission to come to this party looking like a grown-up woman.” I didn’t mean to gush, but I felt slightly at odds with those competing emotions inside me. I wanted to protect her, but I was vividly aware that I was one of those things she needed protecting from.

  “You really shouldn’t be talking to me like this and you know how my father can be quite possessive.” I had helped her deal with her father’s mood swings and she was able to navigate some of those landmines without falling into the trap. Steven was always looking to get into an argument when things didn’t go his way. It was a bad habit he had never been able to break and I could only
hope this was one trait that had skipped a generation.

  “I’ve never seen something as lovely as I do tonight and you have my undivided attention.” There was this high voltage of electricity around us and the sexual tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. I could have easily overpowered her using my considerable weight advantage and I don’t think that she would have complained in the very least.

  I reached to touch her and instead of making an obscene overture, I decided to touch her shoulder innocently. I heard her sigh and her body trembled to my touch. I was ashamed by how easily she was able to lead me down the garden path of least resistance.

  I abruptly relinquished my hold on her and disappeared within the throngs of people before she could pursue. I found the nearest exit, grabbed my companion and was speeding away from the scene of the crime with my heart literally feeling like it was going to jump out of my mouth.

  Chapter six


  I was disappointed by Nicholas making an abrupt departure leaving me standing on the dance floor with an abundance of sexual energy to burn off. He was the only one I was remotely interested in and I went in search only to find him leaving post haste with the buxom young thing he had come to the party with.

  I was kicking myself for revving his motor and then sending him into her arms for what I could only assume was going to be a night of untamed sexual debauchery. He must’ve considered me too young or maybe being my godfather put things into perspective.

  It had been two days and I was waiting with bated breath to see who was finally going to get the one gift they probably never had or hadn’t had in quite some time. A virgin was a rare commodity and not easily to come by even with those looking impressionable and young. I was the elusive unicorn.

  The one guy I was hoping for was making a play at the last second. His last bid was over 100 grand and that was two days ago. I hadn’t heard a peep from him until the final few seconds of bidding.

  “There are only 10 seconds left and then there’s no going back. The funds from the winning bid will automatically be transferred into a numbered Swiss bank account.” I had no interest in telling my parents and everything was going to be done anonymously. There would be nothing that could be tracked back to me and no digital footprint to leave them wondering how I could come up with that kind of money.

  “Your family must mean a lot to you for you to go to these lengths. I love my family and I can only hope that I would go to these extremes for any of them. Losing your virginity is a big deal and you might be doing the right thing by getting an older man to show you what sex is all about. You won’t have to contend with the awkward and fumbling hands of our generation.” I was running out of time and I wanted it all. I felt like I was surrounded by clowns and liars, but I never imagined that I would be dragged down into the mud with the rest of them.

  “Julia you’re the only one that knows the reason why I’m doing this and I’m depending on your discretion. My family is depending on me to come through and I’m not going to let them down.” I saw the winning bid was from Damon and $250,000 had been wired directly to the Swiss bank.

  By morning it would be transferred as an anonymous donor to the campaign of my father. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to help him get over the hump without having to resort to going to unsavory characters.

  There was talk about a loan shark and this would keep them drowning in the percentage that would be compounded daily. They were on top of the world, living the high life and then the bottom fell out courtesy of a couple of very high stake investments.

  “My lips are sealed, but I wasn’t kidding about meeting him with you.” It didn’t look like there was going to be time and Damon’s requirements yielded some suspicion in my eyes.

  He had sent me a room number and the lights would be lowered with only candlelight in the room. He required me to wear a blindfold which was a little exciting and terrifying at the same time.

  “It looks like I’m going to have to do this on my own and he wants to fulfill his bargain within the hour. This guy really doesn’t want to wait around and I must admit this would be like pulling off a band-aid quickly. I just want to get it over with and then come home and scrub myself raw in the shower.” I had procured everything that I was going to need including a very grown up dress with enough makeup to accentuate the positives without going overboard.

  “I don’t like this and I don’t understand why it has to be this quick. It’s got to mean he’s married or attached and has only this window of opportunity to make this fantasy a reality. The one thing you have going for you is the real possibility of never having to see this man again. He won’t want to take the risk of getting caught with his pants down or in a compromising position.” It was the best case scenario, but it still was a bit of mystery how far he was willing to go. If this was a married man then it would be a one-time thing, but what would happen if he became clingy and wanted something more than I could give.

  “I’ve taken every precaution including a can of mace and a taser which should immobilize an elephant. I know what I signed up for and I’ve been preparing myself from the moment I placed the ad.” I went to the closet and found the red dress which did very little to hide my natural attributes.

  “I want you to have my number on speed dial. I will be your personal lifeline and all you have to do is press it once and I will come running. I have a Louisville Slugger in my trunk and I’m not afraid to use it. I had to back off a couple of guys using a more tactful approach and let’s just say I used a bit of persuasion to make them realize their mistake.” She kissed the bat and then raised her arm like she was flexing to show her muscles. It was just for show and it did lend a bit of levity into something so serious.

  Using my mother’s perfume, I did what I had seen her do and sprayed it in the air before walking into the mist. I wanted more than what meets the eye and I was looking forward to getting this night over with. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was hoping for someone who would understand what I was giving up. I wanted the gentleman and someone I would feel on my lips after the deed was done.

  “I feel like I’m going into battle and this is my armor for this new battle of the sexes. I want this man to drop his jaw to the floor when he sees me. I don’t feel particularly comfortable about him wanting to blindfold me, but he is paying an extremely heavy sum to be with me. It would seem rude not to placate him and maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that I don’t see him. I don’t even know what he looks like and I have no interest in being with someone who would be comfortable in the dark away from the prying eyes of others.” This way I was left with the illusion of my perfect man and I could pretend that he looked like anyone including my fantasy lover of Nicholas.

  “This is the reason why women take so long to get ready for a date. We need to take our time and guys need very little to throw on something that is going to make them feel like themselves. Confidence is sexy and the idea of being with this man without seeing his face is a little disconcerting. If I were you, I would find some way to lift the veil of mystery, but I’m not in your shoes.” My parents were out at yet another fundraiser and they were doing whatever they could to keep afloat.

  “My parents wouldn’t be exactly thrilled by my choice, but I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I would like you to be close by across the street at the café until I give you the all clear sign. A little discretion goes a long way.” I didn’t think of how I was going to accomplish reaching out to her, but apparently, she was thinking two steps ahead.

  “I’ll do what you want me to do and even take it one step further. I’ll call you 10 minutes after you get inside. If you don’t answer then I will assume things didn’t go according to plan. I’ll find a way to get inside and knock on the door incessantly until somebody answers. I said you didn’t have to go through this alone and I wasn’t just saying it to hear myself speak.” I did trust her more than anyone and she had always been there when I needed her the mo
st. I don’t think anybody else would have been able to handle what I was about to do without trying to interfere or try to fix things on my behalf.

  “The only thing I really need is to know that you’re there and you have never disappointed. Losing my virginity in this way doesn’t seem safe, but with you no more than a phone call away it does make me feel better.” I was dressed in accordance to somebody about to get some. I was a little concerned that my attire would cause people to take a second look.

  “I’m not your mother and I wouldn’t even assume to know what you’re thinking of. Somewhere along the lines you found yourself in a tight spot and to help your family, you have gone way out of your comfort zone. I’m in awe of your ability to do something totally out of character.” Her praise was not necessary, but it did help to solidify my choice.

  “The one thing I do really need from you is to be my buffer. If my parents call, you are to make up some sort of story to explain the reason why I can’t come to the phone. Keep things simple and don’t give them any reason to come home early. I’m a big girl and I know what I’m doing.” I could say that, but I was having cold feet, not unlike some disastrous relationships where the bride would run screaming from the church with the wedding dress following her from behind.

  “I’ll tell them that you’re busy with homework or indisposed either one they will believe. If you’re ready, your chariot awaits and I hope you know how much our friendship means to me by how far I have gone out on a limb. I know you’re nervous, but this is what you wanted. Don’t over think it and it was probably a good idea this guy wanted to collect on his bounty an hour after the bid was finally put to bed.” Julia was the one I had always gone to for advice not thinking for one moment I could speak to my mother like she was my best friend. It was time to take that final leap into the unknown.


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