Daddy's Virgin Bride

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Daddy's Virgin Bride Page 24

by Nikki Bella

  “It will be nice to reconnect.” I put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing his muscle and mimicking the same way I had touched him to remind him of what he was missing.

  Losing my virginity was a bold milestone in my life and I don’t think that I would’ve done it any differently.

  The money was already in the coffers for my father’s campaign, but it was merely a drop in the bucket.

  “You have no idea how long it has been since somebody has touched me like this. Those fingers should be registered as a lethal weapon and any guy fortunate enough to be with you is a lucky man indeed.” He sounded sincere and had he come forward and told me the truth then things might have played out differently.

  “I think you know the reason why my father agreed to meet with you and it has nothing to do with your friendship. He wants your money and he will back you into a corner until you give in willingly. Don’t let him get his hands in your pocketbook without promising something in return.” I felt liberated and some girls stated when they lost their innocence that they didn’t feel any different. I was grateful to have an experienced hand and to learn it was my fantasy man was like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one. I didn’t like the way he had gone about it, but I couldn’t deny the results.

  I reminded myself how different things could have been if he had answered the door without the necessity for discretion. I probably wouldn’t have gone through with it and I was secretly glad we had consummated our relationship. It didn’t take away from his underhanded ploy, but I was elated that my first time was a magical moment.

  “I don’t do anything without a good reason and sometimes people may not understand and condemn me for them. Doing what is right sometimes means doing something that won’t sit well with others.” He was attempting to make excuses for his behavior and I was the subject of this particular speech.

  “Having you back is a blessing and a curse…to my father.” I had purposely allowed an awkward moment of silence to bleed into our conversation. I wanted him to have the idea I was onto him, but then I turned the tables. I wasn’t going to make this easy and revealing I knew he was Damon was going to take some careful planning.

  I suspected I would know when it was right and I had learned through my father that his stay was indefinite. I wanted to believe deep down that it was because of me and maybe I had gotten to him in the same way he had gotten to me. I certainly wasn’t going to write a song and I didn’t have that kind of Bohemia creativity running through my veins. I could put something down on paper and writing was a bit of a hobby.

  “Your father and I have always had a tenuous relationship with his business sometimes interfering with my own. We will never be the kind of friends who will stand back and let the other make a mistake. We don’t sugarcoat anything and sometimes that can lead to the necessity of distance.” Nicholas AKA Damon was showing his fortitude and the strength to stand up for what he believed in.

  We were sitting in the study surrounded by dusty old books and no doubt many of these volumes had never been read the entire time they were in my father’s collection. It was mostly for show and his late appearance was his way of keeping things on edge. It was a tactic he used when he was on the campaign trail. He would know they were willing to back him if they were willing to wait for him.

  “I have the same relationship with my father and there are times we rub each other the wrong way. We are both stubborn and neither one of us is able to admit when we’re wrong. I know you are an honorable man and your morality prevents you from hurting anyone unnecessarily. I feel that I could trust you and there is something I need to get off my chest. Again, these walls could have ears and I would rather confess in a private setting.” I was testing his resolve and I saw that he was moving nervously twitching uncomfortably in his seat.

  “Um…you can tell me anything and I will never judge you. I hope that courtesy can be returned.” He obviously wanted to tell me what he had done, but he was reluctant. I couldn’t understand what his reason behind keeping me in the dark was. I would peel back the layers of his subterfuge and make him feel as bad as possible along the way.

  “I sometimes feel drunk when I’m sober, but recent developments proved to me guys are only after one thing. I don’t want to get into a spirited debate and once I start I’m not sure I will stop. I have some thoughts about the male gender, but I don’t want to lump you into the same category. I know you would do nothing to make a woman feel like they were a second thought. That their feelings didn’t count for anything.” I was poking fun at him without him even realizing he was the subject of contention.

  My father came in and I excused myself looking forward to how I was going to make him feel responsible for his actions. I hadn’t told any of this to my best friend and this was a secret I was going to keep to myself. It was irresponsible of me to give my body for the first time to the highest bidder.

  It was time to tease, but I wasn’t sure if I was up to the task of flaunting my body. The games were about to begin and he was on the losing side whether he knew it or not. If he thought the conversation we just had was awkward then he didn’t hear anything yet. I was going to put the screws to him, turning the heat up in the room until he was pulling at his collar metaphorically choking on the truth.

  Chapter Eleven


  I had planned everything down to the minutest detail and this day was meant to take her breath away. It started with me showing up early in the morning only to find her fashionably late. I think she took a bit more time than necessary to keep me waiting. Last night’s conversation in her father’s study was torture and it wasn’t like I didn’t have it coming to me.

  I saw her coming down the stairs in a white virginal dress perfect for the weather. She looked good enough to devour and I knew what she tasted like. I would have given anything for a delicious reminder. I had to be careful and showing those kinds of feelings was only going to get me into trouble.

  “I apologize for making you wait, but I hope it was worth it.” I had done something unforgivable and yet my tongue was still dragging on the floor like a little boy seeing a naked woman for the first time.

  “It’s not uncommon for women to leave a bit of anticipation in the air and I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You learned from the master and your mother always made your father wait with him tapping his foot in frustration. I was the one that had to tell him this was part of the dance. I learned early on the power was in the woman’s hands from the very beginning and trying to wrestle the control away is an effort in futility.” I knew a little too much for my own good.

  Every time she moved a certain way a piece of her alabaster skin was exposed to my eager and hungry eyes. She twirled with the amusement of a woman wanting to show off her attributes. I had made it on time and even though she was late there was no way that I could show up even a minute later than usual.

  “It’s almost as if all of us are conditioned from birth and guys have no chance unless we feel they are worthy of our time. There are those who ruin it for others and it’s always the bad boy which gives us those butterflies in our stomach. Those ones who have that extra something with the mystique to go along with their healthy bodies is what always gets us into trouble.” She wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know, but it was interesting to hear her spill the beans concerning the secrets of the female race.

  “Today is going to be unlike any day you have ever spent in your life. It’s going to start unexpectedly with me giving you the keys to what I brought with me.” I tossed her the keys and she snatched them from the air like a greedy baby after a bottle.

  Her face lit up like the 4th of July and then she raced to the door swung it open to reveal the white Lamborghini. It was a recent acquisition and one I couldn’t say no to especially after I had finished giving Samantha a memory she was never going to forget.

  I was going to have it shipped to one of my homes abroad, but I figured since I sti
ll had it in port that I may as well have a bit of fun. It was priceless the way the salesperson’s face showed those dollar signs in his eyes when I told him money was no expense. I always get that reaction even from real estate agents when I catch them off guard with an all cash offer.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to let me drive that and you have any idea how my father would react to me behind the wheel of something with those kinds of horses under the hood?” It didn’t look like it was going to stop her and she was already bounding toward it with her eyes alight with mischief. It was enough to put a smile on my heart.

  “Life is about living, Samantha and sometimes we need to do something reckless to convince ourselves we are alive. I know I go out of my way to try different things and each day is a new adventure. It all comes down to what makes you happy. I say you should never look down and always have your feet off the ground. There’s no better joy than to find something you have never done before. It’s on that day you have done it all that you should take your final breath.” I believed what I was saying with all of my heart and she needed to learn complacency was for those who were happy with the mundane.

  The door swung up and she climbed into the driver’s seat with the engine coming to life underneath her. I got in beside her and closed the door. She had both hands on the wheel ready to take it for a spin.

  “I feel like a kid in a candy store and I agree with you when it comes to trying something different. You never feel more like living on the edge when your life hangs in the balance. The feeling is indescribable and I don’t think anything can hold a candle other than moments of sweet surrender behind closed doors.” I swallowed hard remembering how her little body invited my manhood into the tight confines of her wide open legs. She was responsive and had the gift of knowing what to do to excite every part of me.

  “This is a feeling that everybody should have and they shy away from it because they don’t understand what we already know. We have a lot more in common than you think and our childhoods were practically the same in every regard. We were both left to our own devices and we found our imagination to be our best friend.” She gunned the engine with the wheels spinning in the driveway leaving behind evidence for her father to ask about.

  She fishtailed down to the road and had this need for speed which had me gripping the dashboard with my fingers turning white. She was laughing maniacally with the window down and her hair blowing in the breeze. She looked pleased with herself and I could tell the adrenaline running through her veins had the unintentional side effect of making her nipples harder than stone. She wasn’t wearing a bra and I immediately wondered if she was going full on commando.

  “Nicholas, not everybody is like us and they should experience things before they make any judgments. To deny them out of hand is only going to leave them with regrets on their deathbed.” She was flying through traffic with the landscape barely a blur and I was slightly afraid that things were going to turn ugly. I had no interest in wrapping this magnificent beast around a telephone pole, but I should have known better than to underestimate her.

  “I’ve always been only one call away, but you’ve never been one to reach out in that way. We’ve limited our conversations to e-mail and I think we owe it to ourselves to change that.” I had this fantasy of her running into my arms showering me with undying love, but that was wishful thinking. I was worldly and I had seen my fair share of other cultures which left me clamoring to fill the void in my heart. I wanted someone to take the place in my cold and empty bed.

  “In this age of social media, I find myself communicating with the outside world through Facebook and Twitter. I have my own food blog and not even my father knows about my unique passion for those delicious tidbits touching my lips. I love the decadence of a dessert with a creamy filling.” I was feeling the itch I couldn’t scratch and I couldn’t touch myself without her seeing my condition. I had to think of something that wasn’t sexual, but it was hard when I was in the presence of a beauty like her.

  “I don’t share your sentiment, Samantha and I’m more partial to good old fashioned pie. It doesn’t matter the flavor and sometimes there are those which require an acquired taste. I always smile when I am face down in a pie with those juices coating my lips and making me go in for seconds.” I saw a bead of sweat rolling between her breasts and she obviously understood my hidden meaning.

  The speedometer was well over the speed limit and these winding roads were lending to a dangerous air. She managed to control what some race car drivers would have trouble keeping their hands on the wheel.

  “If we are talking about desserts then there’s no conversation without a nice thick éclair. The center with the custard is my favorite part and I can’t seem to get enough. The sweetness gives me this insatiable hunger to satisfy my appetite.” She was good at this verbal sparring match and I wasn’t getting away with anything without the perfect comeback.

  She wasn’t the only one sweating and the love muscle between my legs was twitching uncontrollably. I was trying to tame the wild animal, but she was doing everything to keep me in a state of readiness.

  “You’re going to have to slow down and we are coming quickly to the boutique I have in mind for your shopping spree.” I pointed to the very classy establishment and she turned the wheel sharply and literally missed two parked cars to slide into the middle of them. I was breathing a sigh of relief that we had gotten there still in one piece.

  I had to take a moment to compose myself, breathing deeply through my nose and out through my mouth to center my chi. I was big into meditation and it did help to clear the cobwebs in my head when I went into a big negotiation.

  “I don’t even know how to express how much fun that was. You trusted me and you have no idea how much that means to me. I do believe you mentioned something about a black card.” I handed her the card and she tried to pull it from my fingers, but I was holding onto it with a death grip. She looked at me innocently and I did promise knowing full well my word was my bond.

  “I only ask that you leave something in the store.” She was on cloud nine and had the card in her hands. It was giving her a license to go wild. I followed from behind and I went inside to find that she was already in her element.

  “Nicholas, I want you to sit down and tell me what you think when I come out of the dressing room. This might take awhile and I do hope you don’t have any place you need to be.” I’d taken the day off with no idea of what I was getting myself into. I wanted to make her believe I was a good guy even though deep down I was still kicking myself for jumping her bones under the cover of the darkness of the room.

  Chapter twelve


  The boutique catered to discerning individuals and women with the kind of bodies they wanted to show off to their significant others. I was no stranger to being sexy, but these beautiful creations put my body on display like it had never been before. I was finding more risqué attire to make Nicholas stand up and take notice.

  “I know this is not something I would want to wear in public, but the bedroom is another matter altogether. I hope this doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, but I do value your opinion.” This was a good way to turn those screws just a little bit tighter. His eyes were wide open and bulging in the same way his pants were. There was no doubt I was getting the desired reaction.

  “I hope these windows are tinted and if not then there’s going to be an accident in the making. Guys crave to see something they shouldn’t and they would live that fantasy by gawking in the window.” I had cracked the code of his desire and the keys were dangling metaphorically from my fingers. I had him exactly where I wanted him and I wasn’t going to give up until he was tripping over his words.

  The proprietor was busy in back going over inventory, but she told us to take our time and there was no rush. He had apparently called ahead to make sure the place was vacant and I had no idea how much that would cost, but it had to be a pretty penny.

“I would hate to see someone swerve and careen into the window of this shop because of something I did.” I was standing wearing practically nothing with this see-through mesh not leaving anything to the imagination. I made a show of turning and then bending unceremoniously to hear him make this deep sigh of resignation.

  “Is it getting hot in here or is it just you? I don’t know how much more I can take before I burst into flames.” I went back in and changed into this black leather skirt without panties underneath. The black leather bustier was the perfect complement and gave me the look of some high priced stripper.

  “I don’t know what your problem is, but the air conditioning is high enough to make my nipples cut through glass.” I came out and he moved a few inches further so that he was literally hanging on my every word. I straddled his lap and sat down in a compromising position.

  “I would really prefer that you stand over there and you never know when somebody is going to interrupt.” He was flushed and the color of his cheeks was crimson. I wasn’t going to let this go and this was the kind of punishment he deserved.

  “Don’t be silly and I remember when you bounced me on your knee. I don’t see how this can be any different than that.” I had my hands wrapped around his neck and the thrust of my ample bosom was enough to make his condition even worse.

  There was no way that I could ignore the growing appendage unfurling down the left side of his leg. Love was blind, but sex was a language that everybody understood. I had his number and it was very difficult for him to sit still without touching me.

  “We both know that was different and you certainly didn’t look like this back when you were still innocent and naïve about the world.” I was biting my bottom lip, moving back and forth giving him a lap dance that would make any man cream in their pants.


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