Daddy's Virgin Bride

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Daddy's Virgin Bride Page 26

by Nikki Bella

  “I would have this same reaction if any woman were to touch me like this. You’re not anything special, Samantha. I don’t want to treat you like one of the many in the revolving door of women who have seen that different side of me. You deserve so much more and I’m not the man to give it to you.” I could see the bead of sweat and the way that his eyes were wide when I pulled back the fabric of my blouse.

  “Your mouth says one thing, but your body says something else entirely. Don’t keep me waiting or I might have to start without you. There’s no way that you can resist this body and the opportunity presenting itself. Don’t think with the head on your shoulders. I’m offering you a sure thing and I’m just suggesting that you do what you see on the discovery channel. I’m a dirty girl and you are a bad boy in need of a spanking.” I felt empowered and I made him jump by slapping his ass on the way down the hall.

  “I don’t know what you expect is going to happen, but I can assure you that I won’t be joining you in the hot tub. It’s time for one of us to think with a clear head and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be you.” He was trying to talk himself out of joining me and I was doing everything I could not to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

  “We both know this act isn’t going to last long. I don’t know why this is difficult for you to understand, but let me make this perfectly clear so there is no miscommunication. I want you, Nicholas and this is a one time offer never to be repeated again. I would take advantage while you still can and I know I would if I were in your shoes.” He was clinging to the last vestige of resistance without having any idea how futile it was to deny me.

  I was essentially a prisoner of my own making, at sea with the man who had made my body into his wonderland and I was convincing myself it was all about sport. It was a game to make him want me; crave me like the oxygen he was breathing and then I would snatch it away with a venomous delight at his expense.

  “I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of being like any other man. I’m not going to forget who I am and this effort to seduce me is going to be for nothing.” I bent over at the end of the hall, hearing him moan despite his conviction and knowing it was just a matter of time before he was throwing caution to the wind. The boat was moving and I disappeared around the corner where I waited to see if my game was going to yield results.

  It was when I heard his words that I knew I had dangled the bait and he was going to attack the piece of meat with no more thought than consuming his bounty.

  “I can’t do this and it’s wrong on so many levels. I’ve created a monster and our time together awakened something that was sleeping all this time. I’ve never felt powerless before and it’s not a feeling I want to get used to. I have to show some balls and be the responsible adult.” He was talking to himself, bolstering his courage and preventing himself from doing what was more pleasurable than I could ever imagine.

  I climbed the stairs and waited to see his shadow pursuing me. It was getting much harder to breathe and I was blinded by the memory of what we had already done to one another. The heat of our exchange was enough to make me rethink my decision about playing with his emotions.

  Chapter Fifteen


  When was I ever going to learn and I was going after a taboo notion stuck in my head? She was something more than the average woman and I stood there until my legs began to move on their own accord. I followed the aromatic scent of her perfume acting like a pied piper for the wand between my legs.

  I spied her form around the corner lying back with the bubbles churning around her. Her eyes were closed and I could see the makings of her breasts underneath the water. I was lured with promises of pleasure and I was chewing on my bottom lip with this nervous energy in the air. It didn’t take much to notice her clothes were gone and she didn’t bring a bathing suit.

  “I know you’re there, Nicholas and you may as well come out into the open where I can see you.” Taking a deep breath, I moved to confront her in the hopes that my words would convince her to stand down, but this wasn’t going to end until she said so.

  I was about to chastise her for her behavior, but then my mouth stopped moving altogether when she stood with the water dancing on her skin. I was tongue-tied, speechless and unable to come up with a suitable adjective to describe her body.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this and I’m afraid it’s going to be up to you to put a stop to this.” All roads were leading to her symmetrical body and I couldn’t stop myself from taking off my shirt. I was naked from the waist up and she was hooking her finger to make me come closer until she could get her hands on me.

  “I have no intention of stopping anything, Nicholas and neither should you. We are away from the rest of the world and nobody can see us. I want what I couldn’t have because I thought it was wrong.” Her skin was supple and her long hair matted by the water. It was making her look like a vixen in training.

  “I can’t understand the reason why you would want me instead of someone more deserving of the way you look at me.” She was undoing my belt, taking it off and wrapping it around my neck like a makeshift leash and there was nothing I wanted to do about it. She used the belt to pull me in for a long drawn out kiss that had me standing at full salute.

  “There’s really only one thing you need to remember. A woman has needs, but we are more subtle about how we go about satisfying them. I find it sometimes necessary to beat the man over the top of the head and drag him back to my cave to get what I want. It’s useless to be coy and very rarely does a man know when a woman is interested.” I was oblivious most of the time, but that was part of my charm.

  I stepped away long enough to take off my pants from around my ankles. This was the moment of truth, but then I realized there was no reason to reveal my hand. I swung my leg over the side and slid into the scalding water up past my waist. Once that was accomplished, I took off my underwear and tossed them unceremoniously over the side.

  “I’m only a man and I’m sure it doesn’t come as any great surprise that we are thinking about sex a lot more than women. We dream about the strange and the unusually kinky. It’s hard to judge a book by its cover and sometimes you have to delve into the pages to see what is lurking underneath.” Her foot came in contact with my Johnson and she began to manipulate my flesh.

  “I’m only a woman and don’t think for a second the way you men look at us goes unnoticed. We don’t wear skimpy outfits because they look good and that’s just one of the added benefits of shopping for something that is going to make their jaw drop to the floor.” Her other foot came across to join the one already in progress and the tight seal of her toes was enough to leave me at a loss for words.

  I was sitting there in the steaming hot contents of the water and the way that she was playing my body like a fiddle was more than I could take. I gave in to the feeling, pushing my hips forward and using her toes to excite every part of me. I suddenly grabbed them and brought them to my face, licking each individual toe and sucking them with my eyes on her the entire time.

  “Samantha, you make me crazy in a way that I never expected and I apologize beforehand for anything that I might do to offend you.” She didn’t seem put off by the way that I was worshiping her feet and then I swam toward her with my hands separating the gates to her heavenly delights.

  I was the human equivalent of a crocodile after its prey and the yawning depths of her sexual depravity were right there in my reach. I had my hands wrapped around her thighs and then I lifted her out of the water long enough to see the bright pink lips inviting me for a closer look.

  “I thought you were all about your own pleasure, but maybe I was wrong about you. I think I should take your advice about not judging a book by its cover.” She was spread like a wishbone and my hot breath made her body jerk in response. I put my tongue to work, coming in contact with the pronounced bud and making it dance to a different tune.

  “You are so delicious and I don’t know how any man
could walk away from a feast like this. A woman demands from a man nothing but his best and I strive to give you the experience of a lifetime. I hope I can measure up to the man who introduced you to the pleasures of the flesh.” It was quite the concept to be with the woman who had just felt what sex was all about by my experienced hands.

  I was in my element, delivering a performance to keep her on the edge of sanity and I knew her release was going to be extra sweet on my lips. I could only hope I didn’t break her or make her feel any sort of misery. I didn’t want her to feel like she was just a piece of meat. Because of me, I was afraid she would feel it necessary to extinguish that memory by getting underneath the next available piece of ass.

  “It’s not going to be…long and I’m forced to let this continue despite my better judgment.” I was no longer playing it on the safe side, but I was having a hard time trusting what I was feeling deep down inside. I wanted to give her a reason to cry with my name on her lips.

  The pain I would see in her eyes after I revealed the truth was enough to cripple me into a shell of what I once was.

  I was trying my hardest to make her forget everything about her first time and to take her out of her comfort zone. I wanted this moment to be the one on her lips, but I had a mountain to climb to outdo what had already been done. I was giving her my devotion and I was trying to show her all the reasons why it would be so special to me to have her wake up by my side.

  I felt her body begin to show signs of her impending climax and then her pussy began to spout off. Her juices squirted with intensity into my mouth and I was playing with their clit at the same time to enhance the experience. I was trying not to do anything to remind her of the one time we had been together. I was constantly switching things up and trying new techniques to give her no reason to show suspicion in her eyes.

  “I wasn’t…expecting…to do this… YESSSSS.” Her hair began to fly in all directions with her head tossing and turning from one side to the other. Her mouth was screaming obscenities and it seemed wrong somehow to hear her swear like a sailor. It was also quite enticing and enough to make me a ravenous animal.

  Her juices were succulent, sweet on the tip of my tongue and I couldn’t find the courageous effort to pull away from her. I was desperate to see that reaction again and I pulled her closer with my lips sealed to the very spot where she had just gone off the rails.

  “I’m not through with you by a long shot and maybe this will prove to you that there are some men worth taking a chance on.” I was going out of my way to please her and I knew deep down this was my guilt manifesting itself.

  “I was…hoping…that you were going to say that.” Her skin was flushed and her breasts buoyantly floated above the water where I could get my hands on them. I felt their abundance and the hard tips which made it necessary to pinch them between two fingers at the same time.

  I was a man obsessed, taken by the beauty of her body and the vocal expressions coming from her lips. She was shaking her head defiantly with her whole body trembling to my touch. I was wildly excited and the periscope of that excitement was showing itself on the surface of the water.

  “Nicholas, this is what you came for and I would hate to disappoint… YOUUUUU.” She was flying high on the wings of her orgasmic moment in the sun. Her scream echoed across the sea and she thrust out her chest with my lips attached to her clit.

  I wanted more than anything to erase my betrayal and her defiant act had given me a license to bring up my game a notch. I wasn’t the same man she remembered and what she had gotten for her first time was nothing compared to how I was going to make her feel. She was shaking and I had a hard time holding onto her, but it was worth it to see the way her face turned into a mask of euphoria.

  Chapter Sixteen


  This wasn’t my game plan and lying there in the aftermath of my pleasure was surprising, but I couldn’t help myself. His mouth, tongue, and lips had satisfied the yearning deep down. I wanted to get my hands on him and I looked over to where he was sitting there with a cocksure grin on his face.

  “I feel we were connected body and soul. I know men don’t feel the same way about sex as women do, but surely even you felt more than the fleeting need for pleasure. I can’t let you do that without showing you what I learned.” He seemed reluctant to get out of the water where I could reach him and for good reason. He was afraid I was going to see him for who he really was and to uncover his dirty secret with a look of ghastly surprise on my face.

  He kept his lower half submerged and I went to him with my eyes on fire for reciprocation. I drove my hand into the water like someone trying to capture their dinner with their bare hands. He made a gesture with his hands and in the process, water went flying everywhere. He was breathing heavily, holding my hungry gaze as I ran my fingers delicately over his flesh under the water.

  “I didn’t do that because I wanted you to return the favor. It was my pleasure to see you lose yourself in the moment. I get a special little kick out of seeing a woman ride that wave of pleasure.” I’m sure other guys in his position would have made a fuss about the oral foreplay, but he wasn’t doing that.

  “I would feel bad if I didn’t show you the same courtesy. You don’t want to do anything to disappoint me and you have no idea what a woman does when they are scorned. Their wrath can be unimaginable and there is no limit to how far they are willing to go to exact some revenge.” The head of his elongated member was bobbing above the surface of the water and I drew a breath before concealing it in my mouth.

  “I had no idea what I was getting myself…into when I invited…you to join me.” He was having a hard time getting the words out of his mouth and my head had gone under long enough to consume him down to the balls. I was a pretty good swimmer and holding my breath for long periods of time was second nature.

  I went up and down, letting him feel the magic of my lips performing an act which would seem obscene to anybody who was in the vicinity to witness such a thing. He had his hand in my hair and he made me look up at him through the bubbles.

  He was suddenly fucking my face with abandon, standing so that his lower half was now fully accessible without having to hold my breath for any longer than necessary. I was concentrating my effort on the head, circling the crown which was spitting the white hot lava from inside the length of the shaft.

  “I never…stood a chance against you and I was foolish to think I could keep you at arms length.” Each and every single day was a gift and I was taking advantage of his good nature. I was still trying to convince myself that when it came down to I would put the brakes on. This was an interlude something to prepare him for the sweet caress of my sex which he was never going to get.

  I had my mouth full to make any statement, but I think my actions spoke louder than anything I could say. I could feel one pronounced section of his anatomy pumping with a life of its own and I knew I was on the right track to receive the spillage of his cream.

  “Please…show mercy.” He had no idea what he was asking and mercy was the last thing on my mind. I had him ensnared and I was not going to let him go until he sputtered to the finish line. “Mother of God…is there no end to your gag reflex?” His plum sized knob was tickling my tonsils and I felt empowered to have this kind of hold over him. His orgasm was mine to give or mine to deny, but this wasn’t all about him.

  I took his greedy appendage out of my mouth, letting my hands glide along the length and squeezing every so often to get more from the tip. I was taking it step by step and I could see it in his eyes. The heat between his legs was burning my fingertips and I was looking at him to see how he was going to react.

  “Are you sure you really want me to show you mercy. I could stop altogether and leave you with a perpetual case of blue balls. I can always resort to bringing myself off in front of you making you watch without letting your fingers do the walking.” I had him on the edge with the knob a purple angry color. He was leaking profusely down ove
r my hand and I purposely brought it up to my mouth to lick it clean.

  “For god sakes…you have no idea what you’re doing to me and if you’re not careful I’m going to blow.” He could say that, but I had easily cut off the flow with two fingers pinching against his flesh. I wagged my finger back and forth to chastise him and make him realize that this was my show.

  “I know exactly what this is doing to you and you deserve much more. I want you to think about me in your cold sheets and beg for the chance to be with me again. I’m enjoying myself immensely and the only way this ends with a bang is if you make me believe how desperate you are to get off. I already feel it from your body, but I don’t hear it from your voice. Convey to me in your own words what you want and I might surprise you by giving it to you. I’m not promising anything.” The ball was literally in his court and those two heavy orbs looked like they were threatening to spew what was currently caught in a vise between my fingers.

  “You’re having way too much fun at my expense. I should just finish myself off in spite of your hunger for my seed. I can’t do that and I want desperately to make you swallow my load. I want to see your cheeks puff out with the intensity of my expulsion. I look at your eyes and I know you mean business which is the reason why you’re hearing me state my case. I’m begging you to finish what you started and I know I’m showing you weakness.” He was singing the tune I wanted to hear and I was going to give him something more than he bargained for.

  “You’re right and I’m having way too much fun, but I think you have eloquently made your position clear. It’s too bad and I was expecting more from you. I was going to let you feel the tightness of my hole gripping you until you had no choice but to shove it deep and let it fly.” I saw the look of expectation in his eyes and I knew he was kicking himself for letting his need for oral gratification get the best of him.


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