Daddy's Virgin Bride

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Daddy's Virgin Bride Page 31

by Nikki Bella

  “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come up here to join me. You have no idea how agonizing it is to talk to him and have you on my mind. We really do need to talk and I’ve given this a lot of thought.” Her hot breath was tickling the back of my neck and I could feel the signs of arousal pressing up against my pants.

  Her tongue touched the rim of my earlobe, tugging at it with her teeth and I was powerless to resist.

  I turned and was greeted with her masked face wearing the same little black dress which had become quite the focal point for when she was down on her knees under the table.

  My focus was on the strawberry gloss and the taste of her lips when she kissed me. It was different, not quite what I remembered, but the half of my anatomy on the rise wasn’t complaining.

  “I like this game you’re playing and something tells me that you are a little bit too excited for your own good.” She was palming the evidence of the heated missile and the way that she was rubbing me into submission was better than some who claimed they were only there for my pleasure.

  “You should really see what you do to me.” Her voice was muffled through the mask and she was purposely making things more electric by keeping things anonymous.

  The sound of her breathing was making every part of me feel charged with electricity. Any self-control vanished with the high voltage chemistry between us. My fingers decided to take a walk on their own, slowly sliding up her long and luscious leg. Her leg was soft and whatever razor she used had made her feel like velvet against my fingertips.

  “I’m getting very close and I can almost imagine what awaits me.” I could hear her moaning underneath her breath, but I could barely see her which only compounded the desire to push the envelope. I didn’t want to argue all day when it was more pleasurable to make love all night.

  I was waiting for her to say no, but those words never even entered into her vocabulary. I found her without panties and I was trying to hold back, but there was no way that I was going to win this battle of wills. I found myself turning right when I should’ve been turning left. It was a different path, but one that made me realize time was running short. The new component of this relationship had grown considerably. What I thought was going to be boring turned out to be something more than I expected.

  It was when I touched her mound that I froze in place and I reached for the lamp to find the object of my affection wasn’t who I thought it was.

  Chapter twenty-four


  I found a way to get lost in the crowd, moving from one conversation to another until I was at the stairs in the kitchen leading to the second floor. There was only the catering staff going about their business and they never even recognized that was in the room.

  “I don’t know where you think you are going, but this is not the time to run out on your father. Your makeup is ghastly and I suggest you go up to the washroom and clean up. You can use the master ensuite and that should tell you how important tonight is to him.” My mother had caught me red handed, but she had no idea what was currently simmering on a low heat upstairs.

  My mother could have asked me why my lipstick was like that, but she was showing remarkable restraint and keeping things cordial.

  “It would seem that I wasn’t watching what I was doing and maybe I should have taken a few more steps towards the mirror. Don’t worry; I’m not going to do anything to ruin father’s big night of fundraising. We both know it wasn’t meant for him. He always has an angle and why that even surprises me anymore is beyond me.” I was still the same little girl tugging at her apron even though I was a full grown woman in the prime of my life.

  “I would hope you would trust me enough not to lie to my face. Nobody else seems to notice, but you have been staying close to Nicholas. I hope your father never finds out and if I were you, I would end it before things turn ugly in this family.” I didn’t know I was that transparent, but there was never a time in my childhood that I could get away with anything with those eyes in the back of her head.

  “I’m begging you not to say anything and it would be better coming from us. I’m not looking forward to the way that his face is going to turn different shades of red. You know that sometimes a heart wants what it shouldn’t have. This is a painful reminder of how life can be cruel and rewarding at the same time.” I saw my father returning to the living room and easily immersing himself into a conversation like he hadn’t even left the room. It was a gift and one that he utilized on many occasions to get what he wanted.

  “I’m glad you are stepping up and showing responsibility for your actions. It shows that you don’t want to make your father into a laughingstock. I want you to seriously consider ending things. If what you’re doing with Nicholas isn’t more than physical then it shouldn’t be a hardship to let him go.” I took a deep breath and I think she knew things between Nicholas and me wasn’t something to fade into the woodwork.

  “I never wanted to hurt either one of you, but this is bigger than all of us combined. I do have feelings for him and I believe in the way that he speaks to me and the way that he looks at me that those feelings are returned.” She didn’t look happy, but she wasn’t screaming.

  “This thing between you and Nicholas better be important enough to risk alienating your father. I would ask respectfully that you keep things quiet until after he’s elected. It shouldn’t be more than a couple of months. He deserves more than to have his world come crashing down. I’m going to take it upon myself to save him and you and Nicholas better keep these feelings to yourselves.” She wasn’t giving me her blessing, but she wasn’t going to do anything to ruin what could be one of the happiest times of my life.

  “I will have to take it up with him and I will stand beside him with whatever decision he makes. Don’t be so sure that he’s going to comply and he has already expressed concern about keeping this a secret for too long as it is.” It was nice to have somebody to talk to, but I had a feeling this conversation was going to be the last she wanted to hear of this.

  “I need you to think about your father and what this could do to his campaign. I wouldn’t want to get in between him and his political aspirations. It is better to hear it from you than anybody else, but surely you understand the need for discretion. I saw how you disappeared and how Nicholas’s face changed. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what you were doing under the table.” I was ashamed and embarrassed and how she was looking at me made me feel like I was 2-feet tall.

  “It was exciting and I make no excuses other than we really can’t seem to keep our hands off of one another. Just to get close to him has made my life complete. He’s not using me for sex and I really don’t think this is a conversation you want to be having.” I was no good without him and I had never been in the position of needing anyone.

  “I’ve been where you’re at and your father was a bad boy which was an appeal for someone that was pretty much sheltered from what is considered the real world. Sneak around and enjoy yourselves. By the time he’s elected, there’s no telling where your relationship will be at that moment. It could be still going strong or fizzle like a candle in the night.” She was probably hoping for the latter, but I was looking toward to the future instead of the present.

  “I will take everything you say under advisement, but there’s nothing I can do if he wants to come clean. I would say it is a testament to his character and the longer this goes on the stronger his feelings will get.” She was interrupted by questions from the catering staff and I used that to slip quietly up the stairs with my high heels in my hands.

  I knew this place like the back of my hand and I found the master bedroom fairly quickly. I went inside and used the bathroom a little bit surprised that he wasn’t there waiting for me. I thought we had agreed to meet in the bathroom, but something had changed his course of direction.

  I remembered how he was cornered by my father and I was in the position of listening to every word with his bes
t friend’s cock in my mouth. It was hard not to get a giddy thrill out of doing something like that with my father standing oblivious to what was obviously going on right in front of him.

  My father did have an office and I would check to make sure that Nicholas was there. I made my way down the hall cautious of any voices that might attract my attention. His office was his refuge from the headaches of the day.

  The door was closed and I went closer until I had my ear against the wood grain. I heard something and the moans of pleasure made me wonder who would possibly have the gall to have sex in my father’s office.

  I couldn’t hear what was being said, but it was most likely whispers of encouragement to take things to the next level of intimacy. It was kinda fun to be the fly on the wall, but my curiosity was getting the best of me.

  I looked up and down the hall to make sure nobody was going to witness my attempt to sneak a peek into a private moment between two lovers in the throes of passion. I turned the handle half expecting to find it locked from the inside, but in their haste to be with one another they had left themselves open to an audience.

  The room was bathed in darkness and I could see two figure’s over by the couch. Growing up, I would always sneak into the room in the middle of the night and stay there by my father’s side until he finished with his day to day work. If I was awake, he would teach me the finer points of business acquisition, but it was just a comfort to know that he was at hand.

  It seemed wrong they were conducting themselves in such a manner and they were destroying a little girl’s memory of some father and daughter alone time.

  I was about to turn on the light to catch them in the act, but they beat me to the punch. The lamp beside the couch came on and the girl on her knees had her hand clutched to something that I thought belonged to me.

  “It’s not what you think and I can explain.” Those words were what every woman feared would happen and each time it was always what you thought and there was no explanation.

  Chapter twenty-five


  I could see her standing there at the door with her mouth wide open in shock at what she was witnessing with her own eyes. Tina was a long ago acquaintance and I had invited her to the party.

  “Do you want to try again or is this the story you’re going to stick with? I wish that men could be honest, but I really thought you were one of the good ones.” Tina had become something of a means to an end. I had requested her services and there was no way to put the genie back in the bottle.

  “Little girl, isn’t it obvious what is happening and you certainly didn’t think he was a one woman kind of guy.” Tina was playing the part we had agreed to and the only way to escape was to let things continue. I didn’t want to hurt Samantha and her family. The only way she was going to leave me was by being with another woman.

  “I can’t believe you would do this to me and you better have something more to say for yourself than it’s not what it looks like. Don’t treat me like I don’t have a brain in my head.” I wasn’t expecting Tina to turn things up a notch, but finding me without realizing I was waiting for Samantha was a good way to make things seem like I was cheating on her.

  “It’s better this happened now than later and I can’t be trusted which I’m sure you can agree with. I didn’t mean for this to happen, but men like me need more than what one woman can offer. We don’t have to make this any more than what it is.” She was fuming and the act perpetrated had worked better than expected. It was crazy to think this was a good idea and being with Samantha was going to cause all sorts of problems.

  “This has to be some sort of joke, but do you see any teeth to indicate that I’m laughing. You would turn down the opportunity to be with me for some floozy with no morals to speak of. She only wants one thing and I’m not talking about what is currently in her hand.” Tina was a past love and we had kept in contact over the years with both of us promising to be there when the chips were down.

  I would have acquired Jessica’s services for such an occasion, but it seemed more real coming from a socialite with enough plastic surgery to last a lifetime. She didn’t need to go under the knife, but she was always self-conscious about her image. She had a reputation to uphold and one that required her to be front and center during public appearances. Her job was in the private sector of pharmaceuticals.

  “If you don’t mind, could you close the door on your way out and Nicholas and I have some unfinished business to conduct under the covers. I know this is not what you want to hear, but maybe you should stick to someone your own age.” I might’ve been a little older, but this comment from Tina was well below the belt. I was tempted to bring this to an end and tell the truth, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything to contradict what Tina was saying.

  “I need to hear you say it and I want you to make me believe it. I’ve been waiting for the right one and I should’ve known your only purpose was to get into my pants. I hope the money was well worth it and I would hate to think that I disappointed you. Sleeping with you for the money was the most degrading thing I’ve ever done in my life. Don’t talk to me and if I see you drowning I’m going to offer you a glass of water.” She slammed the door leaving me to wonder if I did the right thing.

  “Nicholas, I don’t want to judge unfairly, but she really did love you. I did this because you asked me to, but I’m not feeling very good about it. Are you sure you’re doing the right thing by cutting her loose like that? I don’t want to be the reason for your happiness. I will say that you may have dodged a bullet and I have some information which might be quite troubling.” She whispered into my ear, sitting on my lap and letting me feel the hunger of her body grinding in a slow circle.

  “I don’t believe you and I’m going to need some kind of confirmation before acting on this information. Do you have any idea what you’re saying? If this is even remotely true then I’ve seriously given this man too much ammunition.” Betrayal was the worst thing that anybody could commit and to have it happen closer to home was causing my head to spin.

  “If you don’t believe me then you should talk to Jessica and she wanted me to tell you because she didn’t want to do it herself.” I immediately made a call and found that the information was irrefutable.

  “I still don’t believe it, but I can adapt to just about anything. I am going to make him pay and you know what they say about keeping your friends close and your enemies even closer. You’ll know what to do with the information sent to you and I expect results sooner than later. I can be a friend, but the one thing you don’t want is to make me an enemy.” I was sitting up and I could tell that Tina wanted more than anything to make things more physical.

  “I know how you get, Nicholas and the only enemy you really need to worry about is you. He must’ve had a good reason and maybe you should talk to him before you take this kind of action. You have to admit that once it’s done then there’s no way to take it back. I will give you a couple of hours to change your mind. I owe you a debt and I hope this little act will clean the slate. This time you’ll be the one to owe me a favor, but not until you give me the green light to go forward.” I sometimes go off half cocked, but life had a funny way of throwing curveballs when I least expected it.

  “Confronting him will be the least of his worries and once this information passes to the right hands then everything will change. His pristine image will be tarnished and his life will never be the same again. I might have my demons, but I keep them buried deep unlike some people.” Jackson was only the tip of the iceberg and what he had alluded to was coming back to punch me in the face.

  “I will await your call and I hope for the sake of your sanity it never comes. You have skirted the dark side, but I’m afraid that this will push you over the edge. You fight with every fiber of your being to stay within the lines of reason. Doing this will change you and the dark side I mentioned already will become second nature. Nobody will be immune.” I had a lot to think about an
d losing Samantha was a huge blow to my mental well being.

  “Expect me to call within the hour and I don’t want to hear you try to change my mind again. I can’t stand somebody smiling in front of me and holding a knife behind their back. It’s the little things that get to me and I thought we were above this kind of petty maneuver.” I was ready to be the kind of man Samantha could be proud of, but this was something unavoidable.

  “I want you to weigh the pros and cons of bringing this to the press. He may never know where it came from, but this will fester inside like a cancer. You’ll lose a part of your soul and I doubt that you’ll ever be able to get it back. If it’s all the same to you, this is not a man I want to associate myself with and keeping my distance might be a wise decision.” I felt nothing and my whole body was numb like I had been immersed into a bathtub full of ice.

  She left me alone and I stayed completely still looking at the wall. I wanted to break something, become a one-man wrecking crew, but to him, this was nothing more than a business move.

  I got up and opened the window wide enough to throw myself on the mercy of the pavement below. I had my hands on the windowsill feeling this need to scream at the moon like some kind of maniac. I was grinning, feeling like what I had for Samantha was meant to fall apart in my hands and knowing it was almost comical how those actions came back full circle.

  I could almost forgive him considering what I was doing with his daughter. I went back and forth during that hour on what to do. If I were to allow him to get away with this then it would set a dangerous precedent.

  I made the phone call and was grateful that Tina was willing to pick up after the 10th ring. “I was hoping my unwillingness to pick up would give you food for thought. I’ll make the arrangements and you might just make the front page of the early edition. The press is going to have a field day and you do know his campaign is going to become nothing more than forgotten history.” I didn’t say anything and my silence was more than enough to confirm this was how I was going to handle things with Samantha’s father.


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