Monroe, Melody Snow - Bodyguards of Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bodyguards of Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Drug mule? The thought never crossed her mind, though why should it? Her parents taught her that people were genuinely good. “That makes me feel a little better, knowing the victim wasn’t some innocent man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  His hazel eyes darkened. “You need to understand that men into drugs will stop at nothing to keep their operation running. Do you know what I’m saying?”

  Her legs weakened and she plastered her back against the wall for support. “I’m a loose end, and loose ends need to be cut off.” She grabbed her churning stomach. Could this get any worse? When he didn’t move, she looked up at him. “By all means, check the house. I won’t move.” Even a fire might not get her to leave her spot.

  He tossed her a quick smile and her pulse slowed. No man deserved to be so handsome. The fact he was kind kept her off-kilter. In her world, nice and handsome didn’t mix, at least not when it involved her.

  As soon as he jogged upstairs and left her alone, she glanced toward the living room. Her imagination ran rampant, and she almost expected to see someone leap from behind the sofa and charge at her. A shiver raced up her body. Calm down and study the scene. Be a true geek and let logic rule.

  She inhaled and tried to see if anything appeared out of place. From where she stood, all looked good, and given her front door had been locked and no windows appeared broken, she might be safe.

  Gavin’s footsteps sounded upstairs. Mentally, she pictured him going from her office to her bedroom. Oh, God. He’d spot the two bras thrown on her bed that she’d tried on this morning. Yikes. Then there were the clothes from yesterday she’d dumped on her dresser that she had yet to hang up. He’d conclude she was a total slob and probably decide he couldn’t have her stay with him.

  Then when he checked her bathroom that desperately needed cleaning, he’d freak. The store had been so crazy busy after Christmas that she hadn’t been motivated to do a thorough house cleaning. She kept promising herself she’d spent one whole weekend just dusting and mopping, but the days kept slipping away.

  A few minutes later he returned, held up his finger, and headed for the kitchen. His thoroughness really impressed her. Gavin seemed determined to make sure nothing more happened.

  She got that her dad wanted her to live in this kind of neighborhood because it was similar to where she grew up, but no one had taken such care in making sure she wouldn’t be harmed. Did Gavin act this way to every new person he met?

  The man definitely intrigued her.

  Finally, he returned and faced her. “I’m afraid there’s been a breach.”

  A pain pierced her heart, and once more her brain had trouble comprehending exactly what he meant. “Describe breach. No one else is in the house, right?”

  “We’re alone, and I’d have to go outside to be sure how he did it, but there’s a hole in the glass near the window lock that would enable him to enter if he wishes.”

  Her stomach rolled. Why was this happening to her? “You think he was planning to come back while I was sleeping and kill me?” Her voice shook as pinpricks of fear rippled up her spine.

  He clasped her shoulders and moved close, acting as if he might need to hold her up. “That’s my guess. The guy was clever, too. He glued the glass back in place so his handiwork wouldn’t be obvious. I’ll call someone to get it fixed.”

  She shook her head, not believing that this man had located her house so quickly, and then sabotaged her home. “Maybe I should take out an ad in the paper saying I was unable to identity him.” That probably sounded stupid, but she needed to grasp onto something tangible.

  He stroked a knuckle down her cheek and heat raced all over her body. “I won’t let him get you. I promise.”

  His sincerity seemed to alter something inside her, but even Gavin Kirkwood couldn’t keep all evil away. “Unless you never leave my side, how do you plan on accomplishing that?” She straightened her shoulders.

  “What you said. By never leaving your side.”

  The idea of him staying next to her ratcheted her pulse. The womanly part of her was delighted to be in his company, but her heart knew she’d only be disappointed in the end. Brooke cleared her dry throat. “If you think it’s safe now, I’ll go pack.”

  He nodded but didn’t move.

  She glanced to the stairs then back at him. “Could you come up with me?”

  His jawline softened, and he ran a hand down her arm. “He’s not up there, baby.”

  Her pussy dampened at the endearment.

  What’s wrong with you? He didn’t mean anything by it. He’s just trying to keep you calm. “You didn’t look outside. There’s no guarantee the killer isn’t there right now.”

  “If it makes you feel safer, I’ll be happy to escort you. I’m sorry. I figured you wanted privacy.”

  Once more his thoughtful action made her feel like she was in a Cinderella dream. As she headed up the stairs, he stayed close behind. They entered her bedroom and Gavin immediately leaned his back against the wall near the door. Packing jeans, socks, sweaters, and shirts wouldn’t be a problem. It was when she had to scavenge through her underwear drawer that heat shot up her face.

  You asked him to keep you safe, so don’t moan.

  Two suitcases later, she had what she’d need for at least a week. She bent down to pick up her case, but Gavin managed to grab them before her fingers touched the handle.

  “I got ’em.”

  His voice implied she shouldn’t argue. “Thanks.”

  He jogged down the steps, acting like the suitcases weighed nothing. She would have struggled had she carried them. As soon as he stepped outside, his head swiveled like an owl looking for some prey.

  “Be sure to lock up,” he said.

  That was one suggestion he didn’t have to make. After making sure the house was secure, she tossed the keychain in her purse, then followed him down the steps.

  He placed her suitcases in the back of his car. As he held open her door, his gaze searched the neighborhood once more. “Everything looks good.”

  The five-mile drive to his house seemed short. Once he pulled in front of his home, Gavin pressed a remote and pulled into his garage a moment later. This wasn’t the kind of home she pictured for the hot detective. It was a rather ordinary ranch-style house made of brick with white window trim. While the outside was well lit, it didn’t scream money or safety.

  “Welcome to casa Kirkwood-Landon.” The garage door closed with a clunk.

  Unpacked boxes littered the walls. Some had labels on them, a few of which denoted the contents belonged in the kitchen.

  He nodded to the stuff. “We’re still getting settled.”

  She stepped out of the car. “Does your roommate know I’m spending the night?” He’d mentioned he shared the house with Riley Landon, one of his detective partners. Other than staring at hot Riley when he’d come to the store with Gavin, she didn’t remember much about his character. Gavin had asked most of the computer questions.


  “He won’t mind?” Once more her stomach tumbled.

  He tossed her a smile. “Why should he?” His brows rose. “I’m a grown man.”

  Her jaw dropped. The implication was that he could bring home anyone he wanted. Well, this wasn’t some date. “You said you had a spare bedroom.”

  “Shit. Sorry. Yes, we do. That came out all wrong.” He rushed to the back of his car and yanked out her suitcases.

  He was probably as edgy as she was. She bet it wasn’t every day he was stuck taking in a stray woman. “That’s okay. I understand.” Usually she was the one to tangle her words.

  “Follow me.”

  They entered through a kitchen that contained a huge center island with tall chairs abutting the edge. What she hadn’t expected was granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Given the apparent age of the home, she was surprised the house was an open concept. “I really like it.”

  “It’s a great party hangout.�

  If he hadn’t unpacked, how had he had time to party? Oh, yeah. He was a guy.

  Now she was curious who his friends might be. She knew most of the people in Pleasure. If he was Justin’s cousin, then the sheriff might have introduced him to all the people he hung out with. She mentally ticked off some names, the most prominent being Luke and Preston Caufield, the owners of the Mountain View Bar & Grill.

  “You okay?” Gavin stepped closer.

  She forced a smile. Daydreaming wasn’t good. “Yes.” Not really. “But I could really use a hot shower.” Even thought he’d turned the car heat to high, she was still chilled.

  “Right this way.” Carrying her two cases, he led her down a hallway. “This is my room, and the last door on the right is Riley’s. The guest room is in the middle.”

  He opened the door and flicked on the switch. She followed him in. “Pink?”

  He chuckled. “My mom’s touch. When we were house hunting, my sister flew in from Baltimore to help me find this place. She’s a realtor. Once we moved in, my mom came and insisted we decorate, so you’re bound to see a lot of feminine touches. At some point, Riley and I will redecorate, but in all honesty, we’re not real homebodies.”

  If she could figure out a way, she’d work from home. She loved to shop and pick out cool furniture and accessories. “I like it. Pink is one of my favorite colors.”

  He nodded to her pink purse. “I can tell. I’m afraid, there’s no attached bath, and only a half bath across the hall, so you’ll have to use either mine or Riley’s to shower. I suggest you use his unless you like to shower in scum.”

  She laughed, the first time since the incident, but it was more to cover her embarrassment. “Been busy, huh?” He was a man after her own heart.

  “If only you knew, though to be honest, I’d rather hire someone to clean than do it myself.” His eyes sparkled. “With three older sisters, I was kind of spoiled growing up. I’d move something for them or help them with their homework and in turn, they’d keep my room clean.”

  “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a little bartering. I’ve traded many a favor for fixing someone’s computer or helping with a website.”

  He grinned and focused his gaze on her. “We’re a lot alike.”

  Her heart skipped beat. If only that were true.

  Gavin set down her cases, and when he tilted her chin up, his eyes slightly glazed, and her damned pussy clenched with desire. Was he going to kiss her? There was no way a man as self-assured and competent as Gavin Kirkwood would want to kiss a geek like her.

  “I like your laugh and love your smile.” He lowered his hand and cleared his throat. “I’ll get you some fresh towels.”

  Damn. He jogged out as if he’d only now noticed her glasses, her out of control curly hair, and the fact her hips were too wide. She could tell he’d debated kissing her.

  He returned with a large bath towel, a hand towel, and washcloth, all of which looked new. “Here ya go. I won’t disturb you for the rest of the night. Take all the time you need.” His sentences came out rushed, implying his mind must be spinning as fast as hers. “Crap. I forgot to ask. Have you eaten?”


  “I’ll rectify that right now. Be prepared to be surprised.” He grinned and left.

  Brooke closed the door and stepped over to the window, mulling over his comment. Could he cook or not? It didn’t matter. He seemed eager to please her, and that counted a lot in her book.

  Not that she expected to see much at night, but perhaps the back was as well lit as the front. She pulled open the curtain to find a half-acre yard that looked like a park. A cement patio sat off to the right with covered tables and chairs. Justin implied Gavin’s home was the safest place in Pleasure right now. Perhaps there was an invisible security fence that would send an alarm if an intruder came into their yard. That would be cool.

  Pots banged in the kitchen. Crap. If he was making dinner, she didn’t want to keep him waiting. She set her suitcases on the empty dresser and pulled out what she’d need to change into after her shower.

  With the towel and a change of clothes in hand, she stepped out of her room and walked down the hall to Riley’s bedroom. She formed his image in her mind’s eye. His slightly shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes—not that she’d noticed—belonged to someone who seemed to be at ease with everyone he came in contact with. Now she regretted not making more of an effort to speak with him.

  She inhaled and stepped into his private domain.

  “Whoa.” This wasn’t what she expected for a casual type of guy. The excitement over the intimacy of viewing his room surprised her.

  The metal-framed, king-size bed at an angle in the room was neatly made. The gray bedspread was plain but nice, and he had one dresser, with only one picture on top. Nothing adorned the walls. She couldn’t get a handle on this guy other than decorating wasn’t his thing. She set her clothes on the bed.

  While snooping was rude, she allowed herself a few seconds to check out his closet. Small hidden places told a lot about a person. She opened the louvered doors. Yikes. He was definitely a control freak. The plastic hangers were hung at even spaces, and he had a ton of jeans and a bunch of camouflage shirts and pants. Perhaps the most striking characteristic was that every item was either Army green or black, as if he loved to sneak around.

  Take your shower, girl.

  Heaven help her if Gavin came to check on her only to find her at Riley’s closet.

  She placed her glasses on top of her clothes and rushed into the bathroom. She halted. Her eyesight wasn’t the sharpest, but even without her glasses, she noticed the counter was completely empty. She felt like she’d walked into a hotel room. The medicine cabinet graced the right side wall. She opened it and leaned close to examine the contents. She told herself that if she was about to entrust her life with these men, she should understand them.

  You’re nosy. She refused to address her real motivation.

  Other than a tube of toothpaste, an electric toothbrush, razor, shaving cream, and some first aid supplies, there was nothing to indicate who he really was. Riley was quite the enigma.

  So as not to delay any more, she peeled off her blouse. Phew. Her pits stunk. She turned on the water and finished undressing. As soon as the water warmed, she stepped under the showerhead. The heat was divine. She closed her eyes and attempted to force away the image of that man stabbing his mule in the stomach, but the movie continued to play in her head. Even knowing the victim might have been carrying drugs, her stomach still heaved at the violence.

  She scrubbed her body hard, in part to wash away the terror. The only way to get through these next few weeks would be not to dwell on the fact someone wanted to kill her.

  So as not to keep Gavin waiting, she quickly washed her hair, rinsed, and stepped out of the shower. Damn. Her comb and brush were back in her room. Oh, well. She towel dried the best she could and wrapped her only towel around her dripping hair. Naked, she pulled open the door and rushed into the now-chilly bedroom to change.

  A tall man whipped around and grinned. “Well, hello there.”

  Oh, shit.

  Chapter Three

  Riley drank in the beauty before him. When he’d come in through the kitchen, Gavin had warned him that Brooke was here, but, man, he hadn’t expected her to be in his room. Her full tits made his mouth water. God help him, but the girl had hips and a waist like a woman should.

  She sucked in a breath and covered her pussy. Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry.” She gyrated around, dashed back into the bathroom, and slammed the door.

  Shit. He hadn’t meant to mortify her. Riley swallowed a nervous laugh and adjusted his balls. He stepped to the closed door, wanting to explain. “I didn’t know you were here.” When she didn’t answer, he knocked. “My bad. I’m leaving now. You can come out.” He left, making sure to close the door with a thud.

  His initial joy totally disappeared. Embarrassing Brooke hadn’t been hi
s plan. The poor girl had been through one traumatic event already and finding herself naked in front of a stranger wouldn’t help settle her nerves.

  Riley rushed to the kitchen. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me Brooke was using my bathroom?”

  Gavin faced him. “Fuck. I thought she’d have been finished by now and gone back to her room. Sorry.” He kept his gaze on Riley’s face. “Don’t tell me you—”

  “Yeah. Buck naked.” Gavin whistled. “How long is she staying?” Part of him wanted it to be a long time, but another part knew he’d have a hard time doing his job with her underfoot.

  Gavin shook his head. “I don’t know. I told her for the night, but someone was ready to attack her at her house. The upstairs bedroom window was broken.” He explained how the intruder had carefully put the glass back to avoid detection. He then relayed how the hooded man killed the victim, and the subsequent search in the man’s body cavity.

  “Jesus. Who is this guy? It reminds me of the Kumchek case a few years back.”

  “Me, too. You know what badasses they were.”

  “If the vic was a mule, what the hell was he doing in Pleasure?”

  “Hiding out, maybe?”

  “Possibly.” Riley nodded toward the hallway. “How is she holding up?”

  “Better than expected.” Gavin opened the oven. He’d cooked a pizza. “Needs a few more minutes.”

  “So now what?” To be honest, he’d been a little bored since coming here. He’d enjoy digging his teeth into a good case.

  “We keep her safe.”

  * * * *

  Brooke stood with her back to the closed bedroom door. How could she walk out there and act as if nothing had happened when Riley had seen her naked? Now every time he looked at her, he’d remember her fat hips and big tits. Good thing she hadn’t been wearing her glasses. If she had, she might have seen the disgust on his face.

  Her sister would say she was being ridiculous. Brooke was thirty years old and had slept with several men, so what was the big deal? Well, Ceci never had a guy sleep with her because of a bet. Her beautiful sister didn’t know what it was like to walk into the kitchen of her date’s house the next morning and see him taking money from his roommate, saying next time he slept with a cow, it would be for a lot more than fifty dollars.


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