Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles Page 10


  Now I’d done the same thing by wanting to shower with him. I’d also asked him to teach me about the sex he preferred. There was something to be said about ignorant bliss. I knew he would never cause me physical pain, at least not on purpose. It’s not as though I was uninformed about this particular kind of sex, but I wasn’t fully savvy either. Plus, I’d never agreed to anal anything in the past, and now just the thought made me shiver—not in a good way.

  Jasper dressed me in a robe, then carried me to his room. I did adore the way he held me and the feeling of safety in his arms. He set me down on his bed and placed a lantern in the bathroom. I heard the shower. Then he came back into the bedroom.

  “You’re sure about this? My feelings will not be hurt if you’re having second thoughts,” he said as he retrieved items from the nightstand.

  “No. I want this.” You’re such a liar. You just want to make him happy. Hide the fear.

  “Ms. Jones, I sense you’re less than thrilled.” He sat next to me. “I’ll be truthful. From what I’ve heard, the first time is often more painful than not. I have never really cared to ask anyone beforehand. I need to be open with you. A lover’s gratification was never material. It was all about me. But if this is something you’re truly willing to try, I will do my best to make it a comfortable experience for you. I do know each time will continue to ease any discomfort.”

  “Wait. We’re gonna do this more than once?” I asked in horror, staring bug-eyed at his substantial length. Just the thought made me uneasy.

  He laughed. “Only if you find it pleasurable.” Jasper assured me as he pulled the robe off.

  I followed as we walked naked to the shower.

  Jesus, I was right about that showerhead. Every spray landed in the right spot. Any aches I had from the long-overdue sex were quickly removed. I let Jasper wash me with his body soap, knowing I would smell like him all day tomorrow. His hands drifted lower, and he dropped the sponge as he began to massage my sex. Two fingers separated my lips as he kissed me. The hues of his tattoos became more vibrant in the water, and I licked his chest as he continued playing with my clit.

  I felt him swell as he continued to finger me. I toyed with his balls and brushed one finger up the side of his shaft.

  “Daisy, you need to relax. I can feel your tension. I’m asking you to trust me,” he uttered, gargling water. “I want you to allow me to give you ecstasy you never thought possible.”

  “I trust you, but I’m scared. You’re really big, and I’m so tiny.”

  His hand searched for a clear tube. I had used lubrication before when that peckerhead in high school took my virginity, then wanted to fuck me in the ass. I had said no to the anal then, in college, and twice to Maynard. Jasper was different. I wanted him satisfied, and I knew doing this would accomplish that. He applied a generous amount to his cock. Then he asked me to face the glass wall. The lube was cold as he applied what felt like a handful.

  “Are you ready? I’m going to prep you first. This will be trial and error for us both. I’ve never prepared anyone because I didn’t care. I really am a callous man. I have no idea why you’re allowing this, other than you want to please me. Welcome to arse play, Daisy Jones.”

  Jasper circled one finger at my back entrance. With a single digit, he began to probe, advancing a little at a time. My initial reaction was to squeeze the intruder out.

  “Is this all right?” he asked as he added yet another finger. “Don’t push me out,” he demanded softly as he nipped the top of my shoulder. His two digits began to scissor inside me as my breathing became labored.

  As strange as it felt, there was a different sensation pulsing in my pussy. My hands pressed against the frosted glass of the stall. Jasper was right. As much as what he was doing was uncomfortable, it also felt strangely good.

  His tongue licked the base of my neck as he began to moan. “I need to be inside you.” At this moment, his fingers were completely embedded in my ass.

  My body became taut as I thought about his dick replacing those digits. “Promise me you won’t hurt me.”

  “Never. I’ll go slowly. The head is the widest. Once you get past that, it should bring you a sense of euphoria. Just say the word, and I’ll release you from your wish.”

  I sensed his condom-covered cock at my backside. He applied more lube to my puckered hole. With his left hand, he found my clit as his right hand fed his length into my ass. I held my breath as nerve endings caught fire and the tightness almost choked me. The farther he tunneled, the more the pain increased until it was replaced with a warm sense of bliss. I could hear his breath heave as he placed both hands above mine on the glass.

  “Fuck, you’re tight. Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” I sobbed, not because it was painful, but the agony stimulated me in a way I’d never felt before. Dizziness swept over me.

  Jasper dropped one hand and began fondling my pussy again, applying pressure to my clit. There was a tempest building inside me, a sensation I’d never known. His balls began slapping at my rear as his pace picked up. The feral cry that came from Jasper echoed in the bathroom as my own orgasm peaked. Ecstasy. I’d never known what that word meant until right now.

  Jasper’s sudden withdrawal had me at a breathless loss. He spun me around. “Thank you,” he choked out, looking down at me as his lips descended on mine. It was a soft, feathery kiss that turned into a desire to devour.

  As he stepped from the shower, he grabbed a towel from the hook and cocooned me in it. Once I was out, he turned off the water and got rid of the condom, then dried himself. He washed his hands, then scooped me up and laid me in his bed. He slid in next to me, fluffing the pillow under his head.

  “Did you want me to stay? I can go back to my room if this is too weird for you,” I offered, letting him off the hook because I knew how Jasper felt about his privacy.

  “No, I want you to stay. You trusted me even though you were terrified.”

  “You’ve never had a woman sleep in your bed before. I don’t want you to think I expect it just because of tonight. I don’t want you to be sorry tomorrow.”

  He chuckled. “It is tomorrow. It’s almost three. And you have nothing to worry about. You gave me something you’ve never allowed another man. I’ll regret nothing. Now, how about some well-deserved rest? I’m sure I could look the other way if you wanted to come into work late.”

  “Oh, I never sleep in,” I replied as I turned into him.

  “Who said anything about sleeping?”

  Chapter Twenty


  As promised, I used my tongue to wake Daisy three hours later. Once I finished dining, I fucked her, leaving a rosy glow to her cheeks.

  She had gone into work an hour later, leaving me to contemplate last night’s event. I straightened my tie, then slipped on a jacket and walked down the hall, clasping my watch. I smiled upon entering the kitchen. There was a shake tumbler sitting next to a ten-pound container of protein powder. There wasn’t a note, only a daisy on the lid. She must have plucked it from the grounds.

  The heart that lay dormant for so many years now beat, newly awakened. As I drank my protein concoction, I knew I would have to break ties with Fady. She never opted for more than we had, but she was a woman, and if she found out about Daisy, I knew it wouldn’t end well. Fady had already made comments regarding our new accountant’s southern accent, clothing, and upbringing. That was when I’d decided not to confide in her about Daisy staying at the house.

  Fady knew our liaison wouldn’t last. It had already exceeded its expiration. I hadn’t actually lied about why I’d chosen not to see her last evening. The weather was a large part of my thinking, but I also hadn’t wanted to leave Daisy by herself since this was her first island storm.

  I swallowed the last of my breakfast, then left. The storm had passed, leaving only a few lingering clouds. Howard had been busy. All the shutters were gone, and the outdoor furniture had been put back in place. The hose was
rolled up, and the sweeper was humming as it cleaned the pool. I would have to give that man a bonus.

  I got to my office and flicked on the lights. Reese would arrive momentarily because I’d left him a message. I had no intention of repeating Kai’s error of having us both find out weeks later that he was having an affair with Tegan, his now wife.

  “Fady, can you bring me a mug of black coffee.” I spoke into the intercom.

  “No tea? You’ve never asked for coffee.”

  I paused. “Not this morning. Maybe later. Right now, just coffee. Maybe bring two cups since Reese is on his way.”

  “How was your night? I slept through most of the storm. You were missed.”

  I cleared my throat. I was torn about how to handle this dilemma. I couldn’t very well end our tryst via the intercom system, and Reese would be here any minute. This was my fault. I should have never begun an affair with my assistant.

  You’re starting one with the executive accountant.

  My thoughts lingered because I wanted more with Daisy. “I don’t think this is the time to talk about such things. Just the coffee, please.”

  “Right away, sir.” Her tone was clipped.

  I’d never had problems with women before. They ultimately knew the score. I enjoyed variety and never saw a woman more than twice. Fady had been an exception, and now, ending our situation would be complicated.

  I had known Daisy almost three months, and we’d only had sex last night. I was certain she would never allow me to sleep around, and I’d voiced she was mine. But was I hers? Did I want to belong to a woman? She wasn’t even divorced. Did that matter? It hadn’t when I swore to keep her safe. But then I had no intention of fucking her.

  Bullshite. You always knew it would happen eventually. Maybe that part was true, but having feelings for her wasn’t.

  I enjoyed the fact that Daisy fawned over me. The sex was secondary. I realized now that all the baking and cooking was meant to keep her awake, but still, she’d managed to increase my waistline. She was sweet and needed me for more than just fucking. She had even allowed me to show her what I preferred sexually. I vowed to protect Daisy from her husband, and indeed I would, even though it was now interlaced with us having sex. And yes, I planned to have her every night. I grinned because Daisy might know how to cook, but I knew how to fuck, and both would keep us satisfied. And if the woman continued to feed me her home cooking, at least the sex would help decrease the calorie absorption.

  “It’s too early to be so jovial,” Reese commented as he flopped on the sofa.

  “This is true. I’m quite out of sorts myself. Fady is bringing us coffee.”

  “Wait, not tea? Oh my God, is the sky falling? Has the queen died?”

  “Don’t be absurd. Her majesty is in good health, and no, the sky isn’t falling. I just felt like coffee. Is it mandated that I must have tea every morning?”

  “Yeah, it’s been tea for the last five years. What’s changed? Wait, what the hell is that?” He pointed.

  “Good God, what are you on about now?”

  “Is that a hickey? First coffee, and now this?” Reese said comically. “I asked you to stay home one night, but no, you had to see Fady. Damn you for being so inconsiderate. Daisy was probably scared to death.”

  Well, that’s true, at least in the shower. “I wasn’t with Fady last night,” I noted, extremely perturbed as I walked into the bathroom. There was a medium-size mark on my neck, resembling a bruise. “Bloody hell,” I expelled loudly. Daisy must have given me this during sex.

  Well, I supposed no time like the present to tell Reese.

  “Here’s your coffee,” I heard Fady announce.

  “Jasper’s in the bathroom. I think he may be in there a while,” Reese responded.

  Thank God, because I didn’t want her to find out like this. In truth, I wanted to avoid a confrontation as long as possible.

  “You can come out now, Mr. Manwhore.”

  “I have an explanation,” I said seriously.

  I shrugged at Reese’s smirk.

  “Well, what I think is after months of screwing Fady, you finally had your fill and went trolling for sex from somebody else instead of going home and staying with Daisy like I asked. One fucking night, man. And on top of it, you allowed some woman to suck on your neck. Jesus, Jasper, what are you, a teenage boy?”

  “I did go home.”

  “Yeah, but for how long? To change clothes?”

  “All night. I stayed all night.”

  Reese appeared to be having a problem figuring out what I was saying. “Oh man, you are an asshole. What did you do?” he finally asked, sounding extremely irked.

  “It was consensual. She had a nightmare.”

  “So you thought you’d fuck away the bad dreams?” Reese spit out.

  I took a sip of coffee. It was hot as hell, burning my tongue. I took the mug and sat next to him.

  “Look, it happened, and I’m willing to end it with Fady. I know this may come as a shocking revelation, but I want to be with Daisy. I’ve never been with anyone like her, and I enjoy the way she makes me feel.”

  “Eventually, you’ll break her heart. I know you don’t have one, or even a soul, but don’t start something when you know you’ll grow tired of her southern charm, leaving her devastated.”

  “It’s already begun. I know you don’t believe me, but I have feelings for her—ones I never thought would surface—and I won’t ignore them. I swear to you I have nothing but good intentions.”

  Reese lifted an eyebrow.

  “I need you to trust me on this. Can you do that?”

  “I’ll try, but if I see you spiraling out of control, I’m pulling you back. You’ve never cared about anyone, with the exception of your sister and her kid. Something happened to you, something that broke you and killed your spirit. I know you won’t talk to me, but I won’t have your secrets breaking Daisy. I care about her, and maybe I’m envious that she chose you.”

  “I’m not sure she chose me. I had no intention of fucking her. This could be easily blamed on you, since it was at your request I retreated to my home.”

  Reese snorted. “I in no way told you to have sex with her. I just didn’t want her alone during the storm.”

  “And she wasn’t. She and I were together all night. Now, can you tell me how to cover this monstrosity?”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I had been staring at the computer for over an hour, but my mind kept drifting to memories of last night and this morning. I’d heard the gossip about Jasper. Although, he kept whoever he was having sex with quite private. Around the water cooler, I’d been told about the big scandal two years ago, involving all three owners, several employees, and a client. Kai Addison, the creator of VIP, had fathered a child and married the client. There was female speculation that Jasper and Reese were still screwing employees, but nothing was known for sure.

  I knew Jasper had a dark side. He’d made that apparent when he vowed to kill my husband if he came near me. But last night, he was tender and caring. I still had a hard time believing I’d had anal sex with him. I couldn’t deny him; I hadn’t wanted to. He created a fire within me that burned hotter than I believed possible. It had only been intercourse with the three men before him, but last night and this morning, it was clearly fucking.

  Jasper, with his tongue buried deep inside, caused me to both orgasm and wake up simultaneously. I’d wanted to return the favor when he rolled me on top of him and fucked me without mercy. I’d come a total of five times between last night and this morning. My underwear felt damp as I recalled flashes of moments. Were those our lasts times together, or would he want more?

  Jasper was so much younger, yet I felt the awareness of an older soul behind his eyes.

  I didn’t want him thinking the sex occurred because of his promises of protection. Just the thought reminded me of his condom use. Maynard never used them. I’d been certain he was hoping I’d get pre
gnant and be tied to him forever. What he never knew was I’d taken birth control pills for the last five years. I’d already checked with the doctor on staff here and was told as long as I had a viable prescription, he could get it filled for me. Since I had heard about Jasper’s sex life, I was glad to know he was a condom user as well, although my need to feel him natural plagued me.

  What happened might be a fleeting thing. Despite some of the things we shared, we came from different worlds. He knew so much about me when I didn’t know anything about him. Our sexual relationship hadn’t provided any clues about who Jasper truly was. What would my mama think about him? I hated the fact that I had feelings for the man, but those began the minute we met and grew with each passing day.

  About noon, I called in an order for lunch. The food was delivered thirty minutes later. I’d gotten a burger with fries and a huge chicken, egg, and veggie salad for Jasper. I wanted to see him, and I hoped it was mutual. I touched up my makeup and straightened my skirt as I took the bags and knocked on his door.


  “Surprise,” I stated as he looked up and smiled. The pleasure in his expression relaxed me.

  “What do we have here, besides a very alluring woman?” he said, swiveling in his chair.

  I produced the bags I was hiding behind my back. “I thought you might want lunch. The kitchen called it a protein salad. I got myself a burger and fries.”

  “How ever did you learn to wrap the chefs around your fingers?”

  “Maybe because I’m so thin, they think the extra calories are good for me. But the burger is a garden patty and the fries are sweet potatoes, so we compromised.” I laughed as I handed him his salad.

  “This looks incredible.” He speared an egg. “I, however, am upset with you,” he said, attempting to sound angry but failing miserably. “You wouldn’t happen to have something called concealer in that bag of magic tricks you call a purse?”


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