Complete Works of Homer

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Complete Works of Homer Page 145

by Homer

  So they; then each his dreadful arms put on.

  To Diomede, who at the fleet had left

  His own, the dauntless Thrasymedes gave

  His shield and sword two-edged, and on his head

  Placed, crestless, unadorn'd, his bull-skin casque.

  It was a stripling's helmet, such as youths

  Scarce yet confirm'd in lusty manhood, wear.

  Meriones with quiver, bow and sword

  Furnish'd Ulysses, and his brows enclosed

  In his own casque of hide with many a thong

  Well braced within; guarded it was without

  With boar's teeth ivory-white inherent firm

  On all sides, and with woolen head-piece lined.

  That helmet erst Autolycus had brought

  From Eleon, city of Amyntor son

  Of Hormenus, where he the solid walls

  Bored through, clandestine, of Amyntor's house.

  He on Amphidamas the prize bestow'd

  In Scandia; from Amphidamas it pass'd

  To Molus as a hospitable pledge;

  He gave it to Meriones his son,

  And now it guarded shrewd Ulysses' brows.

  Both clad in arms terrific, forth they sped,

  Leaving their fellow Chiefs, and as they went

  A heron, by command of Pallas, flew

  Close on the right beside them; darkling they

  Discern'd him not, but heard his clanging plumes.

  Ulysses in the favorable sign

  Exulted, and Minerva thus invoked.

  Oh hear me, daughter of Jove Ægis-arm'd!

  My present helper in all straits, whose eye

  Marks all my ways, oh with peculiar care

  Now guard me, Pallas! grant that after toil

  Successful, glorious, such as long shall fill

  With grief the Trojans, we may safe return

  And with immortal honors to the fleet.

  Valiant Tydides, next, his prayer preferr'd.

  Hear also me, Jove's offspring by the toils

  Of war invincible! me follow now

  As my heroic father erst to Thebes

  Thou followedst, Tydeus; by the Greeks dispatch'd

  Ambassador, he left the mail-clad host

  Beside Asopus, and with terms of peace

  Entrusted, enter'd Thebes; but by thine aid

  Benevolent, and in thy strength, perform'd

  Returning, deeds of terrible renown.

  Thus, now, protect me also! In return

  I vow an offering at thy shrine, a young

  Broad-fronted heifer, to the yoke as yet

  Untamed, whose horns I will incase with gold.

  Such prayer they made, and Pallas heard well pleased.

  Their orisons ended to the daughter dread

  Of mighty Jove, lion-like they advanced

  Through shades of night, through carnage, arms and blood.

  Nor Hector to his gallant host indulged

  Sleep, but convened the leaders; leader none

  Or senator of all his host he left

  Unsummon'd, and his purpose thus promulged.

  Where is the warrior who for rich reward,

  Such as shall well suffice him, will the task

  Adventurous, which I propose, perform?

  A chariot with two steeds of proudest height,

  Surpassing all in the whole fleet of Greece

  Shall be his portion, with immortal praise,

  Who shall the well-appointed ships approach

  Courageous, there to learn if yet a guard

  As heretofore, keep them, or if subdued

  Beneath us, the Achaians flight intend,

  And worn with labor have no will to watch.

  So Hector spake, but answer none return'd.

  There was a certain Trojan, Dolon named,

  Son of Eumedes herald of the Gods,

  Rich both in gold and brass, but in his form

  Unsightly; yet the man was swift of foot,

  Sole brother of five sisters; he his speech

  To Hector and the Trojans thus address'd.

  My spirit, Hector, prompts me, and my mind

  Endued with manly vigor, to approach

  Yon gallant ships, that I may tidings hear.

  But come. For my assurance, lifting high

  Thy sceptre, swear to me, for my reward,

  The horses and the brazen chariot bright

  Which bear renown'd Achilles o'er the field.

  I will not prove a useless spy, nor fall

  Below thy best opinion; pass I will

  Their army through, 'till I shall reach the ship

  Of Agamemnon, where the Chiefs, perchance,

  Now sit consulting, or to fight, or fly.

  Then raising high his sceptre, Hector sware

  Know, Jove himself, Juno's high-thundering spouse!

  That Trojan none shall in that chariot ride

  By those steeds drawn, save Dolon; on my oath

  I make them thine; enjoy them evermore.

  He said, and falsely sware, yet him assured.

  Then Dolon, instant, o'er his shoulder slung

  His bow elastic, wrapp'd himself around

  With a grey wolf-skin, to his head a casque

  Adjusted, coated o'er with ferret's felt,

  And seizing his sharp javelin, from the host

  Turn'd right toward the fleet, but was ordain'd

  To disappoint his sender, and to bring

  No tidings thence. The throng of Trojan steeds

  And warriors left, with brisker pace he moved,

  When brave Ulysses his approach perceived,

  And thus to Diomede his speech address'd.

  Tydides! yonder man is from the host;

  Either a spy he comes, or with intent

  To spoil the dead. First, freely let him pass

  Few paces, then pursuing him with speed,

  Seize on him suddenly; but should he prove

  The nimbler of the three, with threatening spear

  Enforce him from his camp toward the fleet,

  Lest he elude us, and escape to Troy.

  So they; then, turning from the road oblique,

  Among the carcases each laid him down.

  Dolon, suspecting nought, ran swiftly by.

  But when such space was interposed as mules

  Plow in a day (for mules the ox surpass

  Through fallows deep drawing the ponderous plow)

  Both ran toward him. Dolon at the sound

  Stood; for he hoped some Trojan friends at hand

  From Hector sent to bid him back again.

  But when within spear's cast, or less they came,

  Knowing them enemies he turn'd to flight

  Incontinent, whom they as swift pursued.

  As two fleet hounds sharp fang'd, train'd to the chase,

  Hang on the rear of flying hind or hare,

  And drive her, never swerving from the track,

  Through copses close; she screaming scuds before;

  So Diomede and dread Ulysses him

  Chased constant, intercepting his return.

  And now, fast-fleeting to the ships, he soon

  Had reach'd the guard, but Pallas with new force

  Inspired Tydides, lest a meaner Greek

  Should boast that he had smitten Dolon first,

  And Diomede win only second praise.

  He poised his lifted spear, and thus exclaim'd.

  Stand! or my spear shall stop thee. Death impends

  At every step; thou canst not 'scape me long.

  He said, and threw his spear, but by design,

  Err'd from the man. The polish'd weapon swift

  O'er-glancing his right shoulder, in the soil

  Stood fixt, beyond him. Terrified he stood,

  Stammering, and sounding through his lips the clash

  Of chattering teeth, with visage deadly wan.

  They panting rush'd on
him, and both his hands

  Seized fast; he wept, and suppliant them bespake.

  Take me alive, and I will pay the price

  Of my redemption. I have gold at home,

  Brass also, and bright steel, and when report

  Of my captivity within your fleet

  Shall reach my father, treasures he will give

  Not to be told, for ransom of his son.

  To whom Ulysses politic replied.

  Take courage; entertain no thought of death.

  But haste! this tell me, and disclose the truth.

  Why thus toward the ships comest thou alone

  From yonder host, by night, while others sleep?

  To spoil some carcase? or from Hector sent

  A spy of all that passes in the fleet?

  Or by thy curiosity impell'd?

  Then Dolon, his limbs trembling, thus replied.

  To my great detriment, and far beyond

  My own design, Hector trepann'd me forth,

  Who promised me the steeds of Peleus' son

  Illustrious, and his brazen chariot bright.

  He bade me, under night's fast-flitting shades

  Approach our enemies, a spy, to learn

  If still as heretofore, ye station guards

  For safety of your fleet, or if subdued

  Completely, ye intend immediate flight,

  And worn with labor, have no will to watch.

  To whom Ulysses, smiling, thus replied.

  Thou hadst, in truth, an appetite to gifts

  Of no mean value, coveting the steeds

  Of brave Æacides; but steeds are they

  Of fiery sort, difficult to be ruled

  By force of mortal man, Achilles' self

  Except, whom an immortal mother bore.

  But tell me yet again; use no disguise;

  Where left'st thou, at thy coming forth, your Chief,

  The valiant Hector? where hath he disposed

  His armor battle-worn, and where his steeds?

  What other quarers of your host are watch'd?

  Where lodge the guard, and what intend ye next?

  Still to abide in prospect of the fleet?

  Or well-content that ye have thus reduced

  Achaia's host, will ye retire to Troy?

  To whom this answer Dolon straight returned

  Son of Eumedes. With unfeigning truth

  Simply and plainly will I utter all.

  Hector, with all the Senatorial Chiefs,

  Beside the tomb of sacred Ilius sits

  Consulting, from the noisy camp remote.

  But for the guards, Hero! concerning whom

  Thou hast inquired, there is no certain watch

  And regular appointed o'er the camp;

  The native Trojans (for they can no less)

  Sit sleepless all, and each his next exhorts

  To vigilance; but all our foreign aids,

  Who neither wives nor children hazard here,

  Trusting the Trojans for that service, sleep.

  To whom Ulysses, ever wise, replied.

  How sleep the strangers and allies? — apart?

  Or with the Trojans mingled? — I would learn.

  So spake Ulysses; to whom Dolon hus,

  Son of Eumedes. I will all unfold,

  And all most truly. By the sea are lodged

  The Carians, the Pæonians arm'd with bows,

  The Leleges, with the Pelasgian band,

  And the Caucones. On the skirts encamp

  Of Thymbra, the Mæonians crested high,

  The Phrygian horsemen, with the Lycian host,

  And the bold troop of Mysia's haughty sons.

  But wherefore these inquiries thus minue?

  For if ye wish to penetrate the host,

  These who possess the borders of the camp

  Farthest removed of all, are Thracian powers

  Newly arrived; among them Rhesus sleeps,

  Son of Eïoneus, their Chief and King.

  His steeds I saw, the fairest by these eyes

  Ever beheld, and loftiest; snow itself

  They pass in whiteness, and in speed the winds,

  With gold and silver all his chariot burns,

  And he arrived in golden armor clad

  Stupendous! little suited to the state

  Of mortal man — fit for a God to wear!

  Now, either lead me to your gallant fleet,

  Or where ye find me leave me straitly bound

  Till ye return, and after trial made,

  Shall know if I have spoken false or true.

  But him brave Diomede with aspect stern

  Answer'd. Since, Dolon! thou art caught, although

  Thy tidings have been good, hope not to live;

  For should we now release thee and dismiss,

  Thou wilt revisit yet again the fleet

  A spy or open foe; but smitten once

  By this death-dealing arm, thou shall return

  To render mischief to the Greeks no more.

  He ceased, and Dolon would have stretch'd his hand

  Toward his beard, and pleaded hard for life,

  But with his falchion, rising to the blow,

  On the mid-neck he smote him, cutting sheer

  Both tendons with a stroke so swift, that ere

  His tongue had ceased, his head was in the dust.

  They took his helmet clothed with ferret's felt,

  Stripp'd off his wolf-skin, seized his bow and spear,

  And brave Ulysses lifting in his hand

  The trophy to Minerva, pray'd and said:

  Hail Goddess; these are thine! for thee of all

  Who in Olympus dwell, we will invoke

  First to our aid. Now also guide our steps,

  Propitious, to the Thracian tents and steeds.

  He ceased, and at arm's-length the lifted spoils

  Hung on a tamarisk; but mark'd the spot,

  Plucking away with handful grasp the reeds

  And spreading boughs, lest they should seek the prize

  Themselves in vain, returning ere the night,

  Swift traveller, should have fled before the dawn.

  Thence, o'er the bloody champain strew'd with arms

  Proceeding, to the Thracian lines they came.

  They, wearied, slept profound; beside them lay,

  In triple order regular arranged,

  Their radiant armor, and their steeds in pairs.

  Amid them Rhesus slept, and at his side

  His coursers, to the outer chariot-ring

  Fasten'd secure. Ulysses saw him first,

  And, seeing, mark'd him out to Diomede.

  Behold the man, Tydides! Lo! the steeds

  By Dolon specified whom we have slain.

  Be quick. Exert thy force. Arm'd as thou art,

  Sleep not. Loose thou the steeds, or slaughter thou

  The Thracians, and the steeds shall be my care.

  He ceased; then blue-eyed Pallas with fresh force

  Invigor'd Diomede. From side to side

  He slew; dread groans arose of dying men

  Hewn with the sword, and the earth swam with blood.

  As if he find a flock unguarded, sheep

  Or goats, the lion rushes on his prey,

  With such unsparing force Tydides smote

  The men of Thrace, till he had slaughter'd twelve;

  And whom Tydides with his falchion struck

  Laertes' son dragg'd by his feet abroad,

  Forecasting that the steeds might pass with ease,

  Nor start, as yet uncustom'd to the dead.

  But when the son of Tydeus found the King,

  Him also panting forth his last, last, breath,

  He added to the twelve; for at his head

  An evil dream that night had stood, the form

  Of Diomede, by Pallas' art devised.

  Meantime, the bold Ulysses loosed the steeds,

  Which, to eac
h other rein'd, he drove abroad,

  Smiting them with his bow (for of the scourge

  He thought not in the chariot-seat secured)

  And as he went, hiss'd, warning Diomede.

  But he, projecting still some hardier deed,

  Stood doubtful, whether by the pole to draw

  The chariot thence, laden with gorgeous arms,

  Or whether heaving it on high, to bear

  The burthen off, or whether yet to take

  More Thracian lives; when him with various thoughts

  Perplex'd, Minerva, drawing near, bespake.

  Son of bold Tydeus! think on thy return

  To yonder fleet, lest thou depart constrain'd.

  Some other God may rouse the powers of Troy.

  She ended, and he knew the voice divine.

  At once he mounted. With his bow the steeds

  Ulysses plyed, and to the ships they flew.

  Nor look'd the bender of the silver bow,

  Apollo, forth in vain, but at the sight

  Of Pallas following Diomede incensed,

  Descended to the field where numerous most

  He saw the Trojans, and the Thracian Chief

  And counsellor, Hippocoön aroused,

  Kinsman of Rhesus, and renown'd in arms.

  He, starting from his sleep, soon as he saw

  The spot deserted where so lately lay

  Those fiery coursers, and his warrior friends

  Gasping around him, sounded loud the name

  Of his loved Rhesus. Instant, at the voice,

  Wild stir arose and clamorous uproar

  Of fast-assembling Trojans. Deeds they saw —

  Terrible deeds, and marvellous perform'd,

  But not their authors — they had sought the ships.

  Meantime arrived where they had slain the spy

  Of Hector, there Ulysses, dear to Jove,

  The coursers stay'd, and, leaping to the ground,

  The son of Tydeus in Ulysses' hands

  The arms of Dolon placed foul with his blood,

  Then vaulted light into his seat again.

  He lash'd the steeds, they, not unwilling, flew

  To the deep-bellied barks, as to their home.

  First Nestor heard the sound, and thus he said.

  Friends! Counsellors! and leaders of the Greeks!

  False shall I speak, or true? — but speak I must.

  The echoing sound of hoofs alarms my ear.

  Oh, that Ulysses, and brave Diomede

  This moment might arrive drawn into camp

  By Trojan steeds! But, ah, the dread I feel!

  Lest some disaster have for ever quell'd

  In yon rude host those noblest of the Greeks.

  He hath not ended, when themselves arrived,

  Both quick dismounted; joy at their return

  Fill'd every bosom; each with kind salute

  Cordial, and right-hand welcome greeted them,

  And first Gerenian Nestor thus inquired.


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