Complete Works of Homer

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Complete Works of Homer Page 370

by Homer

  The sober train attended and obey'd.

  The sacred heralds on their hands around

  Pour'd the full urns; the youths the goblets crown'd;

  From bowl to bowl the homely beverage flows;

  While to the final sacrifice they rose.

  The tongues they cast upon the fragrant flame,

  And pour, above, the consecrated stream.

  And now, their thirst by copious draughts allay'd,

  The youthful hero and the Athenian maid

  Propose departure from the finish'd rite,

  And in their hollow bark to pass the night;

  But this hospitable sage denied,

  "Forbid it, Jove! and all the gods! (he cried),

  Thus from my walls and the much-loved son to send

  Of such a hero, and of such a friend!

  Me, as some needy peasant, would ye leave,

  Whom Heaven denies the blessing to relieve?

  Me would ye leave, who boast imperial sway,

  When beds of royal state invite your stay?

  No — long as life this mortal shall inspire,

  Or as my children imitate their sire.

  Here shall the wandering stranger find his home,

  And hospitable rites adorn the dome."

  "Well hast thou spoke (the blue-eyed maid replies),

  Beloved old man! benevolent as wise.

  Be the kind dictates of thy heart obey'd,

  And let thy words Telemachus persuade:

  He to thy palace shall thy steps pursue;

  I to the ship, to give the orders due,

  Prescribe directions and confirm the crew.

  For I alone sustain their naval cares,

  Who boast experience from these silver hairs;

  All youths the rest, whom to this journey move

  Like years, like tempers, and their prince's love

  There in the vessel shall I pass the night;

  And, soon as morning paints the fields of light,

  I go to challenge from the Caucons bold

  A debt, contracted in the days of old,

  But this, thy guest, received with friendly care

  Let thy strong coursers swift to Sparta bear;

  Prepare thy chariot at the dawn of day,

  And be thy son companion of his way."

  Then, turning with the word, Minerva flies,

  And soars an eagle through the liquid skies.

  Vision divine! the throng'd spectators gaze

  In holy wonder fix'd, and still amaze.

  But chief the reverend sage admired; he took

  The hand of young Telemachus, and spoke:

  "Oh, happy youth! and favoured of the skies,

  Distinguished care of guardian deities!

  Whose early years for future worth engage,

  No vulgar manhood, no ignoble age.

  For lo! none other of the course above,

  Then she, the daughter of almighty Jove,

  Pallas herself, the war-triumphant maid;

  Confess'd is thine, as once thy fathers aid.

  So guide me, goddess! so propitious shine

  On me, my consort, and my royal line!

  A yearling bullock to thy name shall smoke,

  Untamed, unconscious of the galling yoke,

  With ample forehead, and yet tender horns,

  Whose budding honours ductile gold adorns."

  Submissive thus the hoary sire preferr'd

  His holy vow: the favouring goddess heard.

  Then, slowly rising, o'er the sandy space

  Precedes the father, follow'd by his race,

  (A long procession) timely marching home

  In comely order to the regal dome.

  There when arrived, on thrones around him placed,

  His sons and grandsons the wide circle graced.

  To these the hospitable sage, in sign

  Of social welcome, mix'd the racy wine

  (Late from the mellowing cask restored to light,

  By ten long years refined, and rosy bright).

  To Pallas high the foaming bowl he crown'd,

  And sprinkled large libations on the ground.

  Each drinks a full oblivion of his cares,

  And to the gifts of balmy sleep repairs.

  Deep in a rich alcove the prince was laid,

  And slept beneath the pompous colonnade;

  Fast by his side Pisistratus was spread

  (In age his equal) on a splendid bed:

  But in an inner court, securely closed,

  The reverend Nestor and his queen reposed.

  When now Aurora, daughter of the dawn,

  With rosy lustre purpled o'er the lawn,

  The old man early rose, walk'd forth, and sate

  On polish'd stone before his palace gate;

  With unguents smooth the lucid marble shone,

  Where ancient Neleus sate, a rustic throne;

  But he descending to the infernal shade,

  Sage Nestor fill'd it, and the sceptre sway'd.

  His sons around him mild obeisance pay,

  And duteous take the orders of the day.

  First Eehephron and Stratius quit their bed;

  Then Perseus, Aretus, and Thrasymed;

  The last Pisistratus arose from rest:

  They came, and near him placed the stranger-guest.

  To these the senior thus declared his will:

  "My sons! the dictates of your sire fulfil.

  To Pallas, first of gods, prepare the feast,

  Who graced our rites, a more than mortal guest

  Let one, despatchful, bid some swain to lead

  A well-fed bullock from the grassy mead;

  One seek the harbour where the vessels moor,

  And bring thy friends, Telemachus! ashore

  (Leave only two the galley to attend);

  Another Laerceus must we send,

  Artist devine, whose skilful hands infold

  The victim's horn with circumfusile gold.

  The rest may here the pious duty share,

  And bid the handmaids for the feast prepare,

  The seats to range, the fragrant wood to bring,

  And limpid waters from the living spring."

  He said, and busy each his care bestow'd;

  Already at the gates the bullock low'd,

  Already came the Ithacensian crew,

  The dexterous smith the tools already drew;

  His ponderous hammer and his anvil sound,

  And the strong tongs to turn the metal round.

  Nor was Minerva absent from the rite,

  She view'd her honours, and enjoyed the sight,

  With reverend hand the king presents the gold,

  Which round the intorted horns the gilder roll'd.

  So wrought as Pallas might with pride behold.

  Young Aretus from forth his bride bower

  Brought the full laver, o'er their hands to pour,

  And canisters of consecrated flour.

  Stratius and Echephron the victim led;

  The axe was held by warlike Thrasymed,

  In act to strike; before him Perseus stood,

  The vase extending to receive the blood.

  The king himself initiates to the power:

  Scatters with quivering hand the sacred flour,

  And the stream sprinkles; from the curling brows

  The hair collected in the fire he throws.

  Soon as due vows on every part were paid,

  And sacred wheat upon the victim laid,

  Strong Thrasymed discharged the speeding blow

  Full on his neck, and cut the nerves in two.

  Down sunk the heavy beast; the females round

  Maids, wives, and matrons, mix a shrilling sound.

  Nor scorned the queen the holy choir to join

  (The first born she, of old Clymenus' line:

  In youth by Nestor loved, of spotless fame.

  And loved in
age, Eurydice her name).

  From earth they rear him, struggling now with death;

  And Nestor's youngest stops the vents of breath.

  The soul for ever flies; on all sides round

  Streams the black blood, and smokes upon the ground

  The beast they then divide and disunite

  The ribs and limbs, observant of the rite:

  On these, in double cauls involved with art,

  The choicest morsels lay from every part.

  The sacred sage before his altar stands,

  Turns the burnt offering with his holy hands,

  And pours the wine, and bids the flames aspire;

  The youth with instruments surround the fire.

  The thighs now sacrificed, and entrails dress'd,

  The assistants part, transfix, and broil the rest

  While these officious tend the rites divine,

  The last fair branch of the Nestorean line,

  Sweet Polycaste, took the pleasing toil

  To bathe the prince, and pour the fragrant oil.

  O'er his fair limbs a flowery vest he throw,

  And issued, like a god, to mortal view.

  His former seat beside the king he found

  (His people's father with his peers around);

  All placed at ease the holy banquet join,

  And in the dazzling goblet laughs the wine.

  The rage of thirst and hunger now suppress'd,

  The monarch turns him to his royal guest;

  And for the promised journey bids prepare

  The smooth hair'd horses, and the rapid car.

  Observant of his word, tire word scarce spoke,

  The sons obey, and join them to the yoke.

  Then bread and wine a ready handmaid brings,

  And presents, such as suit the state of kings.

  The glittering seat Telemachus ascends;

  His faithful guide Pisistratus attends;

  With hasty hand the ruling reins he drew;

  He lash'd the coursers, and the coursers flew.

  Beneath the bounding yoke alike they hold

  Their equal pace, and smoked along the field.

  The towers of Pylos sink, its views decay,

  Fields after fields fly back, till close of day;

  Then sunk the sun, and darken'd all the way.

  To Pherae now, Diocleus' stately seat

  (Of Alpheus' race), the weary youths retreat.

  His house affords the hospitable rite,

  And pleased they sleep (the blessing of the night).

  But when Aurora, daughter of the dawn,

  With rosy lustre purpled o'er the lawn,

  Again they mount, their journey to renew,

  And from the sounding portico they flew.

  Along the waving fields their way they hold

  The fields receding as their chariot roll'd;

  Then slowly sunk the ruddy globe of light,

  And o'er the shaded landscape rush'd the night.




  Telemachus with Pisistratus arriving at Sparta, is hospitably received by Menelaus to whom he relates the cause of his coming, and learns from him many particulars of what befell the Greeks since the destruction of Troy. He dwells more at large upon the prophecies of Proteus to him in his return; from which he acquaints Telemachus that Ulysses is detained in the island of Calypso.

  In the meantime the suitors consult to destroy Telemachus on the voyage home. Penelope is apprised of this; but comforted in a dream by Pallas, in the shape of her sister Iphthima.

  And now proud Sparta with their wheels resounds,

  Sparta whose walls a range of hills surrounds;

  At the fair dome the rapid labour ends;

  Where sate Atrides 'midst his bridal friends,

  With double vows invoking Hymen's power,

  To bless his son's and daughter's nuptial hour.

  That day, to great Achilles son resign'd,

  Hermione, the fairest of her kind,

  Was sent to crown the long-protracted joy,

  Espoused before the final doom of Troy;

  With steeds and gilded cars, a gorgeous train

  Attend the nymphs to Phthia's distant reign.

  Meanwhile at home, to Megapentha's bed

  The virgin choir Alector's daughter led.

  Brave Megapenthas From a stolen amour

  To great Atrides' age his handmaid bore;

  To Helen's bed the gods alone assign

  Hermione, to extend the regal line;

  On whom a radiant pomp oh Graces wait,

  Resembling Venus in attractive state.

  While this gay friendly troop the king surround,

  With festival and mirth the roofs resound;

  A bard amid the joyous circle sings

  High airs attemper'd to the vocal strings;

  Whilst warbling to the varied strain, advance

  Two sprightly youths to form the bounding dance,

  'Twas then, that issuing through the palace gate,

  The splendid car roll'd slow in regal state:

  On the bright eminence young Nestor shone,

  And fast beside him great Ulysses' son;

  Grave Eteoneous saw the pomp appear,

  And speeding, thus address'd the royal ear;

  "Two youths approach, whose semblant features prove

  Their blood devolving from the source of Jove

  Is due reception deign'd, or must they bend

  Their doubtful course to seek a distant friend?"

  "Insensate! (with a sigh the king replies,)

  Too long, misjudging, have I thought thee wise

  But sure relentless folly steals thy breast,

  Obdurate to reject the stranger-guest;

  To those dear hospitable rites a foe,

  Which in my wanderings oft relieved my woe;

  Fed by the bounty of another's board,

  Till pitying Jove my native realm restored —

  Straight be the coursers from the car released,

  Conduct the youths to grace the genial feast."

  The seneschal, rebuked, in haste withdrew;

  With equal haste a menial train pursue:

  Part led the coursers, from the car enlarged,

  Each to a crib with choicest grain surcharged;

  Part in a portico, profusely graced

  With rich magnificence, the chariot placed;

  Then to the dome the friendly pair invite,

  Who eye the dazzling roofs with vast delight;

  Resplendent as the blaze of summer noon,

  Or the pale radiance of the midnight moon.

  From room to room their eager view they bend

  Thence to the bath, a beauteous pile, descend;

  Where a bright damsel train attends the guests

  With liquid odours, and embroider'd vests.

  Refresh'd, they wait them to the bower of state,

  Where, circled with his pears, Atrides sate;

  Throned next the king, a fair attendant brings

  The purest product of the crystal springs;

  High on a massy vase of silver mould,

  The burnish'd laver flames with solid gold,

  In solid gold the purple vintage flows,

  And on the board a second banquet rose.

  When thus the king, with hospitable port;

  "Accept this welcome to the Spartan court:

  The waste of nature let the feast repair,

  Then your high lineage and your names declare;

  Say from what sceptred ancestry ye claim,

  Recorded eminent in deathless fame,

  For vulgar parents cannot stamp their race

  With signatures of such majestic grace."

  Ceasing, benevolent he straight assigns

  The royal portion of the choicest chines

  To each accepted friend; with grateful haste
br />   They share the honours of the rich repast.

  Sufficed, soft whispering thus to Nestor's son,

  His head reclined, young Ithacus begun:

  "View'st thou unmoved, O ever-honour'd most!

  These prodigies of art, and wondrous cost!

  Above, beneath, around the palace shines

  The sunless treasure of exhausted mines;

  The spoils of elephants the roofs inlay,

  And studded amber darts the golden ray;

  Such, and not nobler, in the realms above

  My wonder dictates is the dome of Jove."

  The monarch took the word, and grave replied:

  "Presumptuous are the vaunts, and vain the pride

  Of man, who dares in pomp with Jove contest,

  Unchanged, immortal, and supremely blest!

  With all my affluence, when my woes are weigh'd,

  Envy will own the purchase dearly paid.

  For eight slow-circling years, by tempests toss'd,

  From Cypress to the far Phoenician coast

  (Sidon the capital), I stretch'd my toil

  Through regions fatten'd with the flows of Nile.

  Next Aethiopia's utmost bound explore,

  And the parch'd borders of the Arabian shore;

  Then warp my voyage on the southern gales,

  O'er the warm Lybian wave to spread my sails;

  That happy clime, where each revolving year

  The teeming ewes a triple offspring bear;

  And two fair crescents of translucent horn

  The brows of all their young increase adorn:

  The shepherd swains, with sure abundance blest,

  On the fat flock and rural dainties feast;

  Nor want of herbage makes the dairy fail,

  But every season fills the foaming pail.

  Whilst, heaping unwash'd wealth, I distant roam,

  The best of brothers, at his natal home,

  By the dire fury of a traitress wife,

  Ends the sad evening of a stormy life;

  Whence, with incessant grief my soul annoy'd,

  These riches are possess'd, but not enjoy'd!

  My wars, the copious theme of every tongue,

  To you your fathers have recorded long.

  How favouring Heaven repaid my glorious toils

  With a sack'd palace, and barbaric spoils.

  Oh! had the gods so large a boon denied

  And life, the just equivalent supplied

  To those brave warriors, who, with glory fired

  Far from their country, in my cause expired!

  Still in short intervals of pleasing woe.

  Regardful of the friendly dues I owe,

  I to the glorious dead, for ever dear!

  Indulge the tribute of a grateful tear.

  But oh! Ulysses — deeper than the rest

  That sad idea wounds my anxious breast!


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