Complete Works of Homer

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Complete Works of Homer Page 426

by Homer

  But medicated with her pois'nous drugs

  Their food, that in oblivion they might lose

  The wish of home. She gave them, and they drank,--

  When, smiting each with her enchanting wand,

  She shut them in her sties. In head, in voice,

  In body, and in bristles they became

  All swine, yet intellected as before,

  And at her hand were dieted alone

  With acorns, chestnuts, and the cornel-fruit,

  Food grateful ever to the grovelling swine. 300

  Back flew Eurylochus toward the ship,

  To tell the woeful tale; struggling to speak,

  Yet speechless, there he stood, his heart transfixt

  With anguish, and his eyes deluged with tears.

  Me boding terrours occupied. At length,

  When, gazing on him, all had oft enquired,

  He thus rehearsed to us the dreadful change.

  Renown'd Ulysses! as thou bad'st, we went

  Through yonder oaks; there, bosom'd in a vale,

  But built conspicuous on a swelling knoll 310

  With polish'd rock, we found a stately dome.

  Within, some Goddess or some woman wove

  An ample web, carolling sweet the while.

  They call'd aloud; she, issuing at the voice,

  Unfolded, soon, her splendid portals wide,

  And bade them in. Heedless they enter'd, all,

  But I remain'd, suspicious of a snare.

  Ere long the whole band vanish'd, none I saw

  Thenceforth, though, seated there, long time I watch'd.

  He ended; I my studded faulchion huge 320

  Athwart my shoulder cast, and seized my bow,

  Then bade him lead me thither by the way

  Himself had gone; but with both hands my knees

  He clasp'd, and in wing'd accents sad exclaim'd.

  My King! ah lead me not unwilling back,

  But leave me here; for confident I judge

  That neither thou wilt bring another thence,

  Nor come thyself again. Haste--fly we swift

  With these, for we, at least, may yet escape.

  So he, to whom this answer I return'd. 330

  Eurylochus! abiding here, eat thou

  And drink thy fill beside the sable bark;

  I go; necessity forbids my stay.

  So saying, I left the galley and the shore.

  But ere that awful vale ent'ring, I reach'd

  The palace of the sorceress, a God

  Met me, the bearer of the golden wand,

  Hermes. He seem'd a stripling in his prime,

  His cheeks cloath'd only with their earliest down,

  For youth is then most graceful; fast he lock'd 340

  His hand in mine, and thus, familiar, spake.

  Unhappy! whither, wand'ring o'er the hills,

  Stranger to all this region, and alone,

  Go'st thou? Thy people--they within the walls

  Are shut of Circe, where as swine close-pent

  She keeps them. Comest thou to set them free?

  I tell thee, never wilt thou thence return

  Thyself, but wilt be prison'd with the rest.

  Yet hearken--I will disappoint her wiles,

  And will preserve thee. Take this precious drug; 350

  Possessing this, enter the Goddess' house

  Boldly, for it shall save thy life from harm.

  Lo! I reveal to thee the cruel arts

  Of Circe; learn them. She will mix for thee

  A potion, and will also drug thy food

  With noxious herbs; but she shall not prevail

  By all her pow'r to change thee; for the force

  Superior of this noble plant, my gift,

  Shall baffle her. Hear still what I advise.

  When she shall smite thee with her slender rod, 360

  With faulchion drawn and with death-threat'ning looks

  Rush on her; she will bid thee to her bed

  Affrighted; then beware. Decline not thou

  Her love, that she may both release thy friends,

  And may with kindness entertain thyself.

  But force her swear the dreaded oath of heav'n

  That she will other mischief none devise

  Against thee, lest she strip thee of thy might,

  And, quenching all thy virtue, make thee vile.

  So spake the Argicide, and from the earth 370

  That plant extracting, placed it in my hand,

  Then taught me all its pow'rs. Black was the root,

  Milk-white the blossom; Moly is its name

  In heav'n; not easily by mortal man

  Dug forth, but all is easy to the Gods.

  Then, Hermes through the island-woods repair'd

  To heav'n, and I to Circe's dread abode,

  In gloomy musings busied as I went.

  Within the vestibule arrived, where dwelt

  The beauteous Goddess, staying there my steps, 380

  I call'd aloud; she heard me, and at once

  Issuing, threw her splendid portals wide,

  And bade me in. I follow'd, heart-distress'd.

  Leading me by the hand to a bright throne

  With argent studs embellish'd, and beneath

  Footstool'd magnificent, she made me sit.

  Then mingling for me in a golden cup

  My bev'rage, she infused a drug, intent

  On mischief; but when I had drunk the draught

  Unchanged, she smote me with her wand, and said. 390

  Hence--seek the sty. There wallow with thy friends.

  She spake; I drawing from beside my thigh

  My faulchion keen, with death-denouncing looks

  Rush'd on her; she with a shrill scream of fear

  Ran under my rais'd arm, seized fast my knees,

  And in wing'd accents plaintive thus began.

  Who? whence? thy city and thy birth declare.

  Amazed I see thee with that potion drench'd,

  Yet uninchanted; never man before

  Once pass'd it through his lips, and liv'd the same; 400

  But in thy breast a mind inhabits, proof

  Against all charms. Come then--I know thee well.

  Thou art Ulysses artifice-renown'd,

  Of whose arrival here in his return

  From Ilium, Hermes of the golden wand

  Was ever wont to tell me. Sheath again

  Thy sword, and let us, on my bed reclined,

  Mutual embrace, that we may trust thenceforth

  Each other, without jealousy or fear.

  The Goddess spake, to whom I thus replied. 410

  O Circe! canst thou bid me meek become

  And gentle, who beneath thy roof detain'st

  My fellow-voyagers transform'd to swine?

  And, fearing my escape, invit'st thou me

  Into thy bed, with fraudulent pretext

  Of love, that there, enfeebling by thy arts

  My noble spirit, thou may'st make me vile?

  No--trust me--never will I share thy bed

  Till first, O Goddess, thou consent to swear

  The dread all-binding oath, that other harm 420

  Against myself thou wilt imagine none.

  I spake. She swearing as I bade, renounced

  All evil purpose, and (her solemn oath

  Concluded) I ascended, next, her bed

  Magnificent. Meantime, four graceful nymphs

  Attended on the service of the house,

  Her menials, from the fountains sprung and groves,

  And from the sacred streams that seek the sea.

  Of these, one cast fine linen on the thrones,

  Which, next, with purple arras rich she spread; 430

  Another placed before the gorgeous seats

  Bright tables, and set on baskets of gold.

  The third, an argent beaker fill'd with wine

  Delicious, which in
golden cups she served;

  The fourth brought water, which she warm'd within

  An ample vase, and when the simm'ring flood

  Sang in the tripod, led me to a bath,

  And laved me with the pleasant stream profuse

  Pour'd o'er my neck and body, till my limbs

  Refresh'd, all sense of lassitude resign'd. 440

  When she had bathed me, and with limpid oil

  Anointed me, and cloathed me in a vest

  And mantle, next, she led me to a throne

  Of royal state, with silver studs emboss'd,

  And footstool'd soft beneath; then came a nymph

  With golden ewer charged and silver bowl,

  Who pour'd pure water on my hands, and placed

  The polish'd board before me, which with food

  Various, selected from her present stores,

  The cat'ress spread, then, courteous, bade me eat. 450

  But me it pleas'd not; with far other thoughts

  My spirit teem'd, on vengeance more intent.

  Soon, then, as Circe mark'd me on my seat

  Fast-rooted, sullen, nor with outstretch'd hands

  Deigning to touch the banquet, she approach'd,

  And in wing'd accents suasive thus began.

  Why sits Ulysses like the Dumb, dark thoughts

  His only food? loaths he the touch of meat,

  And taste of wine? Thou fear'st, as I perceive,

  Some other snare, but idle is that fear, 460

  For I have sworn the inviolable oath.

  She ceas'd, to whom this answer I return'd.

  How can I eat? what virtuous man and just,

  O Circe! could endure the taste of wine

  Or food, till he should see his prison'd friends

  Once more at liberty? If then thy wish

  That I should eat and drink be true, produce

  My captive people; let us meet again.

  So I; then Circe, bearing in her hand

  Her potent rod, went forth, and op'ning wide 470

  The door, drove out my people from the sty,

  In bulk resembling brawns of the ninth year.

  They stood before me; she through all the herd

  Proceeding, with an unctuous antidote

  Anointed each, and at the wholesome touch

  All shed the swinish bristles by the drug

  Dread Circe's former magic gift, produced.

  Restored at once to manhood, they appear'd

  More vig'rous far, and sightlier than before.

  They knew me, and with grasp affectionate 480

  Hung on my hand. Tears follow'd, but of joy,

  And with loud cries the vaulted palace rang.

  Even the awful Goddess felt, herself,

  Compassion, and, approaching me, began.

  Laertes' noble son, for wiles renown'd!

  Hence to the shore, and to thy gallant bark;

  First, hale her safe aground, then, hiding all

  Your arms and treasures in the caverns, come

  Thyself again, and hither lead thy friends.

  So spake the Goddess, and my gen'rous mind 490

  Persuaded; thence repairing to the beach,

  I sought my ship; arrived, I found my crew

  Lamenting miserably, and their cheeks

  With tears bedewing ceaseless at her side.

  As when the calves within some village rear'd

  Behold, at eve, the herd returning home

  From fruitful meads where they have grazed their fill,

  No longer in the stalls contain'd, they rush

  With many a frisk abroad, and, blaring oft,

  With one consent, all dance their dams around, 500

  So they, at sight of me, dissolved in tears

  Of rapt'rous joy, and each his spirit felt

  With like affections warm'd as he had reach'd

  Just then his country, and his city seen,

  Fair Ithaca, where he was born and rear'd.

  Then in wing'd accents tender thus they spake.

  Noble Ulysses! thy appearance fills

  Our soul with transports, such as we should feel

  Arrived in safety on our native shore.

  Speak--say how perish'd our unhappy friends? 510

  So they; to whom this answer mild I gave.

  Hale we our vessel first ashore, and hide

  In caverns all our treasures and our arms,

  Then, hasting hence, follow me, and ere long

  Ye shall behold your friends, beneath the roof

  Of Circe banqueting and drinking wine

  Abundant, for no dearth attends them there.

  So I; whom all with readiness obey'd,

  All save Eurylochus; he sought alone

  To stay the rest, and, eager, interposed. 520

  Ah whither tend we, miserable men?

  Why covet ye this evil, to go down

  To Circe's palace? she will change us all

  To lions, wolves or swine, that we may guard

  Her palace, by necessity constrain'd.

  So some were pris'ners of the Cyclops erst,

  When, led by rash Ulysses, our lost friends

  Intruded needlessly into his cave,

  And perish'd by the folly of their Chief.

  He spake, whom hearing, occupied I stood 530

  In self-debate, whether, my faulchion keen

  Forth-drawing from beside my sturdy thigh,

  To tumble his lopp'd head into the dust,

  Although he were my kinsman in the bonds

  Of close affinity; but all my friends

  As with one voice, thus gently interposed.

  Noble Ulysses! we will leave him here

  Our vessel's guard, if such be thy command,

  But us lead thou to Circe's dread abode.

  So saying, they left the galley, and set forth 540

  Climbing the coast; nor would Eurylochus

  Beside the hollow bark remain, but join'd

  His comrades by my dreadful menace awed.

  Meantime the Goddess, busily employ'd,

  Bathed and refresh'd my friends with limpid oil,

  And clothed them. We, arriving, found them all

  Banqueting in the palace; there they met;

  These ask'd, and those rehearsed the wond'rous tale,

  And, the recital made, all wept aloud

  Till the wide dome resounded. Then approach'd 550

  The graceful Goddess, and address'd me thus.

  Laertes' noble son, for wiles renown'd!

  Provoke ye not each other, now, to tears.

  I am not ignorant, myself, how dread

  Have been your woes both on the fishy Deep,

  And on the land by force of hostile pow'rs.

  But come--Eat now, and drink ye wine, that so

  Your freshen'd spirit may revive, and ye

  Courageous grow again, as when ye left

  The rugged shores of Ithaca, your home. 560

  For now, through recollection, day by day,

  Of all your pains and toils, ye are become

  Spiritless, strengthless, and the taste forget

  Of pleasure, such have been your num'rous woes.

  She spake, whose invitation kind prevail'd,

  And won us to her will. There, then, we dwelt

  The year complete, fed with delicious fare

  Day after day, and quaffing gen'rous wine.

  But when (the year fulfill'd) the circling hours

  Their course resumed, and the successive months 570

  With all their tedious days were spent, my friends,

  Summoning me abroad, thus greeted me.

  Sir! recollect thy country, if indeed

  The fates ordain thee to revisit safe

  That country, and thy own glorious abode.

  So they; whose admonition I receiv'd

  Well-pleas'd. Then, all the day, regaled we sat

  At Circe's board with
sav'ry viands rare,

  And quaffing richest wine; but when, the sun

  Declining, darkness overshadow'd all, 580

  Then, each within the dusky palace took

  Custom'd repose, and to the Goddess' bed

  Magnificent ascending, there I urged

  My earnest suit, which gracious she receiv'd,

  And in wing'd accents earnest thus I spake.

  O Circe! let us prove thy promise true;

  Dismiss us hence. My own desires, at length,

  Tend homeward vehement, and the desires

  No less of all my friends, who with complaints

  Unheard by thee, wear my sad heart away. 590

  So I; to whom the Goddess in return.

  Laertes' noble son, Ulysses famed

  For deepest wisdom! dwell not longer here,

  Thou and thy followers, in my abode

  Reluctant; but your next must be a course

  Far diff'rent; hence departing, ye must seek

  The dreary house of Ades and of dread

  Persephone there to consult the Seer

  Theban Tiresias, prophet blind, but blest

  With faculties which death itself hath spared. 600

  To him alone, of all the dead, Hell's Queen

  Gives still to prophesy, while others flit

  Mere forms, the shadows of what once they were.

  She spake, and by her words dash'd from my soul

  All courage; weeping on the bed I sat,

  Reckless of life and of the light of day.

  But when, with tears and rolling to and fro

  Satiate, I felt relief, thus I replied.

  O Circe! with what guide shall I perform

  This voyage, unperform'd by living man? 610

  I spake, to whom the Goddess quick replied.

  Brave Laertiades! let not the fear

  To want a guide distress thee. Once on board,

  Your mast erected, and your canvas white

  Unfurl'd, sit thou; the breathing North shall waft

  Thy vessel on. But when ye shall have cross'd

  The broad expanse of Ocean, and shall reach

  The oozy shore, where grow the poplar groves

  And fruitless willows wan of Proserpine,

  Push thither through the gulphy Deep thy bark, 620

  And, landing, haste to Pluto's murky abode.

  There, into Acheron runs not alone

  Dread Pyriphlegethon, but Cocytus loud,

  From Styx derived; there also stands a rock,

  At whose broad base the roaring rivers meet.

  There, thrusting, as I bid, thy bark ashore,

  O Hero! scoop the soil, op'ning a trench

  Ell-broad on ev'ry side; then pour around

  Libation consecrate to all the dead,

  First, milk with honey mixt, then luscious wine, 630

  Then water, sprinkling, last, meal over all.

  Next, supplicate the unsubstantial forms

  Fervently of the dead, vowing to slay,


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