Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3

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Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3 Page 3

by Janelle Peel

He rolled one thick shoulder, “It’s okay.”

  After she settled beside him once more, he continued, “That was a partial shift, we call it a fusion. Only the most dominant shifters can achieve it, and even then, usually only with the Pack’s innate magic backing them.

  She sighed, “But I’m not Pack.”

  He shook his head, “No, you’re not. However, you are still a Mage and Sora has joined us all. So, in a sense, you are a part of the Pack, but do not possess any Pack bonds.”

  “Pack bonds?” She queried.

  “Yes. Think of it as a communication system. Shifters have twin souls; human and animal. We are bonded and I can speak with my Wolf to a degree. While he doesn’t always use words, I can interpret any cues from the Pack through him. Scent, posture, even the sounds we use, are all a form of communication. You don’t have an animal soul… which makes this problematic on multiple levels.”

  She rubbed her face aggressively. “So, I’m different. It’s not that big of a deal, right?”

  He shook his head somberly, “Not quite. Some cues can be confusing to other Shifters. You attempted to share your food with me, even though you were still hungry. Only Mates share food with one another.”

  Her sharp inhale drew his gaze to hers. The rim of her green irises glowed for a moment before dimming.

  “That’s just great,” she snarked. “I don’t have another soul, and I have a broken com link. Anything else you’d like to add?”

  “Yes,” he nodded. “I can teach you.”


  Teach me? He was usually such an ass, why the sudden change?

  I voiced part of my thoughts, “Why?”

  He sighed, “Because one way or another, you will learn. It will be easier if we work together. You’re an unmated female…” His brows dropped into a v, “This could cause some friction with the other Shifters.”

  Friction, I wondered? Ah, like sharing food. I shook my head, “This is a lot to take in.” Standing, I turned toward the door, “I’m going to sleep on it.”

  He tipped his head, “Let me know whenever you’re ready.”

  I found Bex snuggled beneath the blankets of my king-sized bed. With a sigh, I padded to the bathroom.

  After removing my ruined tank and shorts, I stared hard at my reflection above the marble vanity. My raven hair shown with a glossiness that it’d never possessed before. The green of my eyes seemed unnaturally bright in the low light of the recessed wall sconces. Curiosity overcame me as I leaned closer to the mirror. A fusion, huh?

  I took a deep breath and recalled the feeling of the shift. It had come over me so quickly, I wasn’t confident that I could replicate it. My thoughts rewound to that moment. Bex was mine, and I would protect her in any way that I could.

  Nothing happened.

  I would do anything to protect my family.


  The harder I tried, the more frustrated I became. How the hell had I done that?

  A clicking drew my attention to the doorway. Bex settled down on her rump and peered up at me with her head cocked to the side.

  I grinned, “Hey, Babe. Evidently, I did a fusion shift earlier, so now I’m trying to figure out how it happened.”

  Her clear blue eyes sparkled and she chuffed with amusement.

  I chuckled, “Think it’s funny, do you? Why don’t you come over here and show me how it’s done, then?”

  She snorted and shook her head.

  “Come on,” I cajoled. “Pretty please?”

  With a heavy sigh, she shifted. In the blink of an eye, a small child knelt on the tiled floor. Her white, chin length hair was a snarled mess and her pink lips tipped up into a grin. Completely nude, she stood and wobbled over, using the vanity as support.

  My face softened. She wasn’t used to walking upright. Reaching out a hand, I gripped her elbow and helped her lean against the counter. “Hey, you.”

  Bex lifted her small hand to my chest and placed her palm between my breasts. Her brow furrowed as she cleared her throat. “Here,” she whispered in a scratchy tone.

  “Yes,” I nodded. “My magic is there.” Lifting a finger, I tapped her pert nose, “What am I supposed to do with it?”

  She shook her head and touched her own chest with her other palm. Closing her eyes, she said, “Call it.”

  Following her lead, I closed my lids. Reaching toward my center, I could see a brilliant silver flame. Gently, I threw a tether around it and coaxed it to my hands. Once I was sure I had a good hold, I opened my eyes.

  Her wide eyes took on a silver hue as my flames danced around my arms. Hesitantly, she moved her hand from my chest and trailed her small fingers down my wrist. “Pretty,” she whispered.

  I blushed, “Thanks. Too bad they don’t always work when I want them to.”

  Her gaze caught mine and she jerked her head sharply, “You don’t believe.”

  My brow lowered, “I believe. The proof is right there,” I tipped my head to the flickering flames.

  She sighed, “In yourself.”

  Shock coursed through me and my flames extinguished. How could this little pup know these things? She was right, I didn’t believe in myself. It was kind of hard to, when I had so much emotional baggage. My magic had worked every other time that I didn’t overthink using it. I’d healed her leg, found my own ability to shift… Was it really that simple?

  Her face softened at my epiphany and her hand moved to my hair. With a soft tug, she silently asked me to kneel.

  After I’d tucked my legs beneath my rear, she threw her thin arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a fierce hug.

  Her soft words tickled my neck, “I believe.”

  Tears pooled in my eyes and I clenched her tighter. If she could believe in me, then I could, too.

  She squeezed my shoulders once more before shifting back to her Wolf. Gingerly, I ran my fingers through her soft fur. After a moment, she hopped up from my thighs and clicked back to her sentry at the door.

  I wiped my cheeks as she woofed softly in impatience.

  “I know, I know. I’m going,” I grinned. Standing once more, I closed my eyes and called to my flames for the fusion. My skin pebbled as fur sprouted on my arms. My jaw grew and my canines became more pronounced. The tips of my ears elongated into points and itched like crazy. Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes.

  Hmm, not bad. I looked like a muscled-up werewolf from a b horror film. My green eyes stared back at me from a lupine face. The curve of my small breasts was covered in black fur that ran down past my hips and backward facing knees, before ending at my enlarged feet. Lifting one razor tipped finger that resembled a claw, I gently scratched behind my ear. A swishing sounded behind me and I turned. Huh, look at that. I hadn’t even noticed that I’d grown a tail. I glanced at Bex, “Whar id my haar go?”

  She rolled her eyes and snorted.

  She was right, here I’d completed a successful fusion and I was worried about where my hair had gone. I turned back to the mirror and watched a shimmer of silver glimmer across my fur. How was magic able to give me so much more mass, I wondered, taking in my taller form. I flexed one meaty bicep and a funny sound emitted from the back of my throat as I laughed. I could totally give Blaze a run for his money.

  A sigh from Bex cut off my humor, “Whaa?”

  With a snort, she stood and padded back into the bedroom.

  Yeah, I was being a little childish, but it was pretty cool. I flashed my reflection a broad smile full of sharp teeth. Beast mode achieved.

  I just had to believe in myself.


  He awoke to Sora’s soft snores. Turning on his side, he pulled her tiny frame into his arms. Her slumber continued while he wondered just what the hell had happened.

  Images flashed through his mind.

  He had tried to get her to practice magic… She said she was afraid and he’d suggested that she move the water…

  His thoughts were hazy, but he recalled her drawing the wa
ter from the pool. The water had disbursed into tiny droplets high above them… Her eyes, oh God, her eyes… beautiful, like liquid silver.

  A flash of light, highlighting her body in a bright flame.

  Then… nothing.

  Whatever was happening had all the hallmarks of the Goddess. This whole destiny business was beginning to irritate the hell out of him… and there wasn’t a dammed thing he could do about it. Never in all the 997 years of his second life had he ever felt so… helpless.

  Every challenge he’d encountered thus far as Master was dealt with by logical efficiency. The outcome would either better his Clutch; or not. With only that guideline to follow, there was a perfect simplicity to his existence.

  Simple, but lonely.

  Fate was a twisted thing, and the irony of his situation was not lost on him. Not only was his Mate the most powerful Mage the world had ever seen, but the Goddess’s Chosen. He would do anything for her, logic be dammed.

  Cutting off his frustrated thoughts, he held Sora tighter.

  Chapter 3


  A sigh drew me from a deep sleep. Panicked, I calmed my racing heart and tried to recall the events of the previous day.

  Right, I’d travelled to San Diego County… with him.

  Opening my eyes, I tipped my head to the side and came face to face with the man himself. Evidently after my shower last night, he’d come to bed. And the only bed available, was the one I’d crawled into.

  My gaze roved the chiseled features of his face in the early morning light. Without his constant constipated look, he was every woman’s wet dream. Ooh, and he was shirtless.

  Shifting onto my elbow, I took in the black lines of his tattoo. Beginning beneath his jaw, the flames covered the sculpted planes of his upper body. They licked the tanned skin of his shoulder; disappeared beyond my sight to his back, and trailed lower beneath the blanket. Just how far down did they go?

  Curiosity rolled through my mind as I got up.

  “Where are you going?” He rumbled.

  I froze for a moment. Did he catch me staring? Oh, well. Bending at the waist to rummage through my bag, I gave him a front row seat to my ass. I smirked internally, good thing I’d put on my cute boyshorts last night. Once I’d grabbed my clothes, I straightened and padded barefoot to the bathroom.

  Closing the door, I hit the light switch above the small vanity. Eek, could my hair look any crazier? The wayward strands looked like I’d gotten into a fight with my brush, and lost. Shrugging it off, I quickly dressed in sage capris and a grey tank. Finger combing my hair, I threw it into a messy bun atop my head and scrubbed my teeth. After I washed my face, I left the bathroom in search of food.

  The fridge was completely stocked, thankfully, so I grabbed a strawberry tube style yogurt and a bottle of water before making my way to the booth. Shoes… where did I put my shoes? I panned the small space and located them by the door next to his shitkickers. I hated it when people moved my things. With a sigh, I pulled on my socks and low-heeled boots before stepping out into the chilly air.

  The fire Cooper had begun the previous evening had burnt out, so I called to my center and tossed a small scarlet orb into the pit. The flames immediately ignited the coals and roared to life. Sap spit and crackled as I settled onto a log to eat.


  He grinned at her reaction and looked his fill at her perfect rear. Sure, he didn’t like her much, but what hot blooded man wouldn’t look when something was offered on a silver, er hmm, black spandex platter?

  It didn’t escape his notice that she’d practically told him to kiss her ass. Regardless, it was a very nice ass. His morning wood bobbed in approval from beneath the small blanket and he scowled. Nope, there would most definitely be none of that.

  After she exited the bathroom, he tucked his overzealous member under the waistband of his sweats and got up for his morning routine.

  His mind replayed the scene on autopilot. What was that mark on her chest? Her pink tank had barely concealed it, but it looked like an unhealed wound. Why would a Mage have an unhealed wound?

  Not his problem, he repeated over and over to himself.

  Padding to the small kitchen counter, he poured himself a mug of coffee from the preset machine and blew over the rim. Mmm, he thought as he sipped, heaven.

  Mentally, he mapped out the route for his morning run and rinsed his cup in the sink.

  Daisy was playing with a red flame beside the fire. Her green eyes widened as they snagged on the muscles of his thick chest.

  Schooling his face, he maneuvered through a few stretches. The blush lighting her cheeks gave him a sick sense of satisfaction.

  Without a word, he took off at a leisurely jog.


  What a douche. Who goes for a run half naked anyway?

  Rolling my eyes, I recalled my flame from the fire with a snap and went inside to do more research. Ridiculously long, tedious, research. The Council had said the answers were here, though. I just had to find them.

  Once I’d settled into the booth, I plucked BC D, et prophetiss Concilium from the stack and received the same electric shock as before. Mentally, I face palmed myself. Why hadn’t I started with this book?

  Excitement ripped through my veins as I studied the heavily tooled leather cover. Goddess, the book was so old I should be wearing white gloves or something. Hoping it was spelled against such things, I opened the tome to the first page.

  The purpose of this book is to consolidate multiple prophecies. The Seer’s words have been translated and rewritten by the scholars of Rome for the High Council’s consideration.













  Ughh, I groaned. This was going to take forever. Curling my feet beneath my rear, I settled in to read all about Alexis’s Prophecies.

  An hour later, I had just gotten up for another cup of coffee when Cooper threw open the door. My eyes widened and I stared, struck dumb by the sweat highlighting his thickly corded chest.

  “There’s movement inside the Clutch’s perimeter,” he rumbled. “Get your shit together, we move out on foot in 5.”

  Snapped out of my ogling, I stuffed the book into my bag and pulled my boots back on.


  “Zeke, John, I need these points buttoned up,” he barked at the two Wolf Shifters while pointing at separate parts of the map.

  “But aren’t the Felidae patrolling there?” John queried.

  Jonas growled, “Yes, and you’re going to help them. Is there a problem?”

  John opened his mouth, then thought better of it and nodded.

  “What is it?” Jonas bit out, irritated.

  Zeke answered him, “It’s Syn, that Panther Shifter. She’s uh, she’s quite a handful, Boss.”

  “You’re afraid of a Cat, John?” Jonas snickered. “Really?”

  John’s ears turned pink and he shoved Zeke. “I’m not afraid. It’s just that, well, that’s her route and she’s, um,” he stammered while scratching his neck with a meaty hand, “she’s intense.”

  Laughing, Jonas slapped John’s back. “I’ll go check out this Panther. You two shore up the other sections in any way you can. We aren’t here to run things, just ask where help is needed and make suggestions. You both know what needs to be done.”

  They nodded.

  Shaking his head, Jonas made his way to the eastern perimeter to find this Syn.

  As he rounded the corner of the mansion, a streak of black darted across the grassy field. His eyes panned the area in front of the lithe figure for whatever had precipitated the Panther’s burst of speed.

  There. A faux cotton tail was tethered to a chain that was rapidly being pulled into a hole in the ground. Impressed by the Felidae’s ingen
uity, he prowled over with a swagger just as the bunny disappeared beneath the turf.

  The Panther heaved a frustrated sigh at losing its quarry and let out an ear-piercing yowl. Noticing his approach, the hair on its flank stood on end.

  Jonas inhaled, parsing the feline’s scent. Female, he thought. This must be her. He called a greeting, “Syn? Well met. I am Jonas, Beta to the Pack.”

  Her amber eyes squinted in annoyance and her thick tail lashed the air. With a huff, she turned away at a slow trot back toward the Training Grounds.

  Jonas picked up his pace and quickly caught up with the aggravated feline. “Apologies, if I’ve ruined your hunt.” He said with sincerity.

  One black furred ear swiveled in his direction. That was all the acknowledgement he received as she continued on her way.

  Unperturbed by her demeaner, he continued, “I have an issue with the Clutch’s security.”

  She stopped abruptly and growled a warning.

  He lifted a single brow in response and drew even with her.

  Lifting her upper lip to reveal a fang the size of his finger, she hissed.

  Jonas threw his hands up, “I am not sure who to speak with about it. Perhaps you can Shift and help me out?”

  The lithe muscles of her back legs bunched in preparation to maim him or worse.

  He did the only thing he could do, he shifted. A split second later, he towered over her smaller form as a large, black grizzly bear.

  Her eyes widened and she moved back a step in response to his imposing girth.

  He grinned at her reaction, showcasing every single sharp tooth with the motion.

  She did not like that one bit. Her ears flattened to her skull and she hissed louder than before.

  He grumbled a warning. Whatever she was thinking, it would not end well for her.

  The fur of her back stood entirely on end as she roared a challenge.

  “ENOUGH!” A man’s voice boomed from the stairs of the mansion.

  Syn’s ear flicked and she snorted. Her silky fur smoothed as the man stomped closer to them.

  Jonas’s took in the 6-foot male. His bright blue eyes were similar to his own, and he had a high and tight military cut. The fatigues labeled him as a Protector, one of the elite day guardians for the Clutch. They were rumored to drink donated Vampire blood and possessed enhanced strength, agility, as well as longer life spans. Judging by Syn’s abrupt halt, he assumed this man to be the Protector in charge.


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