Trained With Pain

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Trained With Pain Page 6

by Mark Andrews

  “Their mother is not going to be happy …”

  “I can understand that but the choice must be theirs. I have already discussed all these aspects with them – kids have to grow up sometime, Mr. Sedgman … in your case, it is just a little earlier.”

  The twins duly moved to Brisbane and, with two other recruits, moved in to their new accommodations. This was a house on the western outskirts of the city, handy to the university, for all such recruits were required to achieve a degree in their chosen field, but fully enclosed by a high brick wall which concealed a highly sophisticated security system.

  Once inside they were met by Karl Burroughs who was in charge of the house and was also their trainer. They also met their new companions, Jenny Scott and Peter Wilson, both aged eighteen, she studying commerce, he electronics.

  Karl was only twenty-nine years old but he had packed a lifetime into his years as a spy. He too was a lawyer having graduated at age twenty-one and then gone into overseas service as legal attaché to various embassies. He had been eminently successful as a secret agent but his superiors had realised his potential as a trainer and had set him up in this house a couple of years previously.

  He was a very handsome young man, very muscular in an athletic way, and these attributes had facilitated his tasks considerably. He was also black. His dark-chocolate skin resulting from Jamaican parents who had emigrated to Australia.

  His only assistant was the cook-housekeeper, a personable young lady named Alice who had begun training as a spy but who had decided a more peaceful occupation was more to her liking. She was a good-looking girl of twenty-two who had now found her niche in life cooking for and looking after Karl and the inmates of this house. She also helped Karl with the physical side of their training, the pain threshold enhancement as well as their muscular conditioning for she was an athlete of some note and she too had relished pain and degradation. It was only her nerve that had failed her as a spy …

  The house was equipped with a modern gymnasium and in the cellars under the old mansion was as much torture equipment as had graced the cellars of the Gestapo headquarters.

  The first thing was their introduction. Karl met them at the front gate since they couldn’t get in past the high wall and heavy wooden door unless he did. He watched as they said their goodbyes to their parents but then, once inside and the gate was closed and locked, he barked at them to strip.

  Right there, just inside the door on the plain concrete that paved the whole area between the front fence and the house itself — and in fact, all around it as well. But both felt that old familiar stirring down there as they realised their training had now officially started.

  There had been no amenities. No introductions or welcome … Karl was dressed in black. Black t-shirt that outlined his muscular chest and slim waist and they could even see the ridges of his belly muscles through it. There were also form-fitting black trousers and black shoes. He had merely inquired their names and when they had given them and he had checked their photos against their faces, had opened the gate wide and allowed them in.

  Each stripped self-consciously, aware they were right out in the open, even if there were no high buildings around from which people could stare down at them. When they were quite nude and had folded their clothes into two small piles, they stood up and looked down at them. They amounted to the sum of the their belongings. They had been told to bring nothing; no money, not even a wallet as everything they needed, even toiletries, would be supplied.

  “Leave them there and follow me,” he said, aware of their fear but also noting their obvious sexual excitement. He had also noted their hairless groins. Well, that was good. One area he wouldn’t have to attend to …

  First he supervised their showers. He gestured to a cage, complete with iron bars, rather like a zoo cage in fact and once they were inside, he closed and locked the door on them then moved to the controls. These were two large handles, one blue, the other red, by which he could control the flow of cold and hot water.

  He started with cold, moving the large lever on the valve in the big heavy pipe up through ninety degrees to a vertical position and thereby opening the flow to its full capacity. A torrent of cold water now thundered down on their naked bodies. There wasn’t a single rose above their heads; rather, the massive pipe divided into four when it reached the ceiling branching out to cover the whole area of the cage and every few inches along each of the four pipes, a jet had been screwed into it. It really was a downpour and the twins felt battered by the torrent.

  They also felt cold. The water was not refrigerated but it came through a tank buried under the cellars and it was very cold indeed. They hugged their bodies and shivered uncontrollably as Karl watched. He glanced at the temperature gauge that monitored the flow in the big pipe leading up to the top of the cage but it was well within safety limits.

  But then he shut off the water and handed in a bar of soap. “Lather her up, boy – and I mean everywhere!”

  Craig blushed. He loved his sister but he had never touched her sexually or even intimately. But he began the task without question. They knew their training was going to be far worse than the few taps Paul Donovan had given them from time to time and that it might cover areas they would find very difficult.

  He had no need to worry about his cock betraying him, though. It had been hard from the time Karl had ordered them to strip and now stood almost vertical up his well-muscled belly. And Wendy was the same. Her clit and her nipples had hardened just the same as her brother’s cock but now that Craig was soaping her all over, his gentle hands gliding over her firm breasts and down her flat belly (and glorying in the feel of them, despite his horror at touching his sister in this way), it was worse – far worse. Oh how wonderful it was to feel Craig’s hands on her flesh, even if she knew it was wrong …

  Then she had to soap Craig’s body – and felt exactly the same delight in his firm muscles as he had in her flesh. He stood there, ashamed at being felt up by his sister, but also incredibly turned on by it …

  Once both had been thoroughly soaped down – and Karl made sure each spent a long time fondling the other’s sexual organs, he moved to the red lever and pulled it down and then the blue one across, this one more slowly, watching the temperature gauge carefully. He wanted to hurt them but not to scald them for real.

  They felt it all right. Both screamed as the steaming water pelted down on their bodies, turning them both into lobsters. Again he kept up the barrage for a long time but then gave them a cooling blast and allowed them out of the cage.

  He gave them no towels but now led them to another room where he placed Craig in a barber’s chair – and proceeded to shave him from top to toe. Wendy was made to stand and watch as her brother was denuded of every last hair on his body, even his eyebrows and lashes.

  Craig didn’t resist. He didn’t even protest. He sensed this was a sort of test and if he uttered a word of objection, they would be out of there like a shot. Wendy watched amused, as her brother was carefully shaved of his fine head of silky-soft hair, knowing that in a few minutes, hers too would join his on the floor of the room. He had little other hair on his body and it took but seconds to flick away his eyebrows and then carefully cut off his lashes. His armpits were next and then the razor removed the few soft hairs on his legs.

  When he stood up, fifteen minutes later and stared at himself in the mirror. He was appalled. Was that him? Really? It didn’t look like him at all. He was glad now that they would be incommunicado for the next two months, while they completed their initiation, as it had been called.

  Wendy replaced him in the chair and ten minutes later, she too was as naked as a jaybird, looking more like a store dummy than a real human being.

  “Right,” said Karl, “now that you are more properly attired, we will go and meet your fellow trainees.”

  He led the way t
o their dorm, a stark room with four narrow cot beds and nothing else. There were no wardrobes or even a washbasin. The beds had plain mattresses on them over which were laid a single fitted sheet. There was no pillow and no blankets or top sheet.

  Waiting for them in the room were Jenny and Peter. Karl introduced them and then left them to get acquainted. In fact, he went to the control room where a mass of highly sophisticated electronic equipment was already listening and watching the four new trainees.

  Peter and Jenny had come in earlier today and now, all four of them stared at one another. All were stark naked and as bald as badgers. It was awkward for a few moments as the twins and the other two felt for common ground but then, as they became a little more used to the nakedness, they began to explore the others and were soon a little more natural.

  In the control room, Karl watched carefully. At HQ, so did others … All were pleased for the nakedness and the denuding of their natural hair was all part of a carefully contrived plan to test their mettle.

  Karl left them for an hour but then he showed up again and led them to the gym. It really was very well equipped and Peter, as the star gymnast amongst the four trainees, sparkled as he looked over the top quality items.

  But then Karl stripped off down to an athletic support, to reveal a body that was better than any of theirs – and that’s saying something for all four of them were either real Adonis’s (in the case of Peter and Craig), or highly athletic females – and all four of the trainees gaped as they saw his now near-naked body in all its chocolate-brown glory. His skin gleamed with good health and his muscles were so well articulated you could mark the separation of every single one of them.

  He now demonstrated his prowess on each of the major items of equipment: the parallel bars, horizontal bar, Roman rings and the vaulting horse and as he watched, Peter, who had thought himself pretty much star quality in this discipline, knew Karl was far better than he was.

  “That was not to show off, people,” said Karl after he jumped down from the horizontal bar. “It was to demonstrate that I am qualified to teach you how to develop and maintain your bodies, for gymnastics required enormous strength and a high degree of coordination both of which will be useful to you in your future careers.

  “Of course, we will also be studying spy-craft as well but we have four years to do that. Four years while you attend university and attain your degrees but at the same time to learn what I and other’s have to teach you.

  “This first two months will be very hard. It is designed to test your resolve to the limit. I will be working you harder than you can imagine and life will be Spartan indeed here.”

  “May I ask why we are so naked, Karl?” said Peter curiously.

  “You may, Peter. You four are masochistic and are also used to a degree of shame. Shame is a potent tool used by some foreign security services. Together with torture it is still used extensively. You are naked – and even more than naked so that you become familiar with the concept. During your stay here, you will always be naked. When you go out to university, you will of course be clothed but at times, under your clothes there will be all sorts of restraints, dildos, chastity devices and even electronic torture contrivances. As you learn to tolerate more and more pain, these will become more and more harsh until you may even be able to cope with red-hot bars touching your skin or mains voltage electrical shocks to your genitals …”

  They stared at him in awe – and a degree of consternation. Red hot irons? Electric shocks, down there?

  “Let’s not worry too much about it. We have four years, if you make the grade, that is, to develop these skills. Right now, we’ll begin on your bodies. Let’s see you two men on the parallel bars… Ah, Alice. Come over.” He had noticed his assistant entering the room and now introduced her to their new trainees. “These are Craig and Wendy…” She grinned at the two newcomers, introduced herself to them and then took the two girls in charge, leading them over to the mats where she was going to put them through a rigorous workout.

  Two hours later, all four of them were exhausted. They might have felt they were the ants’ pants in physical fitness and they certainly were very fit but Karl and Alice made sure they were pushed to their limits.

  After the physical jerks, Karl took them back to the shower cage and blasted all four of them with torrents of the icy water until they were shaking with the cold. Again there was no question of drying their bodies with towels. They could wipe as much moisture as they could off themselves and each other with their hands but then it was into the lecture room where Karl was going to begin their spy training.

  For the next eight weeks, this was the pattern of their lives.

  They slept together in the dorm on the four beds, naked, shaven of every last hair on their bodies, without covering of any kind. The room was maintained at an even 24°C but it was still very strange laying naked, shaven totally nude, without any covering for your body and with three other similarly naked people in the room.

  No-one said anything about sex. It wasn’t far from any of their conscious minds for each of the four of them were either very handsome or utterly beautiful, even without their natural hair, but in that weird situation, none of them voiced their thoughts and tried their best to look nonchalantly at the others’ nakedness.

  They were roused at six and went for a run round and round the house out on the concrete yard until seven. Karl made them sprint, then walk then trot for each successive lap around the house then it was into the shower cage for fifteen minutes of boiling hot and then frigidly cold torrential blasts interspersed with soaping each other down – again most intimately.

  Now Karl mixed them up, sometimes having the girls soap the boys and vice-versa; sometimes making them do each other. They didn’t much like this for none of them were in the least homosexually inclined and fondling a person of like sex didn’t appeal at all. But Karl made them do it. No doubt he had a reason but he wasn’t telling them what it was, not then, anyway.

  After the ‘shower’ they breakfasted. It was all very healthy stuff; no bacon and eggs for them, now. Cereals with milk (no sugar), wholemeal toast and fresh fruit.

  Then for the rest of the morning, they went to school. It was always some aspect of the craft of spying. The subject might be organisation, operations or world political developments. Karl sometimes conducted the lessons himself but more often brought in an expert from the Agency. The speaker would expound on his subject for a while, then involve his students in a workshop-type discussion in which he made them think through the subject and bring out the points themselves.

  It was hard work. Hard mental work, far harder than the twins had faced at school, but it was going to stand them in good stead in a couple of months when they started university.

  After lunch, again a healthy meal, usually a salad of some kind, they exercised. The first session was in the gym where Karl and Alice put them through muscle toning and strengthening routines. Then it was outside and now the two trainers really punished their charges.

  Alice might choose Wendy who then had to squat down and take the athletic housekeeper on her shoulders, stand up and take off around the yard while Karl might mount Craig’s back and do the same. Jenny would then have to mount Peter’s shoulders.

  All three ‘steeds’ then had to trot around the house while their rider questioned them about the morning’s seminar. Karl alternated between riding Peter and Craig and so did Alice with Wendy and Jenny and this way ensured each of the four was tested properly every second day for who knows what Wendy might ask Craig.

  After a few weeks the girls were judged strong enough to take the heavier males on their shoulders and were then subjected to the same examination of their knowledge.

  For the first week, this was the pattern and it might be thought the four novice spies might be starting to wonder at their choice of profession. Not so. All f
our were extraordinarily intelligent young people and were all confirmed masochists and this enforced exercise and gruelling mental regime thrilled them to the core. Even the weird sleeping and showering arrangements fitted in with their perceived ideas of masochistic slavery.

  They weren’t really locked into the mansion but they told themselves they were and that they were being trained as spy-slaves whose bodies were being exercised to be the best and whose minds were being moulded by the most rigorous mental training that could be conceived. Each of them had similar if not identical thoughts along these lines and it was therefore not surprising that the two males were often erect while the girls’ nipples and clits were just as aroused.

  Both Karl and Alice often touched their bodies.

  They did it intentionally and quite openly, feeling the girls’ breasts and delving into their sex lips and masturbating them to orgasm as well as merely caressing their nicely developing flesh. They were just as blatant with the boys, constantly hefting their balls and playing with their cocks while Peter or Craig stood there, each boy forcing himself to take it and blushing furiously while the other three looked on, grinning wickedly at his shame.

  They didn’t explain this outrageous behaviour to the four young people. It seemed random but wasn’t. It appeared that whenever the mood took either of them, Karl or Alice would beckon his or her choice of subject over to stand between his or her legs and then start to feel them up.

  They might order the girl or boy to spread their legs and assume some particular pose that facilitated the very indecent caressing of their bodies and particularly their sexual organs, aware the others were all watching closely.


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