Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1)

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Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1) Page 12

by Yuri Futanari

  “But like...” she whispered, “What if these lunatic bitches ever find out?”

  “I'll just have to kill them I guess,” Margaret shrugged as she continued to write in her notebook, reacting as if it was just 'one of those unpleasant things' she had to do in life.

  “You ain't gonna kill nobody Marge, gawd.” Julie groaned.

  Margaret just replied in her flat level, no bullshit tone as she pulled the blade from her boot, pointing it at the spiky pink haired girl, “Hide and watch.”

  Ep 12, Chapter 4

  Yan and Yui were home at a normal hour, which caught everybody off guard.

  When they came in the door, Margaret and Jacqueline were in her room studying, and Jacqueline was sitting in Margret’s lap.

  Anna was preparing supper at the time but was only cooking for three because she had no advance warning of their early arrival.

  As their Mercedes came in the driveway, Jacqueline froze, much like an animal listening for a predator.

  “What is it?” Margaret asked quietly.

  “Momma and papa are home.” she said whispered nervously.

  “You're home early!” Anna called out as they entered the living room.

  “You said something came up, so we came home to talk about it.”

  “Well,” Anna tried to sound relaxed, “Turns out it was nothing really,” she wiped her hands on a towel hanging off the refrigerator door handle, “I simply misunderstood something I saw and took it the wrong way is all.”

  “You don't usually do that.” Yan's shrill voice came up the stair well from the kitchen, making the parental connection somehow so much more clear to Margaret as the two children listened intently, barely breathing.

  “This is true,” Anna chuckled nervously, “But I am getting old,” she shrugged and looked at the floor in the corner sheepishly.

  “What was the misunderstanding about?” Yui asked.

  “Well,” Anna scrambled for something convincing to say in place of the truth, “I thought Jacqueline was getting sick,” she thought of how she might put this in a delicate and unalarming way, “Because she had...well,” looking maybe squeamish, but more as if she was hoping she could get the point across as something delicate without using graphic terms, “A 'discharge'...if you know what I mean?”

  Yan got a wide eyed look of knowing and tilted his head back saying, “Ohhhhhhhh...”

  Yui for a moment was lost, “What kind of discharge?”

  “Yuuhhh...you know...” Anna prompted with an expectant expression, eyebrows raised.

  “I'm not following you.” Yui refused, “She has the wrong – ohhhhhhhhhh!” and she too rocked back and then looked around, her ivory skin blushing deeply, raising her hand to her mouth, “Already?”

  Ep 12, Chapter 5

  Since they had canceled their plans for the evening, Yan and Yui decided to remain home and eat with their daughter and her guest.

  At the dinner table, however, they all seemed a bit uncomfortable.

  “So...” Yan tried to make small talk, “How is school you two?”

  “Fine,” Jacqueline answered, turning her head toward her father.

  “Actually since we have been studying together,” Margaret announced, “her grades have gone up.”

  “Oh! That's wonderful!” Yui cooed with pride, “See honey, I knew you could do it,” she said feeling a sense of vindication.

  “Mama,” her chirrupy little voice said gravely, “I'm still never going to be a rocket scientist like you and papa.”

  “Oh,” Yui groaned despairingly, “Don't SAY negative stuff like that! You create a self fulfilling prophecy when you do that! Think POSITIVE for a change baby!”

  “I am mama,” she replied, “But I'm being realistic too.”

  “She's getting to that age,” Yan sighed in an equally chirrupy voice, “Those years when you just can't reason with them.”

  “But papa,” Jacqueline pleaded, “I AM trying! I study hard every day! I'm just not that smart.”

  “Mr. Shunokoi,” Margaret addressed him, “A wise man once said, 'There are different kinds of smarts in this world' and your daughter has a lot of profound gifts which she can share with this world.” although this did not elicit a pleased look from either of Jacqueline's parents, she continued on with her point, “One thing I can promise you both personally however,” as she looked over at Yui inclusively, “is that I will do my very best to help her get the best education she can get.”

  They looked at each other and slowly smiled, then Yan looked back at their guest and replied, “We are most honored that you have taken so much interest in our daughter and helped her so much. Please do take care of her for us.”

  Episode 13

  “A Love That Draws Blood”

  Margaret was more and more at the Shunokoi's house now than her own apartment.

  So one evening late, when she got a call from Janice, she was busy watching videos with Jacqueline, who was already in her pajamas, curled up on her.

  “Ummm...” baby give me a second here, reaching the phone from her purse beside the bed, “Hello?”

  “Hey Marge,” she came over the phone, “Did you get my e-mail?”

  “Ummm...” looking at the time, “Oh, uhhh...sorry, no, haven't gotten home yet.”

  “Its almost midnight. Where you at? Are you in a Japanese club or something?”

  “Oh um..no,” she shifted, “Baby give me a little room to move ok?”

  “BABY?” came Janice's voice over the phone, “You in BED with somebody?”

  “Its not like that!” Margaret grumbled in annoyance only to be punctuated by a noisy smooching sound from Jacqueline's overly plush lips, “Bunny-”.

  “Ohhhhh la-laaaaaa you wicked devil you -” Janice purred lustfully, “Got room for three?”

  “Janice-” Margaret grumbled in exasperation, “What were you calling me about?”

  “Oh,” Janice said coyly, “I'll let you read the e-mail...ta-ta...” and the call ended.

  “Damn...” then putting the phone down, she turned to Jacqueline, “Were you doing that on purpose?”

  Jacqueline just looked her with those vacant looking eyes and cooed with a big silly grin before going for the older girl's neck.

  “Be- Ja- Honeyyy...” Margaret protested weakly, “We're going to get in TROUBLE here...ow! Stop that! Hey! That tick-hehehehe!!!”

  Ep 13, Chapter 2

  Jacqueline suddenly stopped and looked up. She then carefully moved back into a less intimate position and with the remote selected a comedy anime she had loved for years and put it on pause.

  Seconds later, Anna came to the door and opened it.

  “You two sound like you're having too much fun.”

  “She likes my show!” Jacqueline exclaimed in her chirpy voice, “She thinks its funny!”

  “Hmmm,” Anna looked hard at them as she flicked on the light, “You laugh so much you pee your self?”

  “Oh!” Margaret squeaked and forced a giggle, “Oops!”

  “Its a week night. I think it is time for Jacqueline to get to sleep.”

  “Yes, Anna,” Jacqueline slightly moaned, “I'm sorry.” then she yawned spontaneously.

  “Wow!” Margaret lifted her purse and looked at the clock beside the bed, “I hadn't realized it was so late!”

  “Best you never do that on DATE!” Anna sternly warned her shaking her finger reprovingly.

  “Oh no ma'am!” she said as she rolled herself out of the bed, “Wouldn't DREAM of that! I TOLD you!”

  “I just want to make sure.” Anna said, “Young people often change their minds.”

  “I'm not a mind changer Anna,” she smiled coyly, “I'm a GAME changer!” and she stuck out her tongue playfully.

  “Go already. Git...go on, this little girl she needs her sleep...” Anna waved Margaret toward the door.

  “Good niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....” Bunny said in that unusually soft and feathery voice she sang in, waving with her tin
y little fingers, “Margieeee...”

  “Good night B-” she suddenly felt awkward, so she finished with, “Bunny.”

  Anna eyed Margaret as she left the room with one eye squinted and the other eyebrow raised in suspicion.

  Ep 13, Chapter 3

  As Margaret pulled into the private underground garage, she was not paying especially close attention to the group of thugs all hanging out in imported cars on the street, and even ignored them when one guy whistled and made cat calls at her.

  As she pressed the key pad, and the door opened up, she slowly eased forward, and drove through the gate as it rolled up into the ceiling.

  Although she heard the strange clanging of metal behind her, it never occurred to her that the men had one person hiding in the bushes above the edge of the driveway who had quietly leapt down and slid a metal plate over the magnetic sensor that automatically opened and held open the garage door so cars could safely exit without using a key pad.

  This design was mainly for the convenience of guests of the tenants and so that they never need know the passcode to enter.

  Tonight, however, it was used as a means of illegal entry by some very skilled street thugs who normally stole expensive cars.

  Margaret parked her car in its slot, turned on its alarm and headed for the elevator.

  Suddenly the two foreign cars raced into the garage and the young thugs all jumped out, some with knives, some with chains, some with bats.

  She noticed this and turned to look, and then she realized, they were not here for her automobile or her autograph.

  Ep 13, Chapter 4

  It was just this morning that Julie had said, “You ain't gonna kill nobody Marge, gawd” and she had pulled her knife and replied, “Hide and watch.”

  But what she did at that moment was to walk on toward the elevator as if they did not exist.

  “Hey bitch!” one called out in a Spanish accent.

  “Yo! He's talkin ta you bitch!” came another, and she could hear their sneakered feet shuffling as they began coming at her.

  “I guess she thinks she's better than us, huh.” Came a third voice.

  “Lets waste this bitch!” came the first thug as he raised his bat and ruched her.

  Without any perceptible effort, and little visible movement, Margaret slipped a small, balanced knife from the base of her leather handbag and flicked it under one arm, hitting the charging thug right under his sternum, making him gasp, wide eyed and curl up into a ball as he fell to the ground.

  As he cried out in pain, the others who had been running after him suddenly skittered to a stop, not so certain of their prey.

  Margaret said, “You can keep that as a souvenir if you leave quietly.”

  They thought about this but then one of them said, “She ain't got nothin else or she'd be using it right now!” and with that he came at her with a knife, only at the last moment to find out otherwise.

  She kicked her right foot up over her head, then followed with her left foot, spinning all the way over herself, catching her opponent right in his right eye socket when he foolishly looked up at her feet instead of trying to dodge or block.

  As he fell to the concrete floor screaming in pain, the clear liquid of his ruptured eyeball was soon replaced with pink and then red as the ripped flesh of the orb leaked everything.

  Coming down in a squatting position, she handily slipped out her twelve inch Bellstar Ellinsword 125 ceramic tactical combat knife and in moments handily snapped out the retractable five inch butt blade.

  Still not thinking they were out matched, the remainder of them regrouped and rushed her again, only too late to notice she was armed and intent on winning at all costs.

  Spinning low, Margaret deftly sliced above a knee cap, bringing another thug screaming to the floor on his knees, which only aggravated the wound making him scream even louder.

  Before he had finished falling, however, she had lunged past the next man and stabbed through his Achilles tendon, pulling outward to completely sever it.

  As the men realized that she had come in fast and low into their midst they tried veering to each side, losing all the momentum of their charge.

  The one unlucky enough to skid to a stop right in front of her received a combination circumcision and castration in one swift upper thrust with a twist.

  As he fell screaming, she picked out her next target as the man who had decided to come at her with a chain from behind.

  She let the chain almost strike her before she rolled, grabbing the chain, yanking him to the ground with it and coming back up behind him to wrap it around his neck, still wrapped around his wrist and yanking it tight. He made a choking sound as he fell to the ground, eyes bulging.

  This left three assailants, all of whom had had enough time to assess the situation and were trying to be warier than their unlucky companions.

  One got into a knife fighting stance, trying to circle around her to flank her, since she could obviously not face all three from three different angles.

  She didn't look at him.

  Instead, she seemed to stare off into space some place.

  As another thug came in low to sweep her knees out from under her, she leapt up and back, landing behind him, sticking the five inch 'back-stabber' blade into his spine, dropping him instantly.

  The security had already called the police, and now the sound of sirens was coming up the street, echoing softly into the parking garage.

  “You should have taken the souvenir and left while you could.” she said calmly, not even winded, “But now,” she said, “You're all leaving in stretchers.”

  The one man who was to her left with the last remaining baseball bat, glanced at the man with the knife nervously and then turned to made a break for the cars in hopes of fleeing.

  She spun and slung her knife, landing it in the middle of his back.

  The knife holder, seeing an opening, tried the same on Margaret.

  She sweep kicked the knife away without even looking directly at him.

  With a predatory smile, she slowly stalked the man as he tried to make his way toward the cars for an escape.

  As he broke for the closest car, she followed with ease, allowing him to get partially into the car before launching into a flying drop kick and slamming the car door into him.

  As the frame of the door caught him, it violently slammed his head into the roof of the car, knocking him unconscious while breaking his nose and top teeth.

  “Told ya.” she said, standing up, bending over, and pulling her knife from the back of the one assailant.

  She wiped most of the blood off the knife on his hooded black jacket, then carefully walked a wide path to the elevators avoiding any blood that may have spattered and gotten on her boots.

  When the police came, only the assailants remained, and the guards lied, saying it was a gang fight over turf.

  Ep 13, Chapter 5

  As Margaret walked in the door and deactivated her internal alarm system, locked the door and re-set the external alarm, she went to the refrigerator and got out a beer.

  She washed her knife off in the toilet with bleach, seeing as it was the one place in her life blood was certain to be found.

  She took a shower, and then washed the shower stall with bleach as well.

  She took her boots and school uniform, put it in a pail from under the sink, and poured ammonia on it.

  The fumes were overpowering and she coughed a bit before taking it out onto the balcony.

  She rubbed the boots down with ammonia and then called Julie.

  “Hey Jules,” she began.

  “Why are you calling....so....(yawning) late....on a....school night?” came a grumbly, sleepy voice.

  “I killed somebody tonight.” she said.

  “You...huh...what...?” came the sleepy tired voice trying to comprehend, “Margaret, what are you talking about?”

  “Some assholes tried to jump me in the garage.” she explained coolly, “It w
as a set up.”

  “Wha....what did the police say?” she asked.

  “I didn't hang around.” Margaret replied, “I let the guards talk to them.”


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