Saved by an Angel

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Saved by an Angel Page 3

by Virtue Doreen


  by Anna Martin

  It was about seven years ago when I discovered that angels really do exist. I was driving to work via the day-care center. It was very early in the morning, very cold, and I had my baby in the backseat. As we were coming up to a little bridge, suddenly my windshield fogged up completely. I couldn’t see out of any window, and there was nowhere to pull over on the bridge. I literally threw my hands up in the air and said, “Oh my God, someone is going to have to help me because I can’t see a thing!”

  Then it felt like my car was floating across the bridge and through an intersection on the other side, before parking safely on the side of the road. I believe angels carried us to safety that day. There is no other explanation. I sat there for some time, quite shaken, before I drove again—this time with a huge grin on my face.


  by Nicole Hume

  I’ve always been open to angels and held a belief that there is something beyond our physical realm, but one day I became convinced that an angel was watching over me.

  I live in New South Wales, Australia, and at this particular time I was working in the Blue Mountains, a very picturesque area. On my trip to work I would exceed the various posted speed limits, as I would nearly always be running late. The roads were wide and well marked, but on this particular day it was raining quite heavily and a mist had settled over the mountain. In my little car the windows fogged up easily, so I had to have the de-mister up high and keep wiping the windshield so I could see where I was going.

  As you can imagine, driving in a mountainous area there are lots of bends and curves. I was coming into a 55-mile-per-hour stretch, which meant that I would have been traveling at around 65 miles per hour. I was heading around a medium-long bend to the right (in Australia, the steering wheel is on the right-hand side of the car), so I was limited as to what I could see ahead.

  Then I felt as if someone kicked the back of my seat. There was a strange crackle that came from my stereo, and I saw a flash of white light and heard a voice tell me to slow down. I was a little unnerved, so I obeyed. Around the bend I came upon an accident that had just occurred that blocked the whole road … I had just enough time to stop!

  I believe that I was being watched over, and if I hadn’t received the message from my angel, I would have hit one of the vehicles head-on and been severely injured or even killed.


  by Sabine Vogt

  I was about seven or eight years old, living in a little village in Germany. It was a nice sunny afternoon, and all the kids, including me, were out playing. A few of us decided to start a game of hide-and-seek, and we all tried to find a place where we would be hard to find.

  Behind our house was a trash container only for paper, and I thought that this would be a great spot. So I climbed in and closed the lid. There was absolutely no way that anyone could find me.

  Suddenly, the lid flew open and somebody grabbed me, and I had the feeling that I was flying out of the container. Then, once on the ground, I found myself staring at what I thought was a garbage man; however, it wasn’t trash day, so the person had no reason to be there.

  He stared back at me, and although it wasn’t scary, I was so surprised that I ran away. It’s safe to say that this angel saved my life, because I definitely wouldn’t have been able to open the lid of the container by myself, and I could have suffocated.

  So thank you very much, angel, for rescuing me!


  by Anonymous

  My angel story began last year. I moved to a beautiful new home, and soon after, I found Doreen’s book The Lightworker’s Way.

  Upon reading this book, I had a truly special awakening, and the angels made their presence very clear to me in various ways. I could feel them through my heart center. I could sense them all around me for weeks, throughout every minute of the day. I could hear them singing—the loveliest sound I’ve ever heard. I could see them in my mind’s eye. As I lay down to rest, the most beautiful colors would appear, guiding me through some intense and deep healing. I looked in the mirror, and for the first time I could see the very depths of my soul … the true beauty that was me, God’s creation. So with the angels’ guidance, I began my own spiritual journey.

  I’ve been on this journey ever since and have made such positive changes. I’ve learned how to listen, and bring the angels’ energy into my life and the lives of others through my art and the healing skills I’ve learned. Thanks to the wonderful wisdom shared in the book, I now know that I am a lightworker. I realize that it’s no accident that I found it; that it was my time to wake up fully to my true purpose here on Earth.

  What makes this story wonderful is that I was a real doubting Thomas who lived through pretty difficult life experiences, but now I have faith and healing that I can share. I will be eternally grateful for being awakened to my purpose, and to the angels energy that surrounds us daily.


  by Staci Christensen

  Let me begin by saying that my husband, Travis, has been an “adrenaline junkie” since the day I met him. He enjoys all things fast, and loves to take risks.

  I’d never really been too fearful, but I would avoid going to the motocross track when he and my son would ride their motorcycles. This was the first time I’d ever decided to see “my boys” ride. They were having a great time, and my two smaller children and I were watching from the fence line. There were just a few riders out on the track. Then Travis drove right in front of us around the first corner, hit a huge jump, and “cased it” into the ramp of the second jump.

  At first it didn’t really look as if he were hurt very badly. He stood and lifted his motorcycle up. He rested his head for a minute on the handlebars and then proceeded to try to start the bike.

  All of a sudden I noticed a man sitting to the left of the jump, lounging in a lawn chair with an umbrella—I hadn’t seen him there at all until that moment. He got up and told my husband that he would drive him back to where we had parked. He put Travis in the front seat of our truck and loaded my husband’s and my son’s motorcycles in the back, which I couldn’t have done alone. Then he walked away. I can’t even remember what he looked like, and I have no idea where he came from or where he went. But I was grateful for his help and drove on to the local hospital.

  When we arrived, they x-rayed Travis and found that he’d broken every bone in the upper-left side of his body. They were afraid that his rib was so close to his aorta that it might puncture it, so they life-flighted him to the university hospital for surgery. When my husband was stable and starting his recovery process, he told me that he’d been helped by an angel.

  I thought he meant this metaphorically; however, he told me that he knew that the man who had helped him out at the track was an angel. The man hadn’t been there until that very second, and my husband and son had been riding for a while and knew everyone at the track.

  An angel showed up that day, and we are truly grateful for the help heaven gave us!


  by Luisa Wise

  It had been several years since I’d had a cervical-screening checkup. Usually I went quite regularly, and I’d received letters from my doctor reminding me to book an appointment. But time passed, and I eventually forgot about it. Then one day in February 2007, I received another reminder letter, and as soon as I opened it, a voice told me that I had to go this time. The voice persisted until I made the appointment with my doctor … with good reason: my test revealed that I had precancerous cells, and I had to undergo treatment to remove them.

  If I hadn’t listened to that voice, I would either be fighting cancer … or I wouldn’t be here at all. I thank God and the angels for warning me and insisting that I make that appointment. Now I’m fit and healthy, I go for my checkups every year, and I can expect to be here for my children and family for a long time t
o come.


  by Renee Lukaszek

  When I was 13, my family was going through a hard time. My dad had been into drugs and was an alcoholic. He and my mom would fight, and often there was physical abuse. The deeper into drugs and drinking my dad got, the worse things were at home. Mom was working two jobs to try to keep up with the bills. One night as she was heading out to her second job, things took a bad turn.

  I was heating up the dinner that my mom had made for us earlier that day. My dad came home with one of his friends. They ended up getting high and were drinking heavily. My dad decided to take his friend home and made me go with them. I tried so hard to persuade him not to drive. I knew he shouldn’t get behind the wheel. He yelled and told me to get into the car.

  It was wintertime, and the roads were terrible that night. It was a long drive, and I lay in the backseat, just praying we’d make it safely to our destination. At one point I sat up and saw a dog up ahead on the road.

  I said, “Dad, slow down! There’s a dog in the middle of the street!”

  He told me he didn’t see any dog! It was then that I felt the softest hands cradling the sides of my face, like a gentle force pulling me back and laying me down on the seat. I couldn’t understand what was happening, but I felt safe and protected. All of a sudden it was as if I were in a deep sleep. I remember falling off the backseat and hitting something hard. But as much as I tried, I couldn’t open my eyes or move. It was like something was keeping me from seeing or feeling anything.

  The next thing I knew, my dad was screaming at me to hang on and not die. It was still like I was in a deep sleep, but I could hear him faintly. He scooped me up and took me to the nearby home of a stranger, who witnessed everything!

  It turned out that we were in a horrific car accident. At the last minute my dad had swerved to miss the dog and lost control. There wasn’t anything left of the car. Dad said that the steering wheel had been pinned to his chest when he came to. He didn’t know how he did it, but he pushed with all of his might and it moved just enough so he could squeeze his way out to get me. All three of us were hurt, but luckily there were no life-threatening injuries.

  I truly believe it was my angel who not only protected us that night, but saved our lives. I think I might have panicked if I’d seen what was happening. I left the hospital with stitches in my face and a broken hand. Although I had to learn to use my right hand again, I know things could have been much worse. Dad got help for his addictions right after this accident.

  I still have the scars to this day. It’s a gentle reminder of my angel’s presence and grace, and the love from heaven above!



  by Viki Gregory

  One hot summer’s day, my four girls, my sister, her son, and I had gone to the beach. I’d been injured with a third-degree sprain and was off work, and my sister was coming along to help me out with the little ones.

  I’d just done the visual sweep. My third youngest, Cassie, who was three at the time, was playing in the shallow water with her older sisters; and the littlest ones were right beside my sister, who was making a sand mermaid. Feeling that all was safe, I’d begun watching my sister create her masterpiece when I heard a voice say, “Look.”

  Startled, I glanced at my sister’s face, since I thought she’d been the one who had spoken. Then, as soon as I did, I heard a much louder, much more urgent “Look!” And when I looked up, there was my Cassie floating facedown in the water; her older sisters had gone to have fun in the deeper water.

  I jumped up and ran, my heart pounding, not feeling anything … no pain, just my heart beating. I scooped Cassie up. She gasped for air and cried, “Mama, I was so scared! I couldn’t breathe!” And I cried … I still cry, I am so blessed.

  I am eternally grateful to that voice for saving my baby girl.


  by Jenn Krejci

  I was probably ten years old, and my mom and I had gone to visit a friend and her daughter. It was our first time at their house. I remember that it had a long driveway, which was great because the other little girl and I spent most of the time outside with sidewalk chalk.

  As we were coloring rainbows and hopscotch blocks, a yellow taxi drove up to the curb and stopped fast. The driver didn’t get out, but he looked like he was in a hurry, glancing around and speaking quickly. He called out, “Hey, kid! You know where mumble, mumble Street is?”

  I immediately felt someone very, very tall standing behind me, holding their hands in a crisscross position over my shoulders and torso. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. My heart was beating very fast as my new friend took a few steps toward the taxi and asked, “What?!”

  The taxi driver waved her closer. She walked a few more steps, and he repeated, “How do you get to mumble, mumble Street?”

  She again asked, “What?!” and in my head I was screaming at her not to get close! Bad! Bad! Run away! Why can’t I move? I’ll run to her and grab her, and we’ll escape to the house! Why can’t I scream for help?! Why can’t I snap out of it and run to her?! No! Help! Danger!

  My friend got closer to the car, and I saw the taxi driver’s door open a crack. At that moment my friend’s mother peeked her head out of the front door. She yelled to the man, “Hey! Get out of here!” and called to her daughter to come into the house.

  The taxi sped away with squealing tires that left black marks in the street. My heart stopped racing, and I felt the protective arms gently release me and disappear. I could suddenly speak and move again. It was as if I’d been frozen, and now I was unfrozen!

  I know now that if I’d run to grab my friend, we both likely would have been kidnapped. If I’d screamed for help, she probably would have immediately been snatched up. I’m sure an angel or spirit guide told that mother to check on her child—and luckily, she listened!


  by Terry Hibbs

  I was on my motorcycle coming from Galveston, Texas. I was taking back roads instead of the interstate on my way to my cousin’s house in Katy, outside of Houston, before heading home to Elgin, Texas.

  I had my directions, and I came to an intersection where I thought I should turn, but something made me go straight instead. I’d gone a mile or so down the road before I realized that I had to backtrack because I had in fact needed to turn.

  When I finally turned onto the correct road, I came upon a horrible wreck in the lane I was in. It had just happened minutes before. It occurred to me as I saw the police heading to the scene that it had been my angels who had guided me to go straight and then turned me back around when it was safe to do so. Given the severity of the accident I saw, and being on a motorcycle, I’m not sure that I would have made it. But I did … because of my angels.

  As soon as I had this realization, I felt tingling throughout my body, and I teared up. All I could say was “Thank you, angels.”


  by Clara María del Carmen Mariaka Barrios

  I was in my native country, Guatemala. It was November 2005, and I was traveling with my best friend to Guatemala City from Quetzaltenango, which is four hours away by car. We woke early because my friend had to be in a ceremony at 8 A.M. After three hours of driving, the highway grew straighter, but the condition of the road deteriorated.

  Suddenly a pickup truck sped by and went in front of me (the highways in my country are only two lanes). My first reaction was to brake, and because of the condition of the road and the fact that my truck was empty, we started to roll. I can’t remember the speed we were going, but I’m sure it was above 90 miles per hour. My friend, who had been napping in the passenger seat, was screaming at this point. My pickup rolled several times, and from the opposite direction I saw three big trucks coming toward us at a high speed.

  At the moment I anticipated colliding with one of the trucks, everything happened in slow motion. I just closed my eyes, waiting
for the impact … and then I felt “someone” pull my pickup from behind, and we landed in a cornfield. It was the season in Guatemala when corn is just harvested, and we ended up on a cushion of dry corn.

  After the “landing,” my friend and I hugged each other. Within a couple of minutes five or six men who had witnessed the accident came to the cornfield, trying to help us. They were asking if we were all right. From their point of view, the crash had looked devastating. They thought that we’d be dead and the car smashed … but nothing had happened! My friend and I were okay, without injury—only the emotional shock—and my truck was intact; the “cushion” had kept it from being destroyed.

  All the men who helped us said that we’d disappeared from the road very quickly. It was as if a “magnet” had pulled my pickup away; otherwise, one of the big trucks would have hit us … and all of this had happened in the blink of an eye. My friend and I talked afterward, and we both described the same thing. We felt like “someone”—a major force—had pulled the truck off the road and into the cornfield.

  It was a very dark time in my life, and I didn’t understand it then, but now I know that Archangel Michael moved my truck, saving our lives! Everything finally made sense to me when I heard that angels don’t intervene without our free will except when we’re in dangerous situations. My first thought was of that accident.


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