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Saved by an Angel

Page 23

by Virtue Doreen

  She was sent in answer to a prayer, and to express love—Divine love. I basked in the love and radiance for at least 30 minutes. I even went to the bathroom during that time, and she was still there when I came back out, just radiating love and light. Then she slowly faded out, back to just reddish white, then to nothingness. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I now continue to see, hear, and feel my angels all the time.


  1 Osis, K., and Haraldsson, E. 1997. At the Hour of Death. Third Edition (Norwalk, CT: Hastings House).

  Chapter 17


  If you follow the seven-day plan from Chapter 16, continue repeating the process for as many days as it takes, and if you’re truly ready to see an angel, there’s no reason why you won’t have an angel vision. The methods outlined in the previous chapter are all powerful, time-honored steps that lead to visions. They work … if you commit to practicing them consistently.

  As you’ve read in the stories in this book, different people have different ways of seeing their angels. Yet, whether their experience involved a dream, a waking state, seeing lights, or having a helpful encounter with a mysterious stranger, the authors of the stories you’ve read about have one thing in common: their angel vision was deeply meaningful and life changing.

  You probably have a preference regarding the way you’d like to see your angels (and in this chapter, I’m using the word angel to collectively mean an angel with wings, a deceased loved one, or an ascended master), yet your angel vision will occur exactly in the manner that you’re most ready for. If you would be frightened by seeing a big beautiful angel in your living room, then your angel vision will occur as a dream or in the form of seeing lights.

  In my workshops, I find that my audience members experience angel visions in many different ways, including seeing an angel …

  • … with their physical eyes open.

  • … in their mind’s eye, with their physical eyes shut.

  • … as a partial picture in their mind’s eye.

  Some of my audience members experience angel visions that look like wispy, smokelike images. Others see angels that are more opaque and solid looking. Some people see angels in their mind’s eye that look like they are stationed over other people. To others, the angels that they see in their mind’s eye seem to be located inside their own head.

  When I see angels, I typically have my eyes open. When I was a child, I couldn’t distinguish deceased people from the living. Now that I’m older, my angel visions are less opaque. The angels I see remind me of the experience of being in a living room with friends, with the TV set on. I can see both the people who are physically present with me, as well as the people on TV. I know that those who are on the screen are not as “real” as those who are sitting on the sofa next to me.

  So, your angel visions will probably have a different quality from seeing a living person. Nonetheless, you will know that you are interacting with a sentient being who is quite alive. You won’t have much doubt, if any, whether your experience is real. In most angel visions, you’ll receive a message from the angel that will be wordlessly transferred into your heart or your mind. You’ll “know” or “feel” exactly what the angel is telling you.

  Please Don’t Strain!

  You’ll block your angel visions if you try too hard.

  Do pray hard to see your angel and release your fears that could block angel visions.

  Please don’t force the experience to happen.

  Let the angel visions come to you.

  Imagine that you are a satellite dish that receives signals.


  After following the seven-day plan, and repeating it if necessary, you’ll probably have a spontaneous angel vision. Most likely, it will happen when you least expect it. For instance, you’ll awaken in the middle of the night and see an angel standing near the foot of the bed. The incredible love permeating from the angel will allay any fears that you’d normally have. Or, you’ll be driving and spontaneously see an angel hovering over the hood of your car. The possibilities for your out-of-the-blue angel vision are endless.

  While going through these exercises, it’s vital to hold positive expectations that you will see angels! So, if you’re holding negative intentions toward angel visions such as, Gee, I hope I can really do this, or I’m kind of doubtful that I’m qualified to see angels, you’ll be blocked because you expect to be blocked.

  Doubts are normal from time to time. The key is to be aware of these negative intentions, and then to mentally ask your angels to help remove these thoughts and feelings and their residue. Before you begin these exercises, take a few moments to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and see or feel eight glass globes stacked on top of each other. From top to bottom, the colors of the globes are:

  • Purple

  • Red violet

  • Deep blue

  • Light blue

  • Emerald green

  • Yellow

  • Orange

  • Red

  See or feel these globes as brightly colored, and free of any spots or dirt. Picture a bright white light illuminating the interior of each globe.

  Then mentally affirm:

  I now easily see the spirit world.

  I am a powerful clairvoyant who uses my gift in beautiful service to the world.

  It is safe for me to see.

  I am surrounded by security, protection, and quiet peacefulness.


  In each partner exercise, you’ll want to work with someone who is open-minded and who believes in angels (or who would like to believe in angels). Although it is very possible to gain important angelic experiences while working with skeptics, their negative mind-set toward life after death and angels could frustrate you in your initial attempts at seeing angels. So, please select your most faith-filled friend or family member.

  Wall Work

  Ask your friend to stand against a plain white wall. The wall should have a minimum of texture and no wallpaper. A solid white screen, used for movie projection, works wonderfully well, also.

  Ask your friend to close his or her eyes so that you don’t feel any sense of pressure or awkwardness as you conduct this exercise. Then, take a few deep breaths, and squint your eyes slightly. Soften your gaze, as if you’re looking past your friend.

  With your softened focus, scan around your friend’s head and shoulders. Don’t strain to see anything; let the visual awareness come to you naturally. Notice if you see or sense any white light, or other colors glowing around your partner. Perhaps you see waves of energy, similar to seeing heat waves emanating from the street on a hot day.

  Then, take another deep breath and close your eyes. Compare what you see around your friend’s head and shoulders once you close your eyes (some people see the spirit world more easily if they shut their eyes). If you “see” more easily with your physical eyes closed, then please keep them shut throughout the rest of this exercise. However, you may see the energy or light of the angels more readily with your eyes open; and if so, please keep your physical eyes open during the exercise.

  Once you see any sort of light, bump, or other indication of a presence, keep breathing in and out as your spiritual sight adjusts to seeing. Just like when you exit a dark movie theater during the day, your eyes will need some time to adjust, and focus on what they are seeing. Don’t worry whether this is your imagination or not; just keep noticing any details about the angels around your partner.

  Pairing Work

  This is an exercise designed so that both partners can simultaneously have an angel vision. First, sit facing your friend. Hold hands, and both of you should have your eyes closed. Rest your hands in a comfortable place, such as one person’s lap, so that they don’t get tired. Breathe in and out regularly. (We sometimes hold our breath when we’re under pressure.) Breathing opens up the psychic senses. Also, take your time w
ith this exercise, since any sense of time urgency could block you.

  Now, imagine what it would be like if you could see your partner’s guardian angels. Just give yourself permission to imagine seeing your friend’s angels. It doesn’t matter whether you’re making this up or are really seeing those angels. Just let yourself see them.

  What do they look like? Are they tall or short? Do they seem female, male, or androgynous? What color are their eyes? What is the style and color of their hair? Do you see any wings? Any other details about them? Do you have a sense of any message that the angels are sending your partner?

  After a few minutes of seeing the angels around your partner, go ahead and tell him or her everything that you saw, felt, heard, or thought. Don’t worry whether it was “real” or not. One of the reasons why children are so highly psychic is that they are unconcerned with differentiating between mere imagination and true reality. Our guardedness as adults is one of the chief blocks that keeps us from seeing beyond the veil. The irony is that when you let down any defensiveness against mistaking fantasy for reality, you’ll have your real angel-vision breakthroughs.

  You will know or feel the reality of your vision, and your partner will validate that the vision rings true for him or her. However, if you doubt whether you really saw an angel, be sure to ask God and the angels to guide you to a true angel vision, or to help you release any erroneous doubts that keep you from enjoying your angel visions.

  There is no limit to the number of times you can see your winged guardian angels or someone such as Jesus, Yogananda, or a saint. However, your recently deceased loved one may not be able to visually appear to you frequently. It takes a tremendous amount of energy for a deceased person to appear in apparition form, so you may only see your deceased loved one once a month, for instance. After all, newly deceased people can’t stay on the Earth-plane level continuously. They’ve got heavenly growth work to do before they can be assigned as someone’s permanent spirit guide. But after tuning in to him or her visually, you will be able to sense and feel the person’s presence more readily. And be assured that your deceased loved one always hears your prayers, messages, requests, and questions. The departed are never out of earshot, and when you call upon them, they are with you as soon as they possibly can be.


  Appointment with an Angel

  Decide which heavenly being you would like to see. It could be a deceased loved one or your winged guardian angel, for example. Then, get out your calendar and choose a day and time when you’ll have at least two uninterrupted hours alone. Mark on your calendar “My appointment with an angel.”

  Then, go somewhere alone, such as a bathroom, your backyard or patio, or your meditation area. Close your physical eyes and focus on the heavenly being you would like to see. Mentally call to this being. Send the being love energy from your heart and belly.

  Then, mentally explain to the being that you would like to meet with him or her (give the exact day and time of your appointment). If you get a strong feeling that this doesn’t work for your angel or deceased loved one, then you may need to choose a different appointment time. It could be that your angel knows this won’t be an optimal moment for your connection (such as the angel foreseeing an unscheduled activity that would interrupt you), or your deceased loved one may have a prior obligation (such as performing service work, which most people do in heaven).

  Once you feel a sense of peace about your appointment time, mentally tell the being about the physical location where you plan to be. You are doing this for your sake, not for the heavenly being (he or she can find you quite easily, no matter where you are). The point is to have a clear mental image of your forthcoming appointment. See yourself connecting, and hold a positive expectation that you will have some breakthroughs with your angel vision. Remember, your intentions create your experience. So, hold an optimistic intention, without any sense of strain or urgency.

  It’s vital that you keep your appointment. If you truly can’t do so or if you need to select a new location, then mentally reschedule with your angel.

  On the day of your appointment, arrive punctually with a pad of paper and a medium-point pen. Sit down and mentally greet your angel or deceased loved one. Close your eyes and breathe, noticing the feeling that the being is with you. Mentally greet the being, and begin having a mental conversation. Let the answers come to you as feelings, words, thoughts, or visions.

  Say a prayer for God’s Divine light to surround you. Mentally ask Archangel Michael to stay next to you during your appointment to ensure that only your angel or invited deceased loved one comes to you.

  Then, open your eyes and write on the paper: “How can I see you?” Think the question as you write it. Jot down whatever impressions come to you, even if you seem to be receiving nothing. Automatic writing sometimes begins as a small trickle, but if you’ll just scribble anything that pops into your mind, you’ll start opening the floodgates. Keep going by writing other questions you think of, and then recording the impressions that come to you in response. Before long, you’ll really be having conversations with heaven.

  Your heavenly being will give you very helpful suggestions that will assist you in having angel visions. You may receive guidance to make lifestyle changes, meditate more often, or reframe your beliefs. By following this step-by-step guidance, you’ll be on your way to having angel visions. However, it is also very likely that you’ll actually see your angel or deceased loved one during your appointment. Either way, keep going, and with practice and patience, you’ll be having helpful and loving conversations with heaven regularly.

  Mirror Work

  For this exercise, you’ll need a dimly lit room with a large mirror. You can do this exercise in the evening, using a nightlight. But many people find it frightening to look in a mirror in the dark, so it’s better to be in a diffuse-light room during the day. So, cover your bathroom window with a thick towel, for instance.

  Stand in front of the mirror and smile. When you do so, you’ll automatically relax and make the exercise a more pleasant experience, instead of an intense or frightening one. You might even make funny faces in the mirror so that you’ll laugh and relax even more. A secret to having angel visions is to be at ease and have fun during the entire process.

  Then, with an “easy does it,” nonchalant attitude, gaze into the mirror at yourself, and scan around your head and shoulders. Don’t try to force your angel vision; just allow anything that comes to you to be a pleasant surprise. You may see a glowing aura around your head, and this vision may seem to be inside your mind. The whitish glow that you see is the aura of your guardian angels.

  Focus on that whitish glow, and breathe in and out deeply. Mentally say to your angels, I would like to see you now. You’ll begin to see flashes of details of your angels. Keep looking above your shoulders. Don’t focus directly on your own face, because it will seem to shift; and it may look like various other people during this exercise, which could greatly distract or even frighten you. Your face is merely doing this because you’re tapping into your own self’s “Akashic Records,” or the “Book of Life.” You are seeing visions of your soul’s recorded history.

  So, having angel visions during this exercise is contingent upon keeping your gaze above your head and around your shoulders.

  Dream Work

  You can mentally invite your deceased loved one, angel, or personal guide such as Jesus into your dreams at night. To have a powerful dream-time angel vision, you’ll need to have a virtually drug-free day. This means to avoid, or just take in a minimum of, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine, chamomile, melatonin, valerian, and other mood- or energy-altering substances. These drugs and herbs inhibit your REM sleep cycle, thus reducing and altering your dream patterns.

  Before you go to sleep at night, write on a piece of paper to whomever you are inviting into your dream: “I would like to talk with you and see you. I ask that you enter my dreams tonight. I love you
and deeply desire to see you.” Then, put this paper under your pillow, and mentally repeat this request as you’re falling asleep.

  Most dream-time angel visions are extremely vivid. It is unlikely that you would forget a dream encounter with your angel or deceased loved one, especially if you go to sleep with a sober mind. However, it’s always possible that your subconscious mind might cause you to forget having a dream if it knew that your waking mind couldn’t handle this fact.

  You may need to repeat this exercise for several days in a row before you actually have a dream-time angel vision. And you may find that after you’ve asked on successive days to see your angel, your big dream occurs on the night when you just let it go and surrender the whole thing to God.

  Looking Sideways

  After you meditate, mentally ask your angels or deceased loved one to appear to you. Then look out of the corner of your eye around the room. Some people have greater success seeing the spirit world peripherally, rather than looking straight ahead. It seems that when we look out of the side of our eye, we’re more open to seeing things that our forward vision may block from our conscious awareness.


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