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Saved by an Angel

Page 24

by Virtue Doreen

  Asking for a Sign

  Angel visions also include seeing “signs” in the physical world that are evidence of your angels’ presence. You can mentally ask your angel or deceased loved one to send you a sign that will, for example, help you know which decision is best for you. You can also ask for a sign just to let you know that the being is with you.

  Your task is to notice the sign as it is delivered. Fortunately, if you don’t notice it at first, it will be repeated until you do. This repetition also helps dispel any skepticism you may have about the validity of the sign.

  Common signs include seeing feathers, birds, butterflies, rainbows, and flowers. You could also see license plates, billboards, or paintings that have significance to you. In addition, some signs are auditory, such as when you repeatedly hear a song that was meaningful to you and your deceased loved one, or when you hear ringing in one ear.

  In addition, your angels may help you see glowing or sparkling lights, as a sign that they are near. These “angel trails” are the electrical spark of the heavenly beings moving across space.

  No matter how clearly or how fuzzy your angel vision, it’s essential to mentally thank God and the angels for their help. When we are happy, peaceful, and grateful, that is heaven’s reward for all of the assistance that they give us.


  You already connect with your angels in many wonderful ways, including through the dreams, feelings, and signs you receive. Reading angel stories also tends to increase your awareness of the presence of angels in your life. So, just the process of reading this book will likely create an angel experience, of which you’ll be consciously aware.

  I find that our emotional climate can either breed or block angel connections. When we have an extremely strong emotion—such as fear, anger, or worry—and we simultaneously appeal to heaven for help, this often triggers an angel experience. However, if we have these strong emotions and don’t ask for help, we can actually block ourselves from hearing their guidance. So, asking is the essential key.

  You can request aid from God, Holy Spirit, Jesus (or other ascended masters), the archangels, your guardian angel, or a deceased loved one in so many different ways:

  • Think the thought: Help me! Heaven hears our thoughts, and responds with assistance.

  • Speak your request aloud. The words you choose, and the way that you say them, are unimportant. What counts is sincerity.

  • Write a letter to heaven. Pour your heart out, including all your fears, worries, and hopes. Again, don’t worry about being “proper.” They’re angels, not English teachers.

  • Invite them into your dreams. Before falling asleep, pray to have a connection with your angels. Invite them (or a particular being in heaven) into your dreams. It’s also helpful to write down your prayer and place the piece of paper under your pillow.

  • Ask for a sign. Ask your angels to make their presence known through one of the ways discussed in the angel stories, and in the chapters in Part II. Don’t specify how you want the sign to appear. Let the angels surprise you with their method. But do ask the angels to make it a very clear sign that you won’t overlook.

  • Ask for faith. If you find yourself filled with self-doubt, ask your angels to boost your spiritual confidence. Even if you’re unsure whether you have angels, or whether they really exist, ask anyway. The easiest way is to mentally speak to your angels before falling asleep. Appeal to them to buoy your faith, and to connect with you so that you’re sure of their presence.

  You are surrounded by angels, right now. Even if you’re a nonbeliever, you have guardian angels who love you, and who are with you, at this very moment. Close your eyes for a moment, breathe deeply, and feel their presence. If you still can’t sense the angels, keep going. They’re even more motivated to make their presence known than you are. They love you so much, and want to become more involved in your life.

  Imagine for a moment what it must be like to be a guardian angel. Do you think it’s a stressful or frustrating job? Our angels’ purpose is to help bring peace upon Earth, one person at a time. When we ask for help, and allow them to help us, we’re helping the angels fulfill their missions.

  When my guardian angel saved my life during an armed carjacking in July of 1995, I learned a very important lesson: God could send angels to help save my life, but it was up to me to accept that help. A voice had warned me that my car would be stolen that day unless I put the top up on my convertible. I ignored this warning, and it almost cost me my life. Fortunately, during the carjacking, the angels gave me a second chance. They told me to scream with all my might! This time I listened!

  My life was spared because I allowed God and the angels to help me. That moment changed me forever. I now know the importance of asking the angels for help, and then following their guidance when it comes. This may be one of the most important positive habits that anyone can develop.

  Connecting with our angels, then, is much more than just a personal-growth venture. It’s a relationship that helps us remember and work on our Divine life purpose, and to enact God’s plan of peace. It’s a relationship that could make a life-and-death difference for ourselves and our loved ones.

  Our relationship with God, the ascended masters, our angels, and deceased loved ones can ultimately help us love ourselves and others more deeply. By opening our hearts to heaven, we literally open to life itself. In that way, we can all become earth angels.

  — Doreen

  About the Author

  Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angels book and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and Angel Therapy®, among other works. Her products are available in most languages worldwide.

  Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and other television and radio programs; and writes regular columns for Woman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destiny magazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops she presents, please visit:®.

  You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call her for a reading, by visiting®.



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  ASK AND IT IS GIVEN: Learning to Manifest Your Desires,

  by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham®)

  THE DIVINE NAME: The Sound That Can Change the World,

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  MODERN-DAY MIRACLES: Miraculous Moments and Extraordinary

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  THE POWER OF INTENTION: Learning to Co-create

  Your World Your Way, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  THE TIMES OF OUR LIVES: Extraordinary True Stories of Synchronicity,

  Destiny, Meaning, and Purpose, by Louise L. Hay & Friends


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