Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)

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Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 8

by Charlotte Blackwell

  Caspian has been acting funny ever since he came back from his walk at Moraine Lake; I can’t help but wonder what happened. Ebony and I take the babies and tuck them in to their cribs. It’s been a long day, and they are beat. I expect both will sleep straight through the night. Back out in the living area of our suite, I notice Caspian pacing back and forth; his anxiety is palpable.

  “Okay Caspian, we’re all here, so why don’t you spill the beans about what happened up at the lake today.” I take a seat next to Nathanial, and he takes a hold of my hand.

  “You’re right Sophia, something did happen. I just wanted everyone to enjoy their day before we get back to business.”

  With a fatherly hand on Caspian’s shoulder, Elijah adds, “Thank you son, but we came here to protect Ben, so if you learned something today that may help him, please share it with the rest of us.”

  “I know; and I did learn something that may help Ben. The guardian angel I was told about…he was there.”

  “I assume he had some ideas for us,” Isaac asks with a raised brow.

  Over the next little while, Caspian explains what Michael told him. Ebony and Eliza pull out the Book of Shadows, looking for the cloaking spell. With any luck, we can get it done before heading back home to Wenham; that way the angels may think that we left him elsewhere.

  “I think we found it,” exclaims Eliza.

  “So can you do it?” Ben asks with sheer excitement.

  “Yeah, but we’re gonna need some supplies. I saw a gem store when we were down town.”

  “Well, ladies, I guess we go first thing in the morning.” Caspian points out that it may be too late in the afternoon to get started today.

  “There may be one thing that might be more difficult to find,” Ebony says with slight despair.

  “What is it? I’m sure we can find it somewhere,” Isaac comforts.

  Ebony looks at all of us. “A feather from an angel’s wing.”

  “Well, I happen to have a few of those,” Ben smiles and flashes his large white wings, taking us all back a little. We knew he had them, but he hasn’t really flashed them at us like a bright, white smile before.

  “If it were that easy, I wouldn’t be so concerned.” Ebony reads from the book, “To successfully perform a cloak on one of angelic descent, you will need a feather from one that is deemed pure enough to hold presence in Crossroads.”

  “Do we know what this Crossroads is?” Danika questions with worry.

  “From what I gather, it is the place where souls go when they die. The Crossroads seems to be something like the gates to Heaven.”

  “I think I can help.” Caspian pulls the downy feather from the pocket of his jacket. “This fell off the angel Michael. I assume he has been to this Crossroads, since he works with the Twelve.”

  “I guess it won’t hurt to try. This feather is our best chance.” Ebony takes the feather from Caspian and places it between the pages of the book. The pages begin to glow bright white.

  “Michael told me that the witches performing the spell must be the most powerful of witches, or he would need to help. I explained that you are the Magnificent Ones, and as he left, this single feather fell from him. He must have known that you would need it to perform the spell.”

  “You know, I just remembered seeing the souvenir shop downstairs also sells gems. Maybe we can check there,” Nathanial suggests.

  “I would feel more comfortable going directly to a gem store. I think they’ll have a larger selection, and we may find a few other things we need,” Eliza explains with full authority.

  Florence decides we should call it an early night and just relax around the hotel for the remainder of the day. “I think we’ve done all we can for today, and some of you are going to need your sleep. Let’s just relax today; plus I think the newly married couples might enjoy some more alone time. We don’t expect answers overnight. One more night won’t do any harm.”

  Everyone agrees and leaves the suite, heading back to their rooms. Ebony goes into her room she’s been sharing with Elyn. Nathanial and I retire to our room, where Nik is sound asleep. We pull him into the bed with us to cuddle for a little bit. The connection to him is indescribable.

  As he sleeps next to me, I trace every curve of his face with my index finger. The softness of his skin is something I wish I could bottle and sell to women. Leaning close, I brush my lips against the top of his head. His soft, downy hair tickles my lips, and I take in his essence, the baby smell. It’s so sweet and pure, just like him. Pure perfection lies next to me, and I have never been happier to still be walking the earth as I am today. A new family was created: myself, my husband Nathanial, and his little brother that we shall raise as our own son, Nik.

    

  Eliza and Ebony have the spell ready; they went out early this morning to retrieve all the items they require. Ben sits in the middle of the room. Placing a salt circle around Ben for protection, and placing a small ceramic bowl in front of him, they prepare to begin, placing the ingredients before them. With a strike of a match, Eliza lights a small charcoal round in the bowl. The charcoal is only about an inch round, and a half-inch, or less, deep; it burns red but lets off no smoke. Placing a small amount of dragon’s blood incense on it, we watch as it smokes just a tad from the incense and rises around Ben. With a hammer, Ebony crushes a moonstone and sprinkles it on the charcoal, then they begin to chant:

  Powers from the earth,

  Powers form the sea,

  Powers from the air,

  And powers from the fire;

  Cloak this being,

  Protecting him from all that may cause harm.

  They light a white candle and drizzle magickal oil around it, then toss some mandrake root into the bowl. The fire from the charcoal burns bright. Eliza pricks her finger and drips the blood on the flame, and Ebony does the same:

  With our blood,

  And with our power,

  Hide this being

  From those whom seek to destroy.

  With our power

  Watch over him.

  They place the angel feather on the fire, and the flame burns bright as the sun, so bright we have to shield our eyes. The glow surrounds Ben, wrapping him in its protection:

  So mote it be

  So mote it be

  So mote it be

  Without warning, the light and the smoke retreat from Ben, smoldering in the bowl, until nothing more than ash is left. Eliza scoops the ash in to a small vial, sealing it and tying it to a rope. She opens the salt circle and places the charm around Ben’s neck.

  Right before our eyes, Ben begins to change; not physically, but something is happening that none of us can explain. He lifts off the ground, levitating the same way Elyn does. An energy ripple covers him from head to toe, weaving in every bit of him. He straightens his legs, reaching for the ground beneath him, but cannot reach. We can see it and feel it, and we know that the spell has worked; Ben will be protected from the angel hunters.

  Chapter 16

  Home Sweet Home

  Everyone rushes to the corridor to greet us as we enter the supernatural school. Dakota is the first one there, running to Ebony.

  “You’re alright,” he exclaims, looking over her frantically before taking her in his arms.

  “Yeah, we’re all okay, and we even found a way to protect Ben.”

  “I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you.”

  “What, have the students been a little hard to handle?”

  “No, Ebony, I missed you. I’ve fought my feelings for so long now, and I can’t do it anymore. I’ve felt a connection between us since the first time we met.”

  The rest of us stand in absolute shock as Dakota places his hands on either side of Ebony’s face and kisses her.

  “Dakota, I…I…I can’t. I’m married.” She pushes him away.

  “Ebony, I’m so sorry, but you were married. Matt is gone, and no one knows when, or even if, he’ll return.”

  “He promised me. I have to hang on to that.” A tear runs down her face. “He’s my soul mate. I’m so sorry Dakota. I felt a connection to you too, but it was always Matt—and it always will be Matt. I’m sorry…but some little crush can’t compare to the love of a soul mate.” Ebony turns and retreats to the main house.

  Dakota stands there, broken hearted. “What was I thinking?” He turns to go back to his room.

  “Dakota, she cares for you too. It’s just too soon. She’s still waiting for Matt to come back,” I try to console him, to no avail.

  Once Dakota closes the door to his room and everyone allows the shock to wear off a little, we continue with the greetings. The students are excited, and seem to want to show us all they’ve learned. I can’t stop thinking about Ebony, and decide to join her back at the main house with Florence and the babies. The rest of them can explain the events of our trip. I need to help my best friend through whatever it is she is feeling right now.

    

  “Ebony, where are you? Please talk to me,” I say, searching from room to room, then I realize she’s in the guest house. I take the tunnel to go see her.

  Ebony and Matt lived in the guesthouse with Elyn for a short period of time after they were married. It’s connected to the main house via a hidden tunnel. I race through the tunnel and barge in the door. Ebony is sitting on the sofa with her knees pulled to her chest, sobbing hysterically.

  Racing to her side, I wrap my arms around her. “Ebony, hunny, I’m here for you.”

  She nuzzles her head into my shoulder. “Sophia, I kissed another man. I’m a horrible person.”

  “Aww, kiddo; Matt is gone, and we don’t know when he’ll come back. I know him, and I’m positive that he would never want you to suffer like this, or be alone. Matt would want you to be happy.”

  “He could come back anytime, though.”

  “Yeah, but it could be a very long time, too. He had eighteen years of earthbound training. We have no idea how long his greater training may take.”

  “Sophia, I like Dakota, I really do. I just feel so guilty. It feels wrong; Matt was…is my soul mate…I could never experience true happiness with anyone else.”

  “How do you know, if you don’t try?” I lift her chin so she’s looking into my eyes. “Ebony, I will stand behind whatever you decide. This is your choice. I just want you to consider your options. Dakota loves you—we all see it, and he loves Elyn too. He would never want you, or your daughter, to forget Matt, but he might make you happy. Just think about it.”

  “Do you mind if I just have some alone time?” She asks with tears flowing freely down her face.

  “Sure, but I will be back to check on you. Ebony, I love you like a sister, and I just want you to be happy again.” I kiss her on the forehead and take my leave.

    

  I do a quick check on Florence and the kids before heading back to the school. They seem to be doing fine. I notice Elyn has a slight edge to her and wonder if her empathy is kicking in again. Maybe the spell Ebony and Eliza placed on her is losing its mojo. This will be something to investigate a little later; she isn’t too bad right now. With that, I take leave and go down the mystical elevator to the school.

  Things are quiet in the halls, but I hear a voice speaking in the auditorium. I follow the voice and see the students all intent on listening. I don’t recognize the man at the front of the class. Searching the room, I lock eyes with Alexander, and he connects to me.

  This is the angel Michael. He’s kind of a miserable bastard, but we’re learning a lot from him.

  What’s his deal?

  Not sure, really. I can’t connect or read him. It must be some kind of angelic block.

  Okay, then, what are you learning from him?

  He’s explaining a little about why the angel hunters want the nephilim, and explaining to the students how we were able to cloak Ben. I think he may be a good addition to our teaching staff, if we can convince him to stay.

  Do you think this ‘Twelve’ will allow that?

  Not sure. I guess we just wait and see.

  Do you think he can tell us anything about Matt? Ebony is in a really rough place right now, and I would love to get her some answers.

  We can only ask. Come sit with us and listen to his lecture.

  As I take my place next to my siblings, I listen to the angel before us.

  “Angels, like myself, are called alkins. We are the first and only generation in Crossroads. We are not permitted to interact with mortals. We can’t spend extended periods away from Crossroads. You can think of it like a rechargeable battery; we need to return home to energize ourselves. Of course, there are times we would like to stay here, but it’s just not allowed, and they will change everything to keep it that way. I know it’s for her…I mean, we angels know it’s for the protection of those here on earth, but it’s not always what is best; at least it doesn’t always feel right.”

  I can sense his pain. Michael is hurting more than any angel should. I always thought they were full of peace and joy, but I’m learning how wrong I’ve been. Michael dismisses the class, and we decide now is the time to get more answers.

  “Michael, why is it you’ve been sent to us?” Eliza wonders.

  “One of my leaders, Katherine, is one of the Twelve who received the power from the original angels. She believes that all nephilim can be rehabilitated, and trained properly. Whereas…others may disagree.”

  “What do you believe?” I ask.

  “It doesn’t matter what I believe. I follow my orders.”

  “I would sure like to know if you feel that being on our side is the right thing.”

  “If you must know, yes, I do. I don’t agree with everything the Twelve orders, but this I do. I’m proof that Katherine is right.”

  “You were a nephilim?” Ben questions with excitement and curiosity.

  “Was, and still am. It’s not something you outgrow.”

  “Sorry—of course not. I’m just a little confused by this new life of mine.” Ben tucks his longer blond locks behind his ears.

  “I understand. I don’t remember my life on earth, but I have seen the transition with others and know the difficulties involved.

  “Thank you for coming. I hope you will stay,” Caspian invites.

  “I will stay as long as I can, but when I do leave, know that I will return,” he reminds us that he needs to return to the Crossroads.

  I feel that having Michael around will be an asset to our school; to the training of these supernatural students. He will help us save the innocents from evil, and we will help him wherever we can.

  Chapter 17

  Danger Lurking

  Now that things are returning to normal, we choose to go full force with training at the school. We have some great students, and I know I can’t wait to see their potential. Some of the students have even been exhibiting amazing powers. They will prove to be useful in our fight against evil. Training has been very rigorous for the last month or so, so we have agreed to take the students out on a field trip around town. We have over two dozen students and teaching staff at our facility, and they’ve not yet seen the sights around town. We’ll wait till nightfall as our vampire students haven’t received a day crystal yet; and won’t, until we know they can be trusted. If anyone asks why we have so many guests, we’ll say it’s for our wedding celebrations; we only wanted family, and this is all our family.

  Tonight, we will introduce all our new friends to the pool hall we all love so much. A few other towns’ people are there, but for the most part, it’s our group occupying the place. The students seem to be having fun. A few of them go to the park for a walk, and Alexander is keeping a link to them, just to ensure everyone’s safety.

  I notice Caspian sitting off in a corner with one of the students, Siobhan. I remember her making googly eyes at him during one of his lectures; I’m pretty sure she’s hot for him. I wonder if he’s ready for something new af
ter all these years.

  “Hey Sophia, I see you watching Caspian. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Matilda questions with a slight smirk on her face.

  “Well I don’t know about that, because we both know you have more information regarding the situation than I do.”

  “If you only knew, sister.”

  “Why don’t you share it with me?”

  “Well, if you haven’t figured it out, Siobhan and Caspian appear to be soul mates. I have to look at her soul a little more. There is something very familiar about it.”

  “Is that possible? Can we really have more than one soul mate?”

  “Sometimes yes, but not often. I have only seen it once before.”

  “Really; with who?”

  “With Ebony.”


  “Shhh, keep your voice down. I never said anything, because Ebony and Matt already found one another; but Dakota and her match.”

  “I knew it! I could sense it too.”

  “Well, we can’t tell her, not yet. She needs to decide on her own what she wants. She lost Matt, not that long ago, and she needs to heal from that first.”

  “Okay, well, what about Siobhan and Caspian? I thought Ashley was his soul mate.”

  “She was; but as you know, sometimes souls return. As I mentioned, I have to search her soul more, but that could be why she’s familiar to me.”

  “Are you telling me Siobhan is Ashley?”

  “She has the same soul, I think, but I don’t want to say a hundred percent yet. If I’m right, and they are meant to be together, that could be why we found her for our school.”

  “Does anyone else know?”

  “No. I haven’t told anyone. Again, I want Caspian to figure it out on his own. I think he would be too emotional from the situation.”

  “So he didn’t tell her about us because he wanted to protect her from the life of a vampire, and she ended up one anyways? Do you remember how old she is?”

  “Yeah, she is eternally twenty-three. So if I’m right, and it is Ashley’s soul, by my calculations, she is no more than a decade old as a vampire. And that’s only if she was re-born right after her death,” Matilda confirms with a small smile, showing her joy for our brother.


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