My Atlantian

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My Atlantian Page 13

by Alysia S Knight

  “I do love him, and I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Music started to play from a three-piece chamber orchestra set off to the side.

  “I think that is our cue. Your man seems to be getting a little anxious.”

  Kallie got lost again in Jerreon’s gaze the moment she looked at him. Love flowed from him. She tried to send her love and thanks. He reached out taking her hand as she approached, his gaze skimming over her. “You are so aptly named.” He brushed his lips over hers.

  “You’re supposed to wait until after the ceremony,” Adam whispered beside him.

  Jerreon smiled and turned to the man standing next to the railing, who was a judge and friend of Adam’s.

  The judge started to speak, but Kallie lost the words looking up at Jerreon. As far as she was concerned, they’d married with their declaration on the beach, as Jerreon said was the way in his land. When she heard Jerreon repeat the words the back to the judge, her heart soared with love.

  “With these rings.”

  Kallie almost panicked as she realized she didn’t have a ring for him, but again Adam held out his hand. Two bands lay in his palm, the smaller crowned with a large sapphire or blue diamond, she didn’t know which, but it was the color of the crystal around her neck. When Jerreon picked up the band for him, she caught the flash of a smaller, identical colored stones spaced around the band.

  “You like?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  She felt a wave of approval.

  “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Jerreon didn’t seem to need any prompting. He cupped her face in his hands and eased her to him to meet his lips. “My One,” the words floated through her mind, a declaration of joy and promise.

  Kallie kissed him, giving herself over to love.

  “Oh my.” Her mom’s gasp penetrated her mind.

  Kallie pulled back, blushing as she turned to her family.

  “Oh my,” her mother said again, rushing up to wrap her arms around her. “This was such a surprise. You look so beautiful.”

  “Yeah, sis. Who knew?” Dillon, her brother, crowded in.

  “She’s a princess,” Aubry, her niece declared.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Have you met Jerreon?” She reached for Jerreon’s hand, drawing him into the circle.

  “When we arrived, he and Mr. Bacchus greeted us.” Dillon said.

  “Adam, we are family now.” Adam clapped Jerreon on the back.

  After a few minutes, they moved to where the table was set waiting for dinner to be served.

  “Oh, what an amazing meal,” her mother said when they finished. “Really, it’s an amazing day.” She looked to her daughter. “We got a call this morning from Adam that you were getting married and if we could make it, he would send a plane for us. I’m not sure if I truly believed it until that fancy plane touched down and the pilot came out to greet us.”

  “I can’t believe you could get away on such short notice.” Kallie glanced at Jerreon then back to her family.

  “We wouldn’t have missed this,” her father said.

  “And Adam said he’d have us home tomorrow,” Dillon added.

  “Where are you staying tonight?” She looked at her family then to Adam.

  “Your room. Since its open, and you had it through tomorrow, it made sense.”

  “We thought,” Dillon reached over and tweaked Aubry’s hair, “we’d take the kids to Sea World in the morning then we’ll be taking off about seven o’clock. It’s kind of nice flying on a private plane. We don’t have to be there an hour and a half early for check-in. Thanks, sis. Nice little vacation.”

  “I’m glad to be of service.”

  “If you’re ready, Edward will take you to the resort now,” Adam gave what Kallie could say was a very subtle hint.

  “True,” her mother said. “It’s time we get the little ones to bed. It’s been a very big day for them.”

  Everyone around the table stood and made their way to the driveway where they exchanged hugs.

  “I think I will turn in also,” Adam said as the limo pulled away. “It has been quite a day. Police stations and weddings, what a combination, and of course we can’t forget a swim in the bay.” He grinned at Jerreon then kissed Kallie on the cheek. “Goodnight.” He ambled inside whistling.

  Jerreon slipped an arm around Kallie, pulling her back into him.

  She sighed liking the feel.

  He kissed the side of her neck. “Would you like to take a walk out to the garden before we go in?”

  Kallie nodded, suddenly feeling very nervous. She was married to Jerreon. She couldn’t believe it. The day truly seemed like a dream. There’d been so many emotional swings and this one she was now facing was the greatest. She didn’t doubt she loved Jerreon. He’d taken up residence in every part of her heart and soul. He was everything she could have dreamed of and more. After just two days, she couldn’t imagine going through life without him.

  They reached the railing where their marriage had taken place and stopped. He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Below she could hear the crash of waves against the beach. Jerreon’s lips brushed her neck setting off internal crashes that matched the rhythm.

  “You are nervous, My One.” There was no reprimand, just concern in his voice. “You are not having … second thoughts of marrying me.”

  She shook her head. “You know I’m not.” She leaned back into him. “I love you.”

  “Yes, this I know.”

  Kallie swallowed and looked out at the lights from ships dotting the water. “I am not very experienced in this.”

  “As you have never been married, I can understand that.”

  She almost laughed. “No, I mean I really am not experienced with men.” She caught her lip between her teeth, worrying it a little.

  “Kallie, all will be well.”

  “I know but,” she looked back over her shoulder to him. “I can count the men I’ve kissed on one hand. And … I’ve never done any more than that.”

  He turned her in his arms, then his hands came up to cup her face. Kallie felt his gaze caress with love. “You were not for them,” he said smoothly. “Do you believe this?”

  She could only nod, as what she felt overwhelmed her. He kissed her lightly, raised his head. “I love you.” He kissed her again, settling in to savor. Kallie lost herself in the kiss. She felt like she was floating then realized Jerreon had lifted her into his arms.

  “Would you be mine?” He lifted his head and looked down at her.

  She nodded. “Yes.” The word was soft but sure, and it was all he needed.

  Jerreon carried her to the back stairway and up to what had been his room and was now theirs.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sunlight, muted by sheer white curtains, flittered into the room giving it a subtle glow. Jerreon opened his eyes and sighed in contentment, feeling Kallie snug against his body. Her hand rested lightly on his chest right over his heart. She was where he wished she could always be. He wondered when he’d get to hold her like this again. It was too soon to have her away from him, but with Lysias so close she couldn’t remain here.

  She was not going to be happy when he told her he was sending her off with her parents, but it was the right thing to do. He knew the truth when her brother had said they lived in a sparsely populated area. Even Lysias would have a hard time finding her there.

  Jerreon placed his hand over hers, pressing it down as he kissed the crown of her head. Joy soared in him wiping away his concerns. Kallie shifted into him and made a soft purring sound. Jerreon smiled again, feeling better and better about being stuck on this world. Maybe he wasn’t a man out of place, just one that had to go a long ways to find his.

  Kallie’s lips brushed his chest, making his heart rate jump. He looked down to find her staring up at him.

  “My One.” Her words reached him.

  Yes, he’d definitely found his place. He pulled her up over
him to say good morning in the best way he knew how.


  They were sitting on the balcony eating breakfast when Edward came rushing up the steps. Until then, they had been left on their own. Jerreon sensed urgency blasting off the young man before Edward stopped three steps from the top.

  “Adam wanted me to come,” he said. “He wants you inside, out of sight. There are some government guys here.”

  “I thought we had him cleared.” Kallie reached across the table.

  Jerreon caught her hand, sending out comfort.

  “That doesn’t seem to be why they’re here. They were asking questions about where Jerreon’s from. How long Adam’s known you? But I got the feeling they were asking other things.”

  “What do you mean?” Kallie asked. Fear glistened in her eyes when she glanced back and forth between them.

  “As I left the room, I heard one of the men ask if you,” he looked at Jerreon, “knew how Lysias caused the explosion and knocked the guards back without even touching them. You need to get in and stay out of sight.”

  Jerreon nodded in understanding.

  Edward changed his focus to Kallie. “I’m sorry to disturb your morning.”

  “It’s okay. Thanks for the warning.” She watched him disappear then shifted her gaze to Jerreon. “What do we do?”

  Silently, Jerreon rose with her, ushering her inside and closing the doors.

  Kallie turned into him the moment the lock clicked shut. She trembled as his arms tightened on her.

  “There is no reason to fear.” He tilted her face up. “Adam will handle them.” He tried to press his mind out to find the government men, but the distance was too far.

  “Can you detect what they want?”

  “They are beyond my abilities.”

  “I don’t like this. If they’re after you…” Her fear threatened to burst.

  “Do not worry until we see if concern is needed.” He stroked her hair.

  “You don’t understand what’s happening.”

  “I do. I am an alien on your world.”

  A shudder ran through her and he pulled her tight.

  “You know this,” he said gently.

  “I know, but I have all these images of old movies with aliens and the government agency hunting them down to run experiments on them.”

  “Shh, I do not think it will be as bad as you make it sound, though I am sure I would be of interest to your people. After all, mine have been observing yours for centuries.”

  “Do yours dissect mine?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Well, I wish I could believe mine would not do that if they found you.” Kallie knew he wasn’t taking her worry seriously, but she was. She couldn’t stop the images of him being hunted down and trapped, being strapped to a table and experimented on.

  He tipped her chin up and kissed her.

  She eased back, reached up to touch a lock of the white hair she’d ran her fingers through just an hour earlier. “Maybe we should dye your hair so it wouldn’t be so noticeable.”

  “I am not sure what you mean of this?”

  “We could turn it darker. Brown or even black. Light brown would probably look better on you.”

  “You mean change the color, like with cloth?”

  The way he tilted his head at trying to understand what she was talking about broke some of the tension in her and made her smile. “I take it people don’t dye their hair on your world?”

  “Actually, some do. I just wanted to make you be at ease. I do not like seeing you upset. If it would make you feel better, we can dye my hair. I will let you decide.”

  She studied his face, running her hand through the silky strands. “I like your hair. It doesn’t have to be something that would be permanent. They have stuff that will wash out in just a couple of washings.” She debated it seriously. “I think it might be a good idea. At least for now, until Lysias’s border crossing is out of everyone’s mind.”

  “As you wish.” He bowed his head to her.

  “I might get annoyed with you if you always give in to me like that.” She frowned.

  “You would not like it if I always let you have your way?” He kissed her just beside her lips.

  “No. I’d always worry you wouldn’t be happy.”

  He kissed the other cheek. “I can understand this. I assure you I will not always agree. It is just in this I see merit and it is no concern to me the color of my hair, as long as you find me appealing.”

  “There is no worry there.”

  “That is good because I find you very appealing.” This time his lips settled over hers. He was still kissing her when there was a knock on the door.

  Kallie jerked away, spinning toward the door, putting herself between it and Jerreon as if she could shield him.

  Jerreon’s hands rested on her shoulder. “Relax. It is Adam. Enter,” he said loudly


  Jerreon tried to calm Kallie, her fear was so palpable. The only problem was he really didn’t know if what she feared was true. Concern radiated from Adam coming in from the other side of the door before he entered the room.

  “We had visitors.” Adam tried to make light of it.

  Kallie ignored the attempt, going right for the purpose. “Who were they?”

  “Two men, one from the government, the other military. They were interested in Jerreon. It seems Lysias caused quite a stir. I still don’t think they’re sure it wasn’t you, but more, they really want to know if you can do the same things he can.” There was a hint of question in Adams voice.

  After all the help and acceptance Adam had given him, Jerreon did not feel it right to hold back the truth. “I have not tried what he did, but I imagine it is quite possible. I am sorry to have brought this trouble to you.”

  Adam was waving the notion away before Jerreon even finished. “I think we were meant to meet. Life was getting a bit boring for me. I was feeling old and useless. You have given me purpose. A family.” Adam’s gaze went to his hand on Kallie’s shoulder. Jerreon picked up Adam’s desire for grandchildren. The man had truly taken them to his heart as his family.

  Jerreon wished there was a child on the way, but until his duty was resolved with Lysias, he did not dare allow it to happen. He should have kept himself from her for her safety, but he would not risk leaving her with his child if he failed and died.

  Kallie turned, alarm sparking in her eyes. He wondered if she picked up on his thought. Again, the possibility that she had descended from his people intrigued him, or was it just that the bond between them was so complete, she’d been attuned to him or possibly both.

  “There is more?” he asked, motioning Adam to the sitting area as he directed Kallie there. He settled beside her, pulling her close to him.

  “Lysias cleaned out an ATM.”

  Kallie caught her breath obviously knowing what it was and that it was of some significance.

  “An ATM?”

  Adam started to explain. “It is part of a bank to get money, but you are to have an account and money in the bank to use. You are supposed to have a card like we got for you to obtain the money. Lysias had none of those things. He walked up and placed his hand on the machine and it dispensed all the money in it. Surveillance cameras on the ATM recorded the whole thing. They got some clear pictures of him. So they know it wasn’t you, but still, there is enough of a resemblance.” He left it hanging.

  “That they are worried.” Kallie finished the thought.

  “Yes. Since you admitted to knowing him, and there is such a resemblance, they are targeting you.”

  “Where is Lysias?” Jerreon asked.

  “They don’t know. That’s one of the things they are hoping you can help with. A police officer tried to stop him, but Lysias did something and knocked the man away. Luckily, the officer will be all right, but he doesn’t remember anything about what happened.”

  “I do not have time to deal with their concerns.” Jerreon glanc
ed out the window, his jaw taunt.

  “I think I’ve gotten rid of them for now.”

  Jerreon turned back but Kallie asked first. “How?”

  “I told them you had married and were on your honeymoon. I even had your marriage certificate for proof. I’m sure they’ve already checked with Arthur to validate it.”

  Jerreon sensed Adam was enjoying his role in this more than it was a bother to him.

  “What are we going to do?” Kallie’s hand trembled under his.

  He stroked his thumb over her knuckles, his mind made up. “First we dye my hair. Your idea has even more merits now.”

  Adam cocked a brow in surprise.

  “Can Edward pick up what is needed to do this?” Jerreon focused on him.

  “Of course, I’ll send him immediately.”

  “A dark blond or very light brown. And make sure he gets something that will wash out after a short time,” Kallie added quickly.

  “You like his hair.” Adam barely got the words out before Kallie answered.

  “Yes.” She was firm with the reply.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll tell him. What then?” Adam turned back to him.

  “We go to where Kallie’s family is and spend the day with them. When they leave she will go with them.”

  “No.” Kallie pulled back.

  Jerreon reached for her, but she stood and backed away. “I would rather you not have to leave, but it is necessary,” he said gently. “You will be more comfortable with your family and they will watch over you.”

  She backed up several more steps, shaking her head.

  “I will send a couple of security guards for precaution,” Adam said to him, then looked at her.

  Kallie’s hand was now covering her lips.

  Adam stood and quietly left the room.

  Jerreon rose, coming to stand in front of her. “Kallie, you knew this was to be. You were always supposed to be leaving today.”

  “But that was before we married. Now…” The words trembled and a tear slipped down her cheek. She looked away.

  Jerreon placed his hands on either side of her shoulders, holding her still, as he eased in close.


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