Impulsive Destiny

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Impulsive Destiny Page 6

by Cassandra Lawson

  Hurt flashed in Cam’s eyes, but he quickly masked it. “We found a human who needs medical attention,” he explained. “Can you help me transport her to the doctors in the business district?”

  “Where is this human from?” Ian asked cautiously, and Claire didn’t blame him. There was still too much tension in the area, and it was hard to know who you could trust.

  Cam hesitated “I have no idea where she came from, and she seems really confused. Zane found her in the creek. She’s not completely human, but she’s on some medication that’s masking her scent,” he admitted. “I wouldn’t have come to you with this, but my father says she needs medical help.”

  Ian hesitated. Cam wouldn’t ask if he thought the woman was a danger to them, and that’s why Claire wanted to tell him yes. Still, Ian outranked her, and he might even need Connor’s permission to bring a strange woman into the business district.

  “Go get her,” Ian told Claire. “I’ll have Connor meet you at the hospital so he can decide what to do with her once she’s been treated. Knowing Connor, he won’t turn her away while she needs help, and he’d be pissed if we even considered it.”

  “I should probably warn you,” Cam began, and Ian raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak. “She’s Zane’s female.”

  Ian snorted. “So is every other willing woman.”

  “No, this is Zane’s mate,” Cam clarified. “He won’t leave her side.”

  “How long has she been there?” Ian asked.

  “He found her this afternoon,” Cam explained. “It’s like this with shifters. We just know when we find our mate.”

  “I hope she’s got a lot of patience if she’s going to have to put up with Zane,” Ian muttered.

  “I’ll get a jeep and help transport her,” Claire said before turning back to Ian. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I’d like to go with you when you head out.”

  Ian shook his head. “That would leave us with the same problem we’d have taking Mitchell. You need blood too often for it to be practical. With the split from the council, I can’t promise we’ll be offered blood at some of the places we need to stop on the way down there.”

  “What are you talking about?” Cam jumped in.

  “I need to go south to take care of some family business,” Ian explained.

  “I’ll go with you to feed Claire,” Cam offered. “My blood is more potent, and I can feed her twice a day. That way she should only need one bag of human blood a day.”

  Claire wasn’t sure how she felt about that suggestion, but Cam’s grin proved he knew how her body felt about it. Stupid traitorous body did not understand that she couldn’t be Cam’s mate. Feeding from Cam twice a day would be a bad idea—a deliciously hot, bad idea. Then again, without Cam, she couldn’t go, and she felt like she needed to be there for her friends.

  “Problem solved,” Claire said, and that’s when she noticed Cam’s relief.

  “We’ll leave in the morning.” Ian thought for a moment before adding, “That is, if Connor approves our travel plans.”

  Claire nodded. “I’ll transport the woman before I start getting things in order for the trip.”

  Hopefully, she’d figure out a way to resist Cam during their trip.

  Chapter Ten

  “Wake up, angel,” a strange voice whispered near her ear.

  Lexi didn’t want to wake up. She was having the craziest dream, one that was both scary and exciting. In her dream, she was in a nudist wilderness commune with a sexy guy who had saved her life. The nudist part was great because her dream guy had a body she could seriously look at all day. Her dream guy should never wear clothes.

  “Don’t wanna wake up,” she grumbled, trying to remember how long it had been since she’d had sex. She’d broken up with David at least six months ago, and it had been a month before that since they’d done anything even remotely intimate. The closest she’d come was with her battery powered friends. On the positive side, they didn’t cheat on her. Now, she just needed to get back into her crazy dream, preferably a part where her naked guy was doing naughty things to her.

  “C’mon, angel,” the voice cajoled. “We need to get moving.”

  “Go away, or I’ll kick you,” she warned.

  “You’re feisty.” There was no missing the amusement in his voice. “I don’t mind carrying you out to the jeep, but I’m assuming you’d prefer to wear clothes for the ride.”

  Lexi’s eyes snapped open as her brain finally kicked in. She was, in fact, naked, with a very sexy shirtless man spooning her. “I was hoping this was a dream, and I hadn’t gone crazy,” she told her sexy delusion.

  “Your heart is racing, angel,” the man said from behind her. “Try to calm down. I promise, I’m going to take care of you, and I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “I’m okay,” she insisted, taking some deep breaths to calm herself, just like they’d taught in her meditation classes.

  The man climbed out of bed dressed in pants, much to her relief and disappointment. “I got you some dry clothes,” he said. “The vampires have more clothing options, so I’m sure we can find something you like.”

  “Vampires?” she asked, staring at him like he was crazy. This was the second time he’d talked about vampires.

  “Whatever you were given is really confusing you, isn’t it?” he asked with a frown. “Don’t worry. I’m sure the doctor will be able to help you.”

  A doctor was just what she needed, so the fact that she was on her way to see one was a relief, but it also scared her. She didn’t want to be locked up again, but there was no point in arguing with her delusion. Thinking of this man as some figment of her imagination actually calmed her a little. It was a sad day when she felt less crazy believing she was in the midst of a psychotic breakdown. “Could you leave the room while I dress?” she asked. Apparently, she was modest, even during a psychotic break. “What was your name again?”

  “Zane,” he replied. “I’ll be outside if you need anything. The jeep’s here, so we should get moving soon.” He hesitated at the door. “I’m worried about you. You almost fell when you undressed. Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own?”

  “I’ll be fine,” she assured him, hoping she was right. The problem was, she didn’t believe she was having a psychotic break. This felt real. Zane felt very real. Of course, if this was a delusion, she’d believe it was real. Then she had to wonder if she’d even be questioning whether this was real.

  Zane hesitated for a moment before leaving the room, probably because she was sitting in his bed, muttering to herself.

  After the door closed, she climbed out of bed and put on the shorts and shirt Zane had left for her. It was a little cold for shorts, but they beat running around naked. Taking several deep, calming breaths, she made her way to the front of the house to find one of the other men she’d seen earlier with a petite woman with black hair, delicate features, and almond shaped blue eyes. Despite her almost fragile appearance, there was something in her blue eyes that made Lexi believe this woman was anything but weak.

  “Ready to go?” Zane asked with a grin as he walked back in the front door of the house.

  Lexi nodded and let out a little squeal of surprise when Zane scooped her up in his arms, cradling her against his chest.

  The other guy released a frustrated breath. “I’m sure she can walk, Zane.”

  “Leave him alone, Cam,” the woman ordered before approaching Lexi. Her smile revealed two sharp-looking fangs. Lexi was disappointed that the pretty woman had given in to the crazy practice of having cosmetic dentistry to look like a vampire—a practice in some circles. This might explain what Zane was talking about. Maybe some of the people in their cult did this. She’d even heard of people genuinely believing they were vampires, but she’d never actually met one before. “I’m Claire. Don’t let these idiots intimidate you. Shifters can be a little bossy.”

  “Okay,” Lexi said, not really sure what the woman meant about sh
ifters, but not sure she wanted an explanation from a woman who was trying to look like a vampire.

  “Does Connor know we’re coming?” Zane asked.

  “Yeah,” Claire replied. “He said it might be faster to go directly to him for something like this in the future, since I don’t live at the settlement, and he has to approve it anyway.” Then she looked at Lexi again. “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind helping out, but Connor is in charge, and he is definitely going to have some questions about who you are and where you came from. Don’t let him intimidate you when you meet him. If he’s an ass, just have Zane get Raven, and she’ll straighten him out. Oh, and don’t tell him I said that.”

  “Um, okay.” Every time one of them spoke, Lexi ended up even more confused. “What hospital are we going to?”

  “The only one we have in the area.” Claire frowned when she saw Lexi’s reaction to her answer. “You poor thing. Cam wasn’t lying about you being confused.”

  Zane carried her to the jeep, which looked different from any jeep she’d ever seen. It had the capacity to seat four people, and the body was similar to other boxy small SUVs she’d seen. The center console looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. She’d noticed that dashboards were getting more high-tech, but nothing like this. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure where the gas gauge was on this thing.

  “Where am I?” she asked quietly as the jeep started moving. The engine made no noise, so she had to assume it was electric, which explained the missing gas gauge.

  “In lynx territory,” Zane told her.

  When her eyes met Zane’s she was sure he saw the rising panic. “How far are we from Oakland?”

  This time, Zane looked confused. “I’m not sure where Oakland is.”

  “Something tells me I’m not in Kansas anymore,” she muttered to herself.

  “Is Kansas near Oakland?” Zane asked.

  Lexi blinked twice as the world started to spin around her. In the distance, she heard the echo of Zane calling her name, and then she fell into blissful unconsciousness.

  Chapter Eleven

  No one spoke as Claire drove them through the business area near the born vampire settlement. Cam and Claire were clearly tense for reasons other than Lexi, and Zane suspected things were going to come to a head soon. He couldn’t help feeling like it would be best if Cam just got it over with and marked Claire. Then again, he didn’t exactly know much about relationships. Looking over at Lexi, he knew he wouldn’t be able to wait months to mark her. Lexi was his, and he wanted the whole world to know. According to several females at the vampire settlement, that sentiment wouldn’t go over well with them because they didn’t like possessive males. His mate could be just as possessive with him if she wanted, but he couldn’t change who he was. Instinct drove his actions when it came to his mate.

  During the ride over, he’d been trying to keep Lexi’s head from slumping in an uncomfortable way. It was hard to do in these seatbelts, and he really wished he could pull her into his lap, but after being lectured on the importance of wearing the uncomfortable restraints more than once, he was trying to behave. Claire was the type who would make him get out of the jeep if he didn’t behave.

  “This is it,” Claire called out after she parked the jeep with great care. Zane knew she was new to driving and didn’t really like it much. That might also explain how quiet the ride had been. Maybe some of her tension wasn’t related to Cam.

  Connor and Raven were waiting for them in front of the hospital, and Zane was relieved to see Raven there. He’d been a little worried about Connor interrogating Lexi when she was this fragile—at least, she was fragile at the moment. For some reason, Zane didn’t believe that was the norm for Lexi. Connor was dressed like he’d been on patrol that day, complete with Kevlar vest. Connor naturally carried a lot of muscle in his chest and shoulders, so he looked unnaturally bulky in the Kevlar vest. His light brown hair was even messier than usual, meaning Connor was stressed out and had been running his fingers through his hair.

  Connor’s wood nymph mate, Raven, wouldn’t allow Connor to push Lexi too hard, and she might have some idea what Lexi was. Standing beside Connor, she looked tiny. He would guess she’d been training when Connor had gotten the call, since her long brown hair was pulled back in a braid, and she was dressed in tight-fitting workout gear.

  Zane jumped out immediately and rushed to the other side to lift Lexi from the jeep. She mumbled something he couldn’t make out before she went silent again.

  “She fainted.” Zane felt foolish stating the obvious. “I guess it’s been a rough day.”

  “She didn’t tell you anything about where she’s from?” Raven asked.

  “She said the last thing she remembers, she was in Oakland,” Zane explained. “I’ve never heard of any settlements by that name.”

  “That’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile,” Connor mused, studying Lexi. “You’re sure she didn’t say Oakland Army Base?”

  “Just Oakland. You know where it is?” Zane asked.

  Connor nodded without looking away from Lexi. “You’re sure she’s not a vampire?” he finally asked.

  “Positive,” Cam said as he came up beside him. “She has no fangs, and she smells kind of human.”

  “What exactly does that mean?” Connor asked. “Not the part about the fangs, the part about her smelling kind of human.” The last was obviously added because he expected Zane to give some smartass response.

  “It means, she’s at least part human, but we have no idea what the other part is,” Zane admitted. “Can we get her inside?”

  “This way,” Connor ordered, gesturing for Zane to follow him. He stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder at Cam and Claire. “I’ve already spoken to Ian about your travel plans. I’ll meet with the four of you this evening. Ian is making arrangements for Mitchell to stay with Simon and Layla, as well as helping Shelby change the schedule for the time you’re gone.”

  Zane didn’t wait for Cam’s reply, just walked into the building with Raven at his side. While he was curious about what Connor had meant about Cam’s travel plans, he had more important things to worry about at the moment. The hospital made him feel a little caged in. It was very sterile and much larger than vampire homes or even the training center, so it was funny that he felt more caged in here.

  “Have you ridden in an elevator before?” Raven asked, pointing at the shiny doors that had just opened in front of them. Zane watched as a small group of people stepped inside the tiny room before the doors closed.

  Zane just shook his head.

  “Can we put her in a chair to push her up?” Raven asked.

  “No,” Zane replied.

  “I can carry her,” Connor offered as he joined them.

  “No,” Zane practically growled as he pulled her closer.

  “Fine, but the elevator is different,” Raven said. “It’s a very small space, and it will be moving up.”

  Zane nodded and waited for the shiny doors to open before stepping into the tiny room with the touch screen on the wall. He watched Connor press the screen to take them to the fourth floor, the doors closed, and they started moving up quickly. It was pretty cool, but nerve-wracking at the same time. No one spoke as they got out of the elevator and moved through another hallway. Honestly, the hallways, with their grey walls and the strange smell, bothered him more than the elevator ride.

  “Are they going to lock me up again?” Lexi mumbled, and he was surprised to see her alert eyes assessing him when he’d thought she was still unconscious.

  “Who locked you up?” Zane demanded angrily, ready to kill anyone who’d hurt his mate.

  “The doctors, of course,” Lexi replied. “I’m going crazy again, right? I don’t recognize this hospital. Last time, I was at one up near Napa.”

  “When was the last time you were locked up?” Raven asked softly.

  “Not since 2005,” Lexi answered. “That was the only time. I thought my medication was helpi
ng me, and I’d never go back.”

  “That’s a long time ago,” Raven remarked thoughtfully.

  “Yeah,” Lexi agreed with a weak laugh. “Nine years is a long time. Although, I guess it hasn’t really been nine years since I got out, closer to eight years. Are you asking this information to help you fill out my intake paperwork? I’m not sure of the exact dates, but I can give you months if you need them.”

  “That’s okay,” Raven assured her. “We don’t need the exact dates.”

  When Connor stopped, they all did.

  “Do you know what the date is?” Connor was staring straight at Lexi when he asked this question.

  “March seventeenth, I think. No, it must be the eighteenth since it’s daytime, and it was already dark when I was mugged.” Lexi yawned. “I can’t believe I’m this tired.”

  “What’s the year?” Connor demanded.

  “2014,” she replied, and it was obvious she was about to drift off to sleep again. “Glad I at least remember the year. I guess I missed getting my mandatory flu shot at work today. Oh well, I’m sure they’ll give me one here at the hospital.”

  “The last day she remembers is over a hundred years ago,” Zane said, having trouble wrapping his mind around the fact that she’d lost that many years of her memory.

  “It was also the day before the Moon virus was injected into millions of people during mandatory vaccinations,” Connor added.

  “She must have a head injury of some kind,” Raven said with a shake of her head. “Poor woman. I’m sure the doctors will figure out what’s wrong with her and help her get her memory back.”

  A head injury would certainly explain her confusion, but Zane had a nagging suspicion it was much more than that.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Shouldn’t she be awake by now?” Zane demanded as he paced the confines of Lexi’s room. He’d been pacing since the doctor in charge of Lexi’s care had kicked him out of her bed, telling him there wasn’t room for two in a hospital bed. Actually, the coward had gotten Connor to kick him out of Lexi’s bed. Thankfully, Raven had convinced Connor to get a larger bed so Zane could lie next to Lexi while she slept.


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